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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 959697 9899 ... 353
Gaming / Re: Games that are better on controller
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:48:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: GoT Season Finale discussion thread
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:27:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: GoT Season Finale discussion thread
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:21:50 PM »
lol get dicked kings landing

The Flood / I heard a kid call his brother a "wetback spic" today
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:27:51 PM »
they were both black

The Flood / Re: is height reduction surgery an actual thing?
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:23:00 PM »
cut your head off you'll be shorter

you don't use it anyway

Gaming / Re: Games that are better on controller
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:21:00 PM »
you actually have to have some hand eye coordination to play on a console
which is why they have auto aim on console to compensate for the imprecision that is the analog stick

stop this madness
yeah no one uses autoaim except for scrubs

he means aim assist and bullet magnetism which is in like every console shooter

Gaming / Re: Games that are better on controller
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:17:20 PM »
shooters on console are casual as fuck tho for real

that's why I play them there

Gaming / Re: Games that are better on controller
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:12:29 PM »
FPS games

fuck that wasd movement shit

and mouse makes it too easy to kill people, you're just pointing and clicking

controller actually makes you aim
This nigga serious?
FPS games on the computer are in easy mode

see someone? move your mouse over to him instantly

you actually have to have some hand eye coordination to play on a console
literally cookie clicker tbh

The Flood / Re: I've seen so many old photos/videos...
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:06:35 PM »
can you prove it WASN'T black and white back then?

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:05:39 PM »
How different in the game on consoles exactly? Can't you just counter it with a Widowmaker or something?
the real problem is that the turrets instantly target and a controller is just too slow to keep up with it, where as you can target a mouse super quickly. His winrate is retarded on console and significantly lower on PC.

Gaming / Re: Games that are better on controller
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:01:17 PM »
RTS games and MMOs

The Flood / Re: rip sep7agone
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:36:54 PM »

Serious / Re: Shortage of gibs in America?
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:22:58 PM »
Besides $29 gets you 29 packets of ramen

Serious / Re: Shortage of gibs in America?
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:21:04 PM »
Lmao they don't give you $29 a week
Unless your an able bodied person living in a home by yourself barely qualifying for the program.

What bullshit and there was a time when my family was on SNAP

The Flood / Re: Cheat is holding back on us
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:08:33 PM »

Shut the fuck up deci

Gaming / Re: DOOM reboot / sequel?
« on: June 26, 2016, 05:20:31 PM »
Rage is just a discount fallout

The Flood / Re: Important philosophical question
« on: June 26, 2016, 09:35:38 AM »
depends what is defined as better.

more fish? bigger fish? more efficient?
that's what I'm asking you

Neither are when big government comes to take their fish and give them to those who did not go fishing
the top 1% has too many fish

The Flood / This is how the Game of Thrones finale will end
« on: June 26, 2016, 09:17:40 AM »
Jon, Sansa, Davos, Tormund, Brienne, Lady Mormont, and Bran are dragged in front of the Night's King in a dimly lit forest. Other white walkers and an army of wights stand around them.

"Which one of you pricks is the leader?

I am the Night's King, and I do not appreciate you killing my brother, also when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my brother, you killed more of my people. Not cool! Not cool. You have no idea how not cool that shit is but I think you’re going to be up to speed shortly."

[To Jon, about Bran] "This is your brother ain’t it. This is definitely your brother. Do you not make me kill the future serial killer, don’t make it easier on me. I have got to pick somebody.

I simply cannot decide. I got an idea. Eeny, meeny, miny, mo, catch a dragon by his toe, if he hollers, let him go, my mother told me to pick the very best one, and you are it."

The Night's King draws his ice sword

"Anybody moves, anybody says anything cut the cripples fingers off and feed it to his brother and then we’ll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry, hell you are all going to be doing that."

The NK brings the sword down in a high arc, and the screen cuts to black as we here screams from the group

And Meera is Jon's twin sister. At the tower of joy Howland and Ned both each took a baby.
Meera and Jon both look alike and they were both supposedly born on the year that Lyanna died.
how very star wars

Also in the books meera and Jon don't look alike at all. She has brown hair and green eyes (if she was targaryean/stark she would have purple or grey eyes)

I also think if Ned told anybody he might have told Benjin.
Ned was supporting him in joining the Nights Watch and nobody except TL told him the truth about it. I'm thinking Ned was supporting him in joining it not due to the North thinking it has honor, but because it would keep Jon safe if his secret got found out.
When Jon says he doesn't care about never having kids Benjin replied "you might if you knew what that meant"
I don't know if it's in the 5th book but for the show Aemon says "A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing" I know he was being read a message about Danny but he looked over at Jon when he ended that line. It's safe to say that line was meant for Jon as well due to the other past things.
I thought that was more about Aemon being alone in the world and pretty depressed about his family being systematically slaughtered, thinking he was the last one alive.

The Flood / Important philosophical question
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:23:00 AM »
Person A and person B are fishing together.
Person A catches 4 fish, all about the same size.
Person B catches 2 fish, but they were twice as big as person A's fish.

Who's the better fishermen?

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:16:13 AM »

The Flood / Re: 2000 Years From Now...
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:08:06 AM »
People will uncover this marble carving and wonder how we truly stuck it to the EPA.


I also think if Ned told anybody he might have told Benjin.

When Jon says he doesn't care about never having kids Benjin replied "you might if you knew what that meant"

I honestly hate R+L=J and hope it's not true

But it probably is

The Flood / Re: mad as fuck
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:02:02 AM »
Lol didn't you fuck some marines gf while he was deployed?

The Flood / Re: What do I do
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:52:11 AM »
Don't worry Luci you'll be fine, I got bit by a spider 2 months ago and all that happened was I got one of my eyes and hand swelled up and felt excruciating pain where it bit me, It'll be a-ok
Try being bitten by Brown Recluses. I saw my brother's arm rot from the shit. I've also had black widows right next to the window with 20 something egg sacks that I've had to kill. You can't squish the egg sacks because they'll all just come pouring out. Babies aren't able to regulate how much poison they release.
I think that was what bit me
you would know

You know, there are ways to treat the bite so it doesn't get that bad.
I know but I wanted to post that picture

The Flood / Re: What do I do
« on: June 25, 2016, 11:23:22 PM »
Don't worry Luci you'll be fine, I got bit by a spider 2 months ago and all that happened was I got one of my eyes and hand swelled up and felt excruciating pain where it bit me, It'll be a-ok
Try being bitten by Brown Recluses. I saw my brother's arm rot from the shit. I've also had black widows right next to the window with 20 something egg sacks that I've had to kill. You can't squish the egg sacks because they'll all just come pouring out. Babies aren't able to regulate how much poison they release.
I think that was what bit me
you would know

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: June 25, 2016, 11:20:07 PM »
Learn to parry you fucking shitter

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