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Messages - Tyger

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The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:28:27 PM »
Hit me with your best shot!
you seem like a genuinely nice person. Not just cordial but like actually nice. we should play vidya sometime

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:18:53 PM »
sorry my friend I dont really know you.
That's fine.
your best quality is that youre accepting of the fact that I cant give you a good answer

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:15:53 PM »
Anyone PS4 Overwatch here? I'm going yo try it out next week and if I like it I'll need people to play with.

overwatch is super fun but sadly I have it on xboner

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:14:19 PM »
sorry my friend I dont really know you.

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:13:39 PM »
you have good iberian genes and good taste in puppers

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:06:36 PM »

you have 8000+ posts and i can only remember memes

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:05:50 PM »
When did I rekt lemon?

Honestly all that really comes to mind is you rekting lemon a few times which is funny
I dont think we've ever really interacted

actually i have a better answer

Youre a calm person and know how to take a joke really well

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:02:39 PM »
niggers tongue my anus
you called me immature and i cried myself to sleep every night since then

so you should be proud of that

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:57:41 PM »
Youre a super chill individual and on you were one of the first users I thought was cool and I remember that flood fan fic story written with you as one of the lead characters

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:55:36 PM »
When did I rekt lemon?

Honestly all that really comes to mind is you rekting lemon a few times which is funny
I dont think we've ever really interacted
I dont remember exactly but lemon would act like an ass to you and you would reply calmly and that would agitate him more than anything.

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:53:23 PM »
this should be extremely difficult for you

if you do not take at least thirty minutes, you did not put enough thought into it

You can actually be hilarious when you want to be. Despite being extremely headstrong and set in your beliefs I actually think you're probably one of the smartest users here.

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:49:10 PM »
Tigger is better

I honestly cant think of anything particularly good or bad about you. Your D4C username is super memorable and I know youve been around but I cant think of anything to say. sorry friend :/

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:47:02 PM »
Da fuq you skipped me!
im not going in order at all lol I'll get to everyone

Honestly all that really comes to mind is you rekting lemon a few times which is funny
I dont think we've ever really interacted

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:40:36 PM »
Youre a nice guy and one of the first people on that I liked

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:39:28 PM »
cum in my ass
youre the king of memes. Everyone elses meme collection pale in comparison.While you post a lot of silly stuff youre actually nice to have a conversation too.

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:34:30 PM »
i love you
you play league of lesbeins with me and didnt flame me for sucking complete dick. Youre a very active user and i cant think of anything bad about you

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:33:21 PM »
You're a very driven individual and the ability to set goals for yourself and work hard to reach those goals is an admirable quality
thanks Tyler
i take it back

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:29:46 PM »
You've peaked my curiosity.
you have a good sense of community and don't complain or like complaining about Minor things

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:25:44 PM »
You're a very driven individual and the ability to set goals for yourself and work hard to reach those goals is an admirable quality

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:23:36 PM »
you have good taste in games and seem to get along with most people

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:20:37 PM »
No Volksgrenadiers. They cannot swim.
your funny as fuck and have the ideal views on racial equality

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:16:21 PM »

You let me be president of my own club and your alternative lifestyle choices sparks many great debates and cause massive amounts of butthurt

The Flood / Re: thread title that implies I'm demeaning another user
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:03:27 PM »
This is old
this trend of "tru sucks, JK IM TALKING ABOUT A TOY STORE" is new
I invented it
and this is why you're the president of the 1 club

The Flood / Re: Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:03:04 PM »
can you make an exception for me and do the opposite

The Flood / Re: thread title that implies I'm demeaning another user
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:01:39 PM »
This is old
this trend of "tru sucks, JK IM TALKING ABOUT A TOY STORE" is new
I invented it

The Flood / Comment and I'll say the best thing about you
« on: June 17, 2016, 07:59:18 PM »
Tits for refs

The Flood / Re: thread title that implies I'm demeaning another user
« on: June 17, 2016, 07:58:02 PM »
This is old

Gaming / Re: Sea of Thieves: Find a friend?
« on: June 17, 2016, 07:22:29 PM »
17/06/2016 update:
Sure, Tyger made a thread, but I feel as though it was lacking in hype, and was more about info

Thanks buddy

The Flood / Re: Catzilla sucks
« on: June 17, 2016, 07:17:59 PM »
It's was kat Kong you fucking retard

The Flood / Re: Made a potential mistake a few days ago.
« on: June 17, 2016, 03:24:06 PM »
If she'll do it once she'll do it again. It might be nice to hang out with her catch up, but I wouldn't engage in a serious relationship.

Maybe ask yourself why you feel like you need a girl? You said taking a break from girls made you miserable by why is that? You can't just say "no girls allowed" and sit around feeling lonely. If you have no sense of self fulfillment it makes it much harder to feel fulfilled by others (not sure if that's good word choice but whatever you can probably get this jist)

99% if what I say on this forum is bullshit, fucking around, or trolling but I'm 100% serious when I say a qt girlfiend won't magically make you not a miserable fuck if on the inside you're a miserable fuck.

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