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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 298299300 301302 ... 394
The Flood / Re: You people from the South are such pussies.
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:35:57 PM »
It could be drizzling in California and they'll call it a rain storm.

They're fucking pathetic.
You realize that NorCal will get like 10 inches of rain and 60+ mph winds in their rain storms right?
I was in San Francisco, so... MidCal?

That's NorCal. I think your extended family is just retarded Dustin.
It wasn't my family though, in fact they used to live Washington so they're used to the rain. It was random people that were acting like it was a big deal.

And people on the east coast acted like a 1.0 earthquake was the end of the world. What's you point?

The Flood / Re: You people from the South are such pussies.
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:20:56 PM »
It could be drizzling in California and they'll call it a rain storm.

They're fucking pathetic.
You realize that NorCal will get like 10 inches of rain and 60+ mph winds in their rain storms right?
I was in San Francisco, so... MidCal?

That's NorCal. I think your extended family is just retarded Dustin.

The Flood / Re: You people from the South are such pussies.
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:16:38 PM »
It could be drizzling in California and they'll call it a rain storm.

They're fucking pathetic.
You realize that NorCal will get like 10 inches of rain and 60+ mph winds in their rain storms right?

Gaming / Re: So when is the Halo 5 BTB beta releasing?
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:07:24 PM »
Toggle crouch is communism

Fucking NeoGaf I swear one of these days...

Toggle crouch is for non Gandhi hopping casuals

Are YOU a non Gandhi hopping casual?

I really hate how mlgfags take credit for shit that's been in the community for longer  than they've been playing at the"professional level".

The Flood / Re: How often do you forget to post anon?
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:53:50 PM »
only once so far because if you try to post and get the notification that someone posted as you were typing, it unchecks the anon box

got away with it though

Or if you click preview.

The Flood / Re: nah
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:47:40 PM »

Serious / Re: FCC will vote on net neutrality next month
« on: January 05, 2015, 03:27:34 AM »
So you pay for the Internet based on much data you use? What's so bad about that?
It's more about "data discrimination".  For instance, if you're streaming Netflix you might get better download speed than say, browsing Facebook or Reddit.  The fear is that ISPs will begin charging you for what websites you use (ex. charge you for a "social media package" so that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. don't run at a snail's pace).

My problem with net neutrality is that it doesn't allow ISPs and companies to get into agreements that are beneficial to the consumer, like how Netflix made a deal with Time Warner to give its customers better stream quality (the average video quality went from 480p to 720p where I live).  The only way they were able to do that was to prioritize Netflix's traffic (put it on a "fast lane") so that it isn't competing with other traffic on the downstream.

Or they could use that 97% profit margin they pocket to upgrade their infrastructure. Google on the other hand is showing that it can implement fiber optic cabling capable of gigabit connections for only dollars more than what people are paying for their shitty old copper wire cabling that current ISPs are using and refuse to upgrade from.

The Flood / Re: LC likes loli cat girls and he's proud
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:34:21 AM »

Zero a better than Fate SN

That's to all of you.

>having opinions worth giving a shit about

Not even once.

Read the source material then get back to me.
Why would I waste my time on that shiz you punk ass nigga?

Why would you waste your time watching anime?
Isn't that the question of life?

The answer is because you like it.

Also Kiritsugu is an autistic man child and everyone except for waver is a static character that exhibits no growth what so ever. In fact, Waver is the only master that isn't a full blown retard.

The masters in F/SN are more mature than the ones in Zero.

The only people who think otherwise are secondaries.
Wow I fucking agree with this on Fate/Zero

Yeah, but I still like Zero despite its flaws.
Not me in the end I didn't give a fuck anymore they can all die for all I care was my mindset by the end of the show

Yeah, well I started off with the F/SN visual novel so I enjoyed seeing just how everything got fucked up and lead to the 5th grail war.

Plus seibah suffering.

The Flood / Re: LC likes loli cat girls and he's proud
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:28:48 AM »

Zero a better than Fate SN

That's to all of you.

>having opinions worth giving a shit about

Not even once.

Read the source material then get back to me.
Why would I waste my time on that shiz you punk ass nigga?

Why would you waste your time watching anime?
Isn't that the question of life?

The answer is because you like it.

Also Kiritsugu is an autistic man child and everyone except for waver is a static character that exhibits no growth what so ever. In fact, Waver is the only master that isn't a full blown retard.

The masters in F/SN are more mature than the ones in Zero.

The only people who think otherwise are secondaries.
Wow I fucking agree with this on Fate/Zero

Yeah, but I still like Zero despite its flaws.

The Flood / Re: LC likes loli cat girls and he's proud
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:10:28 AM »

Zero a better than Fate SN

That's to all of you.

>having opinions worth giving a shit about

Not even once.

Read the source material then get back to me.
Why would I waste my time on that shiz you punk ass nigga?

Why would you waste your time watching anime?
Isn't that the question of life?

The answer is because you like it.

Also Kiritsugu is an autistic man child and everyone except for waver is a static character that exhibits no growth what so ever. In fact, Waver is the only master that isn't a full blown retard.

The masters in F/SN are more mature than the ones in Zero.

The only people who think otherwise are secondaries.

The Flood / Re: LC likes loli cat girls and he's proud
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:02:53 AM »

Zero a better than Fate SN

That's to all of you.

>having opinions worth giving a shit about

Not even once.

Read the source material then get back to me.
Why would I waste my time on that shiz you punk ass nigga?

Why would you waste your time watching anime?

The Flood / Re: LC likes loli cat girls and he's proud
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:58:48 AM »

Zero a better than Fate SN

That's to all of you.

>having opinions worth giving a shit about

Not even once.

Read the source material then get back to me.

Septagon / Re: Report Sep7agon V2 Bugs or Issues here
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:37:58 PM »
Touching my butt doesn't remove this prevailing sense of loneliness.

Gaming / Re: >tfw no vietnam war FPS
« on: January 04, 2015, 06:56:15 PM »
Conflict Vietnam was a great 4 player co-op game.

Gaming / Re: What game lore would you say you are most familiar with?
« on: January 04, 2015, 06:55:09 PM »
The Nasuverse in general.

Gaming / Re: Which Amiibos are you planning to get?
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:50:58 PM »
Donkey Kong

The Flood / Re: To everyone here...
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:20:18 AM »

And I hope you have a good week ^^

( I'm sorry if these kind of things annoys everyone ;-; )

Mines off to a bad start. Had some bitch back into my car when I was at a complete stop and honking at her.

Then she has the gall to say it was my fault that she backed into my stopped and honking car.

I fucking hate dealing with insurance so I won't be happy in the morning either.

« on: January 03, 2015, 11:32:44 PM »
We will never live up to america's buffalo killing skills. Although we did wipe out the Tasmanian Tiger. Wiped that fucker out real good. So, actually...

Australia - 1
America - 0

Because I see you still have one or two buffalo. Tsk tsk.

There's a difference between the Australian military losing to a bunch of Emus and hunters being prevented from hunting the buffalo to extinction.

America - 500
Australia - -60000

Gaming / Re: Do You Want To Try EVE?
« on: January 03, 2015, 07:01:56 PM »
Dots and Lists: The Game

Brah, 90% of the fights in eve are small gang or fleet fights that range from 2-40 people where you skill at manual piloting can mean the difference between life and death.

Most people who play the game will never participate in those record shattering battles since they stick to highsec exclusively.

I know the list and excel spreadsheet thing is a popular joke, but most people who play eve will never touch a spreadsheet.

For example the only time I ever touched a spreadsheet was when I did margin trading to make my money out of Jita 4-4.

Gaming / Re: UPDATED: L4D2 Game Night Round-Up
« on: January 03, 2015, 02:40:50 PM »
 I might be able to make it.

Serious / Re: I can't figure out whether to support Israel or Palestine
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:25:03 AM »
If you read the OP closely you'll realize that this thread is bait

But it spawns a somewhat decent discussion.

Serious / Re: I can't figure out whether to support Israel or Palestine
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:23:55 AM »
How about you don't support either? Neither side is worth supporting IMO.

They should just agree to a two state solution and be done with it, however for that to happen Hamas and the Palestinians will have to take their dicks out of their butts because Isreal has given them some very generous offers when it comes to ending the war and having two coexisting states.
Not giving land back isn't very generous

Umm, they've offered to go back to 1967 borders and give free access to Jerusalem multiple times. That's actually the very definition of giving land back.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We guess the admin password
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:00:39 AM »
If they can see the failed attempts and what I've put in for passwords it will make my day

Ima ask cheat.

Also the master ninjas and admins all have different admin passwords.

Serious / Re: I can't figure out whether to support Israel or Palestine
« on: January 03, 2015, 04:19:16 AM »
How about you don't support either? Neither side is worth supporting IMO.

They should just agree to a two state solution and be done with it, however for that to happen Hamas and the Palestinians will have to take their dicks out of their butts because Isreal has given them some very generous offers when it comes to ending the war and having two coexisting states.

News / Re: Top 5 - UNKNOWN Games of 2014
« on: January 03, 2015, 03:48:26 AM »
Depth is pretty much the only one I have any interest in out of that list. I'll wait until Verdun is finished before I take a look at it.

The Flood / Re: Americans won the War of 1812 /thread
« on: January 03, 2015, 03:05:11 AM »
Those fucking canucks burned the whitehoose down.

People need to stop trying to give Canada the credit for this. It was the British that did this. Canadians didn't do shit.

The Flood / Re: Birthday Thread? Birthday Thread!
« on: January 02, 2015, 08:38:17 PM »
This should be pinned instead of the music thread.

I did pin it a while back, but was told to unpin it. Send Cheat a bunch if angry PMs to get it pinned again.

Gaming / Re: 4 years old is the best time to start playing games
« on: January 02, 2015, 07:32:53 PM »

News / Re: Community Nameplate
« on: January 02, 2015, 07:24:17 PM »
This fucking faggot doesn't share his Jew gold with me.

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