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Messages - big sponge

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Septagon / Re: A formal call for reconsideration
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:39:46 AM »
Aren't the majority EST or at least fairly close if you were to separate it by timezone?

Yutaka and Demonic are EST

Psy is BST

Flee is whatever the fuck Belgium is normally, but currently he's in CST with Cheat.

Isara is in Greek land

and I'm PST.

So if you look at it this way

Currently Yutaka, Demonic, Flee, and Cheat are relatively close to each other when it comes to time zones.

Normally Psy Flee and Isara are relatively close to eachother to cover European time zones.
(Yes Isara isn't supposed to mod, but she can if shits going down and she's the only one on)

That leaves me by myself in PST which is 2/3 hours behind the Central and Eastern people and 8/9/10 hours behind the Euros.

However because of this 8-10 hour time delay you'll have the Euros coming on when I'm going to bed and seeing as how the majority of the site operates on CST, EST, and BST this means that the coverage is actually pretty good at the moment.

What I'm trying to get at is a timezone argument is pretty flimsy.
I think this is a bigger problem than you give credit for.

Considering that the general consensus seems to be that in regards to timezone coverage we're doing fine I'm inclined to think I'm right on the money.

If you're going to make an argument against Cheat's decision I'd suggest you not use the timezone one.

The Flood / Re: Why are you guys such assholes?
« on: February 04, 2015, 10:02:41 AM »
Alright, this thread is going nowhere good.

So here's the lock.

The Flood / Re: Do you think the Flood banner should be redesigned?
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:27:27 AM »
I'm still waiting on the gaming banner to be changed to Persona.
It should be CoD just to piss everyone off.

I've been trying to get Cheat to change it to a Destiny one.

Septagon / Re: A formal call for reconsideration
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:17:52 AM »
Aren't the majority EST or at least fairly close if you were to separate it by timezone?

Yutaka and Demonic are EST

Psy is BST

Flee is whatever the fuck Belgium is normally, but currently he's in CST with Cheat.

Isara is in Greek land

and I'm PST.

So if you look at it this way

Currently Yutaka, Demonic, Flee, and Cheat are relatively close to each other when it comes to time zones.

Normally Psy Flee and Isara are relatively close to eachother to cover European time zones.
(Yes Isara isn't supposed to mod, but she can if shits going down and she's the only one on)

That leaves me by myself in PST which is 2/3 hours behind the Central and Eastern people and 8/9/10 hours behind the Euros.

However because of this 8-10 hour time delay you'll have the Euros coming on when I'm going to bed and seeing as how the majority of the site operates on CST, EST, and BST this means that the coverage is actually pretty good at the moment.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, man.

It's a gross misrepresentation for the amount of EST users on this site.

I think I could count the amount of known PST members on my hands.

I also don't really need help sleeping at night. I'm just trying to let you know that a timezone argument is probably the worst way to go about making your case. Especially when you're trying to say that EST has the least coverage when it currently has the most and is normally on par with Europe.

Septagon / Re: A formal call for reconsideration
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:59:26 AM »
Aren't the majority EST or at least fairly close if you were to separate it by timezone?

Yutaka and Demonic are EST

Psy is BST

Flee is whatever the fuck Belgium is normally, but currently he's in CST with Cheat.

Isara is in Greek land

and I'm PST.

So if you look at it this way

Currently Yutaka, Demonic, Flee, and Cheat are relatively close to each other when it comes to time zones.

Normally Psy Flee and Isara are relatively close to eachother to cover European time zones.
(Yes Isara isn't supposed to mod, but she can if shits going down and she's the only one on)

That leaves me by myself in PST which is 2/3 hours behind the Central and Eastern people and 8/9/10 hours behind the Euros.

However because of this 8-10 hour time delay you'll have the Euros coming on when I'm going to bed and seeing as how the majority of the site operates on CST, EST, and BST this means that the coverage is actually pretty good at the moment.

What I'm trying to get at is a timezone argument is pretty flimsy.

Septagon / Re: Change the Gaming board title bar.
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:38:48 AM »
So real suggestion here.

Back when he first implemented the new banner I actually suggested something like a rotating banner similar to what some users have for their avatars.

Don't know if Cheat would be keen on doing something like that or if users would like it though.

The Flood / 4 Minutes Till Midnight, Need My Trusday
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:57:28 AM »
I didn't see a Trusday thread so here it is.

Also it's Tohsaka Rin's birthday.

How did your Trusday go everybody?

The Flood / Re: Can you milk those tits?
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:30:42 AM »

The Flood / Re: Defining traits of specific users
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:25:42 AM »
LC: a jew.

Nigga I don't even have the nose for that.

The Flood / Re: Defining traits of specific users
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:19:18 AM »
Psy: Mai husbando

Tru: My little husbando can't be this cute

Yutaka: The Mexican husbando that I don't want but am forced to be with anyway

Cheat: Glorious Golden Faggot

Isara: CFC filth

Nexus: Wants my dick but will never get it

Gaming / Re: Tyranids vs The Flood
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:51:50 PM »
Wouldn't Silentium Flood stomp though?

I'm not seeing how. The current nids in 40k are just an expiditionary force and iirc they've got 5 galaxies worth of nids on the way.

Nids are also immune to infection and logic plague.
Weren't the Flood able to warp space-time and use star-roads to throw planets and stars around like missiles?

Which isn't all that impressive when you take into account just how massive a galaxy is. For the sake of this ability not being completely worthless lets assume that these stars and planets are moving at or near light speed instead of 550 mph and let's also assume these planets are able to retain their mass, size, shape, and state of matter, also on top of that we're going to assume they don't collide with any other celestial bodies or black holes when on route to their intended targets.

If we're to use our solar local area in the galaxy as a measurment then it would take at least 4 years to hit it's closest target of you were aiming at anything outside of its own solar system.

Basically you could only use this inside a single solar system if you wanted to be able to hit anything at all and systematically destroying yourselves doesn't exactly equal victory.

Gaming / Re: Tyranids vs The Flood
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:58:02 PM »
Wouldn't Silentium Flood stomp though?

I'm not seeing how. The current nids in 40k are just an expiditionary force and iirc they've got 5 galaxies worth of nids on the way.

Nids are also immune to infection and logic plague.

Gaming / Re: Tyranids vs The Flood
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:37:09 PM »
What's even the point in these threads?

To beat up Halo fanboys. Well that's why Charlie started them back on b.old at least since they'd go to rediculous lengths to perpetuate their belief that Halo was the best sci-if universe ever.

Gaming / Re: Tyranids vs The Flood
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:04:55 PM »

The flood can't take control of them and hive minds register as gods in the warp.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Humble Bundle
« on: February 03, 2015, 08:48:35 PM »
Empire at War has aged pretty badly.

Brah, that's why you get the imperial civil war mod for it. It's like the closest thing to EAW: 2 that you'll get.

Gaming / Re: Battlefield Hardline BETA Thoughts? Rants?
« on: February 03, 2015, 08:22:36 PM »
I might try it out since it's free.

Septagon / Re: Change the Gaming board title bar.
« on: February 03, 2015, 05:41:04 PM »
The Destiny banner is the best and Cheat knows it. Cheat hurry up and implement it.

The Flood / Re: Grand Moff Tarkin
« on: February 03, 2015, 05:32:38 PM »
I don't think he anticipated a Jedi flying one of the X-wings.

Gaming / Re: Quick question about the AC Xbone Bundle
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:55:30 PM »
Unity is broken shit too.

Holy fuck it's still broken? I know the PC version is completely fucked right now (with the latest patch making it so water sources flash like strobe lights), but I figured that Ubisoft would have at least made sure the console version was working correctly by this point.

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 console resolution and fps confirmed.
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:50:00 PM »
Meanwhile on PC
the human eye can't see past 30 frames anyway, so who cares?

And the human eye can only see things in 480p. That doesn't stop people from bitching about resolution anyway.
umm, no. the human eye can't see the difference past 720p actually.

That's a marketing gimmick from big pharmaceutical companies that only want to give you vaccinations (that have never been proven to work scientifically) and lobby for keeping the cure for cancer (weed) illegal. If you honestly believe that the human eye can see things in a greater resolution than 480p then you should off yourself for being such a stupid sheep.

Open your mind and stop drinking the kool-aide you doofus.

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 console resolution and fps confirmed.
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:44:43 PM »
Meanwhile on PC
the human eye can't see past 30 frames anyway, so who cares?

And the human eye can only see things in 480p. That doesn't stop people from bitching about resolution anyway.

The Flood / Re: 10 posts to go until I am UNSTOPABLE
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:39:12 PM »
Probably ban you.
You couldn't cuz I'd be unstoppable.
Unless of course cheat changes the ranks in the next few minutes. Sad knowing I will never be legendary or mythic.

Well it wouldn't stop you anyway. Just delay you.

The Flood / Re: 10 posts to go until I am UNSTOPABLE
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:37:11 PM »
Probably ban you.

Septagon / Re: Change the Gaming board title bar.
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:34:49 PM »

This should be the new gaming banner.

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 console resolution and fps confirmed.
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:31:58 PM »

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:26:25 PM »
b-but bloody werewolf waifu LC.  :(

I found Dark Souls to be tedious, not hard. Which was a shame because I kind of got hyped for this game that people were telling me was supposed to be truly challenging. I should probably take another crack at it to see if I can derive enough enjoyment to finish it, but at the moment I just don't really feel like going through a tedious slog of a game.
Which aspects of it did you find tedious?

The combat in general. Really the only interesting portions were the boss battles, but the tedious grind to get to them puts me off.

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:00:25 PM »
b-but bloody werewolf waifu LC.  :(

I found Dark Souls to be tedious, not hard. Which was a shame because I kind of got hyped for this game that people were telling me was supposed to be truly challenging. I should probably take another crack at it to see if I can derive enough enjoyment to finish it, but at the moment I just don't really feel like going through a tedious slog of a game.

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 03, 2015, 01:53:47 PM »

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Humble Bundle
« on: February 03, 2015, 01:46:58 PM »
You filthy cock munchkin. I was just about to post this.

I already own Empire at War: Gold Edition so if anyone wants the key for it say so.

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