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Messages - Tyger

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Is this video safe to watch?

In terms of spoilers? Yes it's perfectly safe

In terms of killing you brain cells? Not safe at all

The Flood / Re: Ever put your fingers in your butt
« on: August 22, 2015, 06:33:41 AM »
Um no. I eat with those.
Eat the booty like groceries?

Gaming / Re: Nintendo NX -- Digital only console?
« on: August 22, 2015, 06:22:55 AM »
0/10 will not buy

Massive spoiler

Gaming / Re: I made Rust on H2A
« on: August 21, 2015, 09:17:01 PM »
Should have called it ferric oxide like a real og chemist nigga would

The Flood / Re: tfw parents agree there isnt anything to eat at home
« on: August 21, 2015, 09:14:46 PM »
If you go to college and don't work at least during the summer you're a fuck boy
you used to be cool
fuck you no I didn't

The Flood / Re: tfw parents agree there isnt anything to eat at home
« on: August 21, 2015, 08:19:42 PM »
If you go to college and don't work at least during the summer you're a fuck boy

Gaming / Re: Only betas play GoW
« on: August 21, 2015, 08:17:19 PM »
Become freestyle legend

First review.

Embargo lifts Sunday btw.

I wish I hadn't read that.
Why? Spoilers?

No, nothing like that.

I don't want to say anything because I'd rather you not feel what I'm feeling right now. My experience isn't ruined but I still wish I hadn't read it.
I spent like 15 minutes struggling through that with my very rudimentary French skills and then scrolled down and saw it was translated

Also for reference this same French dude said watch dogs was amazing and gave it a 19/20

Gaming / Re: Pokken Tournament getting WiiU release!
« on: August 21, 2015, 10:58:35 AM »
So what is this like a smash bros game with only pokemon?
i wish

It's tekken with Pokemon

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 21, 2015, 08:47:33 AM »
I've seen a few big spoilers but I don't know if they're real.

Obviously I won't say anything but whatever.
I doubt they are

Big released like this always have fake spoilers all over the place

Why the fuck am I even in this thread

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 09:50:56 PM »
What even is this thread anymore?
Neez dutz

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 09:16:05 PM »

But I'll still be here.

I'll always be here.

Part of the crew
Part of the ship

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 09:02:05 PM »
So, when is cheat going to change gaming's banner to something related to MGS?

Somebody should make a collage for the banner

Master chief and arby
Joel or Nathan drake
Big boss + some other metal gear dude
a pokemon
Dark souls guy?
Idk what other games do the kids here like

Serious / Re: Artificial Evolution: A Dissenting Term?
« on: August 20, 2015, 08:55:12 PM »
Transhumanism isn't necessarily "let's be cyborgs and robots", it could also be something along the lines of GATTACA, or chemical augmentation/surgeries.
Well, I mean, there's nothing wrong with experimentation. If we can develop some crazy new augmentative shit for our bodies for the sake of experimenting, I'm all for that--but is it something a great deal of money should be going towards? I don't know about that.

Only if it's like, nanomachines, or some shit. Something with a practical, altruistic use.
Nothing like... "3D contact lenses" or something stupid. "Super bacon vision". Whatever the fuck we'd do.
Im with verb here. I've actually researched A LOT about the "transhumanist movement" and probably watched a days worth of TED talks of people with varying viewpoints on it

I like the people who want to be able to replicate a almost identicle and fully functional human arm or leg for the kid who got ran over by a car or the guy who lost his foot to frostbite. Hell if you want to give it attachments for modifications to help him lift more than normal or be able to mountain climb better, be my guest.

But if you want people to be able to like google search  and play games with their minds  go fuck your self.

And one quack wanted to "cure aging" and have everyone live hundreds of years

FUCK THAT. We NEED people to die off.

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 08:48:17 PM »
You guys are the Ocelot and Kaz to my Big Boss.

Keksworth do you have PS4

Nope. Sorry.
stupid poor people without ps4s

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 08:23:21 PM »
You guys are the Ocelot and Kaz to my Big Boss.

Keksworth do you have PS4
But big boss has been big boss like forever

You're lord saladman fellow gourdian

Daily reminder that drake sucks

Gaming / Re: Halo: Combat Evolved - Impressions thread
« on: August 20, 2015, 05:19:23 PM »
IMO I would realistically expect the aliens to be chosen by the forerunners, and humanity would have been attacking them because muh butthurt

Actually, that would have been an original idea. I notice a trend in sci-fi these days. Humanity always seems to land as "muh chosen ones" in some form or another. Portrayed as inherently "good" or "okay," or, "worthy."

Mass Effect was another series guilty of falling into that gay ass cliche of a trap as well.
I was actually thinking this it's always the good ole' humanity that saves the day with kindness and honesty, tbh i would see humanity as the greedy powerful types

Like I said. "Muh chosen ones" complex.

In Halo, in all instances in the lore, humanity had apparently done nothing wrong and was seemingly portrayed as the small kid on the block while everybody else was the big bad bullies to them.

And in Mass Effect, especially in 3 where shit became big time Earth centric, Humanity got themselves flagged as genetically superior by the Reapers and became the prime conversion target.

I don't think I've ever played a game or read a book where Humanity didn't have some sort of pivotal central role because of some special innate and invisible quality.

And it's kinda gay, the more I spot it frankly.

Yeh. Bungie kind of started that trend in games. In fairness, humanity got fucked over by the forerunners before the firing of the array.

But I basically rewrote half my own thing when I realise I was falling into this trap. Then again, my human faction only really got powerful because they arrived in the middle of a war and ended up ring the influencing factor for one side.

Actually, not really. Again, fell into the trap. The Forerunners only ever ended up firing the Halos because they got into a row with the Precursors who decided that humanity would be the inheritors of the mantle. Cue a good long millenia later when the flood return and the rest is history.

I count 3, if not 4 instances in the series alone.

1. Precursors giving the mantle to Humanity and the Forerunners getting all pissy about it, killing the milky way Precursors

2. Humanity aggressively expanding but actually fleeing the Flood, dunked on by the Forerunners, and, expressly taken an interest in by the Flood-Precursors

3.Post-Array activation, Humanity starting up again as delightful little flowers before the big bad bully on the block got all pissy when their leaders learned that Humans weren't relics but in fact, Reclaimers.

Special snowflake syndrome, that is.

I more meant humans being BTFO by the forerunners after their war and being reduced to cavemen.


2- Not really humans fault. The Precursors created the flood as a weapon against the forerunners. Humanity found it first and got destroyed by it.

3- The Primordial took an interest because he believed the Humans had found a cure. It is strongly implied this was a lie and there was no cure, but either way, the Primordial took an interest because he was decieved. Not because humans r special

To be honest, a lot of the forerunner saga stuff had to be written to explain the status quo that bungie enforced in their reign with humans r special. Which is a shame, I'm more of a fan of when someting occurs randomly. I preferred the idea of the flood as this big intergalactic.. thing that had consumed multiple galaxy like the they did the Forerunners before the Forerunner saga solidified the precursors.

Same here. They seemed more threatening as an advanced evolutionary lifeform on their own. Imagine that. A parasite that was so hyper evolved it was operating on galactic scale, enough to give even the Forerunners a kick to the dick.

Over what they are now, basically a tool just like the Reapers.


Honestly, I'm still not sure about the interperetation of the forerunners. It's cool, but seems... Can't put my finger on it, but it doesn't seem right. Maybe it's just the fact I don't like having ancient empires who left behind artifacts for all the new empires to squabble over trope. Seems pretty lazy when that's your motivation for political stuff and wars.

I mean, I like it in moderation. There were a few planets in ME with the descriptions that pre-prothean empires reigned there, but that's it. We don't see them as a major thing, but they provide depth to the universe by reinforcing that the current civilisations and the protheans aren't the only ones that have existed.

All that said, bungie's original intention; that the forerunners were humans and the flood an experiment gone wrong, is even more boring, IMO.

Exactly the same here. I was put off by the ancient empires thing. Not only for humanity but for everybody else too. I always liked the original vibe they set off, which is now at this point, tarnished.

They were alone in their advancements in the galaxy. No other species was going as fast as them. So, obviously, they were caretakers. Then they bumped into the Flood, extra-galactic origin, and waged war, utterly, completely lost, and made the ultimate sacrifice for everybody yet to come, if anything, to buy them some time.

Now I don't see automated machines, the only thing left after the Forerunners hit the killswitch, building the portal to the ark on africa as early man watched them in wonder.

I see politics and, to be honest, a cunt of a species.

Alas, the dangers of "too much information."

I find the inter-rate politics fascinating, honestly. But the series had to get back round to the Forerunners eventually, you can't keep a plot of human vs alien forever, lest it get stale. Despite my own personal distaste for having an ancient species+artifacts in the first place, I think Halo 5 is handling it really well.

The one thing that puts me off is the fact that we're actually facing Forerunners now. It doesn't seem feasible, especially with their engineering feats and capabilities. I'd have preffered if things related to forerunners stayed automated to their machinery.

And what really gets me iffy is the fact that now, for some apparent reason, the forerunners get a nerf. Forerunner aircraft getting taken out by homing rockets?

Simple ballistics? Battlesuits and hardlight getting demolished by bullets?

Really? Come on now. The hell happened to all that powerful engineering?

Gameplay != canon. remember, plasma bolts burn peoples faces off and needlers can kill with one crystal exploding and spreading micro-shrapnel throughout the body.

Besides, the didact wasn't even killed by falling into slipspace, and you saw just how badly John was getting massacred by the Didact. It took six composers exploding at the same time while a section of halo ring was detached to fall into the gravity well of a gas giant to kill him. Even then, he's referred to as 'contained' rather than dead.

Well, see, here's the thing.

Gameplay equates to the experience and the story. If you pass through a level and blow up some forerunner aircarft with your hydra homo rockets over there, then that's technically how it went. If you drop that section of the story into a book, the outcome is still the same.

And that's what I'm saying. I really, really want my gameplay to start reflecting canon. It'd be cool if they could find some way of doing that. Would help with the immersion.

If they did it by canon, then it'd be like playing on Legendary ++ all the time. Bullets would be literally useless.

Actually, it would get rid of making unsc weapons the staple weapons..

Anyway. It has been said that gameplay is done for balancing purposes and shouldn't be a factor for deciding that gun's damage in the canon or whatever. Rather, the campaign should be seen as a guide to the general story (IE Chief gets out of a crashed pelica, defends a courtyard from covenant, moved through the alleys of mombasa, drives a warthog through the underpass and then drives a tank across a bridge, for example).

Because in-lore, bullets are useless against shielding, grunts are lucky to even get a plasma pistol and unsc forces prefer to pick up covenant weapons whenever they can because they're superior.


Instead we get cutscenes of eggheads and co. in the Infinity mary-suing about. Spartan-ops. Infinity was boarded.

Lasky went rambo on Promethian Soldiers with a shotgun.

And grunts with no weapons? In book lore, Grunts are known for being sturdy as fucking shit. They can rip apart marines with their hands easily. Why can't we have mobs of rabid, melee based grunts trying to rip you apart?

Dunno. Needs to be exciting, I guess.

That would be awesome.
Seconded. I'd love a Halo game like that.

You know what might be nice? A Halo game using something like X-com mechanics. Those games are noted for not fucking around with pissy aliens. And by extension, none of the aliens in Halo are pissy.

Grunts are only noted as Grunts because they're used as throwaway canon fodder. They're short and stocky but they've the strength to walk and fire a fuel rod cannon one handed.

Something a Spartan can't do without two hands. Just once, I'd love a Halo game where the Covenent were portrayed like they are. A credible and incredibly dangerous threat that trumped Humanity on almost all levels.

That shit is only like 50 pounds.

A fuel rod? no

A fully trained ODST had trouble picking one up in first strike. and a grunt could probably duel wield those things

Idk this might be a canon fuck up cuz on wiki leaks it says 51 pounds loaded

Grunts are strong but they would still get whooped by humans in a straight up 1 v 1 fight. inb4 11 page argument

Not in the lore

Grunts eat people

They were basically set loose on civilian populations and ate them

Those things are fucking vicious

I know, but 1 they were civilians and 2 the gruntos probably outnumbered the people by a huge margin.

Not saying they aren't viscous. The one thing I'd love in a halo game is being swarmed by thousands of grunts.

Marines also have been dunked by grunts before as well. Happened on Reach. However.

50 pounds you say? Refer to my post above. The cannon itself may be "light" but the recoil on the weapon is tremendous. And for the record, 50 pounds is not light to hold in one arm, at all. I know what 50 pounds weighs like.

So I have a grasp of what firing a 50 pound object with recoil would be like. Judging by the fact that the cannon can lob rounds for a few hundred feet, as I said, the recoil on that gun is going to be fucking massive.

So do I, I've hauled shit over 50 pounds countless times while working construction with my brother.

If I recall correctly in one of the books a grunt named dabab gets fucking raped by a lone ship captain before an engineer throws a rock at his head.

Usually humans are somewhere within the grunt-jackal range of strength in halo.

The captain had a fire hydrant and took Dadap by surprise. and the engineer threw the rock with such a force it caved the guy's skull in. this was first contact, remember, so they had never encountered humans before.

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 05:10:17 PM »
You guys do know Liquid had the dominant genes, right?

Ocelot confirmed it in the epilogue of MGS1.

Not this shit again

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 05:03:44 PM »
Ruined this thread with shit Moba talk Bahaha that was my plan the whole time

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 05:01:20 PM »
Fun fact league just came out with a line of skins that's supposed to be a tribute/loosely based off of metal gear's raiden, jetstream sam, and grey wolf

Gray Fox?!
obviously not spot on but whatever
There's 2 more but they're kinda lame and you get the jist

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 04:54:13 PM »
Fun fact league just came out with a line of skins that's supposed to be a tribute/loosely based off of metal gear's raiden, jetstream sam, and grey wolf

Gray Fox?!
lol I combined sniper wolf and grey fox

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 04:52:16 PM »
Fun fact league just came out with a line of skins that's supposed to be a tribute/loosely based off of metal gear's raiden, jetstream sam, and grey fox

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 04:48:07 PM »
How come? Are they all, like, clones or something?

In 1972, Big Boss fell into a coma. Unsure of how long he would remain in this state, Major Zero and the other members of his intelligence society (which would become known as The Patriots) decided to clone him.

At the time, Big Boss was a world-renowned icon, a figurehead for, truth, justice and patriotism. In order for Zero to extend the reach of his agency, he needed the illustrious celebrity persona of Big Boss to be at the forefront of his operations. In case anything ever happened to him, there needed to be others to take his place. Hence, the clones.

3 clones were extracted from Jack (Big Boss): the first, Solid, was to only represent Big Boss's dominant traits. The second, Liquid, was to only show Big Boss's recessive traits.

The third, born sometime after the first two IIRC, was to be a mixture of dominant and recessive genes and become a "well-balanced masterpiece". He is basically an exact clone of Big Boss.

After Big Boss awoke from his coma, he left the Patriots. The nonconsensual cloning was the last straw for Jack.
what are the fucking chances that his name would be jack

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 20, 2015, 03:40:17 PM »
Silencers break if you use them to much.
This isn't a 3rd person shooter with
It's ACTUALLY a stealth game. Be sneaky or you will die.

As a metal gear noob these are 2 things I wish I knew when I first tried playing ground zeroes

My girlfriend has gone home and now I feel like shit.

I guess I have MGS for company now.
Booty withdraw is real

« on: August 20, 2015, 11:43:27 AM »
Oh yeah, I'm sure the neighbors got the message from browsing an obscure forum and reading a random guys post. 👌🏽
>using skin color on emojis

thats the Asian hand though

The Flood / Re: My dad said Fury Road was the worst movie he's ever seen
« on: August 20, 2015, 11:11:54 AM »
Mad Max Furry Road

Staring Ryle

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