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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 125126127 128129 ... 353
The Flood / Re: is back up
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:46:03 PM »
is anyone using it

The Flood / If you can't swim
« on: May 31, 2016, 09:59:44 PM »
Drown yourself

This is why you don't use mobile.
because you don't have a phone

The Flood / Re: What's your ringtone?
« on: May 31, 2016, 09:55:23 PM »
Fucking lol Jake doesn't have a phone and he wonders why he's never had a job or contributed to society.
i have a landline and an e-mail

literally all you need
It really depends on how busy a person you are. Sometimes you've got be able to be reached when ever.
but he has no job and is afraid to drive so why would he need a cell phone

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Trading+ Battling Center + Discussion
« on: May 31, 2016, 02:22:01 PM »
Hello, my esteemed American friends. As a poor European who is currently being denied access to the US-only Shiny Xerneas and Yveltal event, I was wondering if someone with multiple games / systems has a spare to share. Yveltal is one of my favorite shinies, so that would be pretty great.
Shiny Yveltal looks like bacon
I'm McLoving it.

I can hook U up
That'd be great. Anything you want in return? I doubt I have much or anything you don't already have, as Europe always gets screwed over when it comes to stuff like this.
no  i don't need anything in return, but my internet just went out so I may have to give it to you tomorrow or later tonight whenever it gets fixed
Sweet, thanks. Just let me know whenever. I hate missing out on this event, so it would be great if you have any spares.
had some pretty serious electrical problems but they got fixed yesterday as I'm now the proud owner of a few shiny yvetal. Sadly I missed it's shiny deer counterpart. I'm off work in like 5 hours and off tomorrow so let me know when you wanna trade

The Flood / Re: My phone demands I have emoji downloaded
« on: May 31, 2016, 02:16:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: I hate sponge bob
« on: May 30, 2016, 11:35:04 PM »

This is a godsend actually
I'll send you icebreaker questions  everyday for the low price of 19 Canadian pesos a week


nobody noticed the title says 32 but theres really 31 or that i repeated one of the numbers
We all noticed but nobody said anything because it literally doesn't matter.
go back to prison furry scum
Wow, the warden was right, you aren't cool anymore.
vintage meme

This is a godsend actually
I'll send you icebreaker questions  everyday for the low price of 19 Canadian pesos a week


nobody noticed the title says 32 but theres really 31 or that i repeated one of the numbers
We all noticed but nobody said anything because it literally doesn't matter.
go back to prison furry scum

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post Things That Would Impress Any Woman.
« on: May 30, 2016, 11:20:49 PM »

this was the most busted shit in all of yu gi oh as a kid

This is a godsend actually
I'll send you icebreaker questions  everyday for the low price of 19 Canadian pesos a week


nobody noticed the title says 32 but theres really 31 or that i repeated one of the numbers

This isn't a business.

could be easily regulated

You recognize that it's intangible as a business, and yet you say it's easily regulated. There's no incorporation, no legal basis for the woman's income, no legal precedent for this, and it's not -- as you keep asserting -- simple prostitution. The closest it amounts to is some hybrid of indentured servitude and prostitution.
ok you're blatantly not reading my posts

ChallengedX calling somebody else immature that's fucking gold

how is being a prostitute more dangerous or morally wrong than being a porn star
It's all wrong and disgusting.
sadly we cant make all things that some random dude on the internet thinks are wrong and disgusting illegal.
Sadly we can't pay attention to an immature and shortsighted individual who

1. Thinks my views are only mine and aren't shared by millions of people
2. Takes no external factors and consequences into the equation
3. Victim blames

Sorry pal :(

>calling me a victim blamer

These girls are literally choosing to have sex with strangers because they're too stupid to lazy to get scholarships or jobs to go to college and choose 50,000 dollar a year colleges. They aren't victims they're  idiots

You've proven you're absolutely brain dead on multiple occasions so sorry I don't take you seriously lol

these girls are basically dating somebody who they know only wants them for sex. If they get hurt its their fault.

Okay, so you're admitting that there's ostensibly no way to regulate this business and that it's very open to abuse?

Hey Class, should bosses be legally allowed to fuck their employees? Or teachers/students? Presidents/interns? Cops/suspects?
that's literally not what I said at all. This isn't a business. This a chick fucking some dude so he pays for her shit. It's been going on forever. Prostitution (the career in which sex in exchange for money) could be easily regulated

how is being a prostitute more dangerous or morally wrong than being a porn star
It's all wrong and disgusting.
sadly we cant make all things that some random dude on the internet thinks are wrong and disgusting illegal.

licensed businesses with proper security and protocols it would be fine.

What does this even mean? A business would monitor their entire lives 24/7 and make sure the client isn't abusive? The article describes it as "prostitution light", but it's far more significant than prostitution because it involves a continuous relationship (and sometimes cohabitation) instead of just sex.

Prostitution can (and is, in some places) regulated.
Stripping is regulated.
Porn and cam work is regulated.

Also, sugar daddying isn't illegal. It would only be illegal if they were explicitly exchanging money for sex, which isn't the case. There's basically no way to regulate it without forcing it to become prostitution.
they would only have clients at work, like strippers. why would they need monitored 24/7

Im talking about prostitution. these girls are basically dating somebody who they know only wants them for sex. If they get hurt its their fault. If prostitution was legal they could do that instead, or (this might be mind blowing) pay for college like everyone else.

« on: May 30, 2016, 07:10:04 PM »
oh no
i remember you used to say picking more than one avatar was retarded and if you used a picture other than one you took or made you were retarded
i have no recollection of that

what i've said before is that i don't like when people change their avatars too frequently--just pick one and stick with it

signavatar is fine though

or you're just making up shit, which seems far more likely
lol ok my friend

It's ripe for predation and abuse, and unlike other sex work it's completely unable to be regulated.
because its illegal

if it was legalized and allowed in licensed businesses with proper security and protocols it would be fine.

« on: May 30, 2016, 07:07:13 PM »
oh no
i remember you used to say picking more than one avatar was retarded and if you used a picture other than one you took or made you were retarded
i have no recollection of that

what i've said before is that i don't like when people change their avatars too frequently--just pick one and stick with it

signavatar is fine though

how is being a prostitute more dangerous or morally wrong than being a porn star

« on: May 30, 2016, 07:01:27 PM »
oh no

i remember you used to say picking more than one avatar was retarded and if you used a picture other than one you took or made you were retarded

Doesn't matter, there's nothing wrong with prostitution.
Except it's digesting and degrading and no decent woman wants to do it.
Except that doesn't matter. Saying that women aren't allowed to choose what to do with their own bodies is far more degrading.
I like how you assume to know the motives and emotions of every woman

Doesn't matter, there's nothing wrong with prostitution.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 30, 2016, 05:14:41 PM »
My friend got the Sigrun skin for Mercy

I hate him so much
I got Anubis Pharah yesterday and I was hype

The Flood / Re: You can kill one person in history...
« on: May 30, 2016, 05:12:54 PM »
If my existence would be ended anyway I would probably kill my father before he ever met my mother

The Flood / I hate sponge bob
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:30:55 PM »
And spongebob memes

The Flood / Re: You can kill one person in history...
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:25:23 PM »
Kill Jesus, end the meme once and for all.
I mean isn't that what started the meme in the first place

Serious / Re: So about this whole Cincinnati Zoo thing
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:14:59 PM »
They should have let the gorilla kill the kid and then tossed him the parents as well.

The Flood / Re: You can kill one person in history...
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:10:49 PM »
That guy who discovered America - just to see what would become of the Indians.
you know like more than one person sailed over here right

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