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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 171172173 174175 ... 353
Gaming / Re: Ever had one of those days?
« on: July 17, 2015, 03:43:45 PM »
When playing solo, always play Free-for-all.

And if you're game doesn't have free-for-all, don't play it.
how will I get carried by my team in free for all

Form a union with all the other bottom-feeders in the lobby.
"Anyone want to boost for nukes?"
join my nuke boosting lobby im gunna need 1600 ms points

Gaming / Re: Ever had one of those days?
« on: July 17, 2015, 03:35:31 PM »
When playing solo, always play Free-for-all.

And if you're game doesn't have free-for-all, don't play it.
how will I get carried by my team in free for all

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2: Pirate bugaloo
« on: July 17, 2015, 02:08:45 PM »
Will we be able to penetrate your booty?

The Flood / Re: X-Men Apocalypse looks Power Rangers tier
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:30:33 PM »


Gaming / Destiny 2: Pirate bugaloo
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:24:58 PM »


This is rares new Xbox game btw

Gaming / Re: Games you hate
« on: July 17, 2015, 10:01:03 AM »
Oh my goodness, God of War. I genuinely don't understand what's good about these games. It's mindless hack and slash that tries to be all serious and grim but the art style is just fucking goofy, seriously it looks like a parody of itself, especially when it tries to be gory. Kratos is not likable AT ALL, the traversal/puzzles feel like tacked on segways so they can throw you in the next room full of autistic enemies that you can just mash one button and clear the whole room of.

The Flood / Re: This is what real courage looks like
« on: July 17, 2015, 09:28:21 AM »
Courage is easily the worst 90's cartoon

The Flood / Re: Some photos that made me "lol"
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:29:37 PM »
the best part about this fad is that there could never be one that's more annoying

i'm sure of it

Gaming / Re: Rocket League?
« on: July 16, 2015, 08:29:19 PM »
It's free on ps4 :)

The Flood / Re: so is rage against the machine like an ironic thing
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:24:38 PM »

The Flood / Re: So apparently Dunkey recorded a nu metal album?
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:17:11 PM »
I don't get the joke

The Flood / Re: This is dope af
« on: July 16, 2015, 05:30:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: It's motherfuckin tomato season, yo.
« on: July 16, 2015, 05:10:09 PM »
Fried green tomatos are best tomatos

The Flood / Re: Anyone else go on this site in waves?
« on: July 16, 2015, 05:01:03 PM »
No my phone isn't waterproof

Gaming / Re: Favorite line from any video game.
« on: July 16, 2015, 04:10:14 PM »
My favorite line from any videogame will forever and always be...

-Crash Bandicoot

Gaming / Re: Favorite line from any video game.
« on: July 16, 2015, 04:09:19 PM »
"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain"

Gaming / Re: New Fighter Confirmed for Pokken
« on: July 16, 2015, 03:45:57 PM »
Add scyther pls

Gaming / Re: New Fighter Confirmed for Pokken
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:36:47 PM »
On mobile so I can't embed, but whatever.

to embed on mobile copy and paste from the address bar and then change the m. to a www.

Chally should stop trying to have serious conversations and stick to pepes

Snake said half a dozen times that he was specifically talking about a book and he isn't claiming to be an economic expert. He was just saying as someone who's been to the U.S. And lives in Canada day to day purposes aren't noticeably different price wise. Jesus Christ
You should stick to keeping dicks in your mouth and not talking about shit, because you're just as retarded as he is.

A $3 difference in single digits is huge. Canada is expensive to live in. The Canadian dollar is worth quite a bit less than the American dollar.

That's all I'm trying to explain. If you can't comprehend it, that's your problem. Don't get mad at me though.

Did you even read past the first line of my post
Oh sorry dad

LOL Am I supposed to impress you? Who even are you bro?

You're just as ignorant as he is when it comes to basic economics and I need to keep my mouth shut? You got it ass backwards.
do all blacks people lack basic reading comprehension or is that just you?
"I know what will make me look smart, RACISM!"

10/10 Just like the old days. -IGN
challenger learning economics
Man this sure would be insulting if I was black.

But not really
it would be if you could read the words
Did you think of this while fucking your sister/horse?
this has been entertaining but I have to go to work talk to you later bud
Sucking dick isn't a job
it is if I get paid

mods are racist why haven't I been warned or banned

Chally should stop trying to have serious conversations and stick to pepes

Snake said half a dozen times that he was specifically talking about a book and he isn't claiming to be an economic expert. He was just saying as someone who's been to the U.S. And lives in Canada day to day purposes aren't noticeably different price wise. Jesus Christ
You should stick to keeping dicks in your mouth and not talking about shit, because you're just as retarded as he is.

A $3 difference in single digits is huge. Canada is expensive to live in. The Canadian dollar is worth quite a bit less than the American dollar.

That's all I'm trying to explain. If you can't comprehend it, that's your problem. Don't get mad at me though.

Did you even read past the first line of my post
Oh sorry dad

LOL Am I supposed to impress you? Who even are you bro?

You're just as ignorant as he is when it comes to basic economics and I need to keep my mouth shut? You got it ass backwards.
do all blacks people lack basic reading comprehension or is that just you?
"I know what will make me look smart, RACISM!"

10/10 Just like the old days. -IGN
challenger learning economics
Man this sure would be insulting if I was black.

But not really
it would be if you could read the words
Did you think of this while fucking your sister/horse?
this has been entertaining but I have to go to work talk to you later bud

Chally should stop trying to have serious conversations and stick to pepes

Snake said half a dozen times that he was specifically talking about a book and he isn't claiming to be an economic expert. He was just saying as someone who's been to the U.S. And lives in Canada day to day purposes aren't noticeably different price wise. Jesus Christ
You should stick to keeping dicks in your mouth and not talking about shit, because you're just as retarded as he is.

A $3 difference in single digits is huge. Canada is expensive to live in. The Canadian dollar is worth quite a bit less than the American dollar.

That's all I'm trying to explain. If you can't comprehend it, that's your problem. Don't get mad at me though.

Did you even read past the first line of my post
Oh sorry dad

LOL Am I supposed to impress you? Who even are you bro?

You're just as ignorant as he is when it comes to basic economics and I need to keep my mouth shut? You got it ass backwards.
do all blacks people lack basic reading comprehension or is that just you?
"I know what will make me look smart, RACISM!"

10/10 Just like the old days. -IGN
challenger learning economics
Man this sure would be insulting if I was black.

But not really
it would be if you could read the words

Chally should stop trying to have serious conversations and stick to pepes

Snake said half a dozen times that he was specifically talking about a book and he isn't claiming to be an economic expert. He was just saying as someone who's been to the U.S. And lives in Canada day to day purposes aren't noticeably different price wise. Jesus Christ
You should stick to keeping dicks in your mouth and not talking about shit, because you're just as retarded as he is.

A $3 difference in single digits is huge. Canada is expensive to live in. The Canadian dollar is worth quite a bit less than the American dollar.

That's all I'm trying to explain. If you can't comprehend it, that's your problem. Don't get mad at me though.

Did you even read past the first line of my post
Oh sorry dad

LOL Am I supposed to impress you? Who even are you bro?

You're just as ignorant as he is when it comes to basic economics and I need to keep my mouth shut? You got it ass backwards.
do all blacks people lack basic reading comprehension or is that just you?
"I know what will make me look smart, RACISM!"

10/10 Just like the old days. -IGN
challenger learning economics

Chally should stop trying to have serious conversations and stick to pepes

Snake said half a dozen times that he was specifically talking about a book and he isn't claiming to be an economic expert. He was just saying as someone who's been to the U.S. And lives in Canada day to day purposes aren't noticeably different price wise. Jesus Christ
You should stick to keeping dicks in your mouth and not talking about shit, because you're just as retarded as he is.

A $3 difference in single digits is huge. Canada is expensive to live in. The Canadian dollar is worth quite a bit less than the American dollar.

That's all I'm trying to explain. If you can't comprehend it, that's your problem. Don't get mad at me though.

Did you even read past the first line of my post
Oh sorry dad

LOL Am I supposed to impress you? Who even are you bro?

You're just as ignorant as he is when it comes to basic economics and I need to keep my mouth shut? You got it ass backwards.
do all blacks people lack basic reading comprehension or is that just you?

Chally should stop trying to have serious conversations and stick to pepes

Snake said half a dozen times that he was specifically talking about a book and he isn't claiming to be an economic expert. He was just saying as someone who's been to the U.S. And lives in Canada day to day purposes aren't noticeably different price wise. Jesus Christ
You should stick to keeping dicks in your mouth and not talking about shit, because you're just as retarded as he is.

A $3 difference in single digits is huge. Canada is expensive to live in. The Canadian dollar is worth quite a bit less than the American dollar.

That's all I'm trying to explain. If you can't comprehend it, that's your problem. Don't get mad at me though.

Did you even read past the first line of my post

Chally should stop trying to have serious conversations and stick to pepes

Snake said half a dozen times that he was specifically talking about a book and he isn't claiming to be an economic expert. He was just saying as someone who's been to the U.S. And lives in Canada day to day purposes aren't noticeably different price wise. Jesus Christ

Anyone else just want to play through a game with your badass customized knight/wizard/ninja with the armor you crafted or looted of a dragon with a couple of buddies?
That Is literally Monster Hunter.
too bad monster hunter 3ds controls give me aids :/ I had fun playing it the demo with a bunch of people here

Well as LC taught me, even if a game doesn't support split screen on PC that doesn't mean it's not possible to do.

If you go by its steam page Borderlands doesn't support splitscreen yet there's dozens of guides online showing you how to do it

And I assume anyone split screening on PC would use 2 monitors or a monitor and their tv

D&D? Pathfinder? Warhammer40k?

You never specified "video" game ;)

Yeah Ive been wanting one
monster hunter is close but eh no cigar

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