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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 309310311 312313 ... 394
Gaming / Re: Favorite Halo UNSC warhero?
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:39:22 PM »
>no Pete Stacker option

Your list is shit/10.

The Flood / Re: "I don't always kill giant monsters..."
« on: December 21, 2014, 03:32:52 PM »

But King Kong beat Godzilla.

Serious / Re: Largest Felony Civil Disobedience Rally in US History
« on: December 21, 2014, 03:26:45 PM »
I'd just like to point out that 1000 people is like 0.14% Washingtons population. Considering they couldn't even get a single percent of the states population to show up, yeah I'd call this a fringe group.


>dat source

Serious / Re: Every fast food restaurant should be following this model
« on: December 21, 2014, 02:59:32 PM »
Not really fast food, but Ike's Place is a damn good sandwich shop. They're only in California though and have 14 locations in total.

The Flood / Re: Anime Recommendation Thread
« on: December 21, 2014, 02:49:01 PM »

Boku no Pico

During summer vacation, Tamotsu is on break from work happens to visit a particular café. It is at this café that Tamotsu meets Pico, who works there for his grandfather. Tamotsu instantly falls for Pico, believing that Pico is a girl because of his feminine appearance. However, to his disbelief, Pico claims he actually is a guy. Undeterred, Tamotsu pursues a sexual relationship with Pico, to an extent where he even persuades Pico into wearing girl clothes. When Pico asks what is he to Tamotsu, he finds himself unable to answer...

The Flood / Re: A reminder that this is a user on this site.
« on: December 21, 2014, 03:20:33 AM »

Thank you for this wonderful letter Nexus. I don't know what I would have done without this knowledge.

The Flood / Re: Anthony, Zimmerman to star in new TV series
« on: December 21, 2014, 12:51:23 AM »
Just letting you guys know, this is satire >_>

I guess it's a good thing I didn't even comment on the article then.

Considering the link was hidden behind a fake one and this in no way invokes any serious discussion though I'll be moving it to The Flood.

The Flood / Re: Anthony, Zimmerman to star in new TV series
« on: December 21, 2014, 12:03:53 AM »
"they became friends"

Of course, a wife-beater and wanna-be cop/murderer getting along with a batshit insane mother/murderer?  Sounds like two peas in a pod!

Maybe they'll end up killing each other. Would make for a great season finale, wouldn't it?
How can they be murderers when evidence lacks they committed any crime?

Oh come on Kinder, in the case of Casey Anthony it's obvious that she did it. There just wasn't enough evidence to actually prove that she did.

The Flood / Re: New ReBuild of Evangelion video
« on: December 20, 2014, 11:53:29 PM »
Haven't they retold the whole story yet? Not that I'm not excited if this is it, mind you.

Umm what? The first movie is a recap with a few changes to it. The second movie goes in a completely different direction though.

Thought Rebuild was supposed to be a retelling. I have only a faint recalling of any of the movies, though.

The only similarities it shares after the first movie are it's characters and setting. The story is pretty much completely different. Especially in the third movie.

The Flood / Re: New ReBuild of Evangelion video
« on: December 20, 2014, 11:41:33 PM »
Haven't they retold the whole story yet? Not that I'm not excited if this is it, mind you.

Umm what? The first movie is a recap with a few changes to it. The second movie goes in a completely different direction though.

The Flood / Re: Hey Tomoko
« on: December 20, 2014, 10:42:10 PM »
If you actually think Tomoko is a likable character you're a social reject who settles for the lowest common denominator because they can't get anything else.

Before you secondaries lose your shit read the god damn manga. Tomoko is an awful human being.

Gaming / Re: Console peasants...
« on: December 20, 2014, 10:35:32 PM »
>playing games for graphics

>Settling for shit graphics

I know this isn't serious, but they're far from shit.
Well, it leaves much to be desired which the PC provides
Umm, no? Consoles don't offer Ultra graphics with jazz like HBAO, AA cranked up to x16 and DoF out the ass, but they're anything but "shit".
...which is why I toned down my comment to say it leaves much to be desired.
Not really.
If you don't see a drastic difference between PC and console graphics, I don't know what to tell you.
I never said I don't see the difference. I can see the differences, but caring about those differences is a separate matter.
I'm saying that console games look fine. But hey, who am I to judge? Because I'm just a console user.

Have fun with your klansmen troopers sour bong.
My what?


Members of the KKK are Klansmen. Klansmen wear white pointy hats. Those soldiers are wearing white pointy hats.

Therefore those soldiers are part of the KKK.

Shits not funny when you have to explain it.

Gaming / Re: Console peasants...
« on: December 20, 2014, 10:27:51 PM »
>playing games for graphics

>Settling for shit graphics

I know this isn't serious, but they're far from shit.
Well, it leaves much to be desired which the PC provides
Umm, no? Consoles don't offer Ultra graphics with jazz like HBAO, AA cranked up to x16 and DoF out the ass, but they're anything but "shit".
...which is why I toned down my comment to say it leaves much to be desired.
Not really.
If you don't see a drastic difference between PC and console graphics, I don't know what to tell you.
I never said I don't see the difference. I can see the differences, but caring about those differences is a separate matter.
I'm saying that console games look fine. But hey, who am I to judge? Because I'm just a console user.

Have fun with your klansmen troopers sour bong.

The Flood / Re: I can see verbatim as a transwoman
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:52:19 PM »
>make thread about xboxdotcom

>make thread about verbatim being trans


It's not fine and this should have been locked too.

Unfortunately (or fortunately if you're staff) I'm at work so it'll be a bit before I'm at home.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: Droids
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:40:20 PM »
It was shit.

So was every other 1980's cartoon.
doesn't change the fact that it was shit.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: Droids
« on: December 20, 2014, 08:30:43 PM »
It was shit.

Gaming / Re: Console peasants...
« on: December 20, 2014, 07:57:40 PM »
I wonder if the person who put that together realized that half of those responses weren't serious.

The Flood / Re: You have to pick one of these men to rule the world
« on: December 20, 2014, 03:36:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: Back from my Californication
« on: December 20, 2014, 03:20:37 PM »

Your last point gives me a WTF considering we're the only state in the union to achieve an A ranking in science standards and most sciences are pretty dependent on math.

Number 9 is also the first I've heard of this as monogamous relationships tend to be the norm here.
I stayed in the Bay Area, maybe that's why? Or maybe because my cousin's friends (it was my cousin's wedding) are all super liberals who came from art school?

The bay area and liberalism have nothing to do with it. If anything I'd pin it on the art school as they typically have easier math, science, and English courses than normal schools.

The Flood / Re: Back from my Californication
« on: December 20, 2014, 03:15:55 PM »

Your last point gives me a WTF considering we're the only state in the union to achieve an A ranking in science standards and most sciences are pretty dependent on math.

Number 9 is also the first I've heard of this as monogamous relationships tend to be the norm here.

Gaming / Re: Extremely informative no mans sky interview!!!!'
« on: December 20, 2014, 02:53:53 PM »
mfw not on xbox

That's Microsofts fault because of their retarded indie policies

I guess I'm too soft on them
Yup, if a game launches on PS before Xbox then it can't come to Xbox.

Uhhh no? The policy is that it isn't eligible for MS giving them free dev kits and shit if there isn't launch parity and even then it's on a case by case basis.

OT: The little interest I had in this game is now pretty much dead.
Yes, that's a real policy from MS.

ID@Xbox parity clause is only for indie devs who want MS to invest resources into them and even then its on a case by case basis. You can be an indie and not part of ID@Xbox.

Gaming / Re: Extremely informative no mans sky interview!!!!'
« on: December 20, 2014, 02:21:43 PM »
mfw not on xbox

That's Microsofts fault because of their retarded indie policies

I guess I'm too soft on them
Yup, if a game launches on PS before Xbox then it can't come to Xbox.

Uhhh no? The policy is that it isn't eligible for MS giving them free dev kits and shit if there isn't launch parity and even then it's on a case by case basis.

OT: The little interest I had in this game is now pretty much dead.
Definitely not something I'm buying right away. It seems like there's no real goal or customization

They pretty much advertised it as a giant procedurally generated galaxy that you could explore with your friends with their reveal trailer and then turned around and told everyone you'll in all likelihood never see someone in your game.

Gaming / Re: Extremely informative no mans sky interview!!!!'
« on: December 20, 2014, 02:11:08 PM »
mfw not on xbox

That's Microsofts fault because of their retarded indie policies

I guess I'm too soft on them
Yup, if a game launches on PS before Xbox then it can't come to Xbox.

Uhhh no? The policy is that it isn't eligible for MS giving them free dev kits and shit if there isn't launch parity and even then it's on a case by case basis.

OT: The little interest I had in this game is now pretty much dead.

Wish the game had randomly generated npc villagers.
That would be nice. Every so often when you visit a location you come across some people that are from different areas of Skyrim and the other countries/areas in the lore.     
There's a mod for that.
Link? <.<

I know several mods that add new npcs.

This one expands all the 5 major capitals with new buildings and a few new npcs:

This one expands all small villages with more buildings, npcs and new textures:

This one adds 94 unique custom-voiced npcs to all towns. Quality varies, but generally on par with bethesda's voice acting:

This one adds 250 unique-custom voiced npcs all over the place and over 50 quests, dips here and there but has some really well-develpoed characters:

This one adds patrols of dawnguard, soldiers, and bandits to the roads, as well as a bunch of random travelers and peddlers:

This adds several battles between rival factions, so you'll actually get to see the civil war happening outside the main quest:

This one adds random generic npcs, but I don't use it since combining it with the others above could blow up my laptop.

Well shit you just linked everything I was about to.

Gaming / Re: Screw Halo
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:48:27 AM »
I think I'll stick with EVE.

Captaining a space Yamato/Bismark/et cetera interests me more than flying a space F-16.

The Flood / Re: tfw u look at ur b.old posts from when you first joined
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:35:36 AM »
I still have a burning hatred for Bungie because the first thread I made on Bnet was me asking for a well deserved set of Recon armor over an absolutely fenomenal cone splatter kill on The Pit. Damn assholes never gave it to me.

I killed someone with the camping stool on Construct and never got anything for it. That shit was before the cone kill too.

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, I didn't know Verby uses /b/
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:18:39 AM »
>Canada nudes

We don't have a thread about that because?
Because nazi mods and tyrannical rules prohibiting NSFW material outside of Anarchy. It'll be back though, so you better start saving those Canada Nudes for when the board comes around again.
This is what happens when we let Belgians make the rules. They put mayo on everything.
French fries need mayo. Anything else is acceptable, as long as there is still mayo on the plate. Otherwise it's a clear case of heresy and blasphemy.

Oh my fucking god I'm going to vomit.

The Flood / Re: Wanna know what's the best $90 I have ever spent?
« on: December 20, 2014, 02:44:40 AM »
Alright I didn't think it needed to be stated, but telling someone who disagrees with you to kill themselves isn't exactly a mature or appropriate way to approach things.
This is the Flood.

Kill yourself.

I swear to god I will sell your children into slavery.

The Flood / Re: Wanna know what's the best $90 I have ever spent?
« on: December 20, 2014, 02:03:55 AM »
Alright I didn't think it needed to be stated, but telling someone who disagrees with you to kill themselves isn't exactly a mature or appropriate way to approach things.

Serious / Re: Take THAT California and New York
« on: December 20, 2014, 12:20:06 AM »
So because Hitler was brought up I'd just like to point out that gun rights were greatly expanded under his regime.

Gun rights don't really correlate to any form of government. So don't attempt any if gun rights are [ x ] [ y ] will happen arguments.
I would argue that a government will have to be much more careful with domestic policy when the populace is armed. Kind of an equalizer. You piss us off enough, we go Lexington and Concord on you.

If the government gave a shit the threat of your average armed citizen it wouldn't be doing half the shit it does now.

The average American is no threat to the US government. They're too apathetic towards politics and even the armed ones are all bark and no bite.
Right, but if you took a whole bunch of the average ones, and put them together, it would be a pretty fucking big deal.

See the part where I said all bark and no bite. When confronted with any real opposition these people would run away with their tails between their legs. Just take a look at all these "militia" groups that sit around talking about how they're going to overthrow the government and posture for the media but never actually do anything.
It's nice to know you can predict the future.

There are almost no real "militias" short of honeypots set up by the FBI. Of the ones that exist, I can't think of any that claim to want to overthrow the government.

Rebellion, when it comes, will come swiftly and violently from people who did not imagine they would be rebels the month before. Not any time soon though.

And what part of that correlates to any type of government will spawn from said revolution? Gun rights are irrelevant to what kind of government exists.

Revolutions are just as capable of producing far right oppressive theocracies as they are democracies and republics. To claim gun rights ensure freedom is invalid as history has shown that they mean jack shit when it comes to what the government is, is doing, or will become.

If people want shit to change they have to stop being so apathetic and take an interest in their government.

My entire argument is that gun rights don't correlate to any specific type of government. I'm not arguing for or against them, just reminding people not to fall into some stupid rabbit hole of flawed logic.

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