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Messages - big sponge

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Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: The War Has Begun
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:47:59 PM »
What do you mean I skulljacked the advent captain?
Riperino pepperino Irish

You shoved a laser knife into his head and downloaded the information from the implants in his brain.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: The War Has Begun
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:18:33 PM »
Quick updates, these two missions weren't very exciting.

Mission 5

Das lead his squad to retrieve tech and Incan joins the team.


Super Irish caps people with his pistol too while Neko backs him up.


Mission results

All enemies KIA
Zero friendly casualties
Neko skulljacked the Advent captain
Alien tech aquired

Mission 6

Caputre/kill the enemy VIP

Das once again leads the squad. While the enemy VIP was successfully capture, Neko was the only one to get out unscathed.

Also Super Irish was pulled off the roof of a building by a Viper and was strangled by it until the car next to them exploded, killing them both.

RIP Super Irish, your our teams first casualty.

Mission results

Nine enemy units KIA
Two friendlies wounded
One friendly KIA
Enemy VIP captured

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: The War Has Begun
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:56:25 PM »


So for the mission itself we ended up getting word that the Advent were going to send one of their UFOs after us. To prevent this Das gathered up a squad made up oh Neko, Luci, Super Irish, and himself.


The mission started off with the four of them setting up a successful ambush on an advent patrol.


With the initial patrol slaughtered the squad moved up on building where the terminal they were after resided in. Unfortunately a sectoid popped out with a squad of Advent troopers behind him. While Das, Luci, and Neko held them off Super Irish ran into the building to successfully hack the terminal. However due to Luci trying to play hero after saving Neko from being ganked by a zombie she got hit by the sectoids plasma bolt and landed herself right back in the hospital before Das filled the thing full of lead.

Mission Results

All enemies KIA
One friendly wounded
Terminal successfully hacked and UFO sortie aborted

Upon completion of this mission Das was promoted to sergeant and Neko to corporal.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: The War Has Begun
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:55:16 PM »
Mission 3 (minor enemy type spoilers?)

Big Boss joins the squad.


This mission was pretty straightforward. The Advent and their alien overlords are kind of mad at us for going around and stealing their tech and breaking out their prisoners. So to get us back for our antics they found and attacked a resistance safe haven in the western US so naturally we had to go save it.

The squad deployed in the woods and hastily made it's way to the safe haven to find advent gunning down every civvie they could find. Das and Bacon took the high ground while Story and Big Boss took to the street to try and lure them into the sights of their companions above. What happened from there on out was a fairly standard firefight for the most part. Nothing noteworthy except for Big Boss rescuing both Bacon and Das from the clutches of sectoid mind control.

However at the very end one of the civilians we were rescuing turned into a giant fleshy monster and nearly killed Story with a single swipe of its giant clawed hand. The rest of the squad took it down before it could finish off their leader.


Mission Results

All enemies KIA
3 civilian casualties
2 friendlies wounded
Safe haven successfully defended

With Story gravely wounded and in the hospital for about a month and Bacon wounded and in the hospital for a little over a week Das is the highest ranking member and therefore squad leader. Lead us to victory Das.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit
« on: February 05, 2016, 04:50:55 AM »
Mission 2

Extract a scientist that's being held by the Advent from Seattle.

Squad comp

Das Boot
Story Lady


The mission began with the squad being deployed on top of an office building. Baconshelf and Story Lady took the roof while Neko and Das ran through the halls to take up positions in the windows overlooking the streets below. Everything was going fine until Das decided that going stealthy was for pussies and kicked open a window altering the advent and their sectoid ally below. Bacon and Story being on over watch opened fire on them as they tried to cross the street. A few were downed before making it to cover and after a short firefight everyone emerged unscathed.


Yes Das shot through a truck to kill a guy.

The squad quickly ran to the other side of the street and proceeded to breach the police station. Neko fired the opening salvo and took out the Advent guard sitting outside of the VIPs cell and ran in to hack the control panel while Bacon burst into the adjacent room spraying bullets everywhere and not hitting a single thing. The bewildered sectoid proceeded to use its mind powers to send Bacon into a panic before Story could take it out with her shotgun.

With the police station clear the squad took positions to intercept the incoming dropship. However time was running short so Neko was sent on ahead to escort the VIP to the evac zone while the rest of the squad stayed behind to kill the race traitors coming to flank them. After an initial burst of fire from Das and Story that killed two and sent the other into  running into cover the three of them made it to the evac zone with mere seconds left on the clock.

Mission Results

Nine dead enemies
Zero friendly casualties
Zero friendlies wounded
Doctor Lee extracted

Command has for some reason decided to promote Baconshelf to Sergeant. Das was promoted to Corporal.

Neko doesn't seem to be great at fighting, but he's also not incompetent. He'll be sent down the medic path.

With that I think I'm done for tonight. I'll do more tomorrow.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:34:15 AM »
First mission with custom units complete.

We ended up being deployed to the outskirts of Seattle in order to capture some tech that the Advent wanted destroyed.

Unfortunately Baconshelf started us off on the wrong foot by failing to hack the sensor tower and alerting the enemy to our position. Luckily everyone else was on over watch so they were able to gun down the advent that ran in to kill him. Once the initial patrol was wiped out the rest of the squad moved forward to clear the building and secure the tech. However before they could finish Advent reinforcements arrived.

Fearing that Baconshelf would be overrun by these race traitors Luci ran back to help him out.


As soon as they disembarked from their dropship the two of them opened fire. Baconshelf being incompetent missed everyshot while Luci burst a few rounds into one of their heads taking him down for the count. However, the remaining two advent were able to position themselves as a result of Baconshelf failing to land a shot and ended up filling Luci full of plasma lead whatevers.

However in Luci's darkest hour Das Boot emerged to save her and sent both the officer and his subordinate packing making this mission a success.


Congratulations Das, you saved a life today.

Mission Results

Nine dead Advent
Captured alien tech
Zero friendly casualities
Luciana is wounded and won't be good to fight again for another two weeks.

Command recommends that Baconshelf be sent down the combat specialist path in order to prevent him from killing wounded soldiers when trying to "help" them with his incompetent hands.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:32:03 AM »
First rookie to be promoted got promoted into a specialist. This means Baconshelf is the first member of the sep7 unit.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:23:32 AM »
That's not coming to the defense of FE. That's me telling Rocket why CMD is upset over it.

Or are you talking about me explaining what FE is to Big Boss who doesn't know what it is? Because answering a question someone asks isn't coming to the defense of FE either.
It looked more like he felt those buffs were unnecessary than not wanting them to be competitive at all. I was also referencing the reply to Boss as it looked more like you were flat out advertising Fates than you were explaining who Corrin is.

I recall you completely refuting Somebody's argument that FE was too heavily represented in Smash 4 compared to other Nintendo franchises, with the equal second most Characters on the roster when the DLC was first announced, which is really what my (unwarranted, soz fam) outburst was mainly about.

I said he was the main character of the latest FE and explained what FE was as well as touching on some current controversy and addressing CMDs false statement regarding the franchise.

On the other subject however I'm actually one of the people who thinks that FE is over represented in SSB at the moment. Like there's really no reason to have Marth, Lucina, Robin, Roy, Ike, and Corrin in there. In my opinion Lucina could have been an alt costume for Marth (or the other way around) , Robin can be his own character and have him represent Awakening (which was new/recent at the time of SSB4s release), between Roy and Ike pick one and leave the other by the wayside, and don't include Corrin because that's just blatant advertising for the NA release of FE: Fates.

It's cool though dude.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit
« on: February 05, 2016, 01:00:38 AM »

Also, you're gonna need a lot of Sep7agon members since the lifespan of an Xcom operative in those games is short.

I don't know man, I could make it through XCOM EU and EW without losing very many people. However I am pretty rusty so I might conscript members into our force.

The Flood / Re: How far down do you go?
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:36:50 AM »
not sure how neko is in the same tier as shit like "knife play" and cucks,and....wait what? Watersports? literally fucking what? what do people fuck on a surfboard or some shit?

It's another way of saying you really like it when a chick/dude pees on you, around you, or just in general.

The Flood / Re: How far down do you go?
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:16:34 AM »
Diapers and clowns should be moved down into degenerate.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:06:45 AM »
Because being against censorship, criticizing Nintendo's handling of the franchise, and only talking about it when the subject is brought up by someone else makes me a fanboy.

Nothing I said was defensive. You can stop now.
You're being really really really defensive.

FE fanboy.


Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:05:00 AM »
Two hours after he asked it and on the same page. So if you're trying to create the impression that I was stalking the thread or something it won't exactly work out.
No, I'm creating the impression that you're an FE fanboy, and you make it more and more obvious with each of your increasingly defensive posts.

Because being against censorship, criticizing Nintendo's handling of the franchise, and only talking about it when the subject is brought up by someone else makes me a fanboy.

Nothing I said was defensive. You can stop now.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 04, 2016, 11:56:25 PM »
That's me telling Rocket why CMD is upset over it.
and you would be the first person to do that

Two hours after he asked it and on the same page. So if you're trying to create the impression that I was stalking the thread or something it won't exactly work out.

The Flood / Re: How far down do you go?
« on: February 04, 2016, 11:53:13 PM »
Dragon dildos are kind of mainstream now so I'd move that up to weird.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 04, 2016, 11:40:34 PM »
He's upset that FE characters might end up being actually viable in the competitive scene after the changes.
Why are you always so quick to defend FE lmao

You're almost as bad as Lemon with Halo 5.

That's not coming to the defense of FE. That's me telling Rocket why CMD is upset over it.

Or are you talking about me explaining what FE is to Big Boss who doesn't know what it is? Because answering a question someone asks isn't coming to the defense of FE either.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit
« on: February 04, 2016, 07:12:39 PM »
Are you going to tell us what happens in the game, like with verby?

Yeah probably. Might even stream parts of it.

The Flood / Re: I could shatter the jaw of everyone here boi
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:32:04 PM »
I don't think you quite understand. I can bench 110kg for 5 and deadlift 220kg for 5. I have passed a point where my mind and body don't even register weights less than 20kg. In my world objects less than 20kg don't exist.
I am getting stronger and stronger every time I hit the gym. I am starting to fear my own strength.

The Flood / Re: Offtopic May Have Breathed Its Last Today
« on: February 04, 2016, 01:01:13 PM »
You aren't signed in.
Yes. As I said, it wont let me sign in. It says "system is currently disabled" But offtopic should be there regardless...

Offtopic is hidden unless you're signed in. Do you have auto sign in enabled or something? That might be why you've never noticed.

The Flood / Re: Offtopic May Have Breathed Its Last Today
« on: February 04, 2016, 12:55:30 PM »
You aren't signed in.

Gaming / Re: Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst will have a closed beta
« on: February 04, 2016, 12:41:56 PM »
Why was it necessary to change Faith again?

The Flood / Re: Which Cartoon Character do people identify you as?
« on: February 04, 2016, 12:19:43 PM »
Who the hell is that?

I actually didn't choose this, but it was "given" to me by friends.

A short run down: Kondo Isao is the leader of the Shinsengumi, a special military police force that acts as law enforcement in Edo and are in service to the Shogun. He's stupid and goofy, but also knows when to put his foot down and take things seriously. All around though he's a genuinely good person even if it doesn't seem like it at times.

Also he almost never wears pants within the confines of his own home and has a hairy ass.

The Flood / Re: ITT we steal Deci's nameplate and simseoh's avatar
« on: February 04, 2016, 12:17:53 PM »

You know mods can't actually delete posts and threads right? They're sent to another board that only Cheat and I can see so we can retrieve and restore things that shouldn't have been "deleted" or use "deleted" posts as evidence against people who try to contest bans or warnings for things like shock image spam.

Even then though all of Psy's moderator actions are logged so we can see what he's done and when he's done it. So there's no way that he or any other mod would get away with something like destroying evidence.

The Flood / Re: Al Baghdadi spends a lot of time talking to her cousin
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:35:26 AM »
ITT: Sol is on drugs.

The Flood / Re: Which Cartoon Character do people identify you as?
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:30:33 AM »

Every teen ever sees themselves as Squidward, join the club.

Pic related is me.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:25:09 AM »
why are you yelling

He's upset that FE characters might end up being actually viable in the competitive scene after the changes.

The Flood / Re: Al Baghdadi spends a lot of time talking to her cousin
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:16:08 AM »
They're fucking man.

California is almost as bad as Alabama and the Royal Family when it comes to incest.


Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 04, 2016, 12:12:44 AM »
Who the fuck is Corrin

Main character of Fire Emblem: Fates. The next entry in a long running and very good turn based strategy RPG franchise. It's lately drawn a lot of hate from people who don't actually know anything about it because of hearsay, but the thing that seems to be focused on by said people is the fact that you can build relationships between characters to increase their stats when paired together and uncover more about their personal lives and histories through support conversations that take place outside of battles. Some entries allow characters to marry and have children to produce a second generation of protagonists.

Unlike other turn based RPGs (like say XCOM) each unit is an actual character with an actual story. This means the player gets attached to them and it gives them an incentive to try and keep them alive as permadeath is a thing for nearly every unit unless you're playing on something like casual mode (which was introduced in later installments).

The Flood / Re: I was blocked from logging in to any account.
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:50:18 PM »
Are you copy pasting bnet posts

probably warframe forum ones

The Flood / Re: I was blocked from logging in to any account.
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:44:44 PM »
I have no idea what you're talking about.

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