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Messages - Tyger

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The Flood / Re: A lady came into the store one day
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:52:33 AM »
A lady came into the store one day asking for some bagels

Poppyseed bagels she wanted?

Poppyseed bagels she got!

I hope you all get fired from the stores you work at you degenerates

MFW Lemon defends verb

The Flood / Re: Guess what came in the mail today
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:43:48 AM »
You... still get mailed pay checks?

I don't anymore but my and sister mom do. Their workplaces don't offer direct deposit
A street corner isn't a workplace.
she gets paid in cash for that. I was talking about her other job

The Flood / Re: Guess what came in the mail today
« on: July 25, 2015, 09:37:04 AM »
You... still get mailed pay checks?

I don't anymore but my and sister mom do. Their workplaces don't offer direct deposit

The Flood / Re: Guess what came in the mail today
« on: July 25, 2015, 09:33:30 AM »

Get a real house with a real mailbox in a real neighborhood with white neighbors
PO boxes are still a thing?
You have a key to your mailbox...?

Actually guys I have a normal mailbox with a key, because our neighbors daughter kept stealing our mail and trying to cash our pay checks

The Flood / Guess what came in the mail today
« on: July 25, 2015, 08:27:48 AM »
I have no idea

We lost our mailbox key

The Flood / Re: Can the Hulk bang a chick without killing her?
« on: July 25, 2015, 08:19:17 AM »
Don't have sex you'll get pregnant and die

The Flood / Re: $6.9 Million is financially difficult for your family
« on: July 25, 2015, 08:15:31 AM »
My family of 3 lived off 8,000 a year for years, with the only government assistance we received being free lunches at school

People disgust me

The Flood / Re: On a train AMA me anything
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:14:46 PM »
I rode Amtrak from the southern end of Virginia to Philly. Kinda fun. Me and another dude who was headed to the same station on leave from my company spent a good three hours talking to some hippy chick who was oddly enthusiastic about military service until she got off in Maryland.
The view over the Chesapeake was nice.
The train says we're an hour ahead of schedule but it's been about 6 hours and we're still in South Carolina
That sounds awful.
How bitchy if your bro's GF being?
Not much now because she went and is now watching movies, still annoying tho
Are you willing to financially compensate me for the goddamn awful fucking hour and a half drive down 422, I76, and I95 into Philly if I say I'll save you from her for however long you're in my state for?
I95 a shit

Especially around baltimore

The Flood / Re: In Independence Day, the aliens were the good guys
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:12:52 PM »
Welcome to urf

Gaming / Re: rate my Pokemon team (for a tournament)
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:06:19 PM »
First of all, King's Rock does not affect moves that already have a chance to flinch. Give your Togekiss Leftovers instead since it's a defensive set.

Also, Air Balloon on Volcarona doesn't do much. You're much better off using Life Orb or Leftovers since a glass cannon needs all the help it can get. Quagsire switches in well on Earthquakes, so an Air Balloon is definitely not needed.

Quagsire's nature should be changed to Relaxed so that your Attack and SpA isn't weakened (Bold reduces the Attack stat meaning your Earthquakes will be doing less damage). EVs should be 252 Def rather than Att to maximize its bulkiness, it has a rather mediocre Attack and awful Speed stat so an offensive one won't get you anywhere. Quagsire's role has always been better suited to a tank anyway.

Kyurem-B's arguably best set is the mixed attacker, but if you want to run a physical attacker, I won't stop you.

I'm not sure if your Metagross is your Mega Evolution, but I sure hope it is. Make sure it's Jolly to outspeed threats such as Excadrill and Choice Scarf Tyranitar. I would also replace Protect with either Meteor Mash to potentially increase your Attack and for extra STAB, or Ice Punch to deal with Gliscor and Landorus-T. Thunder Punch also works to deal with Skarmory.

Good luck to you.

Oh and since you're online, we can test out the team on Showdown real quick if you'd like.

Careful dragon

he will wreck your shit and crush your dreams of ever becoming the league champion

The Flood / Re: are you sub or dom
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:04:50 PM »
I fucking love dominos pan pizza

The Flood / Re: Playing guitar at a Lock-in til about 2 a.m AMA
« on: July 24, 2015, 10:09:36 PM »
A lock-in?

A lock-in is when a pub is officially "closed" and the doors are locked to stop people entering, but still serve drinks to those already inside for an extra hour or so.Technically illegal (something about serving alcohol past certain times, blah blah blah), but fuck they are good fun.

At least, I hope that's what he's referring to and I haven't mixed up the words.
It's not really like that in America.

We can serve alcohol till 2 or 3am in most places.

Damn, that sounds nice considering you have to wait 3 extra years for it.

Don't get me wrong, in the UK there's plenty of pubs/nightclubs that serve until they close at ridiculous o'clock in the morning, but IIRC the pubs need extra licenses to do that. Doesn't stop them though, the laws are hardly enforced regarding this (and depending on how rural you are, the legal drinking age is... "lenient" by several years too).

Now I'm really clueless as to what Rocketman is doing if it isn't a true lock-in. Rocketman, what sort of lock-in is this?
it's something kids who are losers go to, it's usually at churches but I've heard of schools and youth groups doing them. You get "locked in" to a place so parents feel like it's age to send their kid to and there's usually games and shit and everyone stays up all night

I've never heard of one just for a football team though

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Mini-Tourney: Eeveelution 1v1s
« on: July 24, 2015, 09:37:48 PM »
2-0 vs Dad Booty my favor

Gaming / Re: Details on Fallout 4's skill system
« on: July 24, 2015, 09:30:42 PM »
The only thing I don't like about this is that there doesn't leave much room to change your character mid game. Other than that I'm fine, all skills were before was a way to gate perks

Gaming / Re: rate my Pokemon team (for a tournament)
« on: July 24, 2015, 09:05:33 PM »
I'm fairy certain kings rock only works on moves that don't already have a chance to flinch but I could be wrong

The Flood / Re: Who is the best youtuber?
« on: July 24, 2015, 08:43:35 PM »
Bideogame Donkey

His girlfriend has a channel now, too. They open fan mail and stuff together. It's cute.
there's videos of him just chatting with her, sky Williams, and This guy grizzd on sky's channel

Holy shit it's so funny


I quite like this one. It screams "Oh Shit! Almost got spotted."
nobody cares about screenshots anymore

The Flood / Re: Superhero quiz to measure your fag level
« on: July 24, 2015, 08:28:32 PM »
what if you had a flying motorcycle

I believe they're called Sparrows, fellow Garden.

I can't wait to become freestyle legend

The Flood / Re: Who is the best youtuber?
« on: July 24, 2015, 08:05:04 PM »
Bideogame Donkey


The Flood / Re: Superhero quiz to measure your fag level
« on: July 24, 2015, 08:03:06 PM »
I've yet to find a quiz like this that in't so transparent.

"How would you get around town?"
1. Fly
2. Motorcycle

Like, obviously if I could fly, I would.

OT: Superman and Captain America. Doesn't surprise me at all because they're both serious and challenged with doing the right thing on a daily basis.
what if you had a flying motorcycle

Sex can show the extent of a relationship or passion between to characters.
But we don't need to actually see it.
It can be used as a mechanism to show an emotional betrayal or one character taking advantage of another.
But we don't need to SEE it.

You can have implied sex, and it works just the same. We don't need to have a scene where they actually have the sex. Just like we don't need to have a scene where the characters are on the fucking toilet.
I don't see how sex is equal to taking a shit either. It's not normal too see sex as disgusting either. Ask your therapist
My therapist agrees with me 100%. And he says that you're all stupid cunts.
the last line made me lol

You don't need to see anything. All major events could be implied or referenced. That doesn't neccisarily make for good storytelling or entertainment.

Because we're fucking better than that. It's childish and disgusting. Having a sex scene is not much more glamorous than having a shit-taking scene. Would you like to see that?

We're all so glad that we have Verbatim to tell us how we should feel. How else would we we should feel? *shrug*
If you disagree, then tell me why the fuck I'm wrong. Or you could just be a useless naysayer.

I already told you why you're wrong and you were like hur dur strawguy.  Sex can show the extent of a relationship or passion between to characters. It can be used as a mechanism to show an emotional betrayal or one character taking advantage of another. I don't see how sex is equal to taking a shit either. You're biologically hardwired to avoid shit because it can carry so many diseases and whatnot. It's not normal too see sex as disgusting either. Ask your therapist.

I don't think it's normal to be so adversely effected by depictions of sex or makes people. I'm sure most would agree.
Again. I'm not talking about what "is" or what "isn't".

I'm talking about what SHOULD be.

You SHOULD be disgusted by how sex is treated by the media. DISGUSTED.

I'm too stupid to concede that pubescent males like sex.

I'm also too stupid to concede the BASIC marketing principle of "sex sells".

I'm too stupid in general.

Oh so your personal feelings are how everyone "normal" feels
I didn't say that's HOW everyone "normal" feels.

That's how everyone "normal" SHOULD feel.
I don't think it's normal to be so adversely effected by depictions of sex or makes people. I'm sure most would agree.

Wether he likes it or not sex is a part of life and romance and an easy way to communicate passion between two characters. On top of that I don't see how a scene of consensual sex is exploiting women. Women like sex too verb
that's a pretty crazy strawman there, guy

i'm not talking about exploiting women--i'm talking about exploiting sex

99% of the time, sex is never necessary--even if it's for the plot, you don't have to actually show them having sex--you just don't

the only people who want to see it are disgusting perverts and neckbeards
to anyone normal, it's just sort of creepy and weird and awkward--and insulting
Oh so your personal feelings are how everyone "normal" feels

This is a historic day.
Change your name back to that

I think verb is overreacting


A lot.

Wether he likes it or not sex is a part of life and romance and an easy way to communicate passion between two characters. On top of that I don't see how a scene of consensual sex is exploiting women. Women like sex too verb

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