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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 343536 3738 ... 353
Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: August 13, 2016, 09:17:41 AM »
Doesn't seem like I'll be able to get high enough rank to get to the next tier of credits. Hopefully season 2 I'll start out in the 60's.
i hit 56 and then tried playing widowmaker

I'm now 53

The Flood / Re: Gun Control Thread
« on: August 13, 2016, 09:16:18 AM »
im all for mandatory conceal carry for all US citizens between 12-60 years of age

make it illegal not to carry a firearm
mandatory open carry*

That what we can make fun of people who carry 9's

The Flood / We put my dog down this summer
« on: August 13, 2016, 09:14:48 AM »
She was a Great Dane, 15 years old too. 2 years shy of the oldest recorded Great Dane.
Average lifespan is 6-8 years.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: August 13, 2016, 09:02:11 AM »
I have to say that Blizzard's way of matching you with people of equal skill and experience is very interesting. I just hit level 5 and am put in games with people at around level 100 all the time.
based on your quake experience you're probably doing really well (lots of wins and medals) so I'm not too Shocked. They don't use level in the matchmaking algorithm at all
I have to say that I'm already starting to feel the downsides of this. I'm very often the odd one out (just played a game where I'm level 8 in a lobby with everyone else being 60+) and it does show. I did very well in my first few games against other beginners, but now the game seems to have placed me in a much higher tier. It's fun on the one hand, but on the other it does suck. Overwatch is a game where experience and knowledge of all the heroes, strats, abilities and playstyles is immensely important, and I'm way behind my peers in all of that.
the more you play the more accurate it will be. This is a problem in a lot of games like this when you first start out.

Theoretically either you'll lose a couple games and the matchmaking will sort itself out or you'll learn quickly and just keep beating these people.
Do you know of any good guides to catch up? As in detailed analysis of hero abilities / tactics and whatnot.
I don't but in sure somebody on this forum can point you in the right direction.

I'm honestly not that good at the game (67th percentile or something like that) but I just learned by playing all of the characters, talking to people about them, and watching a couple pro matches.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:57:22 AM »
Also, how the fuck do you use McCree's ultimate? When I see others use it, they just tap the button and kill like 5 people instantly. The few times I tried it, I got like one hit off and it wasn't even a kill. Do you have to hold it down or what's the trick?
activate it and wait for it to charge up. When a character has a red dot appear on them it will do enough damage to kill. It can simultaneously charge up and hit everyone within your line of sight

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:47:45 AM »
I have to say that Blizzard's way of matching you with people of equal skill and experience is very interesting. I just hit level 5 and am put in games with people at around level 100 all the time.
based on your quake experience you're probably doing really well (lots of wins and medals) so I'm not too Shocked. They don't use level in the matchmaking algorithm at all
I have to say that I'm already starting to feel the downsides of this. I'm very often the odd one out (just played a game where I'm level 8 in a lobby with everyone else being 60+) and it does show. I did very well in my first few games against other beginners, but now the game seems to have placed me in a much higher tier. It's fun on the one hand, but on the other it does suck. Overwatch is a game where experience and knowledge of all the heroes, strats, abilities and playstyles is immensely important, and I'm way behind my peers in all of that.
the more you play the more accurate it will be. This is a problem in a lot of games like this when you first start out. Like I tried out heroes of the storm a few months ago and just completely destroyed my first few games because I had moba experience and then I got matched with people who had hundreds of games and knew all the characters and I had to lose a couple before a happy medium was found.

Theoretically either you'll lose a couple games and the matchmaking will sort itself out or you'll learn quickly and just keep beating these people.

The Flood / Re: Gun Control Thread
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:33:44 AM »
I would buy a gun specifically to have the government take it away from me.
this struck me as hilarious idk why

Gaming / Re: Would you restrict what games you child could play?
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:32:52 AM »
Anecdotes go in the garbage.
I use anecdotes all the time and I'm fine

The Flood / Re: Gun Control Thread
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:28:48 AM »
How do I mount my AR-15 to my Pit Bull™ Assualt K9™

You're not smart enough or artistically inclined enough to compose any sort of literature.
game reviews are not literature

in any way
lol learn to read
title: game review

do you REALLY expect me to read a jester thread
there's literally one line in the OP

and you read far enough to pick out sols comment
i'll strangle your fucking pitbull
my dog died earlier this summer actually

You're not smart enough or artistically inclined enough to compose any sort of literature.
game reviews are not literature

in any way
lol learn to read
title: game review

do you REALLY expect me to read a jester thread
there's literally one line in the OP

and you read far enough to pick out sols comment

Gaming / Re: Would you restrict what games you child could play?
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:18:39 AM »
Not when they're 14/15 unless my kid is fucking retarded

You're not smart enough or artistically inclined enough to compose any sort of literature.
game reviews are not literature

in any way
lol learn to read

The Flood / Re: why the FUCK is there a reply button
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:17:00 AM »
SMF 2.0.9 | SMF © 2014, Simple Machines
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I just posted this

The Flood / Re: wow I like Jon Bernthal now
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:07:13 AM »
i haven't posted a controversial opinion in awhile so here goes:

all pitbulls should be killed

rottweilers too, probably

Stop trolling 🙄

The Flood / Re: why the FUCK is there a reply button
« on: August 13, 2016, 07:02:51 AM »
does this work? should be a reply to flee's comment

The Flood / Re: why the FUCK is there a reply button
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:57:45 AM »
I know, especially when you have such a nifty Quick-Reply feature.

Did you know that with Quick-Reply you can write a post when viewing a topic without loading a new page? You can still use bulletin board code and smileys as you would in a normal post.
Read The Rules before you post!

The Flood / Re: HOL UP
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:56:17 AM »
already made this thread a year ago faggot
that thread has several quality responses

The Flood / Re: i wanna get a motorcycle so bad
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:53:50 AM »
But the nine-T is from this century

I like my motorcycles like I like my women


thats dumb

the motorcycle thing
they just ride so much smoother
Yeah, motorcycles too.
this made me smile and blow air out my nose

The Flood / Animal adaptations are so cool
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:07:49 AM »
Like isn't is sick how black people adapted to have pubes on their whole body

The Flood / Re: why the FUCK is there a reply button
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:05:30 AM »
Unlike MOST people on here, I suck dick


We know Ian

The Flood / Re: WOOAHHHUGH
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:04:37 AM »
Sol shut up

The Flood / Re: Hot Weather Person Or Cold Weather Person?
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:02:53 AM »
Fall and spring are easily the best. Duck hot weather and fuck snow
I too, enjoy duck during hot weather.

But for real, spring is the shit.
um I clearly meant duck as in dodge out of the way, meaning avoid it at all costs

Yeah totally

The Flood / Re: Hot Weather Person Or Cold Weather Person?
« on: August 13, 2016, 05:55:00 AM »
Fall and spring are easily the best. Duck hot weather and fuck snow

The Flood / Re: I just created a GMO for sport
« on: August 13, 2016, 05:47:17 AM »
Hehe xd
see I'm the only one who gets this

The Flood / Re: Just killed a pitbull for sport
« on: August 13, 2016, 12:22:04 AM »
man you fooled me
ha classic one-two-switcheroo

The Flood / Re: Just killed a pitbull for sport
« on: August 13, 2016, 12:17:19 AM »
all right satan
I'm kidding I didn't actually do one of these things

The Flood / Re: WOOAHHHUGH
« on: August 13, 2016, 12:16:44 AM »
just turn off your emotions with drugs, alcohol, and obsessing over tv shows

mental distractions are the best way to keep depression subsided

thats actually what ive been doing for the most part

you may have noticed (or may not have) but ive kinda mellowed out recently and im feeling a lot better, depression-wise at least

i guess im just regretting my life so far because i couldve been actually living had i had these inhibitions removed a long time ago

idk i feel like my life can finally start now but its too late to have the experiences everyone else already had
what experiences are you talking about? Nothing you can do at 15-20 that you can't do at 20-25

except like prom and all that, but I assume you did that

idk, just experiences. rites of passage i shouldve already gone through. i cant explain it but i feel like i missed something.

i mean yeah i can still do them all but im effectively an adult now. im not going to school when all of my friends and peers are so i feel like theres no time to catch up.

i went to prom yeah but i was miserable cuz i wasnt allowed to bring the girl i wanted to and i was just being lame.
I feel like a lot of people have that missing piece syndrome

you take life too seriously, even if you end up as a hobo and everyone you went to school with become marine biologists, who cares? You do what you want, not what will make you comparatively successful
marine biologist is a shitty career anway

Have fun living on a boat looking at phytoplankton all day faggots

The Flood / Re: i wanna get a motorcycle so bad
« on: August 13, 2016, 12:15:35 AM »
This thread went from motorcycles to gay real fast

The Flood / Just killed a pitbull for sport
« on: August 13, 2016, 12:14:45 AM »
Now time to eat some GMOs

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