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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 353
The Flood / Re: The shocking truth about Donald Trump
« on: September 16, 2016, 08:43:56 PM »
There's a picture going around of Trump's son with a gun standing in front of a dead triceratops and Libtards think its real
It is real

He should be commended for advancing science and helping thin the pack of degenerates.

It was a desert region so they were probably Islamic so it's morally good to kill them (intentionally or otherwise)

Serious / Re: List of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary and Bill Clinton
« on: September 16, 2016, 03:28:01 PM »
I think it's more disturbing that there are actually people that exist who support her.
I think people say the same for Trump

and then you realize whoever wins, we all lose
whos death is tied to trump?
his voters

i mean, you're braindead if you're a trump supporter--that's close enough, right
says the socially retarded failed English major with a sex phobia who's also afraid to drive
says the ex-commie (((anglo))) with a drug habit who can't own guns
Dude, what?

You're replying to Tyger, not me.
yeah I'm none of those things

Serious / Re: List of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary and Bill Clinton
« on: September 16, 2016, 10:08:36 AM »
9/11 was an inside job
no fun allowed this is serious

Serious / Re: List of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary and Bill Clinton
« on: September 16, 2016, 08:40:21 AM »
Also >serious

People post memes and shit here all the time

All of those things I said were blatantly untrue I wasn't actually attacking him, which I'm glad at least verb put together

Serious / Re: List of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary and Bill Clinton
« on: September 16, 2016, 08:37:19 AM »
I think it's more disturbing that there are actually people that exist who support her.
I think people say the same for Trump

and then you realize whoever wins, we all lose
whos death is tied to trump?
his voters

i mean, you're braindead if you're a trump supporter--that's close enough, right
says the socially retarded failed English major with a sex phobia who's also afraid to drive
Calm yourself, spaz.
no name calling this is a serious thread

Jesus youre a mod you should know the fucking rules

Serious / Re: List of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary and Bill Clinton
« on: September 16, 2016, 12:13:30 AM »
I think it's more disturbing that there are actually people that exist who support her.
I think people say the same for Trump

and then you realize whoever wins, we all lose
whos death is tied to trump?
his voters

i mean, you're braindead if you're a trump supporter--that's close enough, right
says the socially retarded failed English major with a sex phobia who's also afraid to drive
says the ex-commie (((anglo))) with a drug habit who can't own guns
you have me confused with somebody else I think...

Besides I wasn't serious

Serious / Re: List of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary and Bill Clinton
« on: September 16, 2016, 12:06:32 AM »
I think it's more disturbing that there are actually people that exist who support her.
I think people say the same for Trump

and then you realize whoever wins, we all lose
whos death is tied to trump?
his voters

i mean, you're braindead if you're a trump supporter--that's close enough, right
says the socially retarded failed English major with a sex phobia who's also afraid to drive

Serious / Re: List of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary and Bill Clinton
« on: September 15, 2016, 11:33:11 PM »
I think it's more disturbing that there are actually people that exist who support her.
I think people say the same for Trump

and then you realize whoever wins, we all lose
whos death is tied to trump?

The Flood / Re: I might adopt some kid when I'm 25
« on: September 15, 2016, 03:30:23 PM »

Have you seen what happens to kids who don't get adopted? I understand you're antinatalist and all that, but these kids are already born. The least we could do is give them a good home.
Challenger I'm not saying we shouldn't adopt kids--I'm just questioning why anyone would even want to be a parent in the first place.
because we're biologically hardwired to want to breed and care for young humans. These urges are just stronger in some people than others.

You have to know that it's the biggest responsibility you could ever have--and one fuck up can change your kid's life forever. Now why would anybody want that on their ass?
some people lack self awareness to ever realize they could possibly be anything but a perfect parent

The Flood / Re: I might adopt some kid when I'm 25
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:18:27 PM »
You're way too retarded to raise a child
Yeah, you're right. Better let a child abuser or a child rapist get the child instead. I mean, hey, that's only reasonable, right? Or maybe it's better to let the child stay in the adoption center contemplating their worth in life for the rest of their life since nobody wants them.
you can't stay in an "adoption center" your whole life
Dude, think before you post.
I would say the same to you but I believe you're actually incapable of rational thought
Well at least I'm not as dense as a black hole, unlike you.
idk you're pretty fat from all that candy
It's called exercising, it allows you to eat candy, cakes, and pizzas without gaining weight or looking bad. You know, you should try it. It'd benefit you.
stop talking to yourself fatty see this is exactly why you don't need a kid

The Flood / Re: I might adopt some kid when I'm 25
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:05:51 PM »
You're way too retarded to raise a child
Yeah, you're right. Better let a child abuser or a child rapist get the child instead. I mean, hey, that's only reasonable, right? Or maybe it's better to let the child stay in the adoption center contemplating their worth in life for the rest of their life since nobody wants them.
you can't stay in an "adoption center" your whole life
Dude, think before you post.
I would say the same to you but I believe you're actually incapable of rational thought
Well at least I'm not as dense as a black hole, unlike you.
idk you're pretty fat from all that candy

The Flood / Re: I might adopt some kid when I'm 25
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:03:56 PM »
You're way too retarded to raise a child
Yeah, you're right. Better let a child abuser or a child rapist get the child instead. I mean, hey, that's only reasonable, right? Or maybe it's better to let the child stay in the adoption center contemplating their worth in life for the rest of their life since nobody wants them.
you can't stay in an "adoption center" your whole life
Dude, think before you post.
I would say the same to you but I believe you're actually incapable of rational thought

The Flood / Re: I might adopt some kid when I'm 25
« on: September 15, 2016, 01:39:31 PM »
You're way too retarded to raise a child
Yeah, you're right. Better let a child abuser or a child rapist get the child instead. I mean, hey, that's only reasonable, right? Or maybe it's better to let the child stay in the adoption center contemplating their worth in life for the rest of their life since nobody wants them.
you can't stay in an "adoption center" your whole life

The Flood / Re: I might adopt some kid when I'm 25
« on: September 15, 2016, 01:34:50 PM »
You're way too retarded to raise a child

The Flood / Re: license suspended, car impounded
« on: September 15, 2016, 11:22:54 AM »
Shoulda just ran from the cops

The Flood / Re: sup lozers
« on: September 14, 2016, 06:56:43 PM »
Didn't you die

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: September 14, 2016, 06:29:19 PM »
It's a shame PC doesn't let you record quick clips or automatically save the last game. So many good moments lost. Just had one of my favorite plays since I started playing. Fucked over a Genji who triggered his ult at me when I was Pharah by just bouncing him around with perfect rockets and that one orb move. I jumped down the building backwards and landed a beautiful direct air rocket as he tried chasing me down. 5 seconds later, as soon as he got done watching the kill cam, the guy left the game instantly. Wish I could've gotten a recording of that one.

Pharah is turning into one of my favorite heroes due to how similar the rockets are to Quake. I've got them down pretty well.
console master race

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: September 14, 2016, 06:28:51 PM »
Btw Boss.

Make sure to turn on the kill feed, very useful

I personally find turning on Allies health bars on all characters super useful too

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Thread (New Sun and Moon Pokemon revealed!)
« on: September 14, 2016, 04:45:48 PM »
So far, I've liked all the Moon exclusives more than the Sun exclusives, which is nice. That never happens.

Solgaleo, trump-goose, and sunpupper > flat bat, faticate, and edgy doggo

Rugarugan's evolutions aren't confirmed to be version exclusive--I'm pretty sure it just depends on the time of day Rockruff evolves. If they do happen to be exclusive, though, I don't really mind, because the nice thing about Rugarugan is that both forms are equally cool-looking.
the corocoro page said they were version exclusive tho

Were you just talking about the ultra beast and legendary then?

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Thread (New Sun and Moon Pokemon revealed!)
« on: September 14, 2016, 02:28:25 PM »
So far, I've liked all the Moon exclusives more than the Sun exclusives, which is nice. That never happens.

Solgaleo, trump-goose, and sunpupper > flat bat, faticate, and edgy doggo

Good thing he's an English major; he needs some critical writing lessons.
I mean, yeah, that's a good point. If you're already good at writing, or you're at least confident in your skills, there's no real reason to even study the subject anymore other than to bolster your own ego. That's part of why I ultimately switched to CS--because I knew, at the end of the day, all I was doing was dicking around and flattering myself. That's English majors.

If you suck at writing, maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a few writing classes. English major? Maybe go for a minor--that's what I'm doing (mainly because I don't want all those credits to go to waste, but whatever).

Don't even think about telling this guy to change his major, by the way. The thing about liberal arts majors is that they're very emotional, and they take offense to any form of life advice. They take it as a form of persecution. Because what they do is their "passion," and they're not worried about money, etc. when, in reality, money will become a problem for them very shortly down the line, and if they don't have any marketable skills, things are gonna start looking pretty bleak for them.

But that's a conclusion they should come to on their own. You can't tell someone that what they're doing is a waste of time and money. It creates within them an attitude of defiance that they'll struggle to overcome. I did.
aren't you a failed English major

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:05:28 PM »
So why did they tease sombra so early

Don't worry guys I got my chicken and waffles today

Serious / Re: Not sure if this has been posted yet
« on: September 13, 2016, 01:42:02 PM »
<- avatar for reference

They say that like they don't have a cool room full of chilled waffles ready to be microwaved
nah they make the waffles right in front of you they have big ass jugs of the mix
Your avatar kind of looks like the Hezbollah flag
idk what that is because I'm not a towel head

get that terrorist shit off this website NSA is watching
Hey you wanted to know what it looks like

I'm just saying for a don't tread on me image you kind of look like a terrorist
one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter

They say that like they don't have a cool room full of chilled waffles ready to be microwaved
nah they make the waffles right in front of you they have big ass jugs of the mix
Your avatar kind of looks like the Hezbollah flag
idk what that is because I'm not a towel head

get that terrorist shit off this website NSA is watching

They say that like they don't have a cool room full of chilled waffles ready to be microwaved
nah they make the waffles right in front of you they have big ass jugs of the mix
Your avatar kind of looks like the Hezbollah flag
idk what that is because I'm not a towel head

They say that like they don't have a cool room full of chilled waffles ready to be microwaved
nah they make the waffles right in front of you they have big ass jugs of the mix

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: September 13, 2016, 09:00:04 AM »
I got it
Just know that Mei is the single most annoying character in the game, second only to a good tracer.

Actually no, Mei is still more annoying.
what about junkrat
Nah, the only thing about him that ever freaks me out is his ult. Even then, it's more of an "oh shit" moment that annoyance.

Mei's problem is that I don't think she could get fixed by an nerf. She's just an annoying character; her ice wall tends to hurt teammates as well as enemies and frequently freezing people in place is the single most frustrating thing you can do. I've even played as her to make sure I wasn't just running into a lot of people that are good with her; nope, she's really easy to use.

If I'm getting killed by a Junkrat often (even as Reinhardt), I can at least know that the guy is better than me. But with Mei, it's just "spam ice until you get your ult and freeze everyone in a 25m radius. If I'm about to die, freeze myself into my invincible ice block and heal up".

Mei is an inherently toxic character.

No character with a single target slow, an AOE slow (both of which result in essentially a prolonged stun), can block paths, and can go invulnerable/self heal on a whim will ever be a FUN character to play against. And on top of that Mei isn't even strong just annoying. Even if Mei did 0 damage she still wouldn't be a fun character to have in the game.

She reminds me of old yorick in league of legends. They used to say you only pick yorick if you don't want 6 people to have fun that game, you, your team, and your lane opponent.

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