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Messages - Tyger

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Gaming / Re: Pokémon Mini-Tourney: Eeveelution 1v1s
« on: July 15, 2015, 11:45:14 PM »
Can somebody please fucking beat ck please
If I win you have to sell your PS4 and use that money to buy an Xbone
ummmm no?

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Mini-Tourney: Eeveelution 1v1s
« on: July 15, 2015, 10:18:17 PM »
Can somebody please fucking beat ck please

What is dark souls

Co-op TES would be stupid and gay
did you even read any of the posts in this thread

I think Dark Souls is fine the way it is, simply because you're supposed to be one of the few people alive.

Co-op shouldn't be through the ENTIRE game.
I agree, but I think the market is there because people love jolly cooperation. I don't want a full co-op souls game. I want a fantasy game that's meant to be played co-op

oh yeah co op skyrim so i can do the same dungeon over and over again but this time with a friend! woo
I only mentioned skyrim because it's easily the most popular fantasy "rpg"
Plenty of other games do dungeons just fine

The Flood / Re: You Punk Ass Bitch Niggers
« on: July 15, 2015, 12:39:30 PM »
People with spongebob avatars

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 15, 2015, 12:23:01 PM »
I take Tylenol or Ibuprofen when I'm sick and stuff.
well okay, not all

all recreational drugs
what would you say if i told you that i smoke pot to help deal with my crippling anxiety and insomnia

A guy who goes to my old church, did MMA his whole life. Messed up his shoulder real bad, and got surgery.
In his words, "I'd rather take something herbal, that's from the Earth, than synthetic man-made chemicals. They make me feel terrible, and I can't function well". So he buys marijuana and is able to do things normally and without pain for the most part.

Pays about the same money, but he wants something natural.

I can't really argue against that. He's not using it simply to entertain himself, he's using it to make him more productive.
There's no such thing as "man made" chemicals other than radioactive elements that decompose almost instantly. Everything in medicine is from the earth.

The Flood / Re: Favorite dog breeds?
« on: July 15, 2015, 11:29:45 AM »

Mother fuckin Aussie shepard puppies

Great Danes will always hold a special place in my heart though. I've had mine since the first grade and she's now 14 years old

I played a lot of Fable 3 co-op. Don't know how they haven't done an open world with that series yet.
I played through fable 3 twice (the whole things) co op and it was a blast even though the game was kinda shitty.

Raid in WoW if you want that shit you fagger. The niche is already well done and filled you just have shit taste.

Where did you learn to read?

You should sue whoever failed at teaching you

The Flood / Re: Lucid Dream
« on: July 15, 2015, 09:59:41 AM »
I think it's a lot more than that. Because if it's just the ability to control it, every single dream I've ever had has been a lucid one.
control yourself or control all the events within the dream?

The Flood / Re: Lucid Dream
« on: July 15, 2015, 09:35:37 AM »
Renamon a shit
Gabuman is best mon
Politics aside have u ever had one?
only once when I was like 13 or 14
Once I realized I could do whatever I wanted it's got pretty perverted

The Flood / Re: Lucid Dream
« on: July 15, 2015, 09:10:25 AM »
Renamon a shit
Gabuman is best mon

The Flood / Re: Do you watch any machinima?
« on: July 15, 2015, 09:07:12 AM »
RvB and Arby n the Ch33f and occasionally the odd episode of something else. I lost interest in RvB midway through the freelancer stuff which was cool and all but I think that the reason I gave up was the site design which basically fucked anyone over who wasn't a subscriber (money) and they stopped putting it up on youtube as well so I couldn't really be bothered to go to another website that ran like ass for it <_<

Arby n the chief I watched to the end but since then I haven't watched any machinima stuff. I prefer animated ones like Battlefield Friends (10/10 favourite internet series) nowadays.
battlefield friends is hilarious, especially since I'm a noob at battlefield and do everything the guy who's an idiot does

Lol ducking

Maybe that will give the thread more traffic

That isn't an MMO

Seriously skyrim is one of the most popular games ever
Instead of making a co op elder scrolls let's just make a retarded mmo

Dragons dogma? Same thing

Dark souls/Bloodborne are petty damn popular, the latter being the best selling current gem exclusive
Let's make it half ass co-op with a wierd password system and very specific requirements

Dragon age inquisition instead of just implementing co-op they make it a separate gametypes that they make be a grindy micro transaction filled mess

Borderlands and destiny are insanely popular. What makes an fpsrpg work so well but not a fantasy one?

Fable used to be popular so what do they do with it? Turn into a free to play pseudo Moba dungeon crawler

The only good examples I can think of are Diablo, which is a pretty niche game, and MAYBE warframe, which while fun is probably the most grind intensive game ever

Anyone else just want to play through a game with your badass customized knight/wizard/ninja with the armor you crafted or looted of a dragon with a couple of buddies? And NOT have the quests be kill 5 rats or have 500 other people running around doing all the same shit as you and picking up the resources you want, or crowding around the questgivers?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Vidoc
« on: July 15, 2015, 08:36:24 AM »
Fuck you dragon halo is the worst game ever made

Gaming / Re: I don't like the future of Halo
« on: July 15, 2015, 08:29:22 AM »
Then dont buy it?

The Flood / Re: Save this thread
« on: July 15, 2015, 12:12:31 AM »
Where'd you go to school, the academy for making shitty threads? I bet you graduated with a 4.0

The Flood / Re: Quick Drawing Requests
« on: July 15, 2015, 12:10:10 AM »
Ooooh, can you draw this?

why would they draw that when it's already drawn right there

Gaming / Re: Konami is dead, don't even bother buying MGS V.
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:47:14 PM »
I think a more powerful message would be buying this game and then never buying another konami game. Really drives home the point that this dude was the reason the games were good
tbh I don't really think they'll care. They are pretty much out of gaming. The next metal gear will be mobile or a pachinko machine.
or a mobile pachinko machine
let's make it together kiyo before they do
I should report you for malicious harassment for that.
lmao that was actually an autocorrect. Kiyo is saved in my phones dictionary from making fun of him so much and the letters are close by on the keyboard

Gaming / Re: Konami is dead, don't even bother buying MGS V.
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:42:15 PM »
I think a more powerful message would be buying this game and then never buying another konami game. Really drives home the point that this dude was the reason the games were good
tbh I don't really think they'll care. They are pretty much out of gaming. The next metal gear will be mobile or a pachinko machine.
or a mobile pachinko machine
let's make it together KEYU before they do

Gaming / Re: Konami is dead, don't even bother buying MGS V.
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:40:20 PM »
I think a more powerful message would be buying this game and then never buying another konami game. Really drives home the point that this dude was the reason the games were good
tbh I don't really think they'll care. They are pretty much out of gaming. The next metal gear will be mobile or a pachinko machine.
or a mobile pachinko machine

The Flood / Re: Quick Drawing Requests
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:35:01 PM »
Draw a tiger in any art style you like

Gaming / Re: Konami is dead, don't even bother buying MGS V.
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:33:12 PM »
I think a more powerful message would be buying this game and then never buying another konami game. Really drives home the point that this dude was the reason the games were good

Well, I mean, what's the point in that? What purpose does that serve?

"Oh shit, Kojima was the reason they liked our games?

Oh well."

It doesn't accomplish anything.
they will all commit seppuku after such a great dishonor

The Flood / Re: Brb
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:09:52 PM »
Brb rolling for dubs

The Flood / Re: I got this message from my computer
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:09:13 PM »
Did you try turning it off and then on again

Who the fuck actually uses split screen in this day and age, especially on PC?
people with friends irl

Gaming / Re: Konami is dead, don't even bother buying MGS V.
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:02:44 PM »
I think a more powerful message would be buying this game and then never buying another konami game. Really drives home the point that this dude was the reason the games were good

>playing MOBAs
if you don't like dark souls because you can troll people or ruin their time by invading them

You would fucking hate mobas
You can waste 20 minutes of somebody's life and their in game stats and progress just by doing nothing

Mobas are a fundamentally flawed genre

The Flood / Re: Tonight will be a good night.
« on: July 14, 2015, 10:47:52 PM »
Playing Rocket League.
is that any good? Added to my library but didn't download

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