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Messages - Tyger

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The Flood / Re: I think I've out done myself tbh lads.
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:45:02 PM »
This woman is a porn star who intentionally circulated these images around the Internet. If anything he's doing her a favor by providing free advertising. A true feminist would applaud this woman for being so confident in her womanhood and using her feminentity for person gains
we should be proud of pornstars

lol I'm just fucking around she is really good at hula hooping though


The Flood / Re: I think I've out done myself tbh lads.
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:40:54 PM »
This woman is a porn star who intentionally circulated these images around the Internet. If anything he's doing her a favor by providing free advertising. A true feminist would applaud this woman for being so confident in her womanhood and using her feminentity for person gains

The Flood / Re: I think I've out done myself tbh lads.
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:38:49 PM »
he is sexually objectifying a woman
is he though?

The Flood / Re: I think I've out done myself tbh lads.
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:36:39 PM »
"but i'm not a misogynist"

How does this make him a misogynist

Gaming / Re: Nuzlocke thread
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:41:14 AM »
yeah, it's all in the OP

Electrike is pretty great. Electric-types are scarce, and they all pack the best move in the game--Thunder Wave.
It's OP as fuck in single player.

I would've also liked Voltorb, just because I like Voltorb, but I'll take this, too.

i actually caught a shiny electrike on this route a long time ago, it was cool
if you beat brawly the next gym will be hard as shit with the team you have now >.>

Gaming / Re: Name my Electrike
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:22:42 AM »

Gaming / Re: Name my Electrike
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:18:58 AM »
Lol he actually got it

Gaming / Re: Name my Electrike
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:13:35 AM »
Pizza dog

The Flood / Re: Hypothetical: What type of man should fuck Loaf?
« on: July 31, 2015, 10:40:51 AM »
But loaf isn't gay

The Flood / Re: Is it rape if she cums?
« on: July 31, 2015, 10:38:16 AM »
I hope verb gets raped and impregnated on the moon

The Flood / Re: Is it rape if she cums?
« on: July 31, 2015, 10:21:43 AM »
I hope das gets raped and impregnated

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 is about to be run at SGDQ
« on: July 31, 2015, 10:20:50 AM »
summer games done quick iirc

The Flood / Re: Is it rape if she cums?
« on: July 31, 2015, 10:18:44 AM »
Nope. Women can't orgasm from rape. They also can't get pregnant because the body has defense mechanisms against unwanted sex.
that second one has been debunked like a billion times

The Flood / Re: My bad
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:27:44 AM »

I'll never forgive you nor this website for ruining my experience on forums. Because of you I never want to join another forum again.

Bye and fuck you.
you know that's an actual post from deci right?

Gaming / Re: Daily reminder that the Geth did nothing wrong
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:16:56 AM »
Still haven't played mass effect 3

Legion was my fucking homie though

The Flood / Re: My bad
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:15:38 AM »
If I was running this bitch you would owe me a million dollars Cheat, because I would fucking sue your ass.

I'll never forgive you nor this website for ruining my experience on forums. Because of you I never want to join another forum again.

Bye and fuck you.

Gaming / Re: Rare replay is the best X1 exclusive
« on: July 30, 2015, 10:34:09 PM »
tfw the only Rare game you've played is Diddy Kong Racing.
all their other games are just knack rip offs

Gaming / Re: Name my Tentacool
« on: July 30, 2015, 07:38:21 PM »
Rolling octodad again then I'm done

Gaming / Re: Name my Tentacool
« on: July 30, 2015, 07:37:48 PM »
I thought it was fitting for a poison type to be named after a character from the most toxic game ever

Gaming / Re: Name my Tentacool
« on: July 30, 2015, 07:21:24 PM »

Gaming / Re: Name my Tentacool
« on: July 30, 2015, 07:20:08 PM »

Gaming / Re: Name my (4th) Magikarp
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:20:00 PM »
Pineapples won

I chose that because it just ended your whole career

Gaming / Re: Name my (4th) Magikarp
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:18:48 PM »

The Flood / Re: It's that time of month again
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:13:39 PM »
now play league with me.
Carry me out of bronze

Gaming / Re: GTA V mod is trying to turn the game into a RPG
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:10:02 PM »
Every game is a role playing game

Gaming / Re: Nuzlocke thread
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:03:02 PM »
Okay, this is pretty intense. I'm en route to Slateport right now, on a beach swarming with trainers. I brought out Ol'Greg and Azathoth, my only two remaining captures. Of course, they only know Splash, and my only method of training them right now is to use up all of Splash's PP so that I can use Struggle to deal some damage <_<

Since that's absolutely insane, my only feasible option right now is to stealth my way across this beach, after fishing for something on this route. I MUST catch a Tentacool. If I catch another Magikarp, I'm fucked.

Losing to Brawly made me lose about two Nuggets worth of cash, so I can't shop too heavily, either.
pretty sure you can catch minun, plusle, gulpin, or electrike up ahead as well

Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:22:41 PM »
It can get a little repetitive and/or grindy but honestly if you like the game you can look past that. The plus side is every weapon/frame is obtainable for free.

Yeah I don't mind grinding. It's never been an issue for me. I'm a fan of Pokemon, lol.

Which weapons did you pick?

Well something odd happened to me yesterday...

I remember first starting up Warframe a few months ago. I picked the Loki class with an Assault rifle, pistol and sword. But when I went back to play yesterday, I got another tutorial where I picked Excalibur with Bow/Arrow, pistol and bo staff. And then when I returned to my ship, I was my Loki class again...

Luckily I had some money leftover to buy Platinum and get my bow and staff back. So yeah, I'm using the Bow/Arrow, pistol, and staff ATM.
You might want to get some duration mods on Loki, your survival depends on invisibility and Radial Disarm. Speed Trigger is your friend with bows. Bo...well Bo is decent crowd control with its jump attack.

Speed Trigger is one of those upgrade card things, right?
Mods, yes.

I'll need to get some of those, then.

So do all weapons start off equally? Or are there weapons that are just inherently better than others?

I see two other bows that look cool, but I'm wondering if they're actually better than what I currently have.
There are weapons that are better than what you can get at the start. Im assuming what you have is the MK1-Paris. The regular one is slightly better, Cernos is better against Corpus and Daikyu im not too familiar with.

A good example of a better weapon is the Paris Prime which can do insane amounts of damage. But the regular one once modded is good too.

Yeah, the Mk1 Paris is what I'm using. I was really taken with the Daikyu, but I can't seem to find the blueprint for it from the market.
Ah, theres a bunch of blueprints as 'clan tech' meaning you need to be in a clan with a dojo that has the respective tech researched. There are Tenno, Infested, Corpus and Grineer research each with their own weapon blueprints. Daikyu would be in the Tenno one, so try to get yourself in a clan.

I'm guessing you can't just make a clan?
we can start a clan. I'm pretty happy with all the gear I have so I wouldn't mind pumping my resources into clan research. I stopped playing Before they added research so idk how much resources it really entails

You're getting me excited, Ty. What's your loadout ATM?

AK lex pistols
Karak auto rifle
Duel ether

And I have a little flying robot that follows me around

Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:10:03 PM »
It can get a little repetitive and/or grindy but honestly if you like the game you can look past that. The plus side is every weapon/frame is obtainable for free.

Yeah I don't mind grinding. It's never been an issue for me. I'm a fan of Pokemon, lol.

Which weapons did you pick?

Well something odd happened to me yesterday...

I remember first starting up Warframe a few months ago. I picked the Loki class with an Assault rifle, pistol and sword. But when I went back to play yesterday, I got another tutorial where I picked Excalibur with Bow/Arrow, pistol and bo staff. And then when I returned to my ship, I was my Loki class again...

Luckily I had some money leftover to buy Platinum and get my bow and staff back. So yeah, I'm using the Bow/Arrow, pistol, and staff ATM.
You might want to get some duration mods on Loki, your survival depends on invisibility and Radial Disarm. Speed Trigger is your friend with bows. Bo...well Bo is decent crowd control with its jump attack.

Speed Trigger is one of those upgrade card things, right?
Mods, yes.

I'll need to get some of those, then.

So do all weapons start off equally? Or are there weapons that are just inherently better than others?

I see two other bows that look cool, but I'm wondering if they're actually better than what I currently have.
There are weapons that are better than what you can get at the start. Im assuming what you have is the MK1-Paris. The regular one is slightly better, Cernos is better against Corpus and Daikyu im not too familiar with.

A good example of a better weapon is the Paris Prime which can do insane amounts of damage. But the regular one once modded is good too.

Yeah, the Mk1 Paris is what I'm using. I was really taken with the Daikyu, but I can't seem to find the blueprint for it from the market.
Ah, theres a bunch of blueprints as 'clan tech' meaning you need to be in a clan with a dojo that has the respective tech researched. There are Tenno, Infested, Corpus and Grineer research each with their own weapon blueprints. Daikyu would be in the Tenno one, so try to get yourself in a clan.

I'm guessing you can't just make a clan?
we can start a clan. I'm pretty happy with all the gear I have so I wouldn't mind pumping my resources into clan research. I stopped playing Before they added research so idk how much resources it really entails

Gaming / Re: Holy shit, Warframe is a blast.
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:29:34 PM »
Also pro tip if you want a specific weapon or warframe the wiki is your best friend. It'll tell you exactly what planets or bosses to grind to find the blueprints.
Also building a new warframe is a Pain in the ass, takes a long time, and you can only have a couple of them without buying more slots with platinum

I really really want the Rhino and the Oberon. But the Rhino is XP locked -- whatever that means.
there should be a level in the top left corner of your screen when you're at the space map. Yours should be 1 or 0 (idk)
As you gain experience that fills up and once it's full you have a little challenge you have to pass to reach the next level pretty sure you unlock rhino at level 2

Hopefully they add more variety in the monster attacks.
I laughed when the giant monster with a huge club was picking people up one by one and biting them

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