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Messages - Tyger

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Gaming / Re: Warframe Thread
« on: August 05, 2015, 07:52:43 PM »
How much have you spent on plat

Only on colours and animations, nothing else.

So, like 6 bucks because that's the lowest rate.

Thought I'm probably going to buy Loki Prime eventually.

I thought it would be way more. You've gotten a lot of shit pretty quickly

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 05, 2015, 07:41:12 PM »
Man I'm sick of fighting Draugr enemies in like every modern fantasy game

Woah it actually does seem like one's character moves more quickly

I think From got the idea from ds2 feedback that the different dungeons didn't make sense, so they're putting everything under this castle/medieval urban theme, which is ok if you think about the background of the Dark Souls series as a whole. I could use for more creative enemies types, that's my only grievance

Without hollows dark souls lore goes out the window

I think they should keep Hollow enemies, but add newer, more creative enemies to add diversity so that it doesn't feel like I'm fighting a Hollow everytime. That's all I'm sayin

Have you ever played dark souls

Gaming / Re: Warframe Thread
« on: August 05, 2015, 07:38:44 PM »
How much have you spent on plat

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 05, 2015, 04:29:04 PM »
Man I'm sick of fighting Draugr enemies in like every modern fantasy game

Woah it actually does seem like one's character moves more quickly

I think From got the idea from ds2 feedback that the different dungeons didn't make sense, so they're putting everything under this castle/medieval urban theme, which is ok if you think about the background of the Dark Souls series as a whole. I could use for more creative enemies types, that's my only grievance

Without hollows dark souls lore goes out the window

So black ops 3s 
Has a system between rounds where you can chose to ban certain weapons an equipment in the next round
What in the hell

Call of Legends: DOTA ops 3

I'd like it to go away. I know I'm bitter, but after Dark Souls 2, I don't have high hopes.  And before anyone says "But Miyazaki-chan is working on it!"  look at Bloodborne.  Is anyone still talking about that?
Yeah they are...

On any site with a large ps4 user population bloodborne and bloodborne dlc comes up on a regular basis

The defensive, cautious style that was before BloodBorn.

It looks like they want to do more BloodBorn in the trailer...
Here, this should help you see how it plays, 16 minuets of pure Dks3 gameplay.

Interesting tidbits

Estus is back instead of dumbass blood vials and health gems

3 weapons equipped and loot able weapons are back (absent from bloodborne)

Enemies lose their magnetic weapons from dark souls 2 (turning in mid air and shit to make sure they hit you)

Back stabs on unstaggered targets

Duel weapons are a single slot (I like this)

It LOOKS like there are charged attacks like bloodborne but it may have just been a really slow heavy attack

That's all I noticed

Gaming / Re: New Dragon age DLC
« on: August 05, 2015, 11:22:10 AM »
Eh. I don't feel inclined to ever go back to this game. I'm satisfied with my platinum

Gaming / Re: Gamescom 2015 Thread
« on: August 05, 2015, 09:41:44 AM »
Battlefield 4 is fun

Yet you two still shit on the Master Chief Collection for being broken

Can you say hippocrisy?
Make it three and that's because it is. Battlefield 4 had it major issues fixed in the Autumn patch last year, the last two patches have been improvement and balance focused as opposed to game breaking trash damage-control.

If you want to join a squad and play with your friends in BF4, you can. When MCC lets you do that without 20 minutes of fox, goose and grain I'll be more charitable.

☐Not rekt
☒ tyrannosaurus rekt

The defensive, cautious style that was before BloodBorn.

It looks like they want to do more BloodBorn in the trailer...
Well watching somebody stand there with a shield up and block attacks wouldn't make for a very exciting trailer

Skill resets

Gaming / Re: Warframe help thread
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:31:59 AM »
Really fucking tired so I'll make this quick.

Updated stats:

I obtained Oberon which I got to max rank. Max rank'd the Karak, Boltor, Bolto, Heat Sword, and Orthos. Working on max ranking the Braton by tomorrow, when my Sobek finishes forging.

I obtained my first archwing parts but I need to get to Uranus for specific parts on the Systems. I have my eyes on the Soma when I reach mastery rank 6, after I max rank my Sobek.
you're stronger than me now

Gaming / Re: Gaylo 5 is Rated T
« on: August 04, 2015, 09:41:25 PM »

I tried that, he just started attacking me and my comment structure, why not scroll back before you swoop in to condemn me for the mere action of questioning Verb?
top lie [emoji108]
Which part? The bit about you complaining before, which you were, or the part about Tyger calling me an idiot for questioning you?
quote where I said anything even remotely close to that

The Flood / Re: Django Unchained Or Reservoir Dawgs?
« on: August 04, 2015, 08:27:20 PM »
I like the one with slaves

Gaming / Re: Gaylo 5 is Rated T
« on: August 04, 2015, 07:19:38 PM »

Petty insults and a lack of basic grammar really make you look good man.
my grammar is better than yours

i don't need capitalization or punctuation
it's better than having missing, extraneous, or awkwardly placed verbiage tossed haphazardly hither and thither

Causation does not mean two things are the same, the mere implication of this is utterly ridiculous.
you're hung-up over semantics

and i'm the mad twelve-year-old

Is there a reason why you are unable to comprehend language that utilises vocabulary that's more advanced than that of a twelve year old?
say what you will about verb but he probably has the best vocabulary and grammar out of anyone on this site

You're just making yourself look stupid
I doubt he needs you to jump in to protect him, under the guise of helping me.

I'm not under the guise of helping you at all

I just said you look stupid for attacking verbs grammar and resorting to ad hominem attacks rather than actually trying to debate about whatever it is you're going on about

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 07:14:22 PM »
Please let it be the last one. I still don't understand how this series merited one sequel, let alone two.

Gaming / Re: Gaylo 5 is Rated T
« on: August 04, 2015, 07:13:52 PM »

Petty insults and a lack of basic grammar really make you look good man.
my grammar is better than yours

i don't need capitalization or punctuation
it's better than having missing, extraneous, or awkwardly placed verbiage tossed haphazardly hither and thither

Causation does not mean two things are the same, the mere implication of this is utterly ridiculous.
you're hung-up over semantics

and i'm the mad twelve-year-old

Is there a reason why you are unable to comprehend language that utilises vocabulary that's more advanced than that of a twelve year old?
say what you will about verb but he probably has the best vocabulary and grammar out of anyone on this site

You're just making yourself look stupid

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 06:25:44 PM »
i hope they learned from DKS2 and BB. i liked BB's proactive combat system and i hope they can integrate that well with the reactive system that DKS1 did so well. i also hope they dont add static difficulty filters like in DKS2, but instead allow the fights to be more dynamic to go well with revamped combat.
from what I've read (the super short e3 articles) If you duel wield or use a bow you can play like bloodborne

If you want to tank and spank you can use a shield like good ole fashion dark souls

Gaming / Re: Gaylo 5 is Rated T
« on: August 04, 2015, 05:56:59 PM »
it doesn't matter--little kids play these games all the time
i was 8 when i was first introduced to halo, and i resented my friends for playing a game they were too young to play
I was always that kid that would be at somebody else's house and they would be like "do you want to play ***" and I would tell them no I can't play rated M games I think I was 8 when i played halo and I called my mom and asked her if I could

but i'm just saying, that's why i don't think this is even worth making a thread about--no one cares about the ESRB anyway

what games your kids play should ultimately be up to you--the parent
so true. I hear kids who are in elementary school talking about playing GTA and it makes me kind of disgusted

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 05:50:50 PM »
Combat looks good (and sounds great too, going by the reports of those who got to see the game at E3 and noted how similar it was to DS1), setting looks very meh. I only got to see Bloodborne on videos and streams, but it had the most boring and least memorable atmosphere / art style of all the souls games. And this looks a lot like Yharnam 2.0, unfortunately.
It was more memorable than most of Dark Souls 2's stuff. I can only name a handful of places in DS2 that really stood out.

Agreed. The same goes for NPC's as well.
Eileen is one of my favorite npcs of the whole series. She's the only one I've ever legitimately wanted to help

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2!
« on: August 04, 2015, 04:07:11 PM »
I like halo wars and star craft for different reason

Surprise suprise you're allowed to like multiple games of the same genre
And you're also allowed to pick out which ones are shit and which ones are good

Surprise surprise
no you aren't

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2!
« on: August 04, 2015, 03:59:15 PM »
I like halo wars and star craft for different reason

Surprise suprise you're allowed to like multiple games of the same genre

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 03:57:25 PM »
Combat looks good (and sounds great too, going by the reports of those who got to see the game at E3 and noted how similar it was to DS1), setting looks very meh. I only got to see Bloodborne on videos and streams, but it had the most boring and least memorable atmosphere / art style of all the souls games. And this looks a lot like Yharnam 2.0, unfortunately.
hopefully this is just one area they're showing. I really enjoyed blood borne and it had some great boss fights and super memorial moments, but none of the areas were particularly inspiring. I don't mind one gothic castle city area ( anor lando, dranglaic castle, central yahrnam)
But I REALLY don't want another whole game of it

Gaming / Re: Which should I get?
« on: August 04, 2015, 03:12:22 PM »
Origins is my favorite zombie map of all time once I learned how it all worked

Both MotD and Origins are good from what I see.....both have difficulty, both are unique, and both have stuff I wanna try...
idk if this matters to you but motd is much harder to solo imo

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 02:47:52 PM »
Guys you aren't allowed to make observations about a games art style based on the trailer because there was barely any gameplay

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 02:36:44 PM »
i hope this franchise just fucking crashes and burns

to death
Just like you did in the tutorial
saw that coming a couple hundred thousand miles away

dance, puppet
you didn't see that boulder coming in the tutorial

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 02:35:30 PM »
My friend says he doesn't see the similarities between the trailer and Yharnam (the Bloodborne location), and I also provided those pictures.

He's known for adamantly defending the game of BB, so I am curious if that is clouding his judgement. Do YOU guys see the similarities or is it just me?
it all looks like anor lando to me

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 02:34:42 PM »
i hope this franchise just fucking crashes and burns

to death
Just like you did in the tutorial

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 02:31:11 PM »
but goddamn that scenery is like Yharnam 2.0. I don't mind, but it's odd that they didn't go with something more contrasting.
That is exactly why I DON'T like it.

I don't want BloodSouls 3, I want Dark Souls 3.

Something tells me Miyazaki thought "BB was so good, why not make DS like it!!!"

As cool as BB was, it sure as hell wasn't my favorite at all.
Bb was my least favorite honestly
Same here. Beat it once and haven't touched it since. I think it's because the PvP is way too fast and just consists of you flailing around and jumping everywhere, and cosplaying is almost non existent.
yeah In dark souls I always picked the armor that looked the coolest...

In bb all the armor looks the damn same except gimmick sets like the doll clothes.

So far I'm really liking the tiny bits of what I've read about early dark souls 3 impressions. Completely reworked bow and duel wielding combat and diverse and crazy enemies that dark souls 1 was loved for

Gaming / Re: Peter Dinklage replaced, and the new voice of Ghost is....
« on: August 04, 2015, 02:28:48 PM »
It's likely they can't afford to pay Peter again.
lol wat

Destiny was wildly successful sales wise

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