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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 282283284 285286 ... 394
Serious / Re: Something weird about this hate crime spread....
« on: January 27, 2015, 11:59:08 AM »
I'm not. Going by numbers alone California will always have the most in just about everything people related since it's the most populated state in the union. Plus you have other factors that come into play such as the willingness to prosecute something as a hate crime.

This honestly feels like some sort of bad attempt at "hurdur liberals". If you were going by percentage instead of number you may have something here, but even then you'd have to get some sort of standard for what is and isn't a "hate crime" and then look at every case that would meet those standards categorize them by state.

The Flood / Re: yee is evolving
« on: January 27, 2015, 11:21:46 AM »
I want yee to have a full length film
It is from a movie, actually.


yeah I know where it came from but I want a modern meme adaptated version to hit theaters

I don't even know what kind of dinosaur this is supposed to be.

Gaming / Re: If you aren't excited for The Phantom Pain...
« on: January 27, 2015, 10:39:39 AM »
Oh my god the textures in that first videos thumbnail are god awful.

The Flood / Re: "Parents Cannot Name Children "Nutella""
« on: January 27, 2015, 10:34:02 AM »
What the fuck? A court has no right to do that. If the kid doesn't like the name when he grows up, he can change it himself.


Need anything else?
I talk a lot of shit about America, but at least we're right in scenarios like these.

I believe a US judge ruled that parents couldn't name their child "Tulula does the hula in Hawaii".

Serious / Re: "Snipers are cowards"
« on: January 27, 2015, 10:08:35 AM »
Yeah ISIS raping, pillaging and murdering thousands for their "Islamic caliphate" are not cowards at all, they're brave motherfuckers.
Dude it's not easy to pillage in this day and age.
It's also not easy to hijack two airplanes and crash them into buildings which killed thousands.
Ten bucks says I could do it.

Almost tempted to take you up on that offer just to see if you'll do it.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon has been taken over.
« on: January 27, 2015, 10:00:34 AM »
This is the worst fad.

Gaming / Re: Protoss Zealot vs Elite Zealot
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:00:41 AM »
Halo CE Elite Zealot on Legendary would win.


The Protoss are far more technologically advanced than the Covenant, have similar physical abilities, and can manipulate psionic energy. An Elite zealot doesn't stand a chance against Protoss zealot.
The Protoss will easily roflstomp every ground force The Covenant throws at them.

As for an air battle between capital ships, I think The Covenant would win.

Protoss space forces aren't well documented and a lot of stuff is changed for gameplay reasons. For example in canon Protoss carriers have purifier beams that can penetrate a planets mantel and reach the core. Protoss carrier shielding is meant to withstand that kind of firepower. While void rays aren't as well documented outside of gameplay it's noted that many terrans believe that it may replace the carrier as the Protoss Empires flagship, which means that thing has to be able to output some serious damage in order to compete with carrier purifier beams.

Then you have things like arbiters and mother ships that cloak entire fleets. The mothership specifically can slow down time in localized areas and open up vortexs to suck up enemy ships. Arbiters can put enemy forces into stasis which effectively takes them out of the battle for a period of time

Not to mention the fact that both of these ships can teleport reinforcements directly onto them which means in a game of logistics the Protoss have a major advantage.

Gaming / Re: Protoss Zealot vs Elite Zealot
« on: January 27, 2015, 01:22:52 AM »
Halo CE Elite Zealot on Legendary would win.


The Protoss are far more technologically advanced than the Covenant, have similar physical abilities, and can manipulate psionic energy. An Elite zealot doesn't stand a chance against Protoss zealot.

The Flood / Re: Recommend me a beer to drink
« on: January 26, 2015, 11:21:15 PM »
Off the top of my head.

American Wheat
Shock Top
Blue Moon

People in New England are used to shitty weather. It's the Californians that freak out over some light rain.


Dustin you've already been proven wrong on this seeing as how NorCal gets similar weather to the Northeast.

It's north easterners that cry that the world is ending because of a 0.5 earthquake. Meanwhile California doesn't even wake up for anything less than a 5.0.

Gaming / Re: Protoss Zealot vs Elite Zealot
« on: January 26, 2015, 06:34:27 PM »
Protoss > Covenant

Gaming / Re: Why was the OUYA even made?
« on: January 26, 2015, 06:31:45 PM »
Don't talk shit about Magikarp.

So Verbatim.

Can you not go around to all of Latsu's threads attempting to start shit with him?

That would be really swell.
It would be even more swell if you didn't start shit with me, accusing me of starting shit with people. Because I wasn't going to come into this thread again, but now I have to, because some idiot mod thinks he knows what I'm doing, and now I have to set him straight.

It's really stupid to use terms like "all of" when the kid literally made three threads. The first of which, I responded to, and absolutely nothing came of it. The same would've happened in this read, except you had to take it one step further. The SECOND thread, I didn't say a word in. So, you're wrong. And a liar. Mosey along, now.

Verby plz, the remarks you've made in Latsu's threads aren't even about the subject matter and instead end up targeting the OP in some way.

I'm just asking you to stay on topic instead of going after the OP. You don't need to throw a tantrum over it because it's a rather simple request.

EDIT: I'm not even saying this as a mod since you haven't actually broken any rules. I'm asking you as a fellow user.

The Flood / Re: So, who here has joined a dating site before?
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:03:14 PM »
Why... would anyone?


I clicked the link. I now despise you thoroughly

Dude, that's why you hover over links before clicking them.
I'm going to punch you.

What why? ;_;

Gaming / Re: Grim Fandango Remastered releases tomorrow.
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:02:24 PM »

The Flood / Re: So, who here has joined a dating site before?
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:01:36 PM »
Why... would anyone?


I clicked the link. I now despise you thoroughly

Dude, that's why you hover over links before clicking them.

So, you're vehemently against piracy, under all circumstances, but doing this shit is okay?... All right.

So Verbatim.

Can you not go around to all of Latsu's threads attempting to start shit with him?

That would be really swell.

The Flood / Re: I'm Sorry to Say I Have Le Trixed You All
« on: January 26, 2015, 02:19:30 PM »
Alright, so I think it's time I step in. Yes, Nexus is indeed a girl. We've skyped together a few times now and to my surprise she's kind of clingy and gets jealous easily. For example she doesn't like it when I talk suggestively to Platinum and has pulled me aside before to express her discontent with me talking to other women.

We're not even a thing, but she's still pretty possessive.

The fact that this bitch lasted 6 pages is an accomplishment. It would have ended on the first page had any of them actually bothered to do a reverse image search on the picture.

The Flood / Re: I'm Sorry to Say I Have Le Trixed You All
« on: January 26, 2015, 02:07:34 PM »
I'm still waiting for someone to find that picture on google and prove that OP is really a man.
The fact that nobody has reverse searched the image yet shocks me. It's literally the first thing I did (although I didn't really need to as we all know Arky is full of shit just like so many others).

Seriously this.

The Flood / Re: hey cheat assign numbers to posts
« on: January 26, 2015, 01:38:18 PM »
This isn't 4chan.
go back to mexico faggot

also i got dubs

92 is not dubs.

The Flood / Re: I finally watched Cowboy Bebop
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:20:45 PM »
logic gets thrown out the window.
>Being in the window at all
>All these spiral powered keks of mine
Okay, well you know what I mean, at the end with the quantum physics when it goes maximum Trigger.

Nigger, TTGL defied physics and logic from the start. Just take a look at Yoko's gravity defying titties.
Better than HOTD physics I suppose.

But when was anyone under the impression that HOTD was anything other than a soft core porn power nerd fantasy?
Someone who didn't read the ecchi category that it was in.

Is this person you?
I may be Mexican, but I can still read.


The Flood / Re: I finally watched Cowboy Bebop
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:16:42 PM »
logic gets thrown out the window.
>Being in the window at all
>All these spiral powered keks of mine
Okay, well you know what I mean, at the end with the quantum physics when it goes maximum Trigger.

Nigger, TTGL defied physics and logic from the start. Just take a look at Yoko's gravity defying titties.
Better than HOTD physics I suppose.

But when was anyone under the impression that HOTD was anything other than a soft core porn power nerd fantasy?
Someone who didn't read the ecchi category that it was in.

Is this person you?

The Flood / Re: I finally watched Cowboy Bebop
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:14:32 PM »
logic gets thrown out the window.
>Being in the window at all
>All these spiral powered keks of mine
Okay, well you know what I mean, at the end with the quantum physics when it goes maximum Trigger.

Nigger, TTGL defied physics and logic from the start. Just take a look at Yoko's gravity defying titties.
Better than HOTD physics I suppose.

But when was anyone under the impression that HOTD was anything other than a soft core porn power nerd fantasy?

The Flood / Re: I finally watched Cowboy Bebop
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:11:12 PM »
logic gets thrown out the window.
>Being in the window at all
>All these spiral powered keks of mine
Okay, well you know what I mean, at the end with the quantum physics when it goes maximum Trigger.

Nigger, TTGL defied physics and logic from the start. Just take a look at Yoko's gravity defying titties.

The Flood / Re: >be me
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:07:43 PM »
>tfw real weebs hate me for not taking up offers to visit Japan and stay in the homes of a couple Japanese people I know
I can't take weebs seriously.
You can smell it off them, that... Aura that warns you they're prone to bitchfits if you call their waifu shit.

Which is why I try not to associate with them or be in the same room if I can help it.

The Flood / Re: >be me
« on: January 26, 2015, 11:58:34 AM »
>tfw real weebs hate me for not taking up offers to visit Japan and stay in the homes of a couple Japanese people I know

The Flood / Re: I finally watched Cowboy Bebop
« on: January 26, 2015, 11:19:41 AM »



Gaming / Re: We should have a BF4 gamnight
« on: January 26, 2015, 10:51:15 AM »

Y'all should have picked up BF4 PC on gamestop when it was only $5 a few months ago.

Not exactly great for game parties... In comparison to XBL anyways


The Flood / Re: Let's start this day off nicely
« on: January 26, 2015, 10:46:23 AM »
Tomorrow is Trusday.

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