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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 111112113 114115 ... 353
The Flood / Re: These sorts of images should be illegal.
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:54:11 PM »
He tries soooooo hard

The Flood / Re: tru sucks
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:46:34 PM »
shut the fuck up

lol didn't open them

The Flood / Re: tru sucks
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:33:52 PM »
shut the fuck up

The Flood / Re: tru sucks
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:27:33 PM »
You mean to say my own actions fornicated with my wife in front of me

Deci I cannot recover from this emotional blow you have dealt me

The Flood / Re: tru sucks
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:25:11 PM »
Fuck I deleted the note that had decis rant about sueing cheat lol

The Flood / Re: tru sucks
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:22:31 PM »
Let's dance

The Flood / Re: I fucking HATE when people do this.
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:21:51 PM »
this thread was a mistake it's nothing but trash

The Flood / Re: I won't get it by Father's Day, will I?
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:18:17 PM »
Stop saying cuck

Gaming / Re: You must build a team using 6 of these Pokemon...
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:17:20 PM »
Why is birdhouse so fucking funny to me

Gaming / Re: You must build a team using 6 of these Pokemon...
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:11:55 PM »

And my personal favorite

The Flood / Re: tru sucks
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:44:22 PM »
Shut the fuck up deci

Year of The Dragon is objectively, the best Spyro. Fuck you all.

I like the first game better. That whole game was my childhood in 1998.
wait how old are you

Seems like a whole lot of cinematic, well-written games that'll probably just end up being gritty third-person shooters between cutscenes.
Most aren't.

Spiderman is open world, Horizon is open world, The Last Guardian will be open like SoC, Days Gone is open world. The only one that may be some cinematic third person shooter is Kojima's game really.
Was Days Gone confrimed for open world? It gave me more of a Last of Us cinimatic linear feel.
It showed me how not to shoot in that situation.
it was confirmed to be a big open world, and your motorcycle will feel like roach in the witcher 3.

It seemed linear but they did a second play through were he went a compel you different route (still ended up on top of the same structure) and they said it's definitely open world but has very carefully designed areas.

They also basically said "no you're dumb" when asked if it was like the last of us. You'll have a fuckton of bullets to kill a fuckton of "freakers"(they didn't have an infinite ammo mode turned on for the demo, he actually was carrying like 600 billets)

Freaker is a retarded name for zombies

Gaming / Re: Sea of Thieves thread
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:00:42 PM »
This is very cool. I didn't know the world would be so big.
he gave the classic "if you can see it on the horizon, you can go there" response to how big it is

I've heard that one before

Gaming / Re: Whiteflame @ E3 2016 (temporarily back!)
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:38:51 PM »

Gaming / Sea of Thieves thread
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:30:55 PM »
Pretty cool seeming game allegedly coming out at the start of 2017.
Here's everything I've compiled from various e3 interviews

The world:
-Its shared world a la destiny or the division. You'll come across other ships but you won't be crowded out like an mmo
-won't comment on specifics size but their goal is for it to be massive and no load screens or servers
-there won't be NPC ships but there may be NPCs at ports and stuff
-there will be quests, not all of them will be combat based
-there's bars, musical instruments, and "tools" for players to create their own bar games

-their will be a gold economy that you can find in treasure, sell artifacts, and steal from other players
- player progression won't be commented on
-player and ship customization (both cosmetic and functional) is confirmed

Other shit I don't feel like formatting
-confirmed weapons are swords and blunderbuss, but they were turned off during the e3 demo
- there will be giant monsters to face, one example being a kraken
-we will hear about the beta "soon"

Gaming / Re: Nier won E3
« on: June 16, 2016, 12:55:09 PM »
Stupid weeb trash

The Flood / Re: Shake Shack coupon
« on: June 16, 2016, 12:08:28 PM »
Throw it away?

The Flood / Re: sup
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:59:07 AM »
I can't sleep plus I'm bored.  I tried falling asleep, but I just got irritated over my braces instead.

PM me some pics. Braces are my fetish
Naw my teeth are pretty fucked. Braces for two years and no change that I can see. Not fetish worthy.

Uh, that's my exact fetish. I don't dig braces because they straighten teeth, I dig em because they're on crooked teeth.
My teeth aren't crooked tho.  I have an over bite that they're supposed top fix.  But even my dentist is questioning what my orthodontist is doing
I'm speaking from experience here, get a second opinion on your teeth. I had a orthodontists put braces on me 2 years and fuck up my already fucked up bite, which long story short resulted in me needing a major surgery

If this is successful I wonder if activision will do the same thing with spyro

Seems like a whole lot of cinematic, well-written games that'll probably just end up being gritty third-person shooters between cutscenes.
Most aren't.

Spiderman is open world, Horizon is open world, The Last Guardian will be open like SoC, Days Gone is open world. The only one that may be some cinematic third person shooter is Kojima's game really.
you forgot the most important game, crash bandicoot 2, isn't a tps

Gaming / Re: Whiteflame @ E3 2016 (temporarily back!)
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:43:47 AM »
These people probably see hundreds and hundreds of aspiring game journalists and designers during e3. I doubt it's that great for networking, none of these people probably remember who you are 5 minutes later. It's not like you're getting their personal contact info or an in for a job interview
Actually developers love meeting aspiring game devs and people here. Got burnie's info, capcom lead artists info, IW devs info. In fact we had a good conversation about creating modern warfare and we were talking to the guy who made all ghillied up who now works on the Titanfall two team. Trust me devs are just as interested to talk to others as a young game dev is. It is a very nice community. Much nicer than the online game community haha

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
that's cool as fuck actually

Gaming / Re: Whiteflame @ E3 2016 (temporarily back!)
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:35:30 AM »
These people probably see hundreds and hundreds of aspiring game journalists and designers during e3. I doubt it's that great for networking, none of these people probably remember who you are 5 minutes later. It's not like you're getting their personal contact info or an in for a job interview

Gaming / Re: French forces will be premium DLC for Battlefield 1
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:32:28 AM »
People said that Second Assault should have been in the launch of BF4, people said the same about China Rising because it was free if you pre-ordered.

6 Factions is still twice as many as the BF4 and three times as many as BF3, so I'm not surprised they are using other factions as DLC rather than including all 11 or so at launch.

My only raised eyebrow is why they chose to make the frogs DLC rather than the Italians or the knock-off krauts austrians.

Bongs, Krauts, Austrians, Italians, Kebabs and Yanks is still a pretty good lineup


Gaming / Re: Whiteflame @ E3 2016 (temporarily back!)
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:30:56 AM »
Sure sounds awsome
It is beautiful in 4K, Cross play is seamless in a live Demo. It is very pretty and Dialogue flows really well! They were playing the Xbox version on the S and it had no issues, though I did notice in the night it is a bit more blue and lit up on Xbox than PC

I also got a shirt. It is comfy.
hey thanks for doing this its cool to get a perspective that isn't a paid journalist

Also have you been to the naughty America booty :^)
>Sees this post
>can't help but think of a racist response

I have been around a lot of North America but getting around is always a hassle since I was born Australian. Hoping to go to more southern countries after I return from Africa.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
holy fuck that was supposed to say booth not booty

There's a VR porn booth at least there was yesterday

The Flood / Re: I just realized something
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:55:01 AM »

Gaming / Re: French forces will be premium DLC for Battlefield 1
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:25:23 AM »

The Flood / Re: You shouldn't be allowed to post here if
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:22:12 AM »
You don't have at least 1 perma banned account on
I have had 2 bans, and pissed of numerous members of the Web Team, even Achronos, and the majority of Ninjas. I think that is sufficient.

The Flood / Re: Do you think marriage would work out for you?
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:21:27 AM »
So many weirdos here who don't want to get married

The Flood / Re: You shouldn't be allowed to post here if
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:19:53 AM »
I don't think I was ever perma'd, but I did get banned a shitload of times though, the longest being like 6 months for a parody thread. I don't think I can even go back there now anyway. I don't own Destishit.
sorry you have to leave

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