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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1234 56 ... 394
i mean, you've got stuff like killzone shadowfall on there so i don't think you're being objective

well you've made 5 posts in response to me saying there's only one exclusive worth playing when the conversation only required 2

people got opinions my dude and not all of them are going to match up with yours. out of that list you posted really only bloodborne is worth playing imo. the rest is either forgettable or ports/remasters of old stuff.

you're really obsessed with my opinions aren't you?

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Reboot: What would you do differently?
« on: March 06, 2018, 01:40:40 AM »
i'd prevent  some of the nastier drama before it even started

bloodborne is the only one worth playing

tbh there's really only one exclusive on either console that's even worth playing

well maybe only the ps4 has an exclusive that's worth playing these days depending on your view of modern halo


Uhh, what are you even talking about lmao. Sapphire has never planned nor taken part in a raid on any website, let alone Sep7.

i'll see if my dude is cool with sharing screen caps whenever he gets back

Why would we want to raid you?

no idea, raiding seems like a lot of effort for not a lot of return

Who's freaking out other than Deci?

I guess freaking out was the wrong term, but it did make me chuckle to roll in here and see a 60+ reply thread about us

bro you guys think about sep7 way more than this place thinks about you. the fact that you guys were planning to raid this place a couple weeks ago speaks volumes.

Serious / Re: So what is the actual deal with GMOs?
« on: March 02, 2018, 09:04:16 PM »
I heard someone else at work saying that a study with lab rats found that the one group who ate GMO-treated soy had reproductive issues and other health problems within 3 generations."

even if this were true that doesn't really mean anything since rats aren't human and that 2.5% difference we have in DNA is pretty substantial. not to mention the fact that the size difference alone means that whatever is in those GMOs that does that to rats would need to be substantially higher in quantity to produce the same effect in humans if we assume that the effects carry over.

imagine being so upset about someone talking shit about your backwater tankie forum that you actually log into another website for the sole purpose of being an internet warrior for it

huh, i thought i posted that a couple times here

bro they also believe that north korean defectors are paid actors and that everything bad that you hear about the norks is capitalist propaganda

I mean I can post western liberal media that debunks defector stories lmao

you know your own source acknowledges that fact that while some stories are embellished in order to make it a good sell to western media the defectors doubtlessly had horrific experiences in the labor camps and the north korean regime is responsible for serious human rights abuses right?

If you can read I said, "I can post western liberal media that debunks defector stories"
which it didn't actually do, it focused on a few specific stories and only debunked parts of them. it didn't dunk defector stories as a whole.

I am not a liberal lol I fucking hate liberals and want them all sent to forced reeducation camps if not shot on the wall
irrelevant to the conversation

This isn't "my own source" this is the first fucking result on google
it's the source you used to back up your claim, it's your source

I'm not writing an essay for you or actually putting effort into google/finding sources as it is not my job to educate you
>i'm going to make a claim and then refuse to back it up because it's your job to prove me right
are you sure you're not a tankie? this sure sounds like shit a tankie would say.

also fyi the USA is responsible for egregious human rights abuses in it's forced labor camps but nobody seems to talk about that
the internment camps haven't been a thing since the 1940s my man. unless you're referring to prisons labour as a forced labor camp. but this is also a "whataboutism" that only serves to distract from the main subject.

is this reddit or are you 14?

it also does nothing to prove the belief you guys have that those people are "paid actors"

huh, i thought i posted that a couple times here

bro they also believe that north korean defectors are paid actors and that everything bad that you hear about the norks is capitalist propaganda

I mean I can post western liberal media that debunks defector stories lmao

you know your own source acknowledges that fact that while some stories are embellished in order to make it a good sell to western media the defectors doubtlessly had horrific experiences in the labor camps and the north korean regime is responsible for serious human rights abuses right?

huh, i thought i posted that a couple times here

bro they also believe that north korean defectors are paid actors and that everything bad that you hear about the norks is capitalist propaganda

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: March 01, 2018, 10:52:17 PM »
reach is trash and was nothing other than a test game for destiny

Gaming / Re: Monster Hunter (World)
« on: March 01, 2018, 08:33:43 PM »
so this game is basically destiny right

in the way that crafting parts to make the armor and weapons you want are the only in game reward for doing anything i guess, but i'd really compare it more to a boss rush game than anything else.

Gaming / Re: sequels you want, but will probably never happen
« on: March 01, 2018, 01:28:42 AM »
Sequel to KOTOR 2, Jedi Academy

never ever and this makes me booty blasted

Gaming / Re: Hey can you guys lend me $10
« on: March 01, 2018, 12:50:50 AM »
Get a job.

it's a joke m8. metal gear survive has you paying $10 for every extra save slot

The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime
« on: February 28, 2018, 08:20:40 PM »
Mushishi - I was watching a Digibro video where he's talking about what the most boring 3x3 looks like, where you're just adding shows that everyone respects in order to get people to think you're super cultured and intelligent, and according to him, this is one of the shows. Hmmmm.

 that autismo digibro

Nani the fuck?

digibro is an autistic brony. his autism levels are so high that other bronies were celebrating when his original youtube account was banned.

The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime
« on: February 27, 2018, 08:49:06 PM »
Mushishi - I was watching a Digibro video where he's talking about what the most boring 3x3 looks like, where you're just adding shows that everyone respects in order to get people to think you're super cultured and intelligent, and according to him, this is one of the shows. Hmmmm.

for some reason seeing that autismo digibro say this really tickles my pickle

The Flood / Re: Top 10 Best Japanese Cartoons of 1995
« on: February 26, 2018, 12:36:29 AM »
The 90s had some classics. ruroni kenshin, yu yu hakusho, cowboy bebop, trigun, etc.
ruroni kenshin was 96, so i'll be watching that very soon

what even is it

a story about a former professional assassin who fought against the bakufu during the boshin war. the guy gives up killing after it and becomes a vagabond during what is essentially a search for atonement before settling down due to convenient circumstances that bring him into contact with the rest of the cast.

interesting period of history that isn't really utilized in media a whole lot imo.

Gaming / Re: Shiki can kill servants (Fate Thread)
« on: February 24, 2018, 07:23:46 PM »
jalter is great for our current content, but falls off a bit when we get into epic of raiment. she'll still be pretty top tier, she just won't be the best anymore when EoR lands.

Gaming / Re: Shiki can kill servants (Fate Thread)
« on: February 24, 2018, 07:22:14 PM »
Yo it J-Alter really that good or should I save my excess quartz and tickets for Cu?

depends on what you're looking for. jeanne alter is kind of like a tanky dps that fits well into any team comp due to most things doing neutral damage to her and her high attack that makes up for her not having an advantage against anything that isn't a ruler or zerker. Cu alter is kind of like a glass canon version of lancer cu.

if you're a waifu/husbandofag just go for whoever you like more

I keep hearing J-Alter is suppose to be some kind of Merlin/Waver in terms of damage output ,  and Cu I wanted to be the Herc that I dont have

cu alter won't be the herc that you don't have. herc is herc because of his bond CE that gives him 3 revives. this means that if you throw him at the back and he's the only servant standing he essentially has 5-6 turns of BBBE to dish out on an enemy boss.

Gaming / Re: Shiki can kill servants (Fate Thread)
« on: February 24, 2018, 05:13:21 PM »
Yo it J-Alter really that good or should I save my excess quartz and tickets for Cu?

depends on what you're looking for. jeanne alter is kind of like a tanky dps that fits well into any team comp due to most things doing neutral damage to her and her high attack that makes up for her not having an advantage against anything that isn't a ruler or zerker. Cu alter is kind of like a glass canon version of lancer cu.

if you're a waifu/husbandofag just go for whoever you like more

Gaming / Re: Videogame screenshots V2
« on: February 24, 2018, 12:22:44 PM »

i really hope criterion gets greenlit for a rogue squadron game

Gaming / Re: Videogame screenshots V2
« on: February 24, 2018, 12:20:19 PM »

Image quality reduced with the screenshots, but this is a very pretty game

What are you playing it on? If it's PS4 you can save them to USB, I recently have been

the screenshot feature in steam automatically reduces screenshot quality.

Gaming / Re: Videogame screenshots V2
« on: February 23, 2018, 02:05:34 AM »

kamino is beautiful

Gaming / Re: sequels you want, but will probably never happen
« on: February 22, 2018, 08:35:03 PM »
advent rising 2

i'd also like to see an ME: Andromeda 2. the game rightfully got a lot of shit for it's janky animations at launch, but past that it's top notch from a gameplay perspective and the story wasn't that bad either. other than some glaring lore issues that is.

Gaming / Re: Monster Hunter (World)
« on: February 18, 2018, 03:34:03 PM »

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