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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 143144145 146147 ... 353
Gaming / Re: Hey fam, TellTale is releasing *ANOTHER* game next year
« on: December 03, 2015, 11:30:45 PM »
What do you mean "another" game? They've never made a game before

Did you guys even watch the video? All he wants is a feature from black ops 2 to return...

My computer will never run this and that makes me sad

Gaming / Re: Could you SERIOUSLY do this on Xbox?
« on: December 03, 2015, 10:52:19 AM »
My friend just told me that once you accessed the profile of a player you just played, you could report players for being "too good" or "not knowing how to play".

Is that fucking true?

If so, how am I supposed to believe that XBL is better than PSN?
idk about Xbox but in many games reporting somebody for under skilled lowers there match making rating by an tiny amount so they play against worst players

The Flood / Re: Today I bench'd my entire bodyweight
« on: December 03, 2015, 08:17:30 AM »
Kinda puts things in perspective if I think about ants a little bit. If you're able to lift your own weight, then technically speaking you're able to lift 1x your own weight. Ants are well known for being capable of lifting 10x their own body weight. Hard to imagine myself lifting 10x my own weight.

I don't think the world's strongest human was even able to lift 10x his own weight. It gives me a bit of appreciation for the the way things naturally engineer themselves to a degree. You know, there you are, a big walking collection of "bits," all working together to make one thing we call a human being.

Whatever you expose that tangle of parts to, it adapts, slowly. Environment shapes you, and you shape your environment. And your bits and pieces respond, growing weaker or stronger. Funny.
did you know no matter how high you drop an ant from, it will never die from impact because an ants terminal velocity (Max falling speed) doesn't provide the energy it would need to kill it? Conversely if you drop a horse 1000 yards, it will literally splash on impact. Gravity is cool. Nature is cool

Gaming / Re: Biggest shark jumps in gaming
« on: December 02, 2015, 11:41:51 AM »
Don't think OP knows what jumping the shark is

Gaming / Re: How many shiny Pokemon have you encountered?
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:41:07 PM »
Shiny munna in black
Shiny charmeleon in y
Bred a shiny rioulu

Gaming / Re: RWBY: Grimm Eclipse BUY NOW!
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:49:38 PM »
>weeb shit

The Flood / Re: This place is better than
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:55:53 AM »
Well we had a whole hentai thread so you might like it here

The Flood / Re: The Cucking Dead Mid Season Finale (Spoilers)
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:08:58 AM »
Yeah he gets shot in the face just like Rick gets his hand cut off right?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - No splitscreen
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:47:37 PM »
Constant 60fps is not even close to worth it to remove split-screen. At least they stated they'd rethink it for Halo 6, but still.
these other niggas don't know how much fun it is to splitscren with your SO but I feel you flee

Gaming / Re: Post worst video games you have played (besides Destiny)
« on: November 30, 2015, 07:05:42 PM »
God of war is pretty trash
ESO is the only game I've ever bought and regretted it
God Of War?
horrible art style that looks like an angry 12 year old designed it and boring as fuck combat

Same goes for dark siders

Gaming / Re: Post worst video games you have played (besides Destiny)
« on: November 30, 2015, 06:46:51 PM »
God of war is pretty trash
ESO is the only game I've ever bought and regretted it

Gaming / Re: Help me build a good Pokemon team
« on: November 30, 2015, 06:04:32 PM »
Try something completely unorthodox and gimmiky:

Thundurus @ Chesto Berry 
Ability: Prankster 
EVs: 100 HP / 20 Atk / 208 Def / 180 SpD 
Impish Nature 
- Bulk Up 
- Rest 
- Return 
- Taunt

This nigga won me so many battles during the first Pokemon tournament just by virtue of catching everybody off guard. Tyger would know, I 6-0'd his team with it.

As for the Steelix, just replace Return with Hammer Arm.
knew exactly what you were going to post the minute I saw thundurus

Gaming / Re: Help me build a good Pokemon team
« on: November 30, 2015, 03:32:35 PM »
Seriously though. Fuck Prankster Sableye. It's tanky as fuck and you may as well kiss all your physical Pokemon goodbye if you can't 2 shot it at the least.

If you have the right team built around it you can literally shrek everything. A lot of people I've battled have rage quit because of mine.
taunt it and then gg

Gaming / Re: I'm officially bored with Fallout 4
« on: November 30, 2015, 11:41:03 AM »
According to TIME the average gamer over the age of 13 spends 6.3 hours a WEEK playing videogames so yeah you guys are shit buckets

At least psy is wise and noble enough to admit it
But I've played 0 hours of video games this week
same number of hours that lemon had sex

Gaming / Re: I'm officially bored with Fallout 4
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:44:39 AM »
According to TIME the average gamer over the age of 13 spends 6.3 hours a WEEK playing videogames so yeah you guys are shit buckets

At least psy is wise and noble enough to admit it
Sorry we don't read magazines all day like you

Fucking airhead lmao shut the fuck up
lol ily

Gaming / Re: I'm officially bored with Fallout 4
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:38:58 AM »
According to TIME the average gamer over the age of 13 spends 6.3 hours a WEEK playing videogames so yeah you guys are shit buckets

At least psy is wise and noble enough to admit it

Gaming / Re: I'm officially bored with Fallout 4
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:33:21 AM »
4 hours a day isn't much
shouldn't you be shilling for 343 somewhere

Gaming / Re: I'm officially bored with Fallout 4
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:26:50 AM »
It you had a life you wouldn't have that much time for videogames, no wonder you're bored :)

Gaming / Re: I'm officially bored with Fallout 4
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:49:04 AM »
Only 3 days of playtime

That's a long time

The Flood / Re: We really need new members
« on: November 29, 2015, 11:13:37 PM »
I genuinely don't know why anyone would ever want to Come here without already knowing people

Gaming / Re: Help me build a good Pokemon team
« on: November 29, 2015, 05:09:21 PM »
My friend has this really fucking annoying Mega Steelix with Rest/Curse/Heavy Slam/ Sleeptalk

It pisses me off

Any recommendations on how to fuck its shit?
Literally any Fire type with a strong SpA stat and a special Fire move.

What do you reccommend

How about something with Flash Fire? I was thinking of Flash Fire as a switch-in in case someone tries to roast my Scizor
use valcarona

I'm not that petty but are u spelling it wrong on porpoise?
after I spelled it wrong the first time my phone started correcting it to that and I'm too lazy to fix it

Gaming / Re: Help me build a good Pokemon team
« on: November 29, 2015, 04:42:53 PM »
My friend has this really fucking annoying Mega Steelix with Rest/Curse/Heavy Slam/ Sleeptalk

It pisses me off

Any recommendations on how to fuck its shit?
Literally any Fire type with a strong SpA stat and a special Fire move.

What do you reccommend

How about something with Flash Fire? I was thinking of Flash Fire as a switch-in in case someone tries to roast my Scizor
use valcarona

Gaming / Re: Help me build a good Pokemon team
« on: November 29, 2015, 02:55:37 PM »
My friend has this really fucking annoying Mega Steelix with Rest/Curse/Heavy Slam/ Sleeptalk

It pisses me off

Any recommendations on how to fuck its shit?

The Flood / Re: >when your stunt double is hotter than you
« on: November 29, 2015, 02:00:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: Movie idea
« on: November 29, 2015, 10:15:07 AM »
Have Jonah hill and Seth rogan play the main character. Periodically switch Between the two but never explain it

Gaming / Re: Help me build a good Pokemon team
« on: November 29, 2015, 09:46:52 AM »
Does CK still use this website? He's the best here at Pokemon by far
I haven't played competitive Pokemon in at least 7 months, I'm pretty useless right now for advice and tips.
did u get my pm

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