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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 265266267 268269 ... 394
The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:50:43 PM »
And Toe Soccer is having sex with old men for money.

>Not knowing what that is...


You don't know what rule 34 is?

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:48:23 PM »
And Toe Soccer is having sex with old men for money.


The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:56:26 PM »

But then you got this and it legit felt good.
It felt even more sad because that music played after I had that bit, and then I was faced with the fact that it was all over.

But Rider being there with them is the best thing ebbur

It was more of a bitter sweet ending for me.

Well every good or true ending in F/SN is like that. There isn't a single ending where everyone makes it out alive or unscathed.
I thought it was depressing. Sakura shelters herself more than she already did, she ends up alone, Rin branches off on her own, Rider and Shirou are dead, etc.

She dies all alone and fools herself into thinking he'll come back.


I was referring to the True End when I said that. Yeah, the normal one is depressing as fuck.




The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:54:56 PM »

But then you got this and it legit felt good.
It felt even more sad because that music played after I had that bit, and then I was faced with the fact that it was all over.

But Rider being there with them is the best thing ebbur

It was more of a bitter sweet ending for me.

Well every good or true ending in F/SN is like that. There isn't a single ending where everyone makes it out alive or unscathed.

The Flood / Re: Can you still get the job done with 5inches?
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:53:00 PM »
Five inches is small? I always thought that was average.

When I think small I think two or three inches.

Like, I don't know how to respond to this without looking like I'm either some sort of defensive lying fuck or an arrogant douche.

Gaming / Re: So I've been playing a lot of KH lately...
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:50:40 PM »
>Kingdom Hearts
>coherent story

Pick one and only one.
It actually has a really deep and complete plot if you're willing to take the time to understand it. Occasionally inconsistencies like this pop up, though.

If by deep and complete you mean dumb and convoluted. Listen I enjoy the fuck out of KH (the only ones I haven't played are BBS and DDD), but the story is not it's strong suit.
Then you and I just have different tastes. By the way, though, it's pretty dumb to criticize a game series' plot when you haven't even played the most important and plot-heavy game.

Is that BBS or DDD? Cause I don't know anything about either. From everything I've played though the story isn't anything to write home about.

The Flood / Re: Can you still get the job done with 5inches?
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:48:35 PM »
Five inches is small? I always thought that was average.

When I think small I think two or three inches.

Gaming / Re: So I've been playing a lot of KH lately...
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:47:38 PM »
>Kingdom Hearts
>coherent story

Pick one and only one.
It actually has a really deep and complete plot if you're willing to take the time to understand it. Occasionally inconsistencies like this pop up, though.

If by deep and complete you mean dumb and convoluted. Listen I enjoy the fuck out of KH (the only ones I haven't played are BBS and DDD), but the story is not it's strong suit.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:32:03 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

Who told you that?
Yu or Yourself.
It was probably a mixup though.

._. I'd never tell you that Medusa is caster. It was probably Yutaka.

In fact I remember explicitly stating that Medeas buffs were to stronk and that's why Kuzuki killed Medusa.

she lives and helps Sakura and becomes a cool librarian type... person :S

All ends are canon. Rider dies in every outcome except for one. :3
All endings are canon, but one ending/story is the best one.

Even though the normal ending for Heaven's Feel actually depressed me legit for the next day and a half. Sakura waiting like that and eventually turning old literally made me depressed.

It's spring....

It's spring......

It's spring.......

It's spring.........

It's spring..........


But then you got this and it legit felt good.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:22:10 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

Who told you that?
Yu or Yourself.
It was probably a mixup though.

._. I'd never tell you that Medusa is caster. It was probably Yutaka.

In fact I remember explicitly stating that Medeas buffs were to stronk and that's why Kuzuki killed Medusa.

she lives and helps Sakura and becomes a cool librarian type... person :S

All ends are canon. Rider dies in every outcome except for one. :3
All endings are canon, but one ending/story is the best one.

Even though the normal ending for Heaven's Feel actually depressed me legit for the next day and a half. Sakura waiting like that and eventually turning old literally made me depressed.

It's spring....

It's spring......

It's spring.......

It's spring.........

It's spring..........

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:21:12 PM »
"Why aren't you turning to stone?"

I'm already rock hard, baby!

That was from a doujin or something. But that's all she's used for in the Fate community.

Reminds me of that awkward side story in F/HA where she accidentally uses gorgon her eyes on shirou in the bath and the lower half of his body is petrified.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:18:31 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

Who told you that?
Yu or Yourself.
It was probably a mixup though.

._. I'd never tell you that Medusa is caster. It was probably Yutaka.

In fact I remember explicitly stating that Medeas buffs were to stronk and that's why Kuzuki killed Medusa.

she lives and helps Sakura and becomes a cool librarian type... person :S

All ends are canon. Rider dies in every outcome except for one. :3

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:15:48 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

Who told you that?
Yu or Yourself.
It was probably a mixup though.

._. I'd never tell you that Medusa is caster. It was probably Yutaka.

In fact I remember explicitly stating that Medeas buffs were to stronk and that's why Kuzuki killed Medusa.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:14:42 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

That would be the glorious, lovely, best servant waifu Rider.
...Why is she in the Rider class?
That makes no sense.

Then again, I know how much the Japs love to buttfuck mythology.

Hell, if memory serves, there's something about Medusa having a bow.
Archer would've been a better fit.

"Pegasus (Ancient Greek: Πήγασος, Pégasos; Latin: Pegasus) is one of the best known creatures in Greek mythology. He is a winged divine stallion usually depicted as pure white in color. He was sired by Poseidon, in his role as horse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa."

Bellephon is one of her noble phantasms.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:12:45 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

Who told you that?

Gaming / Re: So I've been playing a lot of KH lately...
« on: February 16, 2015, 06:46:51 PM »
>Kingdom Hearts
>coherent story

Pick one and only one.

The Flood / Re: A Discussion on the new Star Wars Canon
« on: February 16, 2015, 05:02:07 PM »
Am I the only one who liked the exile more than Revan?

The Flood / Re: Teetotalitarianism (Alcohol survey)
« on: February 16, 2015, 04:55:24 PM »

This chart would also put me on rarely. As a non drinker I don't think you understand what does and doesn't count as rarely, regularly, and borderline alcoholic.

Gaming / Re: I just discovered a really cool fact about Final Fantasy 4
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:30:50 PM »

Gaming / Re: Got a PS4!
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:23:26 PM »
LC, quit derailing my thread.

It takes two to tango, or in this case three.

Tell them to stop making a big deal over me not liking TLOU.

Or how about you stop the argument train, let them have the last word of their opinion  and recommend me some games? If you don't own a PS4, fine. Just lay back then unless you have some actual recommendations. Not a childish argument over a game you dislike for whatever the reason maybe.

I too think it's a good game and if you don't like it, that's your opinion and I can understand not everyone is going to like the same games, but the fact that people start a war over this shit is irritating.

....My god. I just realized how much of a hypocrite I have been in the past with Halo.

.... but I did. I just amended Tygers list saying that Infamous (a PS4 exclusive) is probably the best one out right now and removed a game from his best exclusives list that I felt didn't belong there.

Gaming / Re: Got a PS4!
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:12:55 PM »
LC, quit derailing my thread.

It takes two to tango, or in this case three.

Tell them to stop making a big deal over me not liking TLOU.

Gaming / Re: Got a PS4!
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:04:06 PM »
First off you'll want to grab all of the free to play games and try them out, some are decent.

For games to buy I'd recommend Call Of Duty:AW, Guilty Gear Xrd and maybe Destiny if you have friends.

The crap games right? Destiny was an inevitability. Friends really wanted me to get it again. Luckily I got a discount instead of paying full price, oh... and fuck the DLC.

I'm not getting COD. Why would I want that if I could get it on my PC? I can't get Destiny on the PC but if I wanted AW, I could just get that on PC.
Didn't know you had a PC that could run it.

Yeah, my gaming machine is my primary console, except I can do much more than just game with it. It works well with rendering as well. I got the PS4 mainly for exclusives that I can't get on PC.

Exclusives like The Last of Us.
infamous is the best exclusive


Being the king of the trash heap isn't something to be proud of though. So far next gen consoles have been a disappointment. Which sucks, because I actually want an excuse to own one.

The last of us is a great game

I can keep going if you'd like.

"0/10 not enough spreadsheets"

Care to acknowledge how "official" reviewer scores are generally pretty shaky and shouldn't be used as proof? Cause I just pulled up a bunch of games are are generally regarded to be from bad to nothing special that have gotten glowing reviews and even GOTY awards.

Gaming / Re: Got a PS4!
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:53:18 PM »
First off you'll want to grab all of the free to play games and try them out, some are decent.

For games to buy I'd recommend Call Of Duty:AW, Guilty Gear Xrd and maybe Destiny if you have friends.

The crap games right? Destiny was an inevitability. Friends really wanted me to get it again. Luckily I got a discount instead of paying full price, oh... and fuck the DLC.

I'm not getting COD. Why would I want that if I could get it on my PC? I can't get Destiny on the PC but if I wanted AW, I could just get that on PC.
Didn't know you had a PC that could run it.

Yeah, my gaming machine is my primary console, except I can do much more than just game with it. It works well with rendering as well. I got the PS4 mainly for exclusives that I can't get on PC.

Exclusives like The Last of Us.
infamous is the best exclusive


Being the king of the trash heap isn't something to be proud of though. So far next gen consoles have been a disappointment. Which sucks, because I actually want an excuse to own one.

The last of us is a great game

Do you just hate every game that isn't EVE Online Spreadsheet Simulator?

And besides obscure anime games.

Could've fooled us

Because I don't like TLOU? That's a pretty big accusation for something so minor.

Gaming / Re: Got a PS4!
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:51:48 PM »
First off you'll want to grab all of the free to play games and try them out, some are decent.

For games to buy I'd recommend Call Of Duty:AW, Guilty Gear Xrd and maybe Destiny if you have friends.

The crap games right? Destiny was an inevitability. Friends really wanted me to get it again. Luckily I got a discount instead of paying full price, oh... and fuck the DLC.

I'm not getting COD. Why would I want that if I could get it on my PC? I can't get Destiny on the PC but if I wanted AW, I could just get that on PC.
Didn't know you had a PC that could run it.

Yeah, my gaming machine is my primary console, except I can do much more than just game with it. It works well with rendering as well. I got the PS4 mainly for exclusives that I can't get on PC.

Exclusives like The Last of Us.
infamous is the best exclusive


Being the king of the trash heap isn't something to be proud of though. So far next gen consoles have been a disappointment. Which sucks, because I actually want an excuse to own one.

The last of us is a great game

Do you just hate every game that isn't EVE Online Spreadsheet Simulator?

And besides obscure anime games.


Gaming / Re: Got a PS4!
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:46:22 PM »
First off you'll want to grab all of the free to play games and try them out, some are decent.

For games to buy I'd recommend Call Of Duty:AW, Guilty Gear Xrd and maybe Destiny if you have friends.

The crap games right? Destiny was an inevitability. Friends really wanted me to get it again. Luckily I got a discount instead of paying full price, oh... and fuck the DLC.

I'm not getting COD. Why would I want that if I could get it on my PC? I can't get Destiny on the PC but if I wanted AW, I could just get that on PC.
Didn't know you had a PC that could run it.

Yeah, my gaming machine is my primary console, except I can do much more than just game with it. It works well with rendering as well. I got the PS4 mainly for exclusives that I can't get on PC.

Exclusives like The Last of Us.
infamous is the best exclusive


Being the king of the trash heap isn't something to be proud of though. So far next gen consoles have been a disappointment. Which sucks, because I actually want an excuse to own one.

The last of us is a great game

Do you just hate every game that isn't EVE Online Spreadsheet Simulator?


Gaming / Re: Got a PS4!
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:44:03 PM »
First off you'll want to grab all of the free to play games and try them out, some are decent.

For games to buy I'd recommend Call Of Duty:AW, Guilty Gear Xrd and maybe Destiny if you have friends.

The crap games right? Destiny was an inevitability. Friends really wanted me to get it again. Luckily I got a discount instead of paying full price, oh... and fuck the DLC.

I'm not getting COD. Why would I want that if I could get it on my PC? I can't get Destiny on the PC but if I wanted AW, I could just get that on PC.
Didn't know you had a PC that could run it.

Yeah, my gaming machine is my primary console, except I can do much more than just game with it. It works well with rendering as well. I got the PS4 mainly for exclusives that I can't get on PC.

Exclusives like The Last of Us.
infamous is the best exclusive


Being the king of the trash heap isn't something to be proud of though. So far next gen consoles have been a disappointment. Which sucks, because I actually want an excuse to own one.

The last of us is a great game

I can keep going if you'd like.

Gaming / Re: Got a PS4!
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:32:48 PM »
First off you'll want to grab all of the free to play games and try them out, some are decent.

For games to buy I'd recommend Call Of Duty:AW, Guilty Gear Xrd and maybe Destiny if you have friends.

The crap games right? Destiny was an inevitability. Friends really wanted me to get it again. Luckily I got a discount instead of paying full price, oh... and fuck the DLC.

I'm not getting COD. Why would I want that if I could get it on my PC? I can't get Destiny on the PC but if I wanted AW, I could just get that on PC.
Didn't know you had a PC that could run it.

Yeah, my gaming machine is my primary console, except I can do much more than just game with it. It works well with rendering as well. I got the PS4 mainly for exclusives that I can't get on PC.

Exclusives like The Last of Us.
infamous is the best exclusive


Being the king of the trash heap isn't something to be proud of though. So far next gen consoles have been a disappointment. Which sucks, because I actually want an excuse to own one.

The last of us is a great game

Gaming / Re: Got a PS4!
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:27:14 PM »
First off you'll want to grab all of the free to play games and try them out, some are decent.

For games to buy I'd recommend Call Of Duty:AW, Guilty Gear Xrd and maybe Destiny if you have friends.

The crap games right? Destiny was an inevitability. Friends really wanted me to get it again. Luckily I got a discount instead of paying full price, oh... and fuck the DLC.

I'm not getting COD. Why would I want that if I could get it on my PC? I can't get Destiny on the PC but if I wanted AW, I could just get that on PC.
Didn't know you had a PC that could run it.

Yeah, my gaming machine is my primary console, except I can do much more than just game with it. It works well with rendering as well. I got the PS4 mainly for exclusives that I can't get on PC.

Exclusives like The Last of Us.
infamous is the best exclusive


Being the king of the trash heap isn't something to be proud of though. So far next gen consoles have been a disappointment. Which sucks, because I actually want an excuse to own one.

The Flood / Re: It's cold as tits
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:26:16 PM »

That's because you live in the middle of a fucking desert.
Deserts are cold during the fucking winter and at night

At night yes, depends on where your desert is located during the winter though. The Sahara isn't going to suddenly get below freezing during the day.

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