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Messages - big sponge

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The Flood / Re: Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:28:16 AM »
But really, not even one CGI? Just every once in a while?

I don't mind CGI when it's blended well with the rest of the 2D animation, but when you do full CG movies it ends up just feeling like a really long cutscene in a video game.

A good example of good CGI and 2d animation blending is Kara no Kyoukai.


The part with the water beginning at the 2:50 mark being the best example of it in the video.

TL;DR: IMO, CGI should compliment 2D animation, not replace it.
And what happens when it based of a game? Like RE is..?

So there's not a lot of 2D to compliment

Just because it's based off a videogame doesn't mean it has to be CGI. You can go the live action route and have CGI compliment live sets.

This is just a personal hangup of mine though, and as I've stated a couple times before though. I wouldn't be opposed to showing this in the future, I just wouldn't like it.
Buh LC

Fighting in mini pencil skirts

Check my list up the thread anyway. There's a few anime movies there

Yeah I saw, I've got the Haruhi movie already and I think I'll grab Kiki since it was asked for a couple times.

>.> that clip did nothing to convince me that it was a good movie. The animation, voice acting, dialogue, and choreography were cringe inducing. Maybe that was the point though as it's supposed to be a "so bad it's good" kind of movie.

Or you're such a weeaboobie you cant understand good stuff?

Tru plz
Haven't you seen the Index movie?

No. Was I supposed to?

Kiki won, watch that.

But I haven't even seen index..
Railgun is considered better by most fans, but Index is the main story.

I haven't seen Railgun either...

The Flood / Re: Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:20:22 AM »
But really, not even one CGI? Just every once in a while?

I don't mind CGI when it's blended well with the rest of the 2D animation, but when you do full CG movies it ends up just feeling like a really long cutscene in a video game.

A good example of good CGI and 2d animation blending is Kara no Kyoukai.


The part with the water beginning at the 2:50 mark being the best example of it in the video.

TL;DR: IMO, CGI should compliment 2D animation, not replace it.
And what happens when it based of a game? Like RE is..?

So there's not a lot of 2D to compliment

Just because it's based off a videogame doesn't mean it has to be CGI. You can go the live action route and have CGI compliment live sets.

This is just a personal hangup of mine though, and as I've stated a couple times before though. I wouldn't be opposed to showing this in the future, I just wouldn't like it.
Buh LC

Fighting in mini pencil skirts

Check my list up the thread anyway. There's a few anime movies there

Yeah I saw, I've got the Haruhi movie already and I think I'll grab Kiki since it was asked for a couple times.

>.> that clip did nothing to convince me that it was a good movie. The animation, voice acting, dialogue, and choreography were cringe inducing. Maybe that was the point though as it's supposed to be a "so bad it's good" kind of movie.

Or you're such a weeaboobie you cant understand good stuff?

Tru plz
Haven't you seen the Index movie?

No. Was I supposed to?

Kiki won, watch that.

But I haven't even seen index..

The Flood / Re: Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:15:55 AM »
But really, not even one CGI? Just every once in a while?

I don't mind CGI when it's blended well with the rest of the 2D animation, but when you do full CG movies it ends up just feeling like a really long cutscene in a video game.

A good example of good CGI and 2d animation blending is Kara no Kyoukai.


The part with the water beginning at the 2:50 mark being the best example of it in the video.

TL;DR: IMO, CGI should compliment 2D animation, not replace it.
And what happens when it based of a game? Like RE is..?

So there's not a lot of 2D to compliment

Just because it's based off a videogame doesn't mean it has to be CGI. You can go the live action route and have CGI compliment live sets.

This is just a personal hangup of mine though, and as I've stated a couple times before though. I wouldn't be opposed to showing this in the future, I just wouldn't like it.
Buh LC

Fighting in mini pencil skirts

Check my list up the thread anyway. There's a few anime movies there

Yeah I saw, I've got the Haruhi movie already and I think I'll grab Kiki since it was asked for a couple times.

>.> that clip did nothing to convince me that it was a good movie. The animation, voice acting, dialogue, and choreography were cringe inducing. Maybe that was the point though as it's supposed to be a "so bad it's good" kind of movie.

Or you're such a weeaboobie you cant understand good stuff?

Tru plz
Haven't you seen the Index movie?

No. Was I supposed to?

The Flood / Re: Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:09:50 AM »
But really, not even one CGI? Just every once in a while?

I don't mind CGI when it's blended well with the rest of the 2D animation, but when you do full CG movies it ends up just feeling like a really long cutscene in a video game.

A good example of good CGI and 2d animation blending is Kara no Kyoukai.


The part with the water beginning at the 2:50 mark being the best example of it in the video.

TL;DR: IMO, CGI should compliment 2D animation, not replace it.
And what happens when it based of a game? Like RE is..?

So there's not a lot of 2D to compliment

Just because it's based off a videogame doesn't mean it has to be CGI. You can go the live action route and have CGI compliment live sets.

This is just a personal hangup of mine though, and as I've stated a couple times before though. I wouldn't be opposed to showing this in the future, I just wouldn't like it.
Buh LC

Fighting in mini pencil skirts

Check my list up the thread anyway. There's a few anime movies there

Yeah I saw, I've got the Haruhi movie already and I think I'll grab Kiki since it was asked for a couple times.

>.> that clip did nothing to convince me that it was a good movie. The animation, voice acting, dialogue, and choreography were cringe inducing. Maybe that was the point though as it's supposed to be a "so bad it's good" kind of movie.

Or you're such a weeaboobie you cant understand good stuff?

Tru plz

The Flood / Re: Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:04:20 AM »
But really, not even one CGI? Just every once in a while?

I don't mind CGI when it's blended well with the rest of the 2D animation, but when you do full CG movies it ends up just feeling like a really long cutscene in a video game.

A good example of good CGI and 2d animation blending is Kara no Kyoukai.


The part with the water beginning at the 2:50 mark being the best example of it in the video.

TL;DR: IMO, CGI should compliment 2D animation, not replace it.
And what happens when it based of a game? Like RE is..?

So there's not a lot of 2D to compliment

Just because it's based off a videogame doesn't mean it has to be CGI. You can go the live action route and have CGI compliment live sets.

This is just a personal hangup of mine though, and as I've stated a couple times before though. I wouldn't be opposed to showing this in the future, I just wouldn't like it.
Buh LC

Fighting in mini pencil skirts

Check my list up the thread anyway. There's a few anime movies there

Yeah I saw, I've got the Haruhi movie already and I think I'll grab Kiki since it was asked for a couple times.

>.> that clip did nothing to convince me that it was a good movie. The animation, voice acting, dialogue, and choreography were cringe inducing. Maybe that was the point though as it's supposed to be a "so bad it's good" kind of movie.

The Flood / Re: Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:47:43 PM »
But really, not even one CGI? Just every once in a while?

I don't mind CGI when it's blended well with the rest of the 2D animation, but when you do full CG movies it ends up just feeling like a really long cutscene in a video game.

A good example of good CGI and 2d animation blending is Kara no Kyoukai.


The part with the water beginning at the 2:50 mark being the best example of it in the video.

TL;DR: IMO, CGI should compliment 2D animation, not replace it.
And what happens when it based of a game? Like RE is..?

So there's not a lot of 2D to compliment

Just because it's based off a videogame doesn't mean it has to be CGI. You can go the live action route and have CGI compliment live sets.

This is just a personal hangup of mine though, and as I've stated a couple times before though. I wouldn't be opposed to showing this in the future, I just wouldn't like it.

The Flood / Re: Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:39:51 PM »
But really, not even one CGI? Just every once in a while?

I don't mind CGI when it's blended well with the rest of the 2D animation, but when you do full CG movies it ends up just feeling like a really long cutscene in a video game.

A good example of good CGI and 2d animation blending is Kara no Kyoukai.


The part with the water beginning at the 2:50 mark being the best example of it in the video.

TL;DR: IMO, CGI should compliment 2D animation, not replace it.

Like I said though, I'm not opposed to showing it. I just really don't like full CGI films.

The Flood / Re: Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:29:27 PM »
So I'm finished eating dinner and I'm going to tell people to stay on-topic and stop posting non-anime stuff.

Any plans of streaming some non-anime stuff in the future, LC?

Not in the foreseeable future. People are welcome to do their own streams if they want to watch something different.
Nigga we're watching that RE at some point

its Japanese, its basically an anime lol

I detest full cg films. I'll tell you what though, get me drunk and I'll throw it on one night.

The Flood / Re: Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:23:19 PM »
So I'm finished eating dinner and I'm going to tell people to stay on-topic and stop posting non-anime stuff.

Any plans of streaming some non-anime stuff in the future, LC?

Not in the foreseeable future. People are welcome to do their own streams if they want to watch something different.

The Flood / Friday Night/Afternoon Anime Stream
« on: February 04, 2015, 10:50:53 PM »
Here's the prep thread.

Post what you want to see, the more something is posted by different people the better chance it has of me showing it. I should be starting the stream around the same time I did last week.

The Flood / Re: valentines cards
« on: February 04, 2015, 09:57:32 PM »
ITT: An FBI agent sets a trap for pedophiles.

The Flood / Re: Should we Raid?
« on: February 04, 2015, 09:35:42 PM »
Planning raids is against the rules.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever not tipped and felt fine about it?
« on: February 04, 2015, 09:08:52 PM »
If you don't want to tip you should lobby congress to make it illegal to pay service jobs under minimum wage.

The Flood / Re: FLCL is objectively the best and only good anime
« on: February 04, 2015, 06:19:50 PM »
We have a case of babbys first and only anime, here.

Eh, I've watched a lot of shit over the years and FLCL is the one I can always come back to and watch again. It's far from being my first anime as well.

Gaming / Re: Mario Gold & Silver Amiibos
« on: February 04, 2015, 05:46:17 PM »
What would you even do with them?

The Flood / Re: >Been here since July
« on: February 04, 2015, 04:42:01 PM »
I hear Flee likes it up the ass, if you're into that.

This case of harassment has been noted.

Flee this kind of behavior is inappropriate. See me in my office.

The Flood / Re: Woman wants to be first person to give birth on Mars
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:48:31 PM »
And I want to be the first boy to pee into the sun.

Also you'd burn up before you got close enough to do that.
No I'm a woman and I want something. So I'll get it or I'll say its oppressing me. fuck you.

But you just said you were a boy. Make up your mind Tru.

Tru isnt a sex.

Then what is it?

The Flood / Re: Woman wants to be first person to give birth on Mars
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:27:36 PM »
And I want to be the first boy to pee into the sun.

Also you'd burn up before you got close enough to do that.
No I'm a woman and I want something. So I'll get it or I'll say its oppressing me. fuck you.

But you just said you were a boy. Make up your mind Tru.

The Flood / Re: Woman wants to be first person to give birth on Mars
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:24:30 PM »
And I want to be the first boy to pee into the sun.

Also you'd burn up before you got close enough to do that.

The Flood / Re: What Are The Mods?
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:59:37 PM »
Part A of the plan was complete. Part B would be initiated when Lynn arrived home from work. But first, a trip to the store for the supplies. The delivery must be perfect if I was to pull this off with maximum efficiency. Thus, away I went, and arrived home about an hour before Lynn was due home. Perfection. Steve had left the house too, even better.

Part B rolled into action. I had purchased a little something extra today from the chemist, and by purchased, I mean I asked my friend at the counter for it and he handed it over free of charge, on the condition that I explained the whole story to him. By the way Andrew, if you're out there, you're part of the reason I'm writing this. I know you're lurker. Anyway, I had me some Viagra. I didn't know what would happen if I took this, but I knew that if I was going to get as much semen into the bowl as I needed, then I was going to need stimulation worthy of Zeus.

When I arrived home, I poured myself a bowl and quickly shot off my first two loads. This wasn't even a challenge anymore. As my cock started to hurt, I took the viagra. Instantly I was revitalised, and managed a full three more loads sprayed into the bowl. But my last tablet I was saving for when Lynn got home. I quickly cleaned everything up and got to my room, where I lay in wait. My cock was in terrible pain, but I needed just one more load, for Lynn.

I heard the front door click open. It was about 11PM at the moment, she was about three hours late, which seemed odd. She walked inside, I heard the fridge open, and a grunt of dismay. She then called my name.

"Jack? You home?"

I decided not to respond. I was standing in her room, totally naked, packed of cornflakes on the floor, milk in one hand, and the quintuple shot Cheerio bowl in hand. I quickly trod on the "send" button on my phone, which lay beneath my feet. The message would arrive on Steve's phone any second.

"Get back here now, preferably with the girl you're talking to. I have a nice surprise for you two."

Steve was the kind of man that couldn't resist a good surprise, especially one which involved him and another woman. He'd be home soon.

The handle on the door to the room slowly began to turn. I had taken exorbitant amounts of viagra and my cock felt as if it was going to explode. The door creaked open, and there she was, in her work clothes, a tight black skirt, hair done up, and a suit jacket over her shoulders. Her blouse was bursting, it was just too small for her tits. I assumed she had been going for a raise today. She looked at me with mouth wide open. Her purse fell to the floor.

"Cheerios? 5 shots in this one." I calmly stated.

She rushed at me, facade of disinterest gone from her eyes. She grabbed the bowl from my hand and literally plunged her face into its depths. I could hear soft "Unghh" sounds from her diaphragm, my dick was so hard it was unbelievable. She noticed, and grabbed it, and began to rub it. The feeling was amazing. I managed to murmer;

Shut up

You weren't even on Bungie

It originated from 4chan. A quick search would reveal as such.

Fucking spastic.

That one is different iirc.

The Flood / Re: Why did Isara become Cheat?
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:54:14 PM »

Those rosy cheeks deserve a post.

Do you think we could get Cheat to wear a dress?

The Flood / Re: Alrighty, I have this shiny new thread.
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:25:57 PM »

LC knows what I'm talking about.

Got Cu Chulainn and Caren. This shit is tasty.

The Flood / Re: Finally got the Fucking WiFi to Work
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:22:17 PM »
Well, only one Monitor made it to Ninja.
Dustin rage quit Anarchy from what I hear.

Yeah, I heard bits of pieces of that.
Overall, Anarchy was rather bland and boring this time around.
You didn't miss a lot.

>implying the rape Tru thread wasn't fun and eventful

The Flood / Re: What Are The Mods?
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:19:06 PM »

I want to be a faggot Nikki Minaj.
No, it's my one goal in life.

You can't take that from me.
No I can't.

But I can take your virginity

: ( 

You missed your chance at that.

Unless you're talking about my booty.

The Flood / Re: What Are The Mods?
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:13:29 PM »

I want to be a faggot Nikki Minaj.
No, it's my one goal in life.

You can't take that from me.

The Flood / Re: Its been fun.
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:03:59 PM »
But.. but.. but... who will I argue about waifus with now...?

Don't leabe me man.

The Flood / Re: What Are The Mods?
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:02:45 PM »
I want to be a faggot Nikki Minaj.

Septagon / Re: A formal call for reconsideration
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:01:41 PM »

Aren't the majority EST or at least fairly close if you were to separate it by timezone?

Yutaka and Demonic are EST

Psy is BST

Flee is whatever the fuck Belgium is normally, but currently he's in CST with Cheat.

Isara is in Greek land

and I'm PST.

So if you look at it this way

Currently Yutaka, Demonic, Flee, and Cheat are relatively close to each other when it comes to time zones.

Normally Psy Flee and Isara are relatively close to eachother to cover European time zones.
(Yes Isara isn't supposed to mod, but she can if shits going down and she's the only one on)

That leaves me by myself in PST which is 2/3 hours behind the Central and Eastern people and 8/9/10 hours behind the Euros.

However because of this 8-10 hour time delay you'll have the Euros coming on when I'm going to bed and seeing as how the majority of the site operates on CST, EST, and BST this means that the coverage is actually pretty good at the moment.

What I'm trying to get at is a timezone argument is pretty flimsy.
I think this is a bigger problem than you give credit for.

Considering that the general consensus seems to be that in regards to timezone coverage we're doing fine I'm inclined to think I'm right on the money.

If you're going to make an argument against Cheat's decision I'd suggest you not use the timezone one.
Trust me that isn't the argument. I just pointed that out last night.

now we're greatly understaffed in terms of EST mods.

How isn't this one of the arguments being made?

Care to enlighten me as to what the argument is? What I quoted earlier was the only thing given that may have had some hard evidence backing it and it's been shown to be demonstrably false. Which is in turn why I'm recommending that any sort of timezone argument be avoided.

The other argument in the OP is a purely subjective one which is why I'm not going to tackle it. Cause opinions man.

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