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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 134135136 137138 ... 353
I'm sad nobody pointed out I used the lion emote instead of the tiger emote

Gaming / Re: Get hyped for Blood and Wine
« on: May 24, 2016, 02:38:40 PM »
This games combat sucks so much dick. It's like dark souls autistic cousin

Yo jive or any other lifter here, I had multiple surgeries on my left forearm and its significantly less well defined and slightly smaller than my right forearm. Is there any good exercise to target forearm specifically? When I was super skinny it wasn't that noticable but now that my bis and tris and gaining some mass I think it looks a little strange.
For forearms I do a tri set type thing at the end of my arm workout and the end of my back workout, so twice a week.

I do hammer curls, one at a time and as strict as possible and squeeze the dumbbell.

Then reverse curls with the EZ(curvy) bar for 12-15 reps very strict

Immediately Superset with

Behind the back wrist curls, lighter weight about 15-25 reps

When doing the reverse curls use more of your weaker forearm to get the weight up, it should be handling 70% of the load. This will make them more proportional
  I been using reverse curls with EZ bar but that requires both hands and I would always compensate with my stronger arm so it kind of defeated the purpose, I'll definitely try this

dae cringe when Desty talks about fighting?

You could have stopped at talks

Yo jive or any other lifter here, I had multiple surgeries on my left forearm and its significantly less well defined and slightly smaller than my right forearm. Is there any good exercise to target forearm specifically? When I was super skinny it wasn't that noticable but now that my bis and tris and gaining some mass I think it looks a little strange.

Lol somebody claims that fighting skill is more important than strength and desty uses fucking professional MMA fighters who are incredibly skilled and practice fighting 24/7 to try to refute that.

Tell me, do you think a professional powerlifter could beat mcgregor in a fight?

🦁 Tyger 🦁

Gaming / Re: Your Overwatch waifu?
« on: May 24, 2016, 10:47:32 AM »
the fat dwarf

*Puts down turret*
*goes afk*
*come back 10 minutes later*
"Oh look I got 50 kills and POTG"

Gaming / Re: Your Overwatch waifu?
« on: May 24, 2016, 10:38:51 AM »
Road hog

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: May 24, 2016, 08:48:47 AM »
I wish my laptop could run this without experiencing nuclear meltdown

me irl

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 23, 2016, 10:28:37 PM »
I redeemed my Widowmaker pre-order skin on my old and outdated account due to Blizzard having the STUPID policy of a one time name change. It was like in 2006 the last time I used it for WoW, so naturally it was something random I hated.

So I made a new account and sadly, didn't log in with that one due to auto login, so yeah. Screwed and on support chat now.
that skin sucks anyway

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 23, 2016, 06:46:03 PM »
Already got a POTG and commended for a pharah game lets go

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 23, 2016, 06:15:56 PM »
Alright it's been 15 minutes uninstalling and refunding

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 23, 2016, 06:01:47 PM »
*spams press a to play*

The Flood / Re: Why are certain drugs banned for medical use?
« on: May 23, 2016, 05:52:49 PM »
No substance should be illegal for consumption, period. Regulations and labelling laws are essential, but if a person is willingly and knowingly putting something into their own body, it's immoral for the government to prohibit that.
remember that time the person on bath salts ate somebody?


Gaming / Re: difficulty in games
« on: May 23, 2016, 05:51:12 PM »
personally i think games should only have 2 difficulty modes (the normal difficulty and some kind of hardcore mode that adds mechanics/ removes crutches) and they should always be available from the start
I also feel harder difficulties shouldn't just be enemies deal more damage/they are bullet sponges.

I feel that's super lazy.
exactly I hate that shit.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 23, 2016, 11:23:27 AM »
If you're not on PC then....

Well fuck you normie.

Why play a shooter on PC when you can get the same experience from cookie clicker

Isn't it inherently sexist to disregard or think less of somebodies opinion because of their gender?
I think it's sexist in the same way that dividing men and women at the Olympics is sexist. You could argue that it's sexist, but it's also fair, because women would get wrecked in every single event, because men are just more physically able than women are, as a biological fact.

It's also a biological fact that cisgendered men have never been cisgendered women, and therefore cannot know what it's like to be pregnant. Some might find it silly for someone to have an opinion on pregnancy when they haven't been pregnant themselves, or don't even have the ability to become pregnant.

I'm sure there's better examples out there--that's why I made the thread.
I've asked that question many times and this is the best answer I've ever gotten

The Flood / Re: Favorite bands/artists that you've seen live
« on: May 23, 2016, 10:34:00 AM »
I made basically this thread yesterday
great minds think alike ✌🏼️
Tru tru

But to answe the question of the thread the most fun show I've been to was this little know rapper named super duper kyle who was opening for a hoodie Allen concert I took my girlfriend too. I had heard a couple of this guys songs before and kinda liked him but once he was on stage his show was just so much fucking fun. He had so much energy and literally crowd surfed (like he actually brought out a surfboard), he did te fusion dance with one of the guys on stage, it was just a lot a fun despite the music being nothing spectacular.

The worst concert I've ever been to was fetty wap like I think that guy is actually retarded
it's definitely a great feeling when some relatively unknown artists opens a concert, kills it, and inevitably sets the tone for the rest of the night. at the 3-day fest where i saw Bassnectar, this white Jewish rapper named Lil Dicky kicked off the festival in some serious style. all the people i was talking to around me had never heard of this guy before and he comes out and gets everyone dancing and going crazy for his songs, shit was so surreal.

and funnily enough, Fetty Wap was actually scheduled to perform at this same festival but something happened with his flight or some shit and he ended up cancelling his set. so glad he did though because Kill The Noise ended up filling in for him anyway
fetty had some stupid lip syncing hoe open for him and the once he came on (an hour late) he didn't even fucking rap his own songs they were just playing and he would say the last word of the line every once in awhile

I bet it was Glenn who died

Isn't it inherently sexist to disregard or think less of somebodies opinion because of their gender?

The Flood / Re: Favorite bands/artists that you've seen live
« on: May 23, 2016, 10:10:30 AM »
I made basically this thread yesterday
great minds think alike ✌🏼️
Tru tru

But to answe the question of the thread the most fun show I've been to was this little know rapper named super duper kyle who was opening for a hoodie Allen concert I took my girlfriend too. I had heard a couple of this guys songs before and kinda liked him but once he was on stage his show was just so much fucking fun. He had so much energy and literally crowd surfed (like he actually brought out a surfboard), he did te fusion dance with one of the guys on stage, it was just a lot a fun despite the music being nothing spectacular.

The worst concert I've ever been to was fetty wap like I think that guy is actually retarded

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 23, 2016, 09:40:47 AM »
What consoles are you nerds playing on

The Flood / Re: Favorite bands/artists that you've seen live
« on: May 23, 2016, 09:39:00 AM »
I made basically this thread yesterday

The Flood / Re: "Ver-bae-tum" or "Ver-buh-tim"?
« on: May 23, 2016, 07:35:43 AM »
How the fuck have people never heard the word verbatim before

The Flood / Re: I saw Zootopia today
« on: May 23, 2016, 07:33:52 AM »
I pass that test in advance, you have issues, Who

Um fuck you
what happened to Dissonance?

He comes and goes with the tide
like a pregnant turtle, cool
this is the first thing youve ever said that has made me actually laugh
It used to be like this all the time but this place developed a hyper-aggressive 'sense of humour' and it beat a lot of the fun out of me, people seem to be getting bored of it now and/or realising how stupid it makes them look and act... a few months ago I would've made that joke and half a dozen posters would've instantly jumped on referencing my suicide attempt by telling me to jump into traffic, just because I looked like I was enjoying myself,  just because they created this whole mythical universe of faults and reasons to hate me which when boiled away probably just leaves jealousy or some such childish issue. But they've backed off and I'm loosening up again so things are looking up. I think they may be simply maturing. Apart from challenger who's senile with real depravity.

tl;dr Blame the kids and the tards if you wanted more funnies from me.

Dude stop

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 22, 2016, 11:59:53 PM »
"Get off my lawn."

did you see the last cinematic?

he beats the shit out of a guy with a burning pinata

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