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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 656667 6869 ... 353
The Flood / Re: Political Spectrum Simulator
« on: July 21, 2016, 04:24:21 PM »

>69% freedom
>5% less than me

get the FUCK OUT you faggoty communist piece of red rubber dogshit

which is strange because my left side is identical to yours except my immigration slider is in the center and i didnt check minorities in free speech

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 21, 2016, 04:20:00 PM »
I don't really know much about Milo but he seems cool. so is he some gay dude who hates the lolberals?
Here's a quick jist of him

You'd actually get a more accurate picture of him by reading the ED article than whatever he's trying to style himself as right there.

whoever wrote that is butthurt beyond words

The Flood / Re: Political Spectrum Simulator
« on: July 21, 2016, 04:15:38 PM »

>69% freedom

Serious / Re: Considering a religious conversion
« on: July 21, 2016, 12:45:04 PM »
I've often thought about converting to Buddhism, I just can't get on board with the whole reincarnation thing right now.
You need to get rid of all your possessions, including your wife
not true

The Flood / Re: Right or left brain test
« on: July 21, 2016, 12:39:10 PM »
100% right brain

I had a lobotomy
Lobotomy removes part of the prefrontal lobe

it was a botched lobotomy

Only 90s kids will remember

The Flood / Re: Right or left brain test
« on: July 21, 2016, 11:03:55 AM »
100% right brain

I had a lobotomy

The Flood / Re: almost done with driver's ed
« on: July 21, 2016, 08:21:39 AM »
Verb, here's something that you can practice later when you get a little more used to driving. Most teachers and parents alike will usually tell you to put two hands on the steering wheel. 10 and 2 o'clock if I remember right. But that's all they tend to say. It's fine when you're a new driver and you're learning.

But as you go along, you should try learning how to drive with one hand. Rather than have your hands locked at 10 and 2, you steer with your palm open. It's a lot more fluid than crossing your arms as you turn.

The second added benefit is for when things become serious. If you already have two hands on the steering when something bad goes down, you're already locked into a stiff state and you have nothing to physically bolster you to give that "this is serious" kind of boost. Drive with one hand in casual mode, add the second hand to the wheel when things get real.
well, this is how they taught me to steer:

so it's not really that stiff; it's meant to be fluid, and having two hands allows you to turn more wheel in a shorter amount of time if you need to

Allegedly this is the safest way you can steer, that way you arms never cross and are never between your arms and the airbag

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 21, 2016, 08:08:50 AM »
So which ending is canon? I've had all of them, I think.
all of them and none of them

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 10:57:08 PM »
It's literally no different than smogon rules in Pokemon

it's totally different from that
not at all

how is it the same
a set of rules a portion of the community agrees to use for more balanced pvp

okay, but if you don't play by smogon's rules, your online experience isn't hampered at all

if you don't play by the dark souls community's rules, (level 120), your online experience is significantly altered
it has exactly the same consequences

the portion of the community that agreed upon the rules won't play with you

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 10:53:52 PM »
It's literally no different than smogon rules in Pokemon

it's totally different from that
not at all

how is it the same
a set of rules a portion of the community agrees to use for more balanced pvp

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 10:50:51 PM »
It's literally no different than smogon rules in Pokemon

it's totally different from that
not at all

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 10:36:01 PM »
Snake is right. You probably shouldn't be able to max out every stat, especially if it ruins things like PvP.
i mean you've been known to have some of the most backwards nonsensical ideas about what should and shouldn't be allowed in the series

It doesn't ruin anything it just isn't what MOST people online choose to do. Freedom of choice in a roll playing game isn't a bad thing. Not to mention There's still thousands of people pvping above 120.

It's literally no different than smogon rules in Pokemon

The Flood / Re: Roadhog rides again
« on: July 20, 2016, 10:30:55 PM »
how nimble is he
he's suprisingly fast but not so good at sharp turns

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 09:46:54 PM »
You guys are tearing this family apart

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 09:34:03 PM »
I'm sure you can still find people to pvp with

Co op probably not just because people in ng+++ shouldn't need help on bosses unless they're absolutely garbage

I was just letting you know that's what a lot of people do if you ever wanted to get into pvp


Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 09:26:40 PM »
Woah blasted

The Flood / Re: Proof the 80's were best
« on: July 20, 2016, 09:11:35 PM »
the 80s sucked dick because nothing good existed yet

Like Pokemon and me

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 09:07:26 PM »
It's not meant to beneficial and you can only play with people near your level

What's it meant to be then?

And fuck other people I hate it when they invade me. It's annoying as hell.
I bolded and underlined it

Yeah, I just thought there was something else to it because that's pretty fucking dumb. You shouldn't have to handicap yourself so the game remains fun.
I don't think you get it

If the entire community stops leveling at 120 fight clubs can run nonstop (everyone is the same level so there's tons of matches) and people have unique builds

If everyone just leveled nonstop every person in PvP would wear Havel armor + shield, weild the biggest greatsword and have every spell.

At 120 you have to choose if you want a heavy strength build, a spell-sword build, a Mage build, a pyro build ect

I understand just fine, I just think it's stupid.

We've created an artificial level cap because the developers forgot to. Dumb as fuck.
not really

Some people want to be part of fight clubs with fair fights and unique  builds. Shit you can still find fight clubs in dark souls 1 and 2.

Some people don't give a fuck and want to max out every stat and become the ultimate badass. Hell there's even videos of people doing shit like literally one shotting pontiff.

Having essentially no level cap has no downside. It lets every type of player do what they want.

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:54:28 PM »
Milo's success reminds me of the success of other people like Slavoj Zizek, Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, Bill Nye, Neil Tyson etc.

They all have one thing in common. They all have a really fucking autistic fan base and none of them have any real substance other than being charasmatic, loud, and good at public speaking. They're good at rhetoric but that rhetoric is rarely backed by facts.Their followers are fanatical and probably have never even picked up a book in their life--all they know is what they've seen from YouTube compilations.
wow you seem blasted
not really. just stating the obvious.

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:53:09 PM »
Dan and Verbs reaction in this thread are proof milo is successful at what he sets out to do

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:51:57 PM »
Milo's success reminds me of the success of other people like Slavoj Zizek, Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, Bill Nye, Neil Tyson etc.

They all have one thing in common. They all have a really fucking autistic fan base and none of them have any real substance other than being charasmatic, loud, and good at public speaking. They're good at rhetoric but that rhetoric is rarely backed by facts.Their followers are fanatical and probably have never even picked up a book in their life--all they know is what they've seen from YouTube compilations.
wow you seem blasted

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:49:34 PM »
It's not meant to beneficial and you can only play with people near your level

What's it meant to be then?

And fuck other people I hate it when they invade me. It's annoying as hell.
I bolded and underlined it

Yeah, I just thought there was something else to it because that's pretty fucking dumb. You shouldn't have to handicap yourself so the game remains fun.
I don't think you get it

If the entire community stops leveling at 120 fight clubs can run nonstop (everyone is the same level so there's tons of matches) and people have unique builds

If everyone just leveled nonstop every person in PvP would wear Havel armor + shield, weild the biggest greatsword and have every spell.

At 120 you have to choose if you want a heavy strength build, a spell-sword build, a Mage build, a pyro build ect

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 ~ Journey 3 | No need for updates.
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:41:56 PM »
It's not meant to beneficial and you can only play with people near your level

What's it meant to be then?

And fuck other people I hate it when they invade me. It's annoying as hell.
I bolded and underlined it

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:39:16 PM »
Milo's right, the left doesn't know how to take a joke and have fun
all I got out of this is that that guy sees trump as an alpha male

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:36:49 PM »
Oh wait police officers have to drive

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:36:14 PM »
I'd like to scrape the bottom of my shoe against his head.
you would be too afraid to drive to wherever he was
What's your point?
that you would be too afraid to drive to wherever he was
That's not a point.
what are you, the point police?

The Flood / Re: Cringiest/Lamest shit you've seen today?
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:35:21 PM »
I semi proposed to the girl I love today and she thought I was joking and then walked away from me without saying I word.

The last thing I heard from her is the laughter from when she thought I was joking.

I'm not sure what's unclear about that. I didn't even get an answer, she just laughed at me and left.

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:34:57 PM »
I'd like to scrape the bottom of my shoe against his head.
you would be too afraid to drive to wherever he was
What's your point?
that you would be too afraid to drive to wherever he was

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