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Messages - big sponge

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I can happily say I have no idea about what is going on

Some people from another forum made a copypasta bait thread and filled it copypasta responses.

Deci wanted it locked, but racism isn't actually against the rules and bait threads are moved from serious to the flood + possible lock depending on the content.

Trolling and poorly informed opinions abound in the racist black thread.

et cetera et cetera

The Flood / Re: Why I'm seriously beginning to dislike the black population
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:27:35 AM »
its whole point was MEANT to be taken seriously.
And what exactly is wrong with the fact that it might've been meant to be taken seriously? Just because people can have opinions you don't like, that doesn't mean that they can't have them. The whole point of the Serious board is to have discussions over that sort of thing. Not racism necessarily, but discussions between opposing viewpoints.

This isn't his opinion . OP is subhuman as fuck.
It's an opinion. You just don't like it.

Okay, since from your point of you its just an opinion, lets add this as an example. Say OP made this thread in serious, but instead of blacks being the focus, it was transgender people, and it had all these pie charts of transgender people doing bad shit, forgetting the fact that there are good transgender people out there.

Would it still be an opinion?

If the OP actually believed that and didn't bring a bunch of friends from another website to post other copypastas in an attempt to pull one over on the user base of this one then yes.

The serious board exists to allow people to discuss their opinions in a "civilized" manner. We're not very keen on turning it into a "you must have these political views and opinions to post" board. Stupid opinions are not against the rules.

The Flood / Re: Why I'm seriously beginning to dislike the black population
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:00:56 AM »
Did this seriously just get moved to the flood?

It's both a copypasta and bait.

So yeah.

What you should have done was lock this cancer.

Fucking admin bias man.

Copypasta and bait tier threads are regularly moved to the flood.

This isn't even copypasta you mongoloid, its garbage.

You should have moved this shit to the Destiny Forum

If you can point me to where it says that racism is against the rules I'll do so.

The Flood / Re: Why I'm seriously beginning to dislike the black population
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:54:09 AM »
Did this seriously just get moved to the flood?

It's both a copypasta and bait.

So yeah.

What you should have done was lock this cancer.

Fucking admin bias man.

Copypasta and bait tier threads are regularly moved to the flood.

The Flood / Re: Why I'm seriously beginning to dislike the black population
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:53:00 AM »
Did this seriously just get moved to the flood?

It's both a copypasta and bait.

So yeah.
Its both a copypasta and bait that nonetheless spurred serious discussion.

All of the bungler responses were also copypastas.

TL;DR Winny (connor) lost a bet on bungle and made this bait up. Bunglers fell for it and now they're rehashing responses here in an attempt to pull one over on you guys.

The Flood / Re: Why I'm seriously beginning to dislike the black population
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:47:49 AM »
Did this seriously just get moved to the flood?

It's both a copypasta and bait.

So yeah.

I'm aware. Even if each member got online once every other day...

216 users x 4 days a week =

864 users

There's still less than 1000 users. Even on the sites best day. Doesn't even take into account fluctuation making all users be online on a certain day.

I'm not bashing the site, I just dislike false statistics.

.... just what

Like I don't even


He's saying that if you only have 216 users that come on 4 times a week that means you only have 864 users. I'm not following his logic.


It probably got buried, but I'd prefer this one instead of the derpy new years one that I haven't removed yet.

Gaming / Re: LC
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:22:14 PM »
Effie wears full plate dude, she has no butt to show.

Have we even seen Effie's general model for NA? To my knowledge all we've seen is her knight one.

Gaming / Re: LC
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:12:32 PM »
But then you might as well just have the western release instead of the nip version.
But they covered Effie's butt?

I'll probably get it anyway so I can battle online and shit.

Effie wears full plate dude, she has no butt to show.

Gaming / Re: LC
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:00:35 PM »
You jelly, LC?


Enjoy your amateur translations of the Hoshido and Nohr routes.

Oh and your Google translated Invisible Kingdom route.

Oh and your untranslated supports.
nigga i can fix that when they release the script ripped from the game.

But then you might as well just have the western release instead of the nip version.

Gaming / Re: LC
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:44:33 AM »
You jelly, LC?


Enjoy your amateur translations of the Hoshido and Nohr routes.

Oh and your Google translated Invisible Kingdom route.

Oh and your untranslated supports.

The Flood / Re: What era did you start posting?
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:40:11 AM »
Pre Halo 2, post Halo CE.

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:38:52 AM »
Play EVE.

Wow is for babies.

The Flood / Re: Just got banned from Bungie again
« on: January 30, 2016, 01:03:12 PM »
Tbh I think that kind of advertising hurts more than it helps.

why cheat


The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:30:34 PM »
Tiffany Grant is better because she doesn't stumble through her German lines like an autist.

Also the translation for FE:Fates is actually pretty spot on. It's just the touching part of the amie was removed apparently. IGN has said on their podcast that that portion of the game wasn't completely cut out and you still get to hear/read the conversations that come out of it which means that the relationship benefits, backstory, and world building that came from it is still intact. The only things that were changed were a bunch of names (so that the localizers could get bigger paychecks) and one Soleli support because of the flurry of false reporting from places like Kotaku when the game first came out in Japan and Nintendo wanted to avoid having that pop up again.

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:51:33 PM »
Fate/Zero dub sucks.

That being said there are a few dubs out there that are better than the sub.

The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 12:26:45 PM »
It's cold and rainy and my cats have claimed the blankets.

I might actually need to put some pants on for a change.

This card boosts any other UK cards ARG by 5
For every Trap-loving member on the field, this card gets +10 RT.

der, Worst card

Wouldn't you need a -10 for that?

Well Cheat and I are actually immune to bans so I guess that would be one of our abilities.

The Flood / Re: Wait, hold up. HOLD UP.
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:57:21 PM »
otthild popping in randomly would be overstating it

she's been here maybe twice

I'll have you know it's been a grand total of three times.

The Flood / Re: Wait, hold up. HOLD UP.
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:51:55 PM »
Kiyo's gone, Nuka is still around, and if you're talking about Othild she was never really "here" she just kind of pops in randomly without any warning. Kind of like Smi.
Jeez, why'd she go? Huh, forgot smi was here. Miss that lady.
Aight, thnx

Well Kiyo was going to get demoted after people (staff included) had enough of her shenanigans so she nuked her account before Cheat could remove her mod privileges. A few months later she came back for a bit then went away again.

The Flood / Re: Wait, hold up. HOLD UP.
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:41:13 PM »
Kiyo's gone, Nuka is still around, and if you're talking about Othild she was never really "here" she just kind of pops in randomly without any warning. Kind of like Smi.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront DLC announced
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:40:46 PM »
Why do people continue to put up with EA?

I don't know man. All of those free DLC packs, bug fixes, and balance changes are pretty aggravating.

The Flood / Re: I'm designing a Sep7agon card game
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:27:19 PM »

You should probably use this instead. My current avatar is just a retarded new years one that I just haven't felt like removing yet.

Gaming / Re: This is the greatest Anime game of All Time (possibly NSFW)
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:24:08 AM »
I've actually played this game and it's hilarious.

It's also pretty fucking difficult.

The Flood / Re: What's the best Anime that's come out lately?
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:08:51 AM »
a Claymore revamp would be AMAZING if they could get a good studio.

All you'll get is DEEN.

The Flood / Re: What's the best Anime that's come out lately?
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:14:30 PM »
If you've read the VN the UBW adaptation was pretty good since you can pick up on a lot of the subtle story telling. If you haven't you might be a little lost since it's the middle part of a 3 part VN.

Part 1 was given away for free in Japan so it assumes you've read it and part three is getting a movie adaptation.
Think Heaven's Feel will show a bit more violence (and lewdness) since it'll be a movie(s)?

Oh :(

HF didn't contain anything more violent than the other two routes really so I don't know why you'd think it would be more violent. The sex has been removed from every release of F/SN since 2007.

The Flood / Re: What's the best Anime that's come out lately?
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:53:48 PM »
If you've read the VN the UBW adaptation was pretty good since you can pick up on a lot of the subtle story telling. If you haven't you might be a little lost since it's the middle part of a 3 part VN.

Part 1 was given away for free in Japan so it assumes you've read it and part three is getting a movie adaptation.
Think Heaven's Feel will show a bit more violence (and lewdness) since it'll be a movie(s)?


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