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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 828384 8586 ... 353
"Hmmm.  There's some serious accusations of me being a hypocrite. Better call them autistic."

Your open-mindedness is overwhelming, bridge-builder.
shut up autist

The Flood / Re: Favorite lead vocalists in music?
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:58:51 PM »
Will smith

The Flood / Re: i really want to buy the halo 3 legendary edition
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:56:20 PM »

The Flood / Re: What happened to Elegiac?
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:53:46 PM »
He over dosed on faggotry

The reason we're doing it now is because some very smart people decided this would be a worthwhile expedition to make and would advance our knowledge of the universe.

Pip mentioned Venus or Mars, presumably because they're closer and we might be able to go to them at some point. The thing with that is Venus is nearly impossible to study due to the composition of the atmosphere. (We've only gotten a handful of pictures of the surface because of a Russian probe that landed and subsequently burned away in sulfuric rain. It only lasted 30 minutes or so). For Mars, we know plenty about it and as much as we learn about the planet it doesn't really advance our ability to travel there, nor does NASA have the money for such an undertaking. More work has to be done in order to make a Mars Human expedition a reality.

Also 1 billion isn't that much on the scale of space travel. Hell, every space shuttle launch costed around half of that amount and they did over 130 of those!
holy shit a reasonable answer that didn't just say "op you're a retard we could learn about magnets and shit!!!!!!111!!1!1"
The reason we're doing it now is because some very smart people decided this would be a worthwhile expedition to make and would advance our knowledge of the universe.

Pip mentioned Venus or Mars, presumably because they're closer and we might be able to go to them at some point. The thing with that is Venus is nearly impossible to study due to the composition of the atmosphere. (We've only gotten a handful of pictures of the surface because of a Russian probe that landed and subsequently burned away in sulfuric rain. It only lasted 30 minutes or so). For Mars, we know plenty about it and as much as we learn about the planet it doesn't really advance our ability to travel there, nor does NASA have the money for such an undertaking. More work has to be done in order to make a Mars Human expedition a reality.

Also 1 billion isn't that much on the scale of space travel. Hell, every space shuttle launch costed around half of that amount and they did over 130 of those!

^^ this is what I was looking for.

Thank you for explaining something that actually got the point I was looking for and countering my points.
Either both of you are high, or you're a bunch of ignoramuses. Tblocks explained basic sense, and common knowledge. He didn't bring anything to the table, and yet you guys are acting like it's exciting news.

The reason why we all were so frustrated and called you two retards is because this shit that you two embraced so hard is shit everyone who remotely cares knows.

Venus has extreme temperatures. It's not habitable by our current technology. Mars can be habitable, but it requires a lot of time, and resources. It's also not worth it with the technology we have. Once we're able to transport lot of people we might consider it.

Did I miss anything? I mean come on, that's embarrassing. I assumed you knew the deal with Venus since you mentioned it, but this is just ridiculous. Use your heads
one day you'll learn to read

Blasted niggers ITT lol

The reason we're doing it now is because some very smart people decided this would be a worthwhile expedition to make and would advance our knowledge of the universe.

Pip mentioned Venus or Mars, presumably because they're closer and we might be able to go to them at some point. The thing with that is Venus is nearly impossible to study due to the composition of the atmosphere. (We've only gotten a handful of pictures of the surface because of a Russian probe that landed and subsequently burned away in sulfuric rain. It only lasted 30 minutes or so). For Mars, we know plenty about it and as much as we learn about the planet it doesn't really advance our ability to travel there, nor does NASA have the money for such an undertaking. More work has to be done in order to make a Mars Human expedition a reality.

Also 1 billion isn't that much on the scale of space travel. Hell, every space shuttle launch costed around half of that amount and they did over 130 of those!
holy shit a reasonable answer that didn't just say "op you're a retard we could learn about magnets and shit!!!!!!111!!1!1"

It's like literally none of you can read. Pip never said we wouldn't learn anything from it

He simply asked why we're doing it now (he literally says atm in the title) when we couldn't feasibility go there for quite some time.
Well if that's our parameters for research then it'll never happen. I don't know about you, but I can't stand on methane.
das learn to read it's not my parameters for anything, I'm explaining what pip asked since none of you answered him

It's like literally none of you can read. Pip never said we wouldn't learn anything from it

He simply asked why we're doing it now (he literally says atm in the title) when we couldn't feasibility go there for quite some time.
Are you saying that we can't think about the future? The reason why we all dismissed it is because it's weak logic.

It's like saying "Why should I get a  job? I need the money now. I'll just buy a lottery ticket, or rob someone."
clearly the  9th grade English class you just finished didn't do a good job teaching you reading comprehension because I'm not saying anything, I'm explaining pips question.

He didn't ask what can we learn from Jupiter he asked what can we learn from Jupiter that's useful to us now, and none of you have answered that question.

It's like literally none of you can read. Pip never said we wouldn't learn anything from it

He simply asked why we're doing it now (he literally says atm in the title) when we couldn't feasibility go there for quite some time.

Trying to debate with Zesty is a waste of time.
you're a teenager who doesn't know anything about what humanity, science, or society needs. Don't speak as if you've got it all figured out, and don't openly voice your opinion.
isn't this literally you tho? Aren't you a high school student?

The Flood / Re: I will be gone for 3 weeks
« on: July 05, 2016, 09:30:04 AM »

The Flood / Re: tfw I wanna be drunk
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:29:35 AM »
Verb you're such a faggot sometimes lmao

The Flood / Re: So....what does Juno orbiting Jupiter help us atm?
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:25:04 AM »
Science bitch

Gaming / Re: welcome to 2016
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:24:26 AM »
Pepsi is a cheerful, hardworking college student and amateur musician who's about to make her modeling debut. As her personal photographer, you will be responsible for Pepsi's image, balancing the needs of your clients with your own vision for Pepsi's future.

By the way.

Can anybody explain where the hell Batarian and Vorcha came from? Did I miss them in ME1?

Batarians are a bunch of asshole space-cholos who don't really show up much at the citadel even tho their welcome there.

Vorcha don't have their own spaceships and everyone hates them so they only show up where they can smuggle too

Got that.

But I don't even remember anything MENTIONING them. Kinda like the Collectors.
I always figured it was just a matter of more important things were happening in mass effect one you didn't really have a reason to worry about space pirates

I think it's quite obvious they just wanted to add new species and justified them never being seen or mentioned the best they could.

By the way.

Can anybody explain where the hell Batarian and Vorcha came from? Did I miss them in ME1?

Batarians are a bunch of asshole space-cholos who don't really show up much at the citadel even tho their welcome there.

Vorcha don't have their own spaceships and everyone hates them so they only show up where they can smuggle too

Geth master race > queerians

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:51:10 PM »
i've determined that film is the highest form of art

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:48:54 PM »
Actually I'm in the process of adjusting my stance on marriage, romance and sex.
spank me daddy

The Flood / Re: The Conjuring 2 was insanely good.
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:44:06 PM »
was it better than the babadook
I laughed the entire time I watched this movie

The Flood / Re: Reasons why San Diego is the best city
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:40:09 PM »
Worst sports city in America
this is what I came to say

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:37:38 PM »
I'm seriously considering cutting out a lot of my meat intake.
I really want to do this, but I'm too weak and meat tastes so good

if I ever wanted to change my life and become a good person, stopping eating meat would be pretty much mandatory
I'll never be vegetarian and I don't think eating meat is inherently wrong I just don't want to support the meat/dairy industry.

I'd much rather buy milk from the local dairy farm where they treat their cows like pets and hand milk them or buy meat and eggs from the free range chicken farmer than a commercial chicken company.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:25:30 PM »
I'm seriously considering cutting out a lot of my meat intake.

The Flood / Re: M2AF: i changed my name
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:21:05 PM »

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 09:39:57 PM »
people are exaggerating how much you need to play the first one quite a bit.

I can tell. Though if I enjoy myself enough I'll definitely fork over some cash for Scholar of the First Sin and DS1 (the latter will be longer because I'd have to set up my PS3 again.) Bloodborne too.

Also I thought of another tip and I'm gunna avoid spoiling anything here.

Much appreciated.

The souls you can pick up as items

Those corpses with the glowing white balls above them that read "Pilage remains" or something?

Bosses also drop souls. DONT consume these until you find out what they do.

What do you mean "consume"? Ive already used some points or something to upgrade my vitality and faith IIRC.
yes when you can pillage corpses sometimes you'll get weapons/armor/consumables but other times you'll get things called names like "souls of a weary traveler" or "soul of a proud knight."If you go into your inventory you can use them to gain souls on the spot.

You should have an item in your inventory called "soul of ____ " (whatever the first bosses name was)
There's one of those for every boss. You CAN use them to gain a large amount of souls. You SHOULD hold on to them until you can do something else with them.

Awesome. Thanks for the tip.

Did the first miniboss beside the beginning area (ice dragon lizard thing) drop a soul?
he drops an uprgrade material  that you can give to the blacksmith to upgrade specific weapons. It's pretty rare for awhile but by the end of the game you'll have tons of it

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 09:35:25 PM »
people are exaggerating how much you need to play the first one quite a bit.

I can tell. Though if I enjoy myself enough I'll definitely fork over some cash for Scholar of the First Sin and DS1 (the latter will be longer because I'd have to set up my PS3 again.) Bloodborne too.

Also I thought of another tip and I'm gunna avoid spoiling anything here.

Much appreciated.

The souls you can pick up as items

Those corpses with the glowing white balls above them that read "Pilage remains" or something?

Bosses also drop souls. DONT consume these until you find out what they do.

What do you mean "consume"? Ive already used some points or something to upgrade my vitality and faith IIRC.
yes when you can pillage corpses sometimes you'll get weapons/armor/consumables but other times you'll get things called names like "souls of a weary traveler" or "soul of a proud knight."If you go into your inventory you can use them to gain souls on the spot.

You should have an item in your inventory called "soul of ____ " (whatever the first bosses name was)
There's one of those for every boss. You CAN use them to gain a large amount of souls. You SHOULD hold on to them until you can do something else with them.

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 09:24:07 PM »
I thought that I'd be left behind with the story, not gameplay or premise.

But whatever. Made my bed and all that.
people are exaggerating how much you need to play the first one quite a bit. one of the guys I lived with had never played a souls game in his life and got through it just fine and generally understood what was up. People saying "you need to play the first one" played the first one, so they don't realize other than the kinda retarded gundyr boss  being 5 minutes into the game, 3 is probably more newbie friendly than 1 given the cleaner combat, hub world with lots of helpful npc's, and fast travel available from the start.

Also I thought of another tip and I'm gunna avoid spoiling anything here. The souls you can pick up as items can be used to get souls on the spot . Bosses also drop souls. DONT consume these until you find out what they do.

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 07:32:38 PM »
hardest part of the whole game tbh


Pro tip. Shields are for pussys learn to roll. Rolling gives you invincibility frames so a perfect time roll can save you from a lot


What about parrying? i cant seem to time it right
parrying is a great skill to have an essential to being good at pvp, but you can easily beat the game without parrying.

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