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Messages - Tyger

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Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:17:39 PM »
Oh shit there used to be a free platinum pack in the store for ps+ users

Idk if that's still a thing though

Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:09:50 PM »
Only a few frames look decent.

Yeah, I will admit that some of them are acquired tastes...

My favourite ATM are Loki, Excalibur and Rhino. Rhino is not available for me though because I just started, and Excalibur is a noob's choice. Loki seems like it's going to be my main.
ayyy I have rhino

Nigga you gunna come play this shit with me or what

show me the ropes
I will for sure. I hope it hasn't changed to much since I last played. I remember doing the survival missions so much. I think I had just built some like dual swords before I stopped playing

Yeah I'm gunna need some help lol

I just got curb stomped on mars
I should be fucking OP on Mars because I was pretty far into it

Also pro tip if you want a specific weapon or warframe the wiki is your best friend. It'll tell you exactly what planets or bosses to grind to find the blueprints.
Also building a new warframe is a Pain in the ass, takes a long time, and you can only have a couple of them without buying more slots with platinum

Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:02:21 PM »
Only a few frames look decent.

Yeah, I will admit that some of them are acquired tastes...

My favourite ATM are Loki, Excalibur and Rhino. Rhino is not available for me though because I just started, and Excalibur is a noob's choice. Loki seems like it's going to be my main.
ayyy I have rhino

Nigga you gunna come play this shit with me or what

show me the ropes
I will for sure. I hope it hasn't changed to much since I last played. I remember doing the survival missions so much. I think I had just built some like dual swords before I stopped playing

Gaming / Re: Rare replay is the best X1 exclusive
« on: July 30, 2015, 03:29:50 PM »
If I recall correctly, you said you would get an Xbone if Viva Piñata came to Xbone.
It already is through backwards compatibility
The disc drive in his 360 broke and he didn't bring it to college either.
Okay? What has a busted 360 got to do with Xbone's backwards compatibility?
lol not to mention I've been home from college for months

Gaming / Re: Nuzlocke thread
« on: July 30, 2015, 03:24:38 PM »
...i got fucked up so bad lol

bulk up + karate chop + two crits in a row, one-shotting poop and halal food

i actually might have won, because bobby landed a critical headbutt, but i didn't get a flinch
so he didn't stand a chance


my one chance now is to raise my remaining two magikarp to level 20 (so they can evolve), but i mean...
this gym is always the hardest part of the entire nuzlock for me

Gaming / Re: Rare replay is the best X1 exclusive
« on: July 30, 2015, 03:22:11 PM »
If I recall correctly, you said you would get an Xbone if Viva Piñata came to Xbone.
One of my coworkers, a really close cousin of mine who's in the military, and one of my best friends from high school all got xbox ones within the last 2 months...

I'm pretty tempted

Gaming / Rare replay is the best X1 exclusive
« on: July 30, 2015, 01:41:01 PM »
It has viva piñata


viva piñata TIP

The Flood / Re: Does anybody here play a Musical Instrument?
« on: July 30, 2015, 01:39:51 PM »
I some pretty dope tracks on garage band in middle school, homie

Gaming / Re: why the FUCK
« on: July 30, 2015, 01:27:28 PM »
If you're going to bitch about type match ups at least point out ones that genuinely don't make sense

Like bug resists fighting
Or poison weak to psychic
And Fairy resisting Bug. I hate that.
i feel like all of fairys are random besides dark. They made it as a dragon counter and were like fuck it lets throw in some other type match ups as well

Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 01:21:11 PM »
I played it waaaay back before it got overhauled.

I didn't mind it at all. Grind fests never really seem to bother me that much because I don't spaz out and go crazy looking at all the shit that looks cool that I don't have.

If anything, I'm more reserved about starting it up again because I'd have to update the fuck out of it and throw myself into a virtually brand new game again.
I'm scared to go back and play it now too because they've just added so much stuff I feel like it will he overwealming
There's like player ships and pets and stuff

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 01:12:16 PM »
"it's popular, therefore it's good"

you couldn't say something dumber than that if you tried

We need to eat lots of meat because it's the most nutritious substance and that way we'll have plenty of energy to exploit and impregnate women (because that's all they're good for) so we can have a ton of kids.

The Flood / Re: Intellectual Nonsense.
« on: July 30, 2015, 01:03:00 PM »
My name is IngloriousWho98. My world is memes and post count. Once, I was a white knight. A forum warrior searching for a righteous cause. But as Bungie fell, each of us in our own ways were broken. It was hard to tell who was more pathetic ... me ... or everyone else. Here they come again ... worming their memes into the black matter of my brain. I tell myself, they cannot rustle me. They are long dead. I am the one that runs both from the moderators and the trolls. Hunted by white knights, haunted by those I could not fuck. So I exist in this wasteland, reduced to one instinct: post.

Gaming / Re: Nuzlocke thread
« on: July 30, 2015, 12:18:25 PM »
Why can I never think of witty Pokemon names when I'm trying to?
that's fine

most of the names that have been come up with so far are anything but witty




But does anyone care?

Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 11:11:20 AM »
Repetitive grindframe

Like Destiny on steroids
Except war frame has more unique content than destiny
That you have to grind for
okay? This meme is stale

Gaming / Re: why the FUCK
« on: July 30, 2015, 10:40:18 AM »
If you're going to bitch about type match ups at least point out ones that genuinely don't make sense

Like bug resists fighting
Or poison weak to psychic

Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 10:38:15 AM »
Repetitive grindframe

Like Destiny on steroids
Except war frame has more unique content than destiny

Gaming / Re: Red Ash - Inafune Kicstarter
« on: July 30, 2015, 10:37:01 AM »

Spiritual successor to Mega Man Legends.
Also getting an animu to go along with it here:

Concept Art:

Beck: Male, 16 years old

A young boy who teams up with his partner Tyger, aiming to hit it big as Delvers. He is very dexterous and excels in using his fleet-footedness in battle, and adept at infiltration into the most heavily guarded areas.

His left arm can be interchanged with different types of tools and weapons, allowing him to adapt to any situation or terrain.

Tyger: Male, 30 somethin' years old
Beck's trustworthy partner. Although he has a rough way of talking, he also has a wise and level-headed demeanor that belies his tough appearance. He is an adept sharpshooter with incredible accuracy and precision, as well as a talented driver capable of operating a wide variety of vehicles and machinery.

He runs the T&B Company along with Beck.


Call: Female, 17 years old

A young girl who runs a rinky-dink shop called Bones Company inside Great Slope. 

She's run the place on her own since her parents disappeared on her at the age of 10. She's poured all of her time and energy into protecting and improving the shop they left behind, making sure everything is in order just in case they ever come home... Also, she loves money. Like REALLY loves money.

This mechanic specializes in buying lost technology excavated by Delvers and breaking it down into scrap for her own custom weapon designs.
Call seems to have a very bright personality, but she is extremely strict when it comes to matters of money. She's a master bargainer, and never lets a single cent to go to waste. 

Utilizing her technological know-how and information network, she has sent Beck and Tyger on a variety of strange missions over the years.

Gofer: Gender/age unknown

An autonomous A.I.-powered robot created by Call, and official employee of the Bones Company. Seems like it receives a salary, but no one knows the details.

Its face is actually a digital monitor capable of displaying a wide range of expressions or different types of information.
Looks really neat. Hope they get enough funding.

fuze stepped in and is publishing the game, so everything from the kickstarter is going towards the stretch goals.

So it's coming out for ps4 and Xbox


Holy shit their product page is sketchy as fuck.

what even is that image?
the product page of the company publishing this game

The Flood / Re: Hey guys if you want free snacks...
« on: July 30, 2015, 08:55:22 AM »
I didn't even know there was a windows store

Gaming / Re: Red Ash - Inafune Kicstarter
« on: July 30, 2015, 08:40:05 AM »

Spiritual successor to Mega Man Legends.
Also getting an animu to go along with it here:

Concept Art:

Beck: Male, 16 years old

A young boy who teams up with his partner Tyger, aiming to hit it big as Delvers. He is very dexterous and excels in using his fleet-footedness in battle, and adept at infiltration into the most heavily guarded areas.

His left arm can be interchanged with different types of tools and weapons, allowing him to adapt to any situation or terrain.

Tyger: Male, 30 somethin' years old
Beck's trustworthy partner. Although he has a rough way of talking, he also has a wise and level-headed demeanor that belies his tough appearance. He is an adept sharpshooter with incredible accuracy and precision, as well as a talented driver capable of operating a wide variety of vehicles and machinery.

He runs the T&B Company along with Beck.


Call: Female, 17 years old

A young girl who runs a rinky-dink shop called Bones Company inside Great Slope. 

She's run the place on her own since her parents disappeared on her at the age of 10. She's poured all of her time and energy into protecting and improving the shop they left behind, making sure everything is in order just in case they ever come home... Also, she loves money. Like REALLY loves money.

This mechanic specializes in buying lost technology excavated by Delvers and breaking it down into scrap for her own custom weapon designs.
Call seems to have a very bright personality, but she is extremely strict when it comes to matters of money. She's a master bargainer, and never lets a single cent to go to waste. 

Utilizing her technological know-how and information network, she has sent Beck and Tyger on a variety of strange missions over the years.

Gofer: Gender/age unknown

An autonomous A.I.-powered robot created by Call, and official employee of the Bones Company. Seems like it receives a salary, but no one knows the details.

Its face is actually a digital monitor capable of displaying a wide range of expressions or different types of information.
Looks really neat. Hope they get enough funding.

fuze stepped in and is publishing the game, so everything from the kickstarter is going towards the stretch goals.

So it's coming out for ps4 and Xbox


Holy shit their product page is sketchy as fuck.

Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 08:33:28 AM »
Only a few frames look decent.

Yeah, I will admit that some of them are acquired tastes...

My favourite ATM are Loki, Excalibur and Rhino. Rhino is not available for me though because I just started, and Excalibur is a noob's choice. Loki seems like it's going to be my main.
ayyy I have rhino


« on: July 29, 2015, 11:30:29 PM »
ITT: Computer illiterates who don't know how to update to Windows 10 the right way.


And ITT: Computer illiterates who don't know how to end the process of GMX within the taskbar if they don't want to upgrade.

I'm still not here. I just decided to see what people thought of Windows 10 here, and then I saw this thread. Fucking Lol.

OT: If you're a person that's worth my valuable time and isn't a total douche, send me a message on Steam or Sexbox and I'll help you with your Windows problems.

I made the upgrade and I have zero problems whatsoever. Everything works great.

I even have all of my programs saved. I didn't have to reinstall jack shit.
Wasn't even trying to upgrade to Windows 10. Just a regular old forced 8.1 update fucked my computer.

Well there is a problem. Windows 8.1

There is a reason why I clean installed back to Windows 7 before the release of Windows 10. Also, this is why you have your settings at choose to install which updates instead of install updates automatically.

Depending on how bad the damage is, you might need to clean install. If it's pretty bad, then go ahead and clean install back to Windows 7 and upgrade to Windows 10 from there. It should be smooth sailing after that. Windows 10 just works. Well at least it works for me. I have yet to find a serious problem to actually bitch to Microsoft at. That is unless it was the preview builds, but it's final and stable.

Again, message me on Steam or Xbox if you have any problems.
If I was running this bitch you would owe me a million dollars Cheat, because I would fucking sue your ass.

I'll never forgive you nor this website for ruining my experience on forums. Because of you I never want to join another forum again.

Bye and fuck you.

Gaming / Re: why the FUCK
« on: July 29, 2015, 10:43:38 PM »
Why is ice not super effective against water?

Why is electric not super effective against steel

Neither of these would make any fucking sense whatsoever that's why

Electrical charges passing through water kills fish and stuff
And electrical charges passing through metal kills things that are touching it
but does it kill the metal?
Steel Pokemon are MADE OF metal
A metal robot would die

Something with metal on it like Mawile would attract electricity and get electrocuted and die
good thing they aren't robots huh?

Gaming / Re: why the FUCK
« on: July 29, 2015, 10:03:42 PM »
Why does Tyger's girlfriend have a witches' nose?
I can't hear you over your virginity
You're supposed to read my text dumbass
How can you hear me if I'm not talking?
I'm sorry all your posts look like "I'm a sad virgin" to me I don't know what you're trying to tell me

Gaming / Re: why the FUCK
« on: July 29, 2015, 10:02:40 PM »
Why is ice not super effective against water?

Why is electric not super effective against steel

Neither of these would make any fucking sense whatsoever that's why

Electrical charges passing through water kills fish and stuff
And electrical charges passing through metal kills things that are touching it
but does it kill the metal?
Steel Pokemon are MADE OF metal

Water Pokemon are usually water dwelling creatures

How is Charizard not a dragon?
One of its Mega Evolutions is.

>fixing their mistake with an evolution

charizard isn't a dragon (this applies to gyarados as well because he's based off the carp-> dragon myth)
Because at their time of creation there was only meant to be one dragon Pokemon family that were the first pseudo-legendaries. There was also only one dragon type move which did flat damage. Making either of these pokes dragons would be pointless because it wouldn't actually Accomplish anything besides completely fucking up charizards balance.

Don't ask me why gyarados is flying though

Gaming / Re: why the FUCK
« on: July 29, 2015, 09:48:52 PM »
are mawile and jirachi steel types

🚬 🌱😄 👌 <— ken sugimori

I think Mawile maks sense. It has a big-ass steel bear-trap-looking thing on its head.

As for Jirachi, uh... I dunno. I don't let it bother me too much.
Jirachi is Supposed to be sentient shooting star hence why he's "the wish maker"

Meteors are made of metal

Gaming / Re: why the FUCK
« on: July 29, 2015, 09:43:38 PM »
Why does Tyger's girlfriend have a witches' nose?
I can't hear you over your virginity
You're supposed to read my text dumbass

Gaming / Re: why the FUCK
« on: July 29, 2015, 09:43:17 PM »
Why is ice not super effective against water?

Why is electric not super effective against steel

Neither of these would make any fucking sense whatsoever that's why

Electrical charges passing through water kills fish and stuff

Gaming / Re: why the FUCK
« on: July 29, 2015, 09:32:21 PM »
Why is ice not super effective against water?

Why is electric not super effective against steel

Neither of these would make any fucking sense whatsoever that's why

Ice freezing water

Metal conducting electricity
if you put ice in water it melts

Electricity passes through metal with no negative effects
If anything steel should be imune to electric

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