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Messages - bang bang

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Serious / Re: Why are fraternities still a thing?
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:27:50 PM »
A fraternity is a brotherhood, a lifelong bond between people who have gone through the same initiation progress and who have learned what it means to live and maintain a Greek life. Anyone who doesn't understand this is someone who could never get into a frat, and it's incredibly stupid to judge fraternities based on isolated accidents.
None of that really answers anything. Just sounds like pro-frat regurgitation.
It answered everything, you just didn't comprehend it, which is expected since you initially know nothing about frats. People will always want to be part of a brotherhood, bond with people with similar interests, further their career connections, etc. Frats have huge social benefits and can help you in the job market as well.

The Flood / Re: Do you think this is a good coat to buy?
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:22:49 PM »
A bit on the plain side again.
Yeah. I didn't want anything too flashy though.

Serious / Re: Why are fraternities still a thing?
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:20:59 PM »
A fraternity is a brotherhood, a lifelong bond between people who have gone through the same initiation progress and who have learned what it means to live and maintain a Greek life. Anyone who doesn't understand this is someone who could never get into a frat, and it's incredibly stupid to judge fraternities based on isolated accidents.

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:25:21 AM »
Because that's honestly gay as hell. Suits are for special occasions. Wearing them constantly would strip them of their importance.
They used to be worn all the time, hence the thread you apparently aren't capable of reading. That being the case, your argument holds little weight. A shift in fashion isn't a sufficient answer and why fashion has shifted. Try again.
Appearance was more important to people back then. It was also a more conservative time, and suits are about a conservative as you can possibly get.
You're the first person to give me an answer that isn't completely stupid. I thank you. It would be nice if people had that same mentality of looking the best you possibly can in regards to classy fashion.

The Flood / Re: Do you think this is a good coat to buy?
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:13:42 AM »
Looks fancy. I like but how bad is the winter?
We've gotten to subzero at times.

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:11:02 AM »

Because I wear one everyday now.
Are you that loser from Ugly Americans?
I totally forgot about that show. It was kind of bad.

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:09:46 AM »
Because that's honestly gay as hell. Suits are for special occasions. Wearing them constantly would strip them of their importance.
They used to be worn all the time, hence the thread you apparently aren't capable of reading. That being the case, your argument holds little weight. A shift in fashion isn't a sufficient answer and why fashion has shifted. Try again.

The Flood / Do you think this is a good coat to buy?
« on: November 13, 2014, 11:10:40 PM »
I'm trying to buy a nice classy coat in addition to my north face fleece jacket and I think this one is pretty nice. Looks heavy enough for the brutal winter that's about to come. Opinions mane?

The Flood / Re: Do you ever look over into the other urinal?
« on: November 13, 2014, 10:03:19 PM »
Uh, nah bro.

The Flood / Re: For those of you that hate Florida
« on: November 13, 2014, 10:00:37 PM »
I have no reason to hate Florida. Seems like a good place to spend my next spring break.

No snow here yet but it's super cold. Around 35.

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:53:25 PM »
Because that would be fucking boring
More exciting than what we wear normally I think.

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:48:45 PM »
They aren't as warm as my carhartt coat.
Pea coats go nice with them though.  :-*
I do not have the look for a pea coat, I go better dressed as a Russian.
Like trench coat? Isn't that what Russians usually wear? Or track jackets if call of duty is accurate. Lul.

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:46:19 PM »
Dude, you fucking asked why EVERYONE doesn't wear suits ALL THE TIME.

Lol dude is mad. If you're dumb enough to think all the time means through literally any and all weather conditions then don't be surprised when your bad argument gets knocked in the dirt. Suits can be worn through most parts of the year and can be accommodated for temperature changes. Apparently common sense isn't so common.  :P

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:35:33 PM »
They aren't as warm as my carhartt coat.
Pea coats go nice with them though.  :-*

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:33:40 PM »
We should all dress up as power rangers 24/7.
I'll be the pink ranger to confuse people.

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:32:10 PM »
Also, that shit is expensive.
Not really. Also not everyone lives in California, so that was a pointless statement.
You're right, not everyone lives in California. 22 million people do, though. Roughly half live in SoCal, where it's pretty hot all the time. Add that to states like Airzona, New Mexico, and Texas that have warm climates, and that's a not-insignificant number of people.
Implying those states are hot year round and that people still aren't capable of wearing suits in the summer for certain occasions. Lol at forgetting these things called seasons. Not to mention the rest of the country greatly outnumbers the places you mentioned. Keep trying.

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net got another update
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:21:40 PM »
Lol at the people complaining about updates like its a legitimate issue.

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:19:21 PM »
Because fuck you it's uncomfortable.
It ain't easy being classy.

The Flood / Re: Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:19:00 PM »
Also, that shit is expensive.
Not really. Also not everyone lives in California, so that was a pointless statement.

The Flood / Re: Lifting Bros of Sep7agon, hear my plea.
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:11:38 PM »
Your workout routine is terrible (no offense) and you'll never gain mass like that. First off the treadmill is probably burning more calories than you take in and your body weight training does little to nothing for hypertrophy. And you use dumbbells for one muscle group? Nah dude. Join and a gym, workout every muscle group two days apart, and do hypertrophy training. And eat more calories than you burn.

The Flood / Why don't people wear suits all the time anymore?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:07:58 PM »
It used to be a fairly common thing for a while in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Obviously fashion changes but why did people abandon the classy every day suit look? I wouldn't mind wearing some designer suits in class.

The Flood / Re: What's your favorite alcohol for partying?
« on: November 11, 2014, 06:16:16 PM »
finally a thread i can involve myself with heavily.

i'm a fiend really, will drink anything if the mood is right.

some of my favorites are:
jack daniels Tennessee honey(recently tried this one, one of my fav drinks now)

stuff i don't like anymore:
captain morgan
costco vodka

i don't mix em with anything, except for tequila with Squirt soda
I haven't had fireball in a minute. It used to be my drink of choice when I first started. I might still drink it if it's there but I'd prefer skyy, Smirnoff, or JD. I used to always do shots but I've been mixing my drinks lately. Might go back to shots. I don't like all that liquid in me.

The Flood / Re: What's your favorite alcohol for partying?
« on: November 11, 2014, 06:14:08 PM »
I don't drink because I'm not an idiot
I bet you're fun at parties.
I don't go to parties because I'm not an idiot
Edgy! Maybe this is why you don't go to parties.
Just ignore him. He's clearly one of those sad people who spends all his time in front of a computer.

The Flood / What's your favorite alcohol for partying?
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:06:02 PM »
When you want to pre game or go hard during a party what do you usually drink? All my friends drink whiskey but I'm all about the vodka. I like to mix it with Gatorade.

Serious / Re: Unlike Americans, Brits think taxation is a moral duty
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:04:38 PM »
In video games such as Minecraft, Socialism actually works. In real life, in America, no way could it
Minecraft seems more communist. Well I guess it depends on the server.
I'd make the argument that Minecraft is the epitome of Capitalism. I don't know many of Minecraft communities where everyone lives together in pure Communism. Everybody has their own private hoard.

Think about it: You spawn into a new world and it's your job to adapt and exploit it.
Dude has a point.

The Flood / Re: so i just saw interstellar
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:03:06 PM »
Hmm. I really want to see it actually.

The Flood / Re: Angriest you've ever been?
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:02:27 PM »
Hard to say. But probably related to brothers somehow.

The Flood / Re: How often do you wear a belt?
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:01:35 PM »
All the time.

Serious / Re: Republicans own the House, Senate, and governorship.
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:56:52 PM »
When no one votes republicans win. In this off year cycle only a third of the eligible voting population showed up to vote. Plus you had a bunch of voter suppression tactics being used in various states.
It's funny how people cook up various excuses about the voting process because the republicans achieved numerous victories.

I'm not sure if your trolling because it's fairly well documented that Republicans do well in low voter turnout elections and democrats do well in high voter turnout elections.

It's not exactly an excuse if I'm just parroting fact. I'm not even surprised that this happened and in fact I predicted it too due to the fact that it's an off year election and off year elections almost always have abysmal voter turn out rates.
I edited after you replied in regards to turnout. But yeah elections like this will indeed have low turnout rates. But considering the turnout rate is relatively constant for these elections, it's hardly a valid excuse to use as this being a relevant variable into the GOP wining. Also, the claim that democrats do well consistently in high voter turnout rates is statistically false.

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