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The Flood / Re: the (((weeb))) list
« on: June 28, 2016, 10:21:45 PM »
Wait, what's me?
das was wondering who the filthiest weeb on the site was, which prompted me to make this list

it's you
oh, I mean, I'd agree I'm the biggest degenerate, but seeing as how I haven't watched an anime in like three years (don't really watch any TV actually), never watched subbed stuff, and don't browse /a/, pretty sure there are bigger weebs than I. I'm just a pervert.

The Flood / Re: the (((weeb))) list
« on: June 28, 2016, 10:13:30 PM »
Huh, I don't remember that. Weird.

But I do when the time calls for it. I guess that separates me from the CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS who got everyone so ANALLY HEMORRHAGED over the posting of a few drawn pictures every now and again though.
to answer your question though, it's probably zen

if waifu master wasn't dead, it would be him
Wait, what's me?

The Flood / Re: the (((weeb))) list
« on: June 28, 2016, 10:04:39 PM »
i like hentai but i definitely dont browse /d/

The Flood / Re: the (((weeb))) list
« on: June 28, 2016, 09:57:05 PM »
I mean, I jerk it to a lot of hentai and browse /d/, but I haven't watched an anime since FMA Brotherhood and have only ever watched dubbed.

Serious / Re: Just some thoughts i wrote about rape.
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:59:30 PM »
If that's maintained, then you have a moral obligation to ensure that others can minimize their suffering, since it's not just a feeling you experience, but one that everyone does.
I disagree, I don't have an obligation to prevent others suffering, just as they have no obligation to prevent my suffering. The only way that they have an obligation is through the social contract, which in of itself is arbitrary and contingent on a Society's subjective values.

Serious / Re: Just some thoughts i wrote about rape.
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:51:45 PM »
You went full Stockholm syndrome in your post

By this logic, you feel sympathy for pedophiles too

When people say "evil" it usually means going against an objective set of morals.
Morals aren't objective though.
The existence of suffering (physical or emotional) necessitates objective morality.
The existence of suffering necessitates self interest though. One has every reason to worry about minimizing their own suffering and the suffering of those close to them by proxy since it affects their own suffering. The suffering of random people is irrelevant.

The Flood / Re: users you're a mix of
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:41:14 PM »
Das would be one, don't know about the other.

Serious / Re: Just some thoughts i wrote about rape.
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:46:37 PM »
You went full Stockholm syndrome in your post

By this logic, you feel sympathy for pedophiles too

When people say "evil" it usually means going against an objective set of morals.
Morals aren't objective though.
are you lost
I'm lost in your gaze Verb.

Serious / Re: Just some thoughts i wrote about rape.
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:40:27 PM »
You went full Stockholm syndrome in your post

By this logic, you feel sympathy for pedophiles too

When people say "evil" it usually means going against an objective set of morals.
Morals aren't objective though.

The Flood / Re: this is my first time on here in two days
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:38:33 PM »
Me as well.

The Flood / Re: Just some thoughts i wrote about rape.
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:14:04 PM »
Yo ass know, I know what tha fuck I be bout ta brang up is wack n' not related ta Brexit or whatever n' is probably a waste of time yo, but I can't stand dat fuckin "rape culture" thang tha feminists is always goin on about. I mean, yeah, I gots a tendency ta git caught up in arguments cuz I guess I just git bugged out n' like ta have suttin' ta worry bout ta make me feel like mah game (or any suckasz game fo' dat matter) means a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shiznit yo, but itz just... I couldn't give a fuckin shiznit when playas git raped as much as when one of mah thugs is religious n' tryin ta pass religious laws, or say some bullshit religious stuff. Rape is just suttin' dat happens like meteors n' lightnin strikes, there be a suttin' different bout tha mind of a rapist than a "normal" human mind, cuz as a reflection of tha chaotic order of tha universe, there happens ta be some playas whoz ass will come n' hit you like a funky-ass bolt of lightnin cuz thatz just tha sort of ghetto our slick asses live in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Don't mean dat I trip off dat that happens, or dat I be thinkin dat itz all gravy yo, but I straight-up have mo' sympathy fo' one of mah thugs whoz ass do suttin' like that, cuz at least I know dat there be a probably suttin' fundamentally different bout they dome, n' playas don't even know bout dat or care n' they just wanna go n' say dat rapists is tha problem n' we need ta teach society not ta rape.

Yo ass wanna teach playas ta give a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shiznit bout whether or not they rape one of mah thugs, biatch? That don't work, society is filled wit vicious fucks whoz ass couldn't give a fuckin shit, n' you know whoz ass is straight-up gots nuff props fo'that, biatch? Religious people, wit they self righteousnizz n' tha fact dat they mindz is probably even mo' fucked up. But no one gives a gangbangin' fuck bout that, playas be thinkin dat religious playas is just a straight-up def aiiight part of our society, NO. I mean, dis is just me shoutin all up in tha empty void wishin dat there was some element of juice dat could shift up in tha side of good, like a actual fuckin phat muthafucka yo, but religion be a wack illogical wack concept thatz perpetuated cuz peoplez mindz aint capable of intelligent thinking. Yet some how, when I peep these playas whoz ass is rapists n' I don't peep tha epitome of evil, I peep dem fo' what tha fuck they straight-up is which is just a funky-ass bunch of playas whoz ass have much different wayz of thankin n' probably different biologizzle from me, I git called a gangbangin' fuckin rape apologist. What tha fuck is I apologizin for, biatch? Muthafuckas is fuckin morons n' they can't realize jack fuckin shiznit bout dis hood, which is why I fuckin fantasize bout suicizzle all tha time n' be always mutterin under mah breath "I can't fuckin wait ta die". PS I don't straight-up wanna die, cuz I wanna live fo' 1000 muthafuckin years n' peep religion finally take a thugged-out dirtnap out.

Then you git playas tryin ta say dat rapists is evil. WHAT THE FUCK IS "EVIL", biatch? Yo ass betta explain dat concept rockin science, biatch? NOOOOO. If you can't explain it wit science, then it aint a part of our fuckin universe. Everythang up in our universe exists on some sort of scientistical level, cuz we observe straight-up every last muthafuckin thang up in tha universe wit science. Da reason dat evil don't exist is cuz there be a no level of importizzle up in our universe, if a astrizzle came n' wiped up our entire fuckin hood, 0 fucks would be given, cuz no one would be round ta give dem fucks, cuz we'd all be dead hommie! HAH! I say fuckin phat riddance, ta dis wack fuckin hood of empty headed simpletons, of which I be one of tha sole bastionz of intelligence n' wisdom. FUCK EM! So sick of bein one of tha only smart-ass playas on dis entire hood, itz like a gangbangin' fuckin god bust when I peep mah playas whoz ass can peep tha ghetto intelligently, there be a playas whoz ass far surpass mah intelligence n' I fuckin ENVY THEM. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Soooooooo yeah fuck tha human race, n' yay rape, go rape dat mutha fuckin playaaaaaa, biiiatch was probably a wack feminist playaaaaaa anyways.
lmao did you put this into some ghetto slang conversion software or something?

The Flood / Re: Just some thoughts i wrote about rape.
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:11:07 PM »
Yo ass know, I know what tha fuck I be bout ta brang up is wack n' not related ta Brexit or whatever n' is probably a waste of time yo, but I can't stand dat fuckin "rape culture" thang tha feminists is always goin on about. I mean, yeah, I gots a tendency ta git caught up in arguments cuz I guess I just git bugged out n' like ta have suttin' ta worry bout ta make me feel like mah game (or any suckasz game fo' dat matter) means a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shiznit yo, but itz just... I couldn't give a fuckin shiznit when playas git raped as much as when one of mah thugs is religious n' tryin ta pass religious laws, or say some bullshit religious stuff. Rape is just suttin' dat happens like meteors n' lightnin strikes, there be a suttin' different bout tha mind of a rapist than a "normal" human mind, cuz as a reflection of tha chaotic order of tha universe, there happens ta be some playas whoz ass will come n' hit you like a funky-ass bolt of lightnin cuz thatz just tha sort of ghetto our slick asses live in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Don't mean dat I trip off dat that happens, or dat I be thinkin dat itz all gravy yo, but I straight-up have mo' sympathy fo' one of mah thugs whoz ass do suttin' like that, cuz at least I know dat there be a probably suttin' fundamentally different bout they dome, n' playas don't even know bout dat or care n' they just wanna go n' say dat rapists is tha problem n' we need ta teach society not ta rape.

Yo ass wanna teach playas ta give a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shiznit bout whether or not they rape one of mah thugs, biatch? That don't work, society is filled wit vicious fucks whoz ass couldn't give a fuckin shit, n' you know whoz ass is straight-up gots nuff props fo'that, biatch? Religious people, wit they self righteousnizz n' tha fact dat they mindz is probably even mo' fucked up. But no one gives a gangbangin' fuck bout that, playas be thinkin dat religious playas is just a straight-up def aiiight part of our society, NO. I mean, dis is just me shoutin all up in tha empty void wishin dat there was some element of juice dat could shift up in tha side of good, like a actual fuckin phat muthafucka yo, but religion be a wack illogical wack concept thatz perpetuated cuz peoplez mindz aint capable of intelligent thinking. Yet some how, when I peep these playas whoz ass is rapists n' I don't peep tha epitome of evil, I peep dem fo' what tha fuck they straight-up is which is just a funky-ass bunch of playas whoz ass have much different wayz of thankin n' probably different biologizzle from me, I git called a gangbangin' fuckin rape apologist. What tha fuck is I apologizin for, biatch? Muthafuckas is fuckin morons n' they can't realize jack fuckin shiznit bout dis hood, which is why I fuckin fantasize bout suicizzle all tha time n' be always mutterin under mah breath "I can't fuckin wait ta die". PS I don't straight-up wanna die, cuz I wanna live fo' 1000 muthafuckin years n' peep religion finally take a thugged-out dirtnap out.

Then you git playas tryin ta say dat rapists is evil. WHAT THE FUCK IS "EVIL", biatch? Yo ass betta explain dat concept rockin science, biatch? NOOOOO. If you can't explain it wit science, then it aint a part of our fuckin universe. Everythang up in our universe exists on some sort of scientistical level, cuz we observe straight-up every last muthafuckin thang up in tha universe wit science. Da reason dat evil don't exist is cuz there be a no level of importizzle up in our universe, if a astrizzle came n' wiped up our entire fuckin hood, 0 fucks would be given, cuz no one would be round ta give dem fucks, cuz we'd all be dead hommie! HAH! I say fuckin phat riddance, ta dis wack fuckin hood of empty headed simpletons, of which I be one of tha sole bastionz of intelligence n' wisdom. FUCK EM! So sick of bein one of tha only smart-ass playas on dis entire hood, itz like a gangbangin' fuckin god bust when I peep mah playas whoz ass can peep tha ghetto intelligently, there be a playas whoz ass far surpass mah intelligence n' I fuckin ENVY THEM. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Soooooooo yeah fuck tha human race, n' yay rape, go rape dat mutha fuckin playaaaaaa, biiiatch was probably a wack feminist playaaaaaa anyways.

The Flood / Re: Avatar rating thread
« on: June 28, 2016, 04:17:03 PM »
Trying to get a gradient that blends from the image to the avatar border. Bottom side is still a little off.

The Flood / Re: Learn your farm animals.
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:35:37 PM »


Shit bro, you know can always leave her with me when you need a sitter.
Thanks. I'm planning on leaving again because I forgot the milk, so you can watch her.

The Flood / Re: reminder that Hitler
« on: June 28, 2016, 01:28:55 PM »
If he was against animal cruelty then why'd he have so many Jews killed?
Parasites aren't animals.

The Flood / reminder that Hitler
« on: June 28, 2016, 01:23:50 PM »
was against animal cruelty, the consumption of meat, alcohol consumption, and the smoking of cancer sticks. If you support any of these you're not a true national socialist

and have deduced the materials science and genetics necessary for them?

People *are* trying to make them reality. Either they become real, or nothing matters

Thanks for watching her you two. I appreciate it.

The Flood / can you guys watch my daughter while i go to the store?
« on: June 28, 2016, 12:45:08 PM »
shes got some lemonade just keep an eye on her would you thanks

The Flood / Re: what is keeping you up
« on: June 28, 2016, 12:25:18 AM »
People in a call are forcing me to stay up.

The Flood / Re: Avatar rating thread
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:35:07 PM »

rate my updated avatar.

The Flood / Re: I'm really stoned right now
« on: June 27, 2016, 09:16:47 PM »
please die
don't have the balls for suicide, sorry.

The Flood / Re: I'm really stoned right now
« on: June 27, 2016, 09:16:16 PM »
Y'all niggas are lame.
not you, all the niggas who don't ask shit.

The Flood / Re: I'm really stoned right now
« on: June 27, 2016, 09:13:21 PM »
Y'all niggas are lame.

The Flood / Re: I'm really stoned right now
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:49:37 PM »
what's your favorite phrase
huh, I don't think I have one. I dunno maybe I confound hell in Elysium from Dr. Faustus.

The Flood / Re: I'm really stoned right now
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:45:26 PM »
While the squares are cool, don't people want to ask me shit.

The Flood / Re: I'm really stoned right now
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:43:28 PM »
are you baked like a fucking cake bro

The Flood / Re: I'm really stoned right now
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:40:27 PM »
Dude...bro I'm fucking BAKED
like dude.

The Flood / Re: I'm really stoned right now
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:39:27 PM »
I can't even get really stoned anymore

if I want to get fucked up, I'll drink or do DXM

OT: what's your most embarassing secret
Uh, when I was young I was called trailer park trash because of my first name
what is it

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