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Messages - big sponge

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Gaming / Re: The Xbone's UI is absolutely terrible.
« on: December 30, 2014, 01:39:54 PM »
But yet sometime before that he made a thread bitching about the deal with Destiny and PlayStation.

Ehhh, he does actually have something with the Destiny playstation thing. People on the Xbox are paying the same amount of money for less content. Hell even their DLC has less content than the PS3/4 versions, yet they're paying the same price for it.

The Destiny/Sony deal is one of the most fucked up ways of screwing with the consumer that I've seen to date.
nowhere near as bad as tomb raider exclusivity

In destiny all playstation gets is timed exclusive strikes maps and a couple guns.

Tomb raider sold more on playstation, yet it's sequal is a timed exclusive for Xbox

You'll be paying the same amount of money for the same amount of content though. Currently Xbox users are paying the same amount of money for less content. Now if they were coming out at the same time, but playstation users were paying the same amount of money as xbox users yet missing a third of the games content it only to be told that it may release sometime for that platform at a later date then it would be on the same level. Especially since there isn't even a guarantee that said content will even be available freely.

Also do we have any proof that it's sold so much more on Playstation that this act is completely out of left field? If you only count the titles that have released on both for the 7th gen only? Of course if you were to count total franchise sales it would, but I'm interested in recent history. IIRC both the playstation and xbox versions of the games sell roughly the same with the sales differences only being in the thousands range. Which may sound like a lot, but when you take into account the total number of these consoles sold it's pretty much just a drop in the bucket.

EDIT: lol i forgot about the "Tomb Raider" reboot that was so forgettable that i didn't even remember it came out. Here I was thinking that "guardian of light" was the last tomb raider game released. Why are people upset over this game again? It'll be as forgettable as its predecessor.

To be clear I don't like timed exclusiveness at all, but some cases are worse than others.

Gaming / Re: The Xbone's UI is absolutely terrible.
« on: December 30, 2014, 05:32:25 AM »
But yet sometime before that he made a thread bitching about the deal with Destiny and PlayStation.

Ehhh, he does actually have something with the Destiny playstation thing. People on the Xbox are paying the same amount of money for less content. Hell even their DLC has less content than the PS3/4 versions, yet they're paying the same price for it.

The Destiny/Sony deal is one of the most fucked up ways of screwing with the consumer that I've seen to date.

The Flood / Re: It's official, the entire forum wants to rape me :/
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:50:04 AM »
The entire forum has standards Rocket, so dw.

Every god damn time!

Every god damn time!

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:48:08 AM »
I don't even need to make the threads myself!

do you have any idea

What you have started?

Any idea



You asshole
You know they make these threads because you respond like this?
Congratulations. You just won my family fortune. Don't spend it on too much hockey crap
Well if you don't like the attention, don't respond like that.
uh well..

I don't even get it.
You say you don't want the attention but when I try to help you avoid you start mocking me.
Like ok bud continue calling everyone on this site a moron.
if you get annoyed by being 'mocked' then I'm sorry, don't be a mod, but you're not. I'm sure you're done with your little pissy moment of not getting your way on here and started to post normally again. I mean what's up with that anyway?
It's not me being annoyed by being mocked.
You know that.
But if you enjoy all this attention then good for you. You got it.
my comment wasn't generalizing this thread or you being mocked per say, it was more about asking what happened with you and the mod, don't act like nothing did go down.

And of course. If I didn't like it, I would have asked a mod by now, it makes me laugh some days and others I just look at it and sigh. I'm not annoyed by it, and it's hardly bring mocked.
At this point it looks like you can barely string a sentence together.
 have no idea what this thing between the mods was but I'll leave you be if that's what you want.
You didn't get you locking powers.
You cried.

Tried asking, that didn't work with a bum like you obviously. And if you want to leave me alone and start this up again in a few more months for the third time. Be my guest
Trruuuuuu, pls stahp.

-pets head-

No Tsundere.

Go to sleep
nope it's 08:04 AM
my sister told me off, I was up all night

Oh you, such a way of words.
I write poetry
If you're being serious, I'd actually like to read some of it
I got one I worked on it all night

Roses are red
youre a Jew
Naru is a moron
I Fucking hate you

did I ask you moron?

Do you think I give a shit?
why yes actually

that's what I thought

Stay mad

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:34:20 AM »
I don't even need to make the threads myself!

do you have any idea

What you have started?

Any idea



You asshole
You know they make these threads because you respond like this?
Congratulations. You just won my family fortune. Don't spend it on too much hockey crap
Well if you don't like the attention, don't respond like that.
uh well..

I don't even get it.
You say you don't want the attention but when I try to help you avoid you start mocking me.
Like ok bud continue calling everyone on this site a moron.
if you get annoyed by being 'mocked' then I'm sorry, don't be a mod, but you're not. I'm sure you're done with your little pissy moment of not getting your way on here and started to post normally again. I mean what's up with that anyway?
It's not me being annoyed by being mocked.
You know that.
But if you enjoy all this attention then good for you. You got it.
my comment wasn't generalizing this thread or you being mocked per say, it was more about asking what happened with you and the mod, don't act like nothing did go down.

And of course. If I didn't like it, I would have asked a mod by now, it makes me laugh some days and others I just look at it and sigh. I'm not annoyed by it, and it's hardly bring mocked.
At this point it looks like you can barely string a sentence together.
 have no idea what this thing between the mods was but I'll leave you be if that's what you want.
You didn't get you locking powers.
You cried.

Tried asking, that didn't work with a bum like you obviously. And if you want to leave me alone and start this up again in a few more months for the third time. Be my guest
Trruuuuuu, pls stahp.

-pets head-

No Tsundere.

Go to sleep
nope it's 08:04 AM
my sister told me off, I was up all night

Oh you, such a way of words.
I write poetry
If you're being serious, I'd actually like to read some of it
I got one I worked on it all night

Roses are red
youre a Jew
Naru is a moron
I Fucking hate you

did I ask you moron?

Do you think I give a shit?
why yes actually

that's what I thought

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:31:26 AM »
I don't even need to make the threads myself!

do you have any idea

What you have started?

Any idea



You asshole
You know they make these threads because you respond like this?
Congratulations. You just won my family fortune. Don't spend it on too much hockey crap
Well if you don't like the attention, don't respond like that.
uh well..

I don't even get it.
You say you don't want the attention but when I try to help you avoid you start mocking me.
Like ok bud continue calling everyone on this site a moron.
if you get annoyed by being 'mocked' then I'm sorry, don't be a mod, but you're not. I'm sure you're done with your little pissy moment of not getting your way on here and started to post normally again. I mean what's up with that anyway?
It's not me being annoyed by being mocked.
You know that.
But if you enjoy all this attention then good for you. You got it.
my comment wasn't generalizing this thread or you being mocked per say, it was more about asking what happened with you and the mod, don't act like nothing did go down.

And of course. If I didn't like it, I would have asked a mod by now, it makes me laugh some days and others I just look at it and sigh. I'm not annoyed by it, and it's hardly bring mocked.
At this point it looks like you can barely string a sentence together.
 have no idea what this thing between the mods was but I'll leave you be if that's what you want.
You didn't get you locking powers.
You cried.

Tried asking, that didn't work with a bum like you obviously. And if you want to leave me alone and start this up again in a few more months for the third time. Be my guest
Trruuuuuu, pls stahp.

-pets head-

No Tsundere.

Go to sleep
nope it's 08:04 AM
my sister told me off, I was up all night

Oh you, such a way of words.
I write poetry
If you're being serious, I'd actually like to read some of it
I got one I worked on it all night

Roses are red
youre a Jew
Naru is a moron
I Fucking hate you

did I ask you moron?

Do you think I give a shit?
why yes actually

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:17:10 AM »
I don't even need to make the threads myself!

do you have any idea

What you have started?

Any idea



You asshole
You know they make these threads because you respond like this?
Congratulations. You just won my family fortune. Don't spend it on too much hockey crap
Well if you don't like the attention, don't respond like that.
uh well..

I don't even get it.
You say you don't want the attention but when I try to help you avoid you start mocking me.
Like ok bud continue calling everyone on this site a moron.
if you get annoyed by being 'mocked' then I'm sorry, don't be a mod, but you're not. I'm sure you're done with your little pissy moment of not getting your way on here and started to post normally again. I mean what's up with that anyway?
It's not me being annoyed by being mocked.
You know that.
But if you enjoy all this attention then good for you. You got it.
my comment wasn't generalizing this thread or you being mocked per say, it was more about asking what happened with you and the mod, don't act like nothing did go down.

And of course. If I didn't like it, I would have asked a mod by now, it makes me laugh some days and others I just look at it and sigh. I'm not annoyed by it, and it's hardly bring mocked.
At this point it looks like you can barely string a sentence together.
 have no idea what this thing between the mods was but I'll leave you be if that's what you want.
You didn't get you locking powers.
You cried.

Tried asking, that didn't work with a bum like you obviously. And if you want to leave me alone and start this up again in a few more months for the third time. Be my guest
Trruuuuuu, pls stahp.

-pets head-

No Tsundere.

Go to sleep
nope it's 08:04 AM
my sister told me off, I was up all night

Oh you, such a way of words.
I write poetry
If you're being serious, I'd actually like to read some of it
I got one I worked on it all night

Roses are red
youre a Jew
Naru is a moron
I Fucking hate you

did I ask you moron?

Do you think I give a shit?

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:13:53 AM »
I don't even need to make the threads myself!

do you have any idea

What you have started?

Any idea



You asshole
You know they make these threads because you respond like this?
Congratulations. You just won my family fortune. Don't spend it on too much hockey crap
Well if you don't like the attention, don't respond like that.
uh well..

I don't even get it.
You say you don't want the attention but when I try to help you avoid you start mocking me.
Like ok bud continue calling everyone on this site a moron.
if you get annoyed by being 'mocked' then I'm sorry, don't be a mod, but you're not. I'm sure you're done with your little pissy moment of not getting your way on here and started to post normally again. I mean what's up with that anyway?
It's not me being annoyed by being mocked.
You know that.
But if you enjoy all this attention then good for you. You got it.
my comment wasn't generalizing this thread or you being mocked per say, it was more about asking what happened with you and the mod, don't act like nothing did go down.

And of course. If I didn't like it, I would have asked a mod by now, it makes me laugh some days and others I just look at it and sigh. I'm not annoyed by it, and it's hardly bring mocked.
At this point it looks like you can barely string a sentence together.
 have no idea what this thing between the mods was but I'll leave you be if that's what you want.
You didn't get you locking powers.
You cried.

Tried asking, that didn't work with a bum like you obviously. And if you want to leave me alone and start this up again in a few more months for the third time. Be my guest
Trruuuuuu, pls stahp.

-pets head-

No Tsundere.

Go to sleep
nope it's 08:04 AM
my sister told me off, I was up all night

Oh you, such a way of words.
I write poetry
If you're being serious, I'd actually like to read some of it
I got one I worked on it all night

Roses are red
youre a Jew
Naru is a moron
I Fucking hate you


The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:09:24 AM »

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:07:16 AM »
It is time.

The Flood / Re: It's official, the entire forum wants to rape me :/
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:02:42 AM »
every fucking time i talk about your ass you have to go and show it to the world

wtf man

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 01:47:10 AM »
It's Trusday, Trusday gotta get down on Trusday!
Everybody's wantin some of dat loli, loli.
Tsundere, tsundere, yeah!
Lolicon lolicon, yeah!
Bums bums bums bums

I'm gonna tap dat loli to-oo-day!

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 01:42:47 AM »
I don't even need to make the threads myself!

do you have any idea

What you have started?

Any idea



You asshole


Yes I do.

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 01:42:17 AM »
It's Trusday, Trusday gotta get down on Trusday!
Everybody's wantin some of dat loli, loli.

The Flood / Re: Another day, another Trusday
« on: December 30, 2014, 01:41:20 AM »
I don't even need to make the threads myself!


The Flood / Re: I'll put images that arouse my interest here...
« on: December 30, 2014, 01:37:33 AM »
Jeanne d'Arc thread?

Jeanne d'Arc thread.

Serious / Re: What's your beef with the transgender crowd?
« on: December 30, 2014, 01:28:32 AM »
I don't have one?

« on: December 30, 2014, 01:26:34 AM »
Its on

You can tell it's a tumbler gif from the way everything is so fucking saturated.

I've never seen them either..
What the hell?
Honestly what have you been doing?
i just haven';t gotten around to it, I plan to some day...

We should have a Sep7agon movie night!

I've hosted several already.
Would you mind hosting a original trilogy movie night?

I've thought about either doing the original trilogy or Evangelion for me next one. Unfortunately I don't have the original originals and only own a stupid Lucas cut.

Skip the shitty CG tv series and the prequels.

Only show the original originals. If he's interested in watching more show the prequel movies. If he's still interested in more show the original clone wars cartoon.

If he asks to see the CG stuff hit him upside the head with a shovel.

Serious / Re: Obama forces wedding relocated for his golf game
« on: December 29, 2014, 09:32:18 PM »
ITT: People getting upset that the military has incentives to keep morale up and people happy to work

Except we don't know if general personnel can use it, or the officers.

OT: Obama likely had  no knowledge of this until he was actually on the course. SS handles this, and they likely chose the military course as it's already well protected and cheaper for security.

ITT: People getting upset over something he likely had no knowledge of.
Well the golf course at the Navy base somewhat close to me is open for all active duty and retired military. There's also a Marine base that has a gun range. These type of facilities are an unwritten necessity. Just imagine if you had to live on a government base for a few years or were in the military in general, you would want forms of entertainment
What's wrong with stuff off base?
Biggest thing is money

For those who just get in, money can be very tight, especially if trying to raise a family. Amenities such as movie theaters, bowling alleys, gyms, swimming pools, etc can either be free or cost less on base than off

It's also just the perks of signing up and having to be deployed, move many times, and be away from your family for months at a time. Yeah sure, they signed up on their own behalf but it's still something to show some gratitude. All of this dwarfs in comparison to the true wasting when it comes to purchasing new tanks that have no use or buying fighter jets that will never see combat

Oh my fucking god this right here.

We have a bunch of congressmen that are currently lining the pockets of their friends with public money to build things that the military can't use and doesn't even want.

The Flood / Re: Oh yeah, sort of forgot <.< Sherrif is back in town m8s.
« on: December 29, 2014, 09:17:37 PM »

It's past your bedtime.
u wot m8

It's nearly 3am .-.

Pfft who am I kidding, I am literally the last person on this site that should be telling people to go to bed <_________<
I gots FMA to watch

It better be brotherhood.

The Flood / Re: Oh yeah, sort of forgot <.< Sherrif is back in town m8s.
« on: December 29, 2014, 08:45:41 PM »
This thread does not belong in serious.
lol I love when ninjas fight

Someone has to keep these bitches in line.

The Flood / Re: Oh yeah, sort of forgot <.< Sherrif is back in town m8s.
« on: December 29, 2014, 08:23:43 PM »
This thread does not belong in serious.

Serious / Re: Obama forces wedding relocated for his golf game
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:58:24 PM »
Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course, located on the Marine Corps Base Hawaii.
wait, what? The marine base has a golf course? Glad to see my tax dollars hard at work...

Brah, the generals and admirals waste millions on giving themselves shit like private golf courses all over the world and furnishing buildings that are to be demolished a couple months later with a bunch of expensive wood paneling and tiling just so they don't ever have to do any sort of "rough living".
They shouldn't be doing that, either.

No shit, but they're going to keep doing it until legislation is passed that tells them they can't.

My uncle was in ONI and he's got stories about just how wasteful these guys are with the military budget.

Serious / Re: Obama forces wedding relocated for his golf game
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:50:49 PM »
Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course, located on the Marine Corps Base Hawaii.
wait, what? The marine base has a golf course? Glad to see my tax dollars hard at work...

Brah, the generals and admirals waste millions on giving themselves shit like private golf courses all over the world and furnishing buildings that are to be demolished a couple months later with a bunch of expensive wood paneling and tiling just so they don't ever have to do any sort of "rough living".

Gaming / Re: The Xbone's UI is absolutely terrible.
« on: December 29, 2014, 01:47:08 PM »
Luckily software is relatively easy to change. They're stuck with the VCR hardware design.

Well this gen you had the choice between a VCR and a VCR.

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