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Messages - big sponge

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Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Open Beta 13th - 20th June
« on: June 10, 2016, 11:01:27 AM »
I was hoping they'd ditch the originals art style.

Feminists by definition are only focus on women, egalitarians by definition focus on everyone.
Everyone including women.

Being one does not automatically make you the other, however they are not mutually exclusive and it is possible to be both. There's nothing more to say really.
It is impossible NOT to be both.

Not really, but you'll never actually listen to anyone saying otherwise so there's no reason to bother having this conversation.

I don't really care for whatever made up definitions you've made so if you're using those you might as well not even bother responding.
Of course I'm using those. They prove my point.

Thank you for accepting that all egalitarians are feminists by definition.

Feminists by definition are only focus on women, egalitarians by definition focus on everyone.

Being one does not automatically make you the other, however they are not mutually exclusive and it is possible to be both. There's nothing more to say really.

A better comparison would be a biologist (feminist) saying that all scientists (egalitarians) are biologists (feminists) because they share a few beliefs.
That would actually be a godawful LC-tier comparison, but considering you're LC, I guess I'll have to explain why that's a bad thing.

It would be a better comparison if feminism was some complex ideology--but it isn't. It's one simple belief: Women should have equal rights. And that one simple belief falls very gently in place with egalitarianism.

It's not that egalitarianism shares a "few" beliefs with feminists--it shares ALL of them. All one of them, in fact.

noun: feminism
the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

I don't really care for whatever made up definitions you've made so if you're using those you might as well not even bother responding.


A better comparison would be a biologist (feminist) saying that all scientists (egalitarians) are biologists (feminists) because they share a few beliefs.

Serious / Re: No brakes on the banter train
« on: June 09, 2016, 09:56:28 PM »

So Obama even knows this, yet endorses her? Alright.

Hillary and her people control the party right now, they probably finally got him to break after he refused to give his support to anyone for the longest time.
Nah. It's been 8 years ago since their fight. They worked for 4 together in the white house, and then Hillary supported him for another 4.

And Obama wants her far more than Trump because he knows she can actually be serious and doesn't think Trump will at all. You make it sound like she's some grand wizard manipulating people or bullying them or something. It's as simple as the alternative being far far worse.

If it was someone like Kasich, I bet you this entire cycle would be different.

What I said has nothing to do with liking or disliking  and has everything to do with not supporting someone until after the convention so you can stop trying to put words into my mouth.

Her people that are in control of the DNC did bully and manipulate people throughout this election cycle. They've organized things from the beginning to give the election to Hillary and they weren't going to allow any of the other candidates to show her up like Obama did. They deliberately planned their debates in a way that would limit the exposure of other democratic candidates and they've got their cohorts in the media to include the super delegates into the total counts in order to disenfranchise voters who don't want Hillary. Not to mention the hurdles that have gone up in multiple states in order to limit the ability for groups that are less likely to vote for Hillary to have their voices heard.

Pressuring Obama into giving support to her before the convention despite previously refusing to support anyone is something that's right up their alley. If you believe that Hillary and the DNC aren't corrupt you're honestly naive.

Serious / Re: No brakes on the banter train
« on: June 09, 2016, 09:34:18 PM »

So Obama even knows this, yet endorses her? Alright.

Hillary and her people control the party right now, they probably finally got him to break after he refused to give his support to anyone for the longest time.

The Flood / Re: Are there any actual conservatives on this site?
« on: June 09, 2016, 09:26:22 PM »
Depends on your definition of left and right wing.
I'd say it depends on your definition more

Not really, if you consider everything left of alt-right fascist to be "leftist" then just about everyone here is going to be a leftist.

In all likelihood you won't have your stuff taken away from you. This has happened many times over the past decade and MS just eats the cost every time.

I don't imagine they will this time.

They ate the cost of the Fable 3 fuckup that happened a couple months after launch, they'll probably eat this one too.
Was that an actual fuck up? I know it became free, but then they said it was the start of their GWG program (funnily this article was posted three years ago today, so having Fallout and Fable fuck up around the same time is weird)

There was a fuck up before that when the game had only been out for a few months. All the DLC for it was free as well during that time period. During GWG the Fable 3 DLC was not free.

There have also been a few arcade games that have had this happen to them.

The Flood / Re: Are there any actual conservatives on this site?
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:58:52 PM »
Depends on your definition of left and right wing.

In all likelihood you won't have your stuff taken away from you. This has happened many times over the past decade and MS just eats the cost every time.

I don't imagine they will this time.

They ate the cost of the Fable 3 fuckup that happened a couple months after launch, they'll probably eat this one too.

In all likelihood you won't have your stuff taken away from you. This has happened many times over the past decade and MS just eats the cost every time.

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:15:16 PM »
Now wait just a fucking minute, Macready just told me he's from Little Lamplight.

Surely? No way.

It's the same one. He talks about his time as mayor and what he did after leaving little lamplight.

The Flood / Re: Me and Ender doing Banter is 10/10.
« on: June 08, 2016, 08:42:21 PM »

Better act fast Das, puberty isn't going to wait around forever.

Serious / Re: Billary Clinton next US president
« on: June 08, 2016, 08:25:15 PM »
Where's the White Americans for H shirt?
Right there, the one that says Women

But I'm not a woman.

Serious / Re: Billary Clinton next US president
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:39:05 PM »
Where's the White Americans for H shirt?

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:36:16 PM »

Oh wow. Just give him an eye patch now.

Well with the PS4 mods coming soon maybe.

Are there any good outfits in game to finish the snake look?

I'm on PS4 :'(
With how everything is stolen, I'm sure it'll pop over.

Sweet, can't wait.

Unless the mod author makes it F4SE required so console users can't load it up.

The Flood / Re: Me and Ender doing Banter is 10/10.
« on: June 08, 2016, 06:28:42 PM »
You'll have to fight Das for her.

I've been gone for four days and Sep7 has already turned into the Shillary defense force.

I think it's less a Shillary defense force and more of a "she's at least better than trump" force.

Gaming / Re: >ywn see video games banned in your lifetime
« on: June 08, 2016, 01:52:04 PM »
Clinton is going to be president. Just wait.

Vidya is protected as free speech now. She can't get her paws on them anymore.

Serious / Re: The problem with the concept of "Social Justice"
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:39:10 PM »
It's a lot harder to remake the system than it is to blame someone else for all your problems. Also by trying to pit people against each other various figures that belong to these "social justice warriors" are able to keep the money rolling in as they continue to complain and blame on stage, but offer no solutions on how to fix the problems with the system.

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:26:03 PM »
Stealing mods is wrong obviously, but god damn the modding community has some real menstruating snowflakes in it. Someone stole my mod? Rather than file a report/copyright claim I'm just gonna poison all of my mods, hide some, delete some and whine about it on nexus.

I can understand putting extra protection into your mod, sure. But poisoning them to crash people's machines out of spite? What a sad cunty little thing to do, you don't poison all the bread in your fucking bakery because some little toerag stole a loaf from you.

Grow the fuck up and deal with theft like a man jesus christ.

Part of the problem is that Bethesda isn't really doing much to prevent it, is forcing mod creators to go through a lengthy DMCA take down process to have a chance at removing it, and is flat out ignoring community reporting on stolen content.

So yeah, if Bethesda is being uncooperative "poisoning" your mods is the next best option.
How can they prevent it?

It's the same as with youtube, you can't screen for all possible copyright infringements and so you take a reactionary policy i.e DMCA takedowns. They take a while because you have to provide proof of your claim and then they'll (((shut it down))). If bethesda were saying 'lolnah' and ignoring it then that would be a big problem, but they have a process to deal with it so people should bloody use it instead of throwing tantrums.

And no it bloody well isn't, all that does is fuck with people who have no idea that the mod is stolen and they then get a corrupted save for the crime of - oh wait they didn't do anything wrong.

Go take a look at Steam Workshop, the rate of content theft on there is much lower than the rate of theft on That's because Valve actually listens to community reporting instead of ignoring it and doesn't require mod authors to jump through legal hoops to get stolen content taken down. It also helps that the Valve community doesn't seem to have the same sense of entitlement that the community has.

As pointed out in one of the threads, if third party sites run on freeware and staffed by volunteers are more efficient and better about policing pirated material than a multi-billion dollar company with a full time paid staff then there might be a bit of a problem in the way things are being handled.

Using F4SE to crash your game isn't going to corrupt your save, it's just going to make you "CTD" until you remove the mod. If it did my Skyrim saves would have all been jacked up due to the amount of modding I did on it, fiddling around with load orders, and other things. It's fairly harmless to the end user and will only serve to give the thief a bad reputation on

However this doesn't mean that some people aren't trying to devise ways to maliciously harm console users by uploading fake mods to, however considering those same people do the same thing to PC users you can hardly say it's a targeted attack.
Or because it's been out for a while? And that it's for the same platform not crossplat? And that some modders (not all of them) are whiny cuntbags over consoles even daring to exist?

CTD is one thing, but it's not in any way impossible for someone to intentionally fuck up a game file through spite. The modding community is one of the most cancerous and entitled pack of whiners I have seen, not all of them of course and I know a few that are quite amiable but the arrogance and entitlement (See: I deserve to be recognised) that drips off some of them is disgusting.

Malware mods have got nothing to do with modders being twats.

It may be for the same platform, but the steam workshop community doesn't have as much crossover into the third party community as you'd think. When workshop opened up on steam it made modding a thing for a huge section of the playerbase that had never gotten into it before. Yeah the rate of theft was higher at launch, but even then stolen content was usually taken down within a couple of days and this is true even during the second wave of big theft during the paid mods snafu.

Conversely you could say that the console community (not all of it) is being a bunch of entitled gibsmedats and demanding the fruits of another persons free labor. If a mod author wants to keep their mod exclusive to a specific site like workshop, moddb, or nexus in an effort to support it and its community or for other reasons that's their right as authors. It is not ok to take the work of someone else without their permission and claim ownership of it.

I'm not sure why you're bringing in mods that intentionally corrupt save files when using F4SE to prevent a save from loading until the mod is removed is what's being done by a portion of the community as an alternative to just hiding or taking down their own mod to prevent it from being stolen. Or Bethesda could just listen to community reporting and not require mod authors to jump through legal hoops to get stolen content taken down, that would work too.

I really don't really understand why Bethesda sought to reinvent the wheel when it comes to policing this stuff considering there are working models employed by both other corporations and the community that they could have emulated.
The rate of theft was higher at launch - when did mods for console come out? Oh yeah a week ago.
It's the same shit and it's the same fucking drama from these children.

No fucking shit it's not okay, I said it wasn't in my original post. My point is that these manchildren are once again crying and trashing their shit out of spite rather than dealing with the problem like adults.

F4SE doesn't work on consoles obviously, so yeah they can corrupt save files with it. Spiteful fucking salt the earth behaviour annoys the shit out of me, and it's ridiculously prevalent in people making mods/scripts/apps etc.

The policies Bethesda has in place are inadequate to deal with the issue and they are generally unresponsive when asked by the community. As of yesterday the only response Bethesda gave to people wanting to have their mods removed from is for them to file a DMCA take down request through them and even then they're slow to respond on the issue.

If the tactics employed by some of the community aren't actually hurting anyone I'm not sure how you can call it "trashing their shit and salting the earth". You wouldn't have been able to use their mod anyway if they wanted to stay PC exclusive and mod authors who are making their mods cross platform are using it as a way to make sure only the one they've uploaded to will work for console users.

Your save can't be corrupted if it's not even loading in the first place.

It's fine to be annoyed by spiteful behavior, but you should also take into account that the community has been harassing PC modders that don't make their mods work on consoles and stealing their content to "punish" them for it. If the community wasn't harassing PC mod authors and stealing their content this kind of reaction wouldn't have happened from them.

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:52:45 AM »
Stealing mods is wrong obviously, but god damn the modding community has some real menstruating snowflakes in it. Someone stole my mod? Rather than file a report/copyright claim I'm just gonna poison all of my mods, hide some, delete some and whine about it on nexus.

I can understand putting extra protection into your mod, sure. But poisoning them to crash people's machines out of spite? What a sad cunty little thing to do, you don't poison all the bread in your fucking bakery because some little toerag stole a loaf from you.

Grow the fuck up and deal with theft like a man jesus christ.

Part of the problem is that Bethesda isn't really doing much to prevent it, is forcing mod creators to go through a lengthy DMCA take down process to have a chance at removing it, and is flat out ignoring community reporting on stolen content.

So yeah, if Bethesda is being uncooperative "poisoning" your mods is the next best option.
How can they prevent it?

It's the same as with youtube, you can't screen for all possible copyright infringements and so you take a reactionary policy i.e DMCA takedowns. They take a while because you have to provide proof of your claim and then they'll (((shut it down))). If bethesda were saying 'lolnah' and ignoring it then that would be a big problem, but they have a process to deal with it so people should bloody use it instead of throwing tantrums.

And no it bloody well isn't, all that does is fuck with people who have no idea that the mod is stolen and they then get a corrupted save for the crime of - oh wait they didn't do anything wrong.

Go take a look at Steam Workshop, the rate of content theft on there is much lower than the rate of theft on That's because Valve actually listens to community reporting instead of ignoring it and doesn't require mod authors to jump through legal hoops to get stolen content taken down. It also helps that the Valve community doesn't seem to have the same sense of entitlement that the community has.

As pointed out in one of the threads, if third party sites run on freeware and staffed by volunteers are more efficient and better about policing pirated material than a multi-billion dollar company with a full time paid staff then there might be a bit of a problem in the way things are being handled.

Using F4SE to crash your game isn't going to corrupt your save, it's just going to make you "CTD" until you remove the mod. If it did my Skyrim saves would have all been jacked up due to the amount of modding I did on it, fiddling around with load orders, and other things. It's fairly harmless to the end user and will only serve to give the thief a bad reputation on

However this doesn't mean that some people aren't trying to devise ways to maliciously harm console users by uploading fake mods to, however considering those same people do the same thing to PC users you can hardly say it's a targeted attack.
Or because it's been out for a while? And that it's for the same platform not crossplat? And that some modders (not all of them) are whiny cuntbags over consoles even daring to exist?

CTD is one thing, but it's not in any way impossible for someone to intentionally fuck up a game file through spite. The modding community is one of the most cancerous and entitled pack of whiners I have seen, not all of them of course and I know a few that are quite amiable but the arrogance and entitlement (See: I deserve to be recognised) that drips off some of them is disgusting.

Malware mods have got nothing to do with modders being twats.

It may be for the same platform, but the steam workshop community doesn't have as much crossover into the third party community as you'd think. When workshop opened up on steam it made modding a thing for a huge section of the playerbase that had never gotten into it before. Yeah the rate of theft was higher at launch, but even then stolen content was usually taken down within a couple of days and this is true even during the second wave of big theft during the paid mods snafu.

Conversely you could say that the console community (not all of it) is being a bunch of entitled gibsmedats and demanding the fruits of another persons free labor. If a mod author wants to keep their mod exclusive to a specific site like workshop, moddb, or nexus in an effort to support it and its community or for other reasons that's their right as authors. It is not ok to take the work of someone else without their permission and claim ownership of it.

I'm not sure why you're bringing in mods that intentionally corrupt save files when using F4SE to prevent a save from loading until the mod is removed is what's being done by a portion of the community as an alternative to just hiding or taking down their own mod to prevent it from being stolen. Or Bethesda could just listen to community reporting and not require mod authors to jump through legal hoops to get stolen content taken down, that would work too.

I really don't really understand why Bethesda sought to reinvent the wheel when it comes to policing this stuff considering there are working models employed by both other corporations and the community that they could have emulated.

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:22:07 AM »
Stealing mods is wrong obviously, but god damn the modding community has some real menstruating snowflakes in it. Someone stole my mod? Rather than file a report/copyright claim I'm just gonna poison all of my mods, hide some, delete some and whine about it on nexus.

I can understand putting extra protection into your mod, sure. But poisoning them to crash people's machines out of spite? What a sad cunty little thing to do, you don't poison all the bread in your fucking bakery because some little toerag stole a loaf from you.

Grow the fuck up and deal with theft like a man jesus christ.

Part of the problem is that Bethesda isn't really doing much to prevent it, is forcing mod creators to go through a lengthy DMCA take down process to have a chance at removing it, and is flat out ignoring community reporting on stolen content.

So yeah, if Bethesda is being uncooperative "poisoning" your mods is the next best option.
How can they prevent it?

It's the same as with youtube, you can't screen for all possible copyright infringements and so you take a reactionary policy i.e DMCA takedowns. They take a while because you have to provide proof of your claim and then they'll (((shut it down))). If bethesda were saying 'lolnah' and ignoring it then that would be a big problem, but they have a process to deal with it so people should bloody use it instead of throwing tantrums.

And no it bloody well isn't, all that does is fuck with people who have no idea that the mod is stolen and they then get a corrupted save for the crime of - oh wait they didn't do anything wrong.

Go take a look at Steam Workshop, the rate of content theft on there is much lower than the rate of theft on That's because Valve actually listens to community reporting instead of ignoring it and doesn't require mod authors to jump through legal hoops to get stolen content taken down. It also helps that the Valve community doesn't seem to have the same sense of entitlement that the community has.

As pointed out in one of the threads, if third party sites run on freeware and staffed by volunteers are more efficient and better about policing pirated material and stolen content than a multi-billion dollar company with a full time paid staff then there might be a bit of a problem in the way things are being handled.

Using F4SE to crash your game isn't going to corrupt your save, it's just going to make you "CTD" until you remove the mod. If it did my Skyrim saves would have all been jacked up due to the amount of modding I did on it, fiddling around with load orders, and other things. It's fairly harmless to the end user since your save isn't even loading in the first place due to your lack of F4SE and will only serve to give the thief a bad reputation on

However this doesn't mean that some people aren't trying to devise ways to maliciously harm console users by uploading fake mods to, considering those same people do the same thing to PC users though you can hardly say it's a targeted attack.

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:05:57 AM »
You didn't
If that makes you happy.

I did, though. You were always the easiest person to dismantle on this entire website, on any subject.

Your arguments always boil down to "I'm right because I say so". That's not really a legitimate argument, but whatever dude.

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:02:25 AM »
didn't say anything else, and I utterly dismantled all of them.

You didn't, but if that makes you happy then sure.

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: June 08, 2016, 10:54:09 AM »
Stealing mods is wrong obviously, but god damn the modding community has some real menstruating snowflakes in it. Someone stole my mod? Rather than file a report/copyright claim I'm just gonna poison all of my mods, hide some, delete some and whine about it on nexus.

I can understand putting extra protection into your mod, sure. But poisoning them to crash people's machines out of spite? What a sad cunty little thing to do, you don't poison all the bread in your fucking bakery because some little toerag stole a loaf from you.

Grow the fuck up and deal with theft like a man jesus christ.

Part of the problem is that Bethesda isn't really doing much to prevent it, is forcing mod creators to go through a lengthy DMCA take down process to have a chance at removing it, and is flat out ignoring community reporting on stolen content.

So yeah, if Bethesda is being uncooperative "poisoning" your mods is the next best option.

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 08, 2016, 10:47:17 AM »
Don't bother, he gets like this whenever he's wrong.
But I'm not? I destroyed every single one of your arguments.

Sure, if that's what you want to believe.

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: June 08, 2016, 03:27:05 AM »
Apparently, some people are stealing mods from nexus and uploading them to This is utterly unacceptable behavior on their part, and some modders have decided to quit due to this. It's the prerogative of the mod maker to decide whether or not they want to release their mod to console. It's quite saddening to see a few potentially ruin console mods for the rest of the console players.

Can't say I'm surprised. The same thing happened to Nexus modders when steam workshop happened and then happened again during that brief period of paid modding.

Using F4SE to crash a console players game for using a stolen mod is a pretty good idea though. If that becomes standard practice for Nexus modders it should reduce the rate at which mods are stolen.

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 08, 2016, 03:06:56 AM »
You'll be playing better quality games
I've thoroughly destroyed this logic.
and saving money in the long run by paying less for games and not
Shittier games tend to cost less, yes. On console, if you're paying $60 for games instead of waiting for the price drop, that's on you.
having to pay $60 a year to use the internet you already pay for.
Same applies to console, if you don't care to use XBL or PSN, or if you're a retro gamer.

And no, Husky made way better arguments than you did. You've never made a single valid point. In your life.

Whatever makes you happy dude.

Don't bother, he gets like this whenever he's wrong.

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