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Messages - Tyger

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Gaming / Re: No battleborn threads?
« on: May 04, 2016, 09:03:54 AM »
The game doesn't suck. I liked the beta.

Definitely want to pick it up sooner or later.

I'm just salty because I'm like 3-8 in the multiplayer
Try Orendi and focus one side of the map in Meltdown. I dominated every time with that.

Easy to learn, hard to master IMO.
I like orendi but part of the reason I lose so much is I'm trying out every character and some like thorn in awful at. And I keep getting knuckle draggers in my games that don't know how a moba works or afk. I've only really played incursion, and 2 of my 3 wins are the two meltdown games I played...

PVP in Battleborn is like a MOBA with TF2/Overwatch aspects.

It's all about
Abilities and when to use them
Coordinating with your team
And understanding the character you are playing.
tell that to my teammates who have 0 minion kills at 20 minutes into the match

Or the ones who lock in Oscar Mike and think it's call of duty and go 0-20

People don't understand the difference from Battleborn and other shooters.

MOBA players are fun to play with/against though.
it's probably just a matter of the game being very new and I'm playing on console. Eventually people will figure everything out

Gaming / Re: Are you kidding me Jester?
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:45:08 AM »
I was expecting a town of Salem thread and now I'm dissapointed

Gaming / Re: No battleborn threads?
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:43:13 AM »
fun game but I keep getting shat on

It seems like this game is insanely snowbally. My few victories were total stomps and all my loses are use getting destroyed. We had one game that we came back and end up tying it at 50-50 in the last minute but lost because my roommate and I had 44 and 29 score respectively (rath and miko) but the rest of our team had between 9 and 13 score.

Gaming / Re: No battleborn threads?
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:39:21 AM »
The game doesn't suck. I liked the beta.

Definitely want to pick it up sooner or later.

I'm just salty because I'm like 3-8 in the multiplayer
Try Orendi and focus one side of the map in Meltdown. I dominated every time with that.

Easy to learn, hard to master IMO.
I like orendi but part of the reason I lose so much is I'm trying out every character and some like thorn in awful at. And I keep getting knuckle draggers in my games that don't know how a moba works or afk. I've only really played incursion, and 2 of my 3 wins are the two meltdown games I played...

PVP in Battleborn is like a MOBA with TF2/Overwatch aspects.

It's all about
Abilities and when to use them
Coordinating with your team
And understanding the character you are playing.
tell that to my teammates who have 0 minion kills at 20 minutes into the match

Or the ones who lock in Oscar Mike and think it's call of duty and go 0-20

Gaming / Re: E3 2016 predictions?
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:37:22 AM »
Instead of TV TV TV TV it's gunna be VR VR VR and there's going to a cringey ass musical performance and everyone will rage about Anita sharwhatever

Gaming / Re: No battleborn threads?
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:34:50 AM »
The game doesn't suck. I liked the beta.

Definitely want to pick it up sooner or later.

I'm just salty because I'm like 3-8 in the multiplayer
Try Orendi and focus one side of the map in Meltdown. I dominated every time with that.

Easy to learn, hard to master IMO.
I like orendi but part of the reason I lose so much is I'm trying out every character and some like thorn in awful at. And I keep getting knuckle draggers in my games that don't know how a moba works or afk. I've only really played incursion, and 2 of my 3 wins are the two meltdown games I played...

Gaming / Re: No battleborn threads?
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:19:51 AM »
The game doesn't suck. I liked the beta.

Definitely want to pick it up sooner or later.

I'm just salty because I'm like 3-8 in the multiplayer

Gaming / No battleborn threads?
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:12:07 AM »
Probably because this game fucking sucks but you should all watch the prologue on YouTube that shit is so cool

Gaming / Re: I hate Overwatch so much.
« on: May 02, 2016, 08:10:16 PM »
Otherwise, it's like Paragon, with a cast of literally who?
thats like comparing team fortress 2 to smite

Gaming / Re: I'm starting a Dark Souls 3 NG+ Let's Play
« on: May 02, 2016, 08:05:33 PM »
"I'm cosplaying guts"

Kill yourself

Gaming / Re: what was the last game you were hyped for
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:51:39 AM »
Dark souls 3  its lived up to it so far

Gaming / Re: Fashion Souls
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:44:56 AM »
How do you post a screenshot from Xbox one on here?

i come back and verbs is a estus chugging, sun praising, bonfire lighting dark souls fanboy.

what a time to be alive
Offtopic but how's Ty the Tasmanian Tiger on PC?
I don't know I have that shit on ps2

i come back and verbs is a estus chugging, sun praising, bonfire lighting dark souls fanboy.

what a time to be alive
Well, I wouldn't go that far, but yeah, I've been having some fun with this game.

I'm still pretty early on (I took a month long break, so I'm kinda behind on progress), but you're welcome to join in on the fun when I start playing again.

Why were you away? Just got tired of it, or what?
I was just focusing on college and was at the point that every time I logged in here it was just to be a cunt, even to people i liked. Had a lot of shit going on in my life.

i come back and verbs is a estus chugging, sun praising, bonfire lighting dark souls fanboy.

what a time to be alive

what the fuck is this
have you tried maybe reading the OP

or the title

or anything

what the fuck is this

i mean if you want to put your fingers in your ears and say "lalala i cant hear you" thats fine but it doesn't make you right i just hope you get over this verbatim dickriding phase you're going through


The girl in the photo isn't wearing a low-cut shirt.
its low enough that cleavage would show if she wasnt like 110% muscle

way to just ignore everything else too verb

She would be dead if she was 110% muscle


The girl in the photo isn't wearing a low-cut shirt.
its low enough that cleavage would show if she wasnt like 110% muscle

way to just ignore everything else too verb

By thinking women only wear that to attract you, you're treating them as a sexual object.

I fail to see how.

Women do things other than just to accentuate their tits.

Im literally just trying to make statements as ridiculous as your's. Tank tops are in no way sexualization. Yes small amounts of fabric make a difference. Wear a turtle neck compared to a normal sweater. Hell wear a tank top that goes up to your neck as opposed to a loose fitting one. Theres a difference in comfort and heat. there a reason Olympic track stars wear, like nothing.

like if lolo jones had tits there would certainly be cleavage showing in this

men have the rights to wear tank tops and so should women #stopJak2K15

the thing about body heat happens all over your body

I'm sure 3 inches of clothing really make a difference when it comes to releasing body heat.
why do you want to oppress women by forcing them to wear more clothing? Why cant you just let them wear what they want? Cleavage also happens to be a sweaty as fuck area when exercising. By thinking women only wear that to attract you, you're treating them as a sexual object. Women do things other than just to accentuate their tits.

Like go to a gym and look around. 99% of the women will be in a low cut tank top or just a bra.

maybe if you and verb ever actually talked to a girl you would know they're more comfortable as well :)

No more comfortable than non-low-cut shirts, I reckon.

they are go ask a girl right now lol I'm sure all the woman in the pictures I posted are wearing that because some man forced them to

Okay well I have some pictures of female leads (or supporting lead, whatever) that don't rely on fanservice, just because I said I would. So here ya go (it's quite a bit, so sorry)


(this refers to any Zelda, I'm just using this one cuz I like the art)

This was bottom paged. NOTICE IT >:C

 >posts Anya and not Sam

Calling a tank top sexualization is where I get off you and verbs crazy train

Well I mean, it is. It's small, but it still is.

Low-cut shirts exist to accentuate tits -- that's it.
maybe if you and verb ever actually talked to a girl you would know they're more comfortable as well :)


such exploitation, wow basically nude

Calling a tank top sexualization is where I get off you and verbs crazy train 

So women can't wear tank tops?

Why was the creative decision for Lara to be in a tank top made? The answer the that question is what fuels my complaint with her design.

because that's what someone who does the things she does wears

What would make it "fully there" then? I'm curious.

He simply wants there to be a good reason for her to look like that. And there never is a good reason.

I mean, a tank top is better than a bikini, but a t-shirt is better still and would fit perfectly fine with Lara specifically.

So women can't wear tank tops?

That's just stupid.
Tank tops are also significantly better for pretty much any and all sports with could be justification for Laura (look at Olympic track, women's lacrosse, blacksketball and so on). She's also on a tropical island...

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