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Messages - big sponge

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Gaming / Re: Will do resonable things in exchange for PC games
« on: July 28, 2017, 03:21:28 PM »
how old are you

might want to get this out of the way first so we can avoid the eyes of the FBI

what the fuck is your avatar and name btw

is there a problem?

Gaming / Re: Will do resonable things in exchange for PC games
« on: July 28, 2017, 01:45:00 PM »
how old are you

might want to get this out of the way first so we can avoid the eyes of the FBI

Gaming / Re: PS+ prices rising in UK/EU/AU
« on: July 28, 2017, 12:02:31 PM »
i'm sure glad i don't pay for ps+ right now

The Flood / Re: Shin Eva FINALLY in production
« on: July 28, 2017, 11:57:39 AM »
maybe it'll actually come out sometime within the next 20 years now

Gaming / Re: It's not Half Life 3, but...
« on: July 27, 2017, 10:53:32 PM »
I just hope that this game is going to be worth the weight.

how heavy do you think it's going to be?

The Flood / Re: Unfun facts
« on: July 27, 2017, 09:02:07 PM »
Yellowstone is due to blow and end us all any time now.

nah, that's been overblown by the media. we're actually in the green on a Yellowstone eruption and the most likely scenario right now for a Yellowstone eruption is just some lava flow. Not the planet killing eruption the media hypes up to grab everyone's attention.

Fun fact, the Deccan traps was thought to be one of the, if the not the primary cause of the K/T extinction.

There's also the ones in Siberia/India (it's one or the other, I forget which is the Deccan) which is thought to have been a large contributor to climate change.

Both of these are the largest lava flows in history, both occurred under the continent(s), and both are thought to be from a similar geological origin as Yellowstone (Mantle plume underneath continental crust that won't allow periodic pressure release like Iceland).

A lava flow is just as deadly, just less explosive and apparent.

the lava flow we're talking about isn't the world ending type though if the recent survey concluded that the lava flow seen from yellowstone "would have very little regional or continental impact".

The Flood / Re: Unfun facts
« on: July 27, 2017, 07:22:00 PM »
Yellowstone is due to blow and end us all any time now.

nah, that's been overblown by the media. we're actually in the green on a Yellowstone eruption and the most likely scenario right now for a Yellowstone eruption is just some lava flow. Not the planet killing eruption the media hypes up to grab everyone's attention.

Gaming / Re: 🤔Destiny🤔2🤔Beta🤔Thread🤔
« on: July 24, 2017, 07:08:35 PM »
really don't like the new weapon system

Seriously. I couldn't see any point in differentiating energy and kinetic weapons from the demo. And shotguns and snipers are heavy weapons because they couldn't figure out how to balance them for the shitty pvp? C'mon.

they just need to accept that the pvp for destiny will never be good and destiny will never become an e-sport. i don't think they will though since e-sports are all the rage right now and everyone wants a piece of that pie.

Gaming / Re: 🤔Destiny🤔2🤔Beta🤔Thread🤔
« on: July 24, 2017, 06:14:50 PM »
really don't like the new weapon system

Russian bots. They try to post, but we stop them from doing so. They just spam walls of text filled with random buzzwords and links to shady sites. Usually they're about porn, buying prescription drugs online, writing essays and shit like that. Some are quite funny when they try to translate them to English, but we can't really approve them or they might lose their shit and spam the entire forum.
Hey brato, let read. I want laff too.

Do you want to Agrr-pee?


I want the RU original if ya got one.

Aside: This sounds like one of those assignments a liberal arts student gets.
"Write a eighteen-quintillion word essay on 'my summer holidays'"

So you have to pad it out and stretch sentences as much as possible.

Рады вас видеть, Россияне. Завтра мы расскажем  для чего нужно ю лайк вк. И самое главное – это как это провернуть относительно бесплатно.
Сначала нужно зарегистрироваться на сайте по накрутке, который поможет тебе раскрутить любую группу ВК быстро. После регистрации на сайте делаем новое задание, где выбираем нужный вам тип накрутки, в этом случае – это видео лайк скачивания бесплатно и регистрации и выбираем количество монет. Чем выше цена, тем выше скорость накрутки подписчиков будет. На основной странице есть статистика по заданиям, где легко отслеживать количество проставленных подписчиков на вашу тему.
Все должны знать, что Накрутка подписчиков  – это ужастно модно в новом Мире. Многие парни не могут и не хотят без этого существовать и мы их очень понимаем, потому что накрутка просмотров видео вконтакте онлайн  – это и есть поднятие рейтинга в YouTube. А также это поднимает и вашу самооценку.
Если вы еще не зарегистрированы, то спешите скорее. У нас бесплатная регистрация и всегда такой останется. Нас уже больше чем миллиона пользователей и это не предел. У нас можете заказать лайков на сообщество, раскрутить платно паблик-страницу.
Между прочим сердечки - это вариант рассказать, что фото, новость, пост вам понравился и ты как бы рекомендуешь эту услугу, товар (если пост был о каком-то товаре,к примеру,  сообщения). Также в соцсетях иногда рекламируют акции и конкурсы, в которых выигрывает только тот, кто насобирает больше всех друзей. И вот здесь и встает актуальная тема - за сколько подписчиков дают кнопку ютуб .
Многие пользователи накручивают  сердечки для удвоения дохода. Это может быть раскрутка личной страницы, реклама и продажа некого товара и услуги, привлечение внимания к торговой марке, особенно новым маркам.
Требуются ли лайки? Однако, ведь тут включается только психология. Посетители видят, что товар лайкнули 5000 людей – это значит что, надо брать! Огромное количество лайков привлечет внимание на эти новости.
Или же вы можно приобрести друзей на профиль, раскрутить за деньги группу, для того чтобы в дальнейшем ее продать - это часто распространённый бизнес в сетях. Но подписчики не захотят входить в подозрительную, неживую  группу. И вот тут требуются сердечки, репосты, коменты.

Russian bots. They try to post, but we stop them from doing so. They just spam walls of text filled with random buzzwords and links to shady sites. Usually they're about porn, buying prescription drugs online, writing essays and shit like that. Some are quite funny when they try to translate them to English, but we can't really approve them or they might lose their shit and spam the entire forum.
Hey brato, let read. I want laff too.

Do you want to Agrr-pee?

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The Flood / Re: melanie walker is a 10/10 first crush
« on: July 23, 2017, 02:56:19 AM »
but if you look, she has dark eyebrows

which imply she has dark hair naturally

Not necessarily. As someone who was naturally blond for most of my life I can confirm that natural blonds can also have dark eyebrows

fair point, and it's mostly head canon, but the industrial themes and bleach-blonde ash style she's going for make me think it's dyed that way

very rarely do people have THAT blonde hair with dark eyebrows

probably bad to mention that my hair was so blond it was practically white then. I've met four other natural blonds in my life. Three of them had dark eyebrows one of whom was as blond as i was.

The Flood / Re: melanie walker is a 10/10 first crush
« on: July 23, 2017, 02:49:02 AM »
but if you look, she has dark eyebrows

which imply she has dark hair naturally

Not necessarily. As someone who was naturally blond for most of my life I can confirm that natural blonds can also have dark eyebrows

The Flood / Re: An honest thread regarding SecondClass
« on: July 23, 2017, 02:41:45 AM »
I can understand if people don't like Deci, but it would probably be best if you let this thread be it's thing and didn't try to get huffy over what is supposed to be a nice gesture. I can't really see a good reason for people to try and start shit over this.

So what if you think part of the motivation is for him to make himself look better than the "trolls"? I don't think that negates the fact that part of it actually is an attempt to reach out to someone else and console them. Something that actually is a nice gesture and should be done.

Gaming / Re: ANTHEM
« on: July 21, 2017, 09:41:34 PM »
waiting for more info, has my curiosity though

The Flood / Re: I LIVE
« on: July 21, 2017, 01:06:07 AM »

Gaming / Re: The Grail War needs major ballance changes
« on: July 20, 2017, 11:43:31 PM »
Pulls I want:

So i'm guessing it wont be worth rolling until the Fate/Zero

iri and kuro are free

The Flood / Re: Pacific Rim Uprising trailer
« on: July 20, 2017, 03:57:23 PM »
i really couldn't care less about this

first impression is that it looks power rangers cheesy

Gaming / Re: I think dating sim parodies have gone too far.
« on: July 20, 2017, 12:20:41 AM »
aint nothin wrong with hatoful boyfriend. best drunk purchase i've ever had the pleasure of reading.

Gaming / Re: 🤔Destiny🤔2🤔Beta🤔Thread🤔
« on: July 19, 2017, 07:39:37 PM »
destiny will never be an e-sport, bungie needs to stop giving focus to the pvp

my only thing is that i'd really only spend the money for a gaming pc if you actually want to play a bunch of games and plan to use it a lot. if it's just for one game and you're not going to use it for anything else i'd say you just wasted your money. which is the same thing i'd say to anyone looking to buy a new console.

The Flood / Re: So... I want to make America great again
« on: July 19, 2017, 01:00:53 AM »
run for local office and work your way up

Gaming / Re: The Grail War needs major ballance changes
« on: July 18, 2017, 10:49:45 PM »
Serious question: What exactly possessed Artoria to feed Lancer to Saberlion, when it clearly already had snacks, and why do Berserker and Shirou just go along with it?

Also, since Heracles can use Lancer as a noble phantasm is Lancelot able to do so as well, and if so who's would be stronger? Can Shirou reproduce him with projection?

because CP is a gag series that doesn't take itself seriously

from what i've played it's the disney kind of furry, not the degenerate internet kind of furry.

Gaming / Re: Help me build a PC for $200.
« on: July 18, 2017, 08:21:09 PM »
we're obviously talking about multiplatform games here if we're comparing the amount of money the publishers/devs make on a console sale vs a pc sale. console exclusives don't play into this conversation at all.
because they invalidate your entire position
as i said, they're not part of the conversation at all. if you're going to do a comparison of how much money is made per copy of a game between console and pc you're going to have to use a title that's on both.

otherwise i could throw out a claim like devs make more money from the xbox than they do on the ps4 per copy because halo is on the xbox and not the ps4.
if you want to purchase a lesser-quality version of a game in order to support the developers more, then that's your prerogative and i respect that

personally, i need more of a reason to sacrifice my enjoyment of a game to give extra support to those who made it
too bad that's all bullshit and that's not why you play games on PC at all

you got me verb, i play games on my computer because i hate the video game industry and art and i secretly want to see it all crash and burn

Gaming / Re: Dragonz Ball Pee Fighterz - Trunks Reveal!
« on: July 18, 2017, 08:19:06 PM »
i like to pretend that z trunks and super trunks are two different trunks from two different timelines

cuz super trunks is garbage right

well that and the hair color change

Gaming / Re: Help me build a PC for $200.
« on: July 18, 2017, 08:09:19 PM »
we're obviously talking about multiplatform games here if we're comparing the amount of money the publishers/devs make on a console sale vs a pc sale. console exclusives don't play into this conversation at all.
because they invalidate your entire position
as i said, they're not part of the conversation at all. if you're going to do a comparison of how much money is made per copy of a game between console and pc you're going to have to use a title that's on both.

otherwise i could throw out a claim like devs make more money from the xbox than they do on the ps4 per copy because halo is on the xbox and not the ps4.
if you want to purchase a lesser-quality version of a game in order to support the developers more, then that's your prerogative and i respect that

personally, i need more of a reason to sacrifice my enjoyment of a game to give extra support to those who made it


Gaming / Re: Dragonz Ball Pee Fighterz - Trunks Reveal!
« on: July 18, 2017, 08:07:16 PM »
i like to pretend that z trunks and super trunks are two different trunks from two different timelines

Gaming / Re: Help me build a PC for $200.
« on: July 18, 2017, 08:06:13 PM »
we're obviously talking about multiplatform games here if we're comparing the amount of money the publishers/devs make on a console sale vs a pc sale. console exclusives don't play into this conversation at all.
because they invalidate your entire position

as i said, they're not part of the conversation at all. if you're going to do a comparison of how much money is made per copy of a game between console and pc you're going to have to use a title that's on both.

otherwise i could throw out a claim like devs make more money from the xbox than they do on the ps4 per copy because halo is on the xbox and not the ps4.

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