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Messages - UnwornUniform

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The Flood / Re: Warner Bros. is doing a Five Nights at Freddy's movie
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:05:59 AM »
Also. Obligatory ending scene that leaves a cliffhanger for a sequel.
I wonder if the sequel will be made 3 months after the first movie came out?

Gaming / Re: Deus Ex Mankind Divided
« on: April 07, 2015, 11:49:20 PM »
I only played the first few hours of Deus Ex Human Revolution on PC. I should probably get back into it before the next one comes out.

The Flood / Re: I just watched American sniper. AMA
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:48:15 AM »
How much america was in your cup of america?

The Flood / Re: Challenger versus Flee
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:46:47 AM »

The Flood / Re: should we start a charity so Comms can see a girl IRL?
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:23:44 AM »
Next we should start a charity for Rocketman to meet God. Both have the same amount of chance happening.
I'll donate my catholic bible.

Gaming / Re: What was the first game you ever played?
« on: April 07, 2015, 09:01:15 AM »
The very idea of having a 3D game be your first game ever makes me shudder.
What's wrong with the game being 3D?

The Flood / Re: Forum Guessing Game
« on: April 07, 2015, 08:00:23 AM »
Cheat riding a broom with you're head attached to the front while Rocketman smiles in disbelief.
That's a dogs head you little dickhead, do I look like a mutt to you?


And incorrect :)
Fox, Dog's. They're all the same.

The Flood / Re: Forum Guessing Game
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:51:29 AM »
Cheat riding a broom with you're head attached to the front while Rocketman smiles in disbelief.

Sam Worthington.

The Flood / Re: Just finished watching "Boyhood"
« on: April 07, 2015, 03:30:29 AM »
I wouldn't even consider it a movie. It was literally a chronicle of a boys life.

Also Slash seems to have a stick up his butt.

Gaming / Re: What was the first game you ever played?
« on: April 07, 2015, 03:19:13 AM »
tag with my sister
true stop breaking the thread.

The Flood / Re: Are You People Trying To Arouse Me?
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:36:47 AM »
Vien you've been here longer than me. Shouldn't you be used to this by now?
Dude, I come here expecting it at this point.

The Flood / Re: Are You People Trying To Arouse Me?
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:28:42 AM »
Vien you've been here longer than me. Shouldn't you be used to this by now?

Gaming / What was the first game you ever played?
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:19:19 AM »
This topic has most likely been posted before but screw it.

What was the first game you ever played? Mine was the 1996 classic Crash Bandicoot on the PSone. In my opinion no other platformer is as good as the Crash series. Fucking come at me sluts.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:17:09 AM »
I would say the game is not that hard and just has a steep learning curve, but I guess that still counts as difficulty.
Honestly none of the Souls games are as hard as everyone makes them out to be.

Gaming / Re: Reach UI is best UI
« on: April 06, 2015, 10:21:47 PM »
You gotta give Bungie credit when it comes to the UI department. Destiny's UI design in my opinion is sexy as hell. In both Reach & Destiny everything you need is only a few button presses away. Shame both games are mediocre at best.

The Flood / Re: Should we ban actual racists?
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:29:24 AM »
Considered most of the humor on here is racist jokes. I doubt that's going to happen.

The Flood / Re: What goes through your head when you get a PM on here?
« on: April 05, 2015, 09:15:48 PM »
'Why doesn't Elegiac have other friends?'

The Flood / Re: Moms Spaghetti
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:54:02 AM »
This wins... the internet.

*puts on EA shill armband*

Battlefield isn't a yearly release series <.<

BF3 - 2011
BF4 - 2013
BFH - 2015

EA tried to make it yearly with hardline's original release date but after people told them to fuck off with that shite, they pushed it back into 2015. Which has worked out well for everyone involved >.>
Plus BF4 is still planned to be supported for quite a while, they've extended the premium calendar and have announced free DLC in the upcoming months. One being at the end of April (Weapon crate DLC, AN94, L86A2, GROZA variants x2 and a sniper-pistol) the other being map packs later on.

As you might be able to tell, I like Battlefield >_>
Free map packs? We are talking about Battlefield right? The game owned by EA?

Scary isn't it? <.<

Free gun DLC at the end of the month adding in some fan favourites and some new/weird weapons. Following that there is another Map based DLC which will definitely include the community map project and may include fan favourites like Nohshar Canals too >.>
Noshar Canals... fan favourite. I heard about a night time version of Siege Of Shanghai I don't know if that's one of the maps but that will be cool none the less.

*puts on EA shill armband*

Battlefield isn't a yearly release series <.<

BF3 - 2011
BF4 - 2013
BFH - 2015

EA tried to make it yearly with hardline's original release date but after people told them to fuck off with that shite, they pushed it back into 2015. Which has worked out well for everyone involved >.>
Plus BF4 is still planned to be supported for quite a while, they've extended the premium calendar and have announced free DLC in the upcoming months. One being at the end of April (Weapon crate DLC, AN94, L86A2, GROZA variants x2 and a sniper-pistol) the other being map packs later on.

As you might be able to tell, I like Battlefield >_>
Free map packs? We are talking about Battlefield right? The game owned by EA?

The Flood / Re: R.I.P. true hero
« on: April 05, 2015, 09:29:19 AM »
It disgusts me that comments on 9gag followed the trend of mocking in order to make themselves feel good.
If you're talking about my post I was serious. I wasn't trying to make it into a joke or anything.

The Flood / Re: R.I.P. true hero
« on: April 05, 2015, 08:29:03 AM »
That kid is a fucking hero. Rest In Peace.

I don't, hell, I don't play any title with a yearly release.

I know one person who honestly said there's enough in each FIFA to warrant the full price each year. I walked out of the room at that point.
I have Fifa '99 on my ps1. It is literally the exact same game as Fifa '15. That said there are more features and better graphics. But it's essentially the same game.

The Flood / Re: Official Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron Discussion Thread
« on: April 05, 2015, 07:51:31 AM »
Get high, watch superhero movies. That's my formula.
I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me smuggle weed into the theatre.

The Flood / Re: Just a reminder
« on: April 05, 2015, 07:50:45 AM »
This thread is cancer and everyone who posted in it should die. Myself included.

I'm with IngloriousWho. I have no clue what you're on about.

The Flood / Re: Official Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron Discussion Thread
« on: April 05, 2015, 07:35:38 AM »
Planning on going to the midnight premiere.
I'm going opening weekend with my friends. I'm just hoping we don't get stuck with too many of the 10 year old scrubs in the audience. The amount of parents that bring babies to movies is dissapointing to say the least.

I mean for instance Call of Duty, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed & Fifa. For me I've made a rule for myself to only buy Treyarch CoD games since they're usualy the only good ones at this point. I the last BF game I bought was BF4 & I got AssCreed 4 , Unity & Fifa free with my Xbone.

I'm wondering if anyone actually keeps up with yearly release games? I usually tend to try to stay away from them.

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