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Messages - JimTheAdmin

Pages: 1234 567
Serious / Re: What does being in the military mean to you?
« on: October 26, 2014, 01:13:32 PM »
I tend to think that they're fit, brave, and responsible.

also inb4 kiyo
Good sir, I assure you that I am neither of those things.
Were you at one point?
Still in the Guard.
Yeah but you're not a real soldier though
Ouch my pride...
Wait... I don't have any pride to hurt.
You're not put on the front lines though?
There is no "front line", everyone deploys. Everyone does their part to keep the machine moving. Services will be at the same deployed location right next security forces. They will get mortared at night just as the security forces will. Vehicle Operator's run caravans and don't shoot at people. They're escorts might. But an IED doesn't care if you're armed or not. You think only armed men and women were eating in the tent that could bombed out because of an informant? No, many different personnel, many without combat roles ate in that tent.

I have a technical job, and I will deploy. It doesn't matter. Everyone deploy, especially guard.

Serious / Re: What does being in the military mean to you?
« on: October 26, 2014, 01:06:20 PM »
I tend to think that they're fit, brave, and responsible.

also inb4 kiyo
Good sir, I assure you that I am neither of those things.
Were you at one point?
Still in the Guard.
Yeah but you're not a real soldier though
Sure he is, at least on the weekends and about two weeks a year.

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on Cybernetic Military Implements
« on: October 26, 2014, 01:04:15 PM »
my brother's in arms.
Wait, when did this happen?
Months ago but I had it in the works for years. Just waiting for my age to catch up to my life decisions.
Oh. Congrats. What'cha going in for?
In training for 9S100, Technical Applications Specialist. When I finish my job will be monitoring the world and making sure no one is violating the nuclear weapon test ban treaties traditionally through seismographs and air filters that detect gamma radiation particles in the air. I could be an analyst who interprets collected data or a maintainer who travels to the remote sensing locations and maintains the sensitive equipment used to detect treaty violations.
Airforce seismograph stuff...  that sounds so lively and entertaining.
Rather dry and sounds a lot more patriotic and world policing than it really is.

Serious / Re: What does being in the military mean to you?
« on: October 26, 2014, 01:02:18 PM »
I tend to think that they're fit, brave, and responsible.

also inb4 kiyo
Good sir, I assure you that I am neither of those things.
Were you at one point?
When you enlist I know most of my friends and I felt that. But after a while the magic wears off. I know one marine overseas who pissed himself the first time lead started flying. I assume as time goes one, all the patriotic starts to fade away and it's just a job and the lifestyle you live. The vast majority of servicemen will not die for their country.

Serious / Re: What does being in the military mean to you?
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:58:42 PM »

People who get paid to enforce political interests overseas.
Don't let the difference between the two confuse you. It's a delicate balance between pleasing the constituents and maintaining your own vested interests in war. That's if you're a congressman or high-office politician.

Serious / Re: What does being in the military mean to you?
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:57:02 PM »

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on Cybernetic Military Implements
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:55:21 PM »
my brother's in arms.
Wait, when did this happen?
Months ago but I had it in the works for years. Just waiting for my age to catch up to my life decisions.
Oh. Congrats. What'cha going in for?
In training for 9S100, Technical Applications Specialist. When I finish my job will be monitoring the world and making sure no one is violating the nuclear weapon test ban treaties traditionally through seismographs and air filters that detect gamma radiation particles in the air. I could be an analyst who interprets collected data or a maintainer who travels to the remote sensing locations and maintains the sensitive equipment used to detect treaty violations.

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on Cybernetic Military Implements
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:50:57 PM »
my brother's in arms.
Wait, when did this happen?
Months ago but I had it in the works for years. Just waiting for my age to catch up to my life decisions.

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on Cybernetic Military Implements
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:47:37 PM »
So we're not allowed to single out other users, right? Mock them or anything? Because you're an idiot. Like, have you ever had any experience with any US Servicemen or the military at all? It is one of the greatest celebrations of diversity ever. Did you cook this entire thread up in five minutes. Because it's nearly incoherent. The US military has made greater strides towards accepting minorities of race, gender, and sex than any other non-special interest group in America. This has not always been the case prior to the 90's but it is now.

You are correct in aspect. US servicemen are indoctrinated. We are, it's part of our training. But we are not indoctrinated in the combative sense that you are implying we are indoctrinated in the denotative sense of the word as exampled in this Merriam Webster's definition. Definition 1. Then with partisan support of our government. Though, very few ever join the armed forces without already a strong conviction in the principles this nation was founded on.

Main Entry: in·doc·tri·nate 
Pronunciation: \in-ˈdäk-trə-ˌnāt\
transitive verb
1 :  to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments :  teach 2 :  to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle

What makes you think that a "military soldier" doesn't think for themselves? What gave you that impression? Was it an ignorance of the training we receive? Indoctrination to immediately respond to a scenario without having to think about it. A gut reflex that saves lives on the battlefield. What makes you think that becoming an armed servicemen erases your personality and leads you to blindly accept what your told?

I don't even care about fucking cybernetics, I care about the lackadaisical way in which you portray my brother's in arms. A complete and total disregard for the humanity in each American that wears a uniform. You may not even realize how it looks to me and you probably think I'm overreacting but if I'm going to die for you, I'd rather you didn't disrespect me for no reason other than some half-cocked bullshit thread about cybernetics that follows no logical thought pattern.

I never said anything of the sort. Never said that a soldier is not a person. A soldier is a person, in every sense of things. You know that fellow that got shot in Ottawa earlier in the week? He was a person.

But it doesn't change the fact, that in order to do their job, soldiers need to be conditioned. I never said that every soldier was just a point and shoot wind up toy. But, think about it. A job like the military attracts those sorts of people. Personalities match the job that best suits them right?

When I wrote this, I was thinking of the people out there who are, and do act as wind up constructs. But, I am aware that its a foolish generalization to hold. I watched soldiers protest the recent wars and events related to america, about shipping them off to countries where they weren't needed.

I respect the job and the people who take it up, because it's sadly, an uglier part of our world, and a necessary one at that.
I apologize. I read generalizations and implications in your text that you most definitely did not mean. I see that now. And I apologize if my rash behavior offended you.

Serious / What does being in the military mean to you?
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:45:10 PM »
When someone says they serve in America's, or your country's, armed forces what does that mean to you?

When you see a woman or man in ABUs, ACUs, BDUs, or Service Dress, what do you think immediately?

What stereotypes do you have about a person when someone say's they serve in the Army, in the Marines, in the Coast Guard, in the Air Force, or the Navy?

When someone's uses any quote involving patriotism or they say they'll die for your incorrect opinion, what do you think.

The military. Discuss.

Yeah, he tries very hard to upset people.

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on Cybernetic Military Implements
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:36:29 PM »
So we're not allowed to single out other users, right? Mock them or anything? Because you're an idiot. Like, have you ever had any experience with any US Servicemen or the military at all? It is one of the greatest celebrations of diversity ever. Did you cook this entire thread up in five minutes. Because it's nearly incoherent. The US military has made greater strides towards accepting minorities of race, gender, and sex than any other non-special interest group in America. This has not always been the case prior to the 90's but it is now.

You are correct in aspect. US servicemen are indoctrinated. We are, it's part of our training. But we are not indoctrinated in the combative sense that you are implying we are indoctrinated in the denotative sense of the word as exampled in this Merriam Webster's definition. Definition 1. Then with partisan support of our government. Though, very few ever join the armed forces without already a strong conviction in the principles this nation was founded on.

Main Entry: in·doc·tri·nate 
Pronunciation: \in-ˈdäk-trə-ˌnāt\
transitive verb
1 :  to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments :  teach 2 :  to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle

What makes you think that a "military soldier" doesn't think for themselves? What gave you that impression? Was it an ignorance of the training we receive? Indoctrination to immediately respond to a scenario without having to think about it. A gut reflex that saves lives on the battlefield. What makes you think that becoming an armed servicemen erases your personality and leads you to blindly accept what your told?

I don't even care about fucking cybernetics, I care about the lackadaisical way in which you portray my brother's in arms. A complete and total disregard for the humanity in each American that wears a uniform. You may not even realize how it looks to me and you probably think I'm overreacting but if I'm going to die for you, I'd rather you didn't disrespect me for no reason other than some half-cocked bullshit thread about cybernetics that follows no logical thought pattern. 

The Flood / Re: "I don't like rap or country"
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:24:41 AM »
I'mma be alright, you ain't gotta be my friend tonight. I'mma be okay, you would probably bore me anyway.

The Flood / Re: Futa on girl is straighter than straight porn.
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:16:12 AM »
Futa on futa


in a BDSM torture chamber

Or bust

*sips coffee*
That's nearly vanilla... for shame, Kiyo, for shame.

It's the only SFW pic I could find!

How about we add needle play into the mix? Will that spice it up enough for you?
Blacklight plz no

The Flood / Re: Where do I look for hot cougars?
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:31:39 AM »
I would have pointed you to Camcamm but you wanted a hot cougar.
Shots fired. Woman down!

Gaming / Re: ITT the sexiest Video Game character
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:30:15 AM »

I asked my girlfriend this and she chuckled. She says an a black individual the concept is hilarious. "First your ancestors enlsave and rape my direct ancestors. Then a century  later some dipshit tries to pay me off for it? I didn't get raped..." This is roughly what she said.

The privileged white man thinking once again that he is super important.  The few people that believe this, are blissfully unaware of their complete and absolute ignorance.

The Flood / Re: ITT Post users that are the same user
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:59:43 AM »
Jim the Jew Lord and LancexLink/Prurient/Jim the Jam Lorde
Don't forget me on that list!

My dream girl.

7/10. 9/10 if there's a penis.
3/10 if there's a penis. 10/10 as is. I have a thing for foxes. Sue me.

My dream girl.

Hey! If other Jim is posting porn is spoilers I will too

Now you've done it. Now I have to post something more graphic just to outdo you.


Now we're getting somewhere.
I feel you man.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.

You know, spill my seed in your womb.

Did I go too far?
Personally, you didn't go far enough, though, you got to spoiler NSFW though, just a head's up.
There, I put it in a spoiler.
Good man, you made her happy.
Why is she so perfect?
No clue, man. She just is.

Now we're getting somewhere.
I feel you man.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.

You know, spill my seed in your womb.

Did I go too far?
Personally, you didn't go far enough, though, you got to spoiler NSFW though, just a head's up.
There, I put it in a spoiler.

Now we're getting somewhere.
are you really a furry?
Are you really a homosexual?

And no, I just find anthropomorphic animals sexually arousing.

Here's one for you.
what the fuck

what the fuck

what even is this shit

at least post furry jesus christ
You've never heard of the Hawkeye Project? It's meant to combat the objectification of women in modern comics by replacing the super heroines when they are in ridiculously sexual poses with Hawkeye and other male super heroes.

You want furry shit? I mean, do you really want to go there?

that shit is just bizarre
Really? Because I love this shit.
maybe if i got the joke
The joke is that women in comics are being obersexualized. Which isn't really a joke, it's a sad truth. So, in order to show how ridiculous that that seems to the female portion that reads comics, people have taken the time to replace those strips that are truly ridiculously sexual and put Hawkeye in their place. The Hawkeye Project/Initiative. The joke is that it's Hawkeye... in sexual poses... that female characters were in.

Now we're getting somewhere.
are you really a furry?
Are you really a homosexual?

And no, I just find anthropomorphic animals sexually arousing.

Here's one for you.
what the fuck

what the fuck

what even is this shit

at least post furry jesus christ
You've never heard of the Hawkeye Project? It's meant to combat the objectification of women in modern comics by replacing the super heroines when they are in ridiculously sexual poses with Hawkeye and other male super heroes.

You want furry shit? I mean, do you really want to go there?

that shit is just bizarre
Really? Because I love this shit.

Now we're getting somewhere.
are you really a furry?
Are you really a homosexual?

And no, I just find anthropomorphic animals sexually arousing.

Here's one for you.
what the fuck

what the fuck

what even is this shit

at least post furry jesus christ
You've never heard of the Hawkeye Project? It's meant to combat the objectification of women in modern comics by replacing the super heroines when they are in ridiculously sexual poses with Hawkeye and other male super heroes.

You want furry shit? I mean, do you really want to go there?

Pages: 1234 567