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Messages - big sponge

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The Flood / Re: Reasons why the Empire actually isn't that bad
« on: November 30, 2014, 04:40:03 PM »
I love the empire and the rebels sucked shit, but nuking Alderaan is about as easy to justify as nuking Nagasaki.

They were sympathisers and they were hiding the important rebels... ooookaaaaaayyyy buuut we didn't turn Pakistan into a glass crater because Bin Laden was hiding there .-.

Well prior to Disney's colossal fuck up with the EU it had been established that Alderaan was directly responsible for creating the rebel alliance, had been funding them, and were supplying them.
So Bail Organa isn't the Rebellion's bankroll anymore?

Since that was expanded universe stuff no. Alderaan is now completely innocent.

The Flood / Re: Reasons why the Empire actually isn't that bad
« on: November 30, 2014, 04:15:58 PM »
I love the empire and the rebels sucked shit, but nuking Alderaan is about as easy to justify as nuking Nagasaki.

They were sympathisers and they were hiding the important rebels... ooookaaaaaayyyy buuut we didn't turn Pakistan into a glass crater because Bin Laden was hiding there .-.

Well prior to Disney's colossal fuck up with the EU it had been established that Alderaan was directly responsible for creating the rebel alliance, had been funding them, and were supplying them.

The Flood / Re: Reasons why the Empire actually isn't that bad
« on: November 30, 2014, 02:33:49 PM »
I've been saying this for years.

The Flood / Re: Fate/Hollow Ataraxia OPs Are Out
« on: November 30, 2014, 02:24:08 PM »
On top of that this current adaption is really letting me down compared to what I expected from the quality of Zero.
story telling wise? because i think that UBW has better fight animations...
The animation is the only thing keeping me.
i agree that the story telling is weaker then Fate/Zero, as of ep 9 anyway. what about it is off-putting?
I just find the story over all to be quite weak.
This huge magical event is happening and the grail just picks three highschool kids from the same area?
That alone is full of shit, I don't really care for the reasoning, Waver, Melloi, the Einzberns and the randomer Ryuunosuke got in on the action last time. A diverse set of people.

Kirei, Saber and Ilya all know the name Emiya, yet none of them mention that to Shirou.

I find the convictions of the characters to be really weak, not that others in Zero, for example Waver, didn't have weak convictions or goals, but we were made believe them and saw growth of some sort.
The only growth we're getting now is Shorous cock whenever Rin and Saber are onscreen.

Brah, Fate/Stay Night and all of its routes are really hard to adapt. Mainly because most of Shirou's development happens with internal monologue along with the explanations for many of his actions. Shirou is at his core a broken human being with a severe case of PTSD that resulted from the ending of Fate/Zero. He literally can not be happy unless he aiding someone else as he has a severe case of survivors guilt as well.

It also explains a lot about the current grail war that wasn't even supposed to happen. The Tohsakas, Mautos and Einzberns will always be chosen for the war as they're the ones who created the ritual. The grail wasn't supposed to appear for another 40 years, however because Kerry fucked everything up last time its appeared much sooner and therefore the grail just threw a bunch of people with magical potential together. The only person who's able to make it to the 5th grail war in time to be chosen was Bazzett who was from Ireland, however certain circumstances left her unable to participate. Had the grail appeared when it was supposed to everyone participating would have likely been an adult.

The visual novel explains all of this and more which is why I tell people to read the damn VN. If you've read it you catch all the subtleties in Ufotabls storytelling.

Fate/Zero was half written by Gen Urobochi and half written by Nasu. Unlike Fate/Stay Night though it was written in a way that was much easier to adapt into a film since it didn't rely so much on internal dialogue for character development. Also unlike Zero F/SN very much focuses on a main character since nearly the entire thing is written from Shirou's first person perspective.

Just like KnK there's a lot of information in F/SN that won't be spoonfed to you. You have to do your own dot connecting and you're only getting 1/3rd of the actual story in UBW. The Heavens Feel movie(s) will be giving you another third and if you were in Japan the Fate route would be a free download on mobile devices.

Kara no Kyoukai is pretty straight forward if you're paying attention and doing your own dot connecting. I'm not sure how you can call it convoluted.

The Flood / Re: How did you spend your Saturday night?
« on: November 30, 2014, 04:24:06 AM »

The Flood / Re: Fate/Hollow Ataraxia OPs Are Out
« on: November 30, 2014, 04:13:32 AM »

Ufotable recently did a remaster of Fate/Hollow Ataraxia for Type-Moon and included some animated openings for the visual novel. They're basically cock teases for an anime adaptation that may happen if their current adaptation of Unlimited Blade Works does well.

The Flood / Fate/Hollow Ataraxia OPs Are Out
« on: November 30, 2014, 04:07:09 AM »


For those of you who follow the franchise, Ufotable is saying that a Hollow Ataraxia anime adaptation is a sure thing if Unlimited Blade Works does well. So hopefully the BD sales do well so we can get a full adaptation instead of these cock teases.

Gibbe the entire scene that OP2 is showing plz Ufotable.

The Flood / Re: So How Active is this Place
« on: November 30, 2014, 04:02:28 AM »
When Anarchy goes down the rest of this place will be a lot more active.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:36:24 AM »

When I saw the trailer, I saw a panting Stormtrooper without a helmet and a Tatooine native on a big hover-bike, but when you saw it all you saw was a black man and a woman which is apparently shoving diversity in your face...

Tell us more about how it's stupid to call you a closet racist.

If you actually read the thread it's more about a lack of character shown when compared to initial reveals of other characters that makes it feel like tokenism. Actually read an argument before you try to interject. Because right now you're arguing in favor of tokenism and calling those who support minorities having expanded roles in films instead of filling diversity quotas racist.

The Flood / Re: No, describe ME in ten words or fewer
« on: November 29, 2014, 08:59:39 PM »
Mass Effect 3 has a shit ending.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:13:51 PM »

TL;DR: You continue to ignore everything I say in order to pursue your racist witch hunt.

Considering that you have no intention in having an honest conversation here I'm done. I seriously can't believe that the person arguing in favor of keeping tokenism in films for demographic pandering lip service is trying to tell the person saying that minorities should be playing actual characters in films instead of being sidelined is racist.

Septagon / Re: What is the septagon subreddit?
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:19:26 PM »
There's a subreddit?

The Flood / Re: Why Is Everybody's Avatar Anime?
« on: November 29, 2014, 02:58:58 PM »

Serious / Re: Is this true?
« on: November 29, 2014, 01:47:27 PM »
Flee is incompetent so I went and fixed it.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 01:27:38 PM »
Learn who the main cast are "brah." At least half of them are female along with the chick in 12 Years A Slave. He's far from being "token."

The actors past roles play no bearing on what they're currently in. I could bring up Disney as the producer and point out how they're notorious for tokenism. That would actually have some bearing on this.

And yeah, perhaps they are trying to attract more demographics, but it's probably due to what market forces dictate, not some SJW conspiracy like you seem to think it is.
I never stated that it was some SJW conspiracy. Way to put words in my mouth. Good to see that you're actually admitting that this seems a little like tokenism. Especially since all I'm able to take away from these characters is "I'm a woman and I'm black" while in the OT trailers I could come away with a good feeling for who each of the characters were.

How are you judging these characters? Have you been given a leaked script? Are you sleeping with JJ? Are you psychic? Where can I get this lucrative information on these characters we know absolutely nothing about?

I've said a dozen times now that I'm going solely on the trailer and comparing it to other trailers for movies within the same franchise. Could this change later? Yeah, but at the moment all I have to take away from this is "I'm a woman and I'm black". When you put these next to Luke and Han, two white dudes that actually have a character displayed that's more than the color of their skin and gender in their reveals then yeah it does seem like it's attempting to play demographics.

This is just another blackmark on an overall underwhelming trailer.

Besides, using him as a jump scare is just absurd.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:01:28 AM »

Your whole side of this boils down to "waaahhh a black guy that doesn't do something cool or some shit like lando in the trailer. he obviously has no character and is only there because tokenism".

Actually it didn't. However you can't actually argue against me so you're resorting to purposely misquoting me. Lando wouldn't have even been brought up if you didn't try to paint me as some sort of racist.

This could have been a civil conversation on why I felt this was tokenism if you hadn't decided to purposely stir shit up.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:57:34 AM »

Learn what tokenism is brah. Tokenism is actually fucking racist as it's pigeonholing a character based on their skin color or gender in order to fill a quota. This is one black character in whats been shown to be an all white cast and he seems to have little to no actual development from the trailer that should be introducing him as a main character. Same with the girl who's also supposed to be a main character.

If I were to compare them to the main characters from the OT reveal trailers I could actually get a feel for how each character is and thus become interested in them. Meanwhile with this post OT reveal trailer I feel absolutely nothing for these two since I'm not given anything other than a pretty face in whats supposed to be introducing them to me. Meanwhile I know the old cast is returning and if the same effort was put into these new characters you wouldn't have me thinking tokenism. They'd actually feel like they were a part of what's supposed to be the story instead of just an afterthought.

Once again. I'd appreciate it if you'd go on your racist witch hunt elsewhere.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:31:46 AM »

I'm preemptively judging a character based on his lack of character. You and Lemon are the ones making it solely about race.

Lando Calrission was only brought up because you two tried to make it about race and not about lack of character. You automatically assumed that because I was commenting on what seemed to be tokenism that I was a racist that hated black people. When in fact, wanting a character not to be token lip service to a minority group and feel like an actual person is about the farthest thing from it.

Please go on your racist witch hunt somewhere else.

And really? "I'm not calling you an autistic sperglord! I'm just comparing you to one!"? That's the best you could do to try to wiggle out of that one?

The Flood / Re: That lightsaber in the boring Star Wars trailer.
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:27:32 AM »
Hand guards on a real sword don't cut your hand off if you brush against them.
Usually a light saber is going up against another light saber so a normal piece of metal is going to be useless for a guard. In Star Wars Legacy those Imperial Knights to have gauntlets that are light saber resistant but that type of metal might be rare or hard to make.

So there's literally no point to have them then. Those hand guards are more dangerous and impractical for the user than they are for the enemy.

The Flood / Re: That lightsaber in the boring Star Wars trailer.
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:21:17 AM »
Hand guards on a real sword don't cut your hands off if you brush against them.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:08:33 AM »
this is a character who seems to only be skin deep while previous characters that happened to be black actually had a character that didn't revolve around their ethnicity.
I'm the one who's starting shit even though you're the one complaining that there's a black guy and a woman in the trailer? Okay.

Yes, because a character we know literally nothing about who appeared for all of 5 seconds in an 88 second trailer is only skin deep and only for the sake of diversity.
Congrats, Mr Super Sleuth.

You're trying to call me a moronic racist when I've quite clearly explained that I'm comparing two different characters from trailers that are similar in length.

Lando Calrissian seems like an actual character. This new guy doesn't. Lando barely has more time in the Empire trailer than new guy, but he shows off much more character. New guy is relegated to a fucking jump scare to show off that there's a black guy in the film.

Of course you'll likely ignore everything I'm saying once again in order to push your narrative that denies all evidence to the contrary.
It's not so much that he's "pushing a narrative." It's that you're literally ascertaining an unknown character in an unknown role in a minute teaser trailer based on irrelevant factors such as skin colour.

Why does it matter? Do you find it difficult to identify with people not your colour unless they instantly display suaveness in a movie trailer? Are you that childish?

Yes I can't get over a character or identify with a black character which is why I was praising Lando Calrission. A character who happened to be black, but didn't have his character revolve around the fact.
You're focusing on the wrong shit in order to try and stick it to me. You're the one who's grasping at straws here.

I'll distill this even further for you.

Being a suave rouge is an actual character trait that shows depth. Being panting black man isn't, this is prequel level depth here.
I'm not even sure what to say to you at this point. You're acting like one of those edgy sperglords who complained about the Heath Ledger stills of the Joker because they were too effeminate, and passing baseless autistic claims on post production material that hadn't been finalised yet.

Your rhetoric reads like a post from the containment board itself. Probably time to stop browsing.

So basically you can't refute me, realized you fucked up when you tried to pin me as some sort of racist, and are now just throwing random shit on the wall in the hope that it sticks.

Good job. An "I'm sorry" would have gone over much better though.

Nice personal attacks by the way brah. Gotta get dem ad hominems in some how amright?

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:38:30 AM »
this is a character who seems to only be skin deep while previous characters that happened to be black actually had a character that didn't revolve around their ethnicity.
I'm the one who's starting shit even though you're the one complaining that there's a black guy and a woman in the trailer? Okay.

Yes, because a character we know literally nothing about who appeared for all of 5 seconds in an 88 second trailer is only skin deep and only for the sake of diversity.
Congrats, Mr Super Sleuth.

You're trying to call me a moronic racist when I've quite clearly explained that I'm comparing two different characters from trailers that are similar in length.

Lando Calrissian seems like an actual character. This new guy doesn't. Lando barely has more time in the Empire trailer than new guy, but he shows off much more character. New guy is relegated to a fucking jump scare to show off that there's a black guy in the film.

Of course you'll likely ignore everything I'm saying once again in order to push your narrative that denies all evidence to the contrary.
It's not so much that he's "pushing a narrative." It's that you're literally ascertaining an unknown character in an unknown role in a minute teaser trailer based on irrelevant factors such as skin colour.

Why does it matter? Do you find it difficult to identify with people not your colour unless they instantly display suaveness in a movie trailer? Are you that childish?

Yes I can't get over a character or identify with a black character which is why I was praising Lando Calrission. A character who happened to be black, but didn't have his character revolve around the fact.
You're focusing on the wrong shit in order to try and stick it to me. You're the one who's grasping at straws here.

I'll distill this even further for you.

Being a suave rouge is an actual character trait that shows depth. Being panting black man isn't, this is prequel level depth here.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:21:06 AM »
this is a character who seems to only be skin deep while previous characters that happened to be black actually had a character that didn't revolve around their ethnicity.
I'm the one who's starting shit even though you're the one complaining that there's a black guy and a woman in the trailer? Okay.

Yes, because a character we know literally nothing about who appeared for all of 5 seconds in an 88 second trailer is only skin deep and only for the sake of diversity.
Congrats, Mr Super Sleuth.

You're trying to call me a moronic racist when I've quite clearly explained that I'm comparing two different characters from trailers that are similar in length.

Lando Calrissian seems like an actual character. This new guy doesn't. Lando barely has more time in the Empire trailer than new guy, but he shows off much more character. New guy is relegated to a fucking jump scare to show off that there's a black guy in the film.

Of course you'll likely ignore everything I'm saying once again in order to push your narrative that denies all evidence to the contrary.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:00:16 AM »
It may be shit, but it's still better than Forced Diversity: The Cast, Progressive Pandering edition,
Are you purposely being a retard?
"hurr movie trailer has a woman and a black guy in it. obvious forced diversity."

The way he's introduced screams tokenism.

Lando Calrission
Introduced in his trailer as being a suave rouge similar to Han Solo. Seems to be an interesting character with actual depth.

New Guy
"black man is the first character in the trailer. obviously tokenism"
Are you done being a moron yet? It's pretty sad that you're actually complaining about the race of a person.

Only I'm not and you're just trying to start shit.

If you actually understood what I was saying I'm complaining that this is a character who seems to only be skin deep while previous characters that happened to be black actually had a character that didn't revolve around their ethnicity.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:54:18 AM »
It may be shit, but it's still better than Forced Diversity: The Cast, Progressive Pandering edition,
Are you purposely being a retard?
"hurr movie trailer has a woman and a black guy in it. obvious forced diversity."

The way he's introduced screams tokenism.

Lando Calrission
Introduced in his trailer as being a suave rouge similar to Han Solo. Seems to be an interesting character with actual depth.

New Guy
And you're gauging this from a one minute teaser right enough?

It's only 30 seconds shorter than the Empire Strikes Back trailer.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:48:46 AM »
It may be shit, but it's still better than Forced Diversity: The Cast, Progressive Pandering edition,
Are you purposely being a retard?
"hurr movie trailer has a woman and a black guy in it. obvious forced diversity."

The way he's introduced screams tokenism.

Lando Calrission
Introduced in his trailer as being a suave rouge similar to Han Solo. Seems to be an interesting character with actual depth.

New Guy

The Flood / Re: Anarchy-time Sep7 is interesting
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:30:35 PM »
Yeah. I don't really post there because It isn't my style. I also am surrounded by my family all of this weekend in an open room so I really don't want to browse it.

>implying you don't want your family to see you look at an old fat man having sex with his son

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:12:54 PM »
That fan-made trailer that you all think is > than the real one is complete shit. Disgustingly bad dialogue and cringe inducing everything else.

Its a decent trailer.

It may be shit, but it's still better than Forced Diversity: The Cast, Progressive Pandering edition, the cringe worthy bad guy voice acting, retard saber, soccer ball droid,  and the movie canon ignoring dialogue.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:51:00 PM »
I wanted that golden storm trooper with the lightsaber in the movie :c
What? There were no golden storm troopers with sabers in the fiction.
Well, he looked gold in that fan film trailer
1:01 it was in the fan made trailer

Jesus Christ the fucking fan made trailer looks better than the official shit.


The bait has been set. Now we wait for Psy.

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