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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 281282283 284285 ... 394
The Flood / Re: ITT: post your user tiers
« on: January 28, 2015, 01:14:08 PM »
Shit Waifu Tier

Tharja a shit.

Lucina is best girl.
I can't believe cheat tolerates this much pleb on teh staff.
I've actually moved on to nowi/nah master race. For either double manakete morgan+nah, or godly 3rd gen manakete morgan.
So you're a pedophile now. I honestly can't tell what's worse.
Nowi's a thousand some years old. That's ignorant.

Doesn't change the fact that she has the body of an 8 year old girl.

Plus Lucina is 18 in the American version, therefore I am not a pedophile.

The Flood / Re: ITT: post your user tiers
« on: January 28, 2015, 01:10:37 PM »
Shit Waifu Tier

Tharja a shit.

Lucina is best girl.
I can't believe cheat tolerates this much pleb on teh staff.
I've actually moved on to nowi/nah master race. For either double manakete morgan+nah, or godly 3rd gen manakete morgan.
So you're a pedophile now. I honestly can't tell what's worse.

The Flood / Re: What Ever Happened To Silent Bob?
« on: January 28, 2015, 01:09:10 PM »
The sep7 one was Icy.

The one was an account shared by like 10 different users.

The Flood / Re: ITT: post your user tiers
« on: January 28, 2015, 01:06:44 PM »
Shit Waifu Tier

Tharja a shit.

Lucina is best girl. If Morgan wasn't my daughter she'd be second best, but that's getting into creepy territory.

The Flood / Re: ITT: post your user tiers
« on: January 28, 2015, 01:01:54 PM »
Eh.. I guess I'll throw something together. There's always room for one more cock in the circle jerk.

The Coolest Guy Tier
Mr P

Cool Tier

Wish I Knew You Better Tier

Neutral Tier
Just about everybody I don't mention

Bad Tier
There aren't many of you, but you probably know who you are.

Shit Waifu Tier
Keyu/Naota/whatever you call yourself next

EVE Tier

Faggot Nigger Tier

Serious / Re: "Both sides of the argument should be represented"
« on: January 28, 2015, 12:35:46 PM »
If you are having fun twisting everything I say with the extreme stupid view then please by all means continue to do so. I won't stand for further insults such as this. You are doing it on purpose, or your testosterone levels are up to the sky.

"We bully gay people because we hate them/dislike them/don't approve of their thing they don't have control over/they are an affront to our religion and/or god"

Oh boy, much discussion, such understanding. At last I finally see. If gay people don't want to be bullied they should just stop being gay. It's that simple, I don't understand why they can't just decide to be straight. I mean they did choose to be gay after all.

Umm what? I listed the most common reasons for discrimination against LBGT people.The point was that giving the floor to groups that won't contribute anything constructive and promote discrimination against people based on biological dispositions that they have is stupid. A side that does nothing but promote irrational hatred and bigotry should be disregarded.

A somewhat similar circumstance would be inviting ISIS to a presentation on religious and ethnic tolerance and giving them the floor to justify the act of genocide against all of those who don't subscribe to their extremist brand of Islam. It does absolutely nothing to promote understanding between these groups of people.

The Flood / Re: I love logic
« on: January 28, 2015, 12:07:34 PM »
I'm pretty sure that guy is trolling.

Serious / Re: "Both sides of the argument should be represented"
« on: January 28, 2015, 11:46:42 AM »
No, but certainly it shouldn't exclude some understanding and discussion on what causes bullying and how it is related to the bully, and the person who is bullied.

So you're saying they should be holding a class on the justifications for discriminating against people for biological dispositions that they have no control over. Don't sugar coat this, because that's exactly what it is.

"We bully gay people because we hate them/dislike them/don't approve of their thing they don't have control over/they are an affront to our religion and/or god"

Oh boy, much discussion, such understanding. At last I finally see. If gay people don't want to be bullied they should just stop being gay. It's that simple, I don't understand why they can't just decide to be straight. I mean they did choose to be gay after all.

Serious / Re: "Both sides of the argument should be represented"
« on: January 28, 2015, 11:15:01 AM »
The other side is rather what causes bullying, what leads to bullying and why is sexual orientation used as a reason to do the bullying in the first place.

Isara, the other side of this argument is "This is why you should bully and encourage discrimination based on sexual orientation". I don't really think this is a side that needs to be taken into consideration.

So you're saying they should be holding a class on the justifications for discriminating against people for biological dispositions that they have no control over. Don't sugar coat this, because that's exactly what it is.

Serious / Re: "Both sides of the argument should be represented"
« on: January 28, 2015, 10:55:06 AM »
Both sides of an argument should be taken in consideration, but a more proper evaluation of the subjects is preferred over a sudden and stubborn decision.

Isara, the other side of this argument is "This is why you should bully and encourage discrimination based on sexual orientation". I don't really think this is a side that needs to be taken into consideration.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever been to the beach?
« on: January 28, 2015, 09:55:38 AM »
Who hasn't?

People who live in land locked areas.

I live in the middle of England and go to beaches.

The British Isles aren't land locked on the account of they're fucking islands.

I'm talking shit like, Nebraska, Iowa, Idaho, Alberta, Slovakia, Mongolia, and Niger.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Story Predictions?
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:33:25 AM »
It'll suck shit.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever been to the beach?
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:32:52 AM »
Who hasn't?

People who live in land locked areas.

Serious / Re: Bar unvaccinated kids from public school?
« on: January 28, 2015, 12:35:16 AM »
>Marin county

Why am I not surprised?

The Flood / Re: fucking weebs cant do anything right
« on: January 28, 2015, 12:28:04 AM »
This is really fucking old.

Also it has nothing to do with weebs.

The Flood / Re: What's your weakness when it comes to men/women
« on: January 28, 2015, 12:26:11 AM »
Body hugging turtlenecks sweaters. Preferably in black.
With or without a tit slit?
it's called the boob window

Are you also a lover of said turtle neck sweaters?

And let it be known that Tru once again has good taste.

If I were home I'd link some sweater puppies.

The Flood / Re: What's your weakness when it comes to men/women
« on: January 27, 2015, 11:46:56 PM »
Body hugging turtlenecks sweaters. Preferably in black.
With or without a tit slit?
it's called the boob window

Are you also a lover of said turtle neck sweaters?

The Flood / Re: What's your weakness when it comes to men/women
« on: January 27, 2015, 10:25:50 PM »
Body hugging turtlenecks sweaters. Preferably in black.
With or without a tit slit?

Both are fine.

The Flood / Re: What's your weakness when it comes to men/women
« on: January 27, 2015, 10:16:52 PM »
Body hugging turtleneck sweaters. Preferably in black.

The Flood / Re: Why is there a share button on porn videos?
« on: January 27, 2015, 09:26:35 PM »
Blondes huh? Lemon.

And they so put that there so people accidentally share on FB so they can be humiliated

Do you have experience with this?

My friend does, dirty bitch.


How bad was it?

The Flood / Re: Ghostbusters remake has all female cast
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:32:12 PM »
This is a joke right?

The Flood / Re: Why is there a share button on porn videos?
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:31:11 PM »
Blondes huh? Lemon.

And they so put that there so people accidentally share on FB so they can be humiliated

Do you have experience with this?

The Flood / Re: Trusday thread
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:25:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: Is Waze [map app] a threat to cops?
« on: January 27, 2015, 01:01:57 PM »
It's a threat to their revenue... Lol

Depends on the state. IIRC quotas are illegal in California and the money from fines doesn't even go back into the police departments to take away any sort of incentive that the police might have for writing up tickets.

The Flood / Re: Why do I like eating squirrel?
« on: January 27, 2015, 12:55:10 PM »
Because you're a hick LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
we ride horses

Then you should get along well with Slash.

He too has sex with horses.

Gaming / Re: If you aren't excited for The Phantom Pain...
« on: January 27, 2015, 12:01:55 PM »
Oh my god the textures in that first videos thumbnail are god awful.

Did you actually watch it, though?

Notice how you can tell the AI to shoot a grenade you threw to blow up a helicopter? Badass.

No because I don't care about MGS 5.

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