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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 717273 7475 ... 394
The Flood / Re: mr psy lives less than an hour away from me
« on: June 17, 2016, 01:43:58 PM »
sep7acon 2016 when

It'll be $100 per person so I can put you all in a crapshak in bumfuck nowhere on the cheap and pocket the rest of it.

The Flood / Re: What would you do if we all went to Vegas
« on: June 17, 2016, 10:15:51 AM »
I'd go and have fun.

Gaming / Re: Best of E3?
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:32:43 PM »
I don't think any game in particular really got me hyped or excited, but the way MS is moving forward with scorpio and it's crossplay/crossbuy along with opening up to selling its games on steam has me interested to see what will become of this business strategy in the future.

The thing is though is that you don't need 100% of the people who start working on that polish stage to stay on it throughout the development cycle. The "polish team" as we'll call it gets smaller over time as less people are needed for the work they're doing as things get closer to release and those people who are no longer needed for the polishing are put to work building the things the art team has been cooking up in the mean time.

So then what do we do about the current situation we find ourselves in regarding DLC and pre-order BS and all of this crap?

As much as I'd like to say that the best solution is to not buy bogus DLC and not pre-order people who go to forums and discuss stuff like this are in the minority. The vast majority of people who play games these days will buy bogus DLC and buy into pre-order incentives and I'm guilty of doing this occasionally as well. There's not much you can do about it, that's just the way the industry is and will be for the foreseeable future.

I mean a way to combat this might be to raise the price of games to cover for the massively increased cost of developing them, but at the end of the day these are businesses looking to make a profit (our entertainment is just a byproduct of it) so it would probably only be a matter of time until they tried to slip in bogus DLC and pre-order incentives as a form of potential bonus revenue as well.

In short, I have no idea.

People who are not involved in this part of development (like the art team) are put to work on post release content because it's better to put your people to work than it is to have them sit around and do nothing for a couple months.

Oh, then yeah. I agree with that. I was referring more to people who are a bit more directly tied into the actual game itself, rather than its conception, working on post-release content prior to release. That's something I don't think should be acceptable.

The thing is though is that you don't need 100% of the people who start working on that polish stage to stay on it throughout the development cycle. The "polish team" as we'll call it gets smaller over time as less people are needed for the work they're doing as things get closer to release and those people who are no longer needed for the polishing are put to work building the things the art team has been cooking up in the mean time.

Gaming / Re: Wait why would anybody buy a Scorpio
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:10:41 PM »
Basically it could be a new method of doing things, but we'd have to see what comes after scorpio to confirm what I'm about to say.

So think of the xbox one as the base platform and scorpio as the "half gen" or something similar. All games made for the xbox one will be able to be played on scorpio at higher resolutions, better framerate, and with additional features like VR. Then when the nextbox hits all games for it will also work on the scorpio, but at a lower resolution and framerate.

Somewhat similar to how the PC platform currently works. Games are made for a variety of different configurations, the more powerful ones getting better performance and sometimes more features, but the less powerful ones still being able to play the same game without being segregated from the rest of the community.

Only time will tell what MS does with this though.

It's like QA, bug fixing, and other polish work doesn't exist or something. Games are content complete months before launch, but that doesn't mean they're ready to go out on the presses and be sold to consumers.

Then the game isn't "complete". Complete means finished, ready for store shelves.

Which is why I said it's content complete. Everything that's going to be in the game is in it at that point and work from there on out is polish work. People who are not involved in this part of development (like the art team) are put to work on post release content because it's better to put your people to work than it is to have them sit around and do nothing for a couple months.

They are; it takes some time to produce and ship the games, just like a car doesn't magically appear on the lot when it's finished being built.

It takes a month to do that, at most. You see all the time the "X game has gone gold" announcements a month before the game releases.

Developers should use the time before release to work on the game they're going to ship -- not stuff that'll come out later, for more money.

It's like QA, bug fixing, and other polish work doesn't exist or something. Games are content complete months before launch, but that doesn't mean they're ready to go out on the presses and be sold to consumers.

Gaming / Re: You must build a team using 6 of these Pokemon...
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:30:05 PM »
I see you too go on /vp/ on occasion.

Serious / Re: We wuz fags
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:35:24 AM »
If you didn't watch the whole thing the latter half of the video interviews the men who spoke out against her during her attempt to hijack the memorial and turn it into a black vs white conflict.

Turns out they're a gay couple and all they want is for people to be united instead of divided and they're tired of people like the one on stage trying to hijack everything and make it about race.

The Flood / Re: STARS WAR
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:54:34 PM »
If it weren't for adult swim nobody would have known about prune face.

The Flood / Re: I fucking HATE when people do this.
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:35:59 PM »
Do you think I'm ACTUALLY a talking stuffed animal or something?

I do

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:08:38 PM »
Will this also be on Windows 10?

This beta? No

The second beta and the full game will be however.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:03:59 PM »
Nice conversation.
could you call me a brain dead cunt if you wanted to or would you get in trouble with cheat

I could, but actually calling you one wouldn't improve anything so there's no point in doing so.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:58:59 PM »
Nice conversation.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:55:05 PM »
I also was talking specifically about halo wars, not RTS games in general when I said I didn't like the unit cap, then you came in with your basement dweller PC master race autism and I was arguing that what platform the game was on had nothing to do with it. I just hurt your feelings so now you think you're really showing me by spewing this nonsense at me

Yeah, and the unit cap doesn't matter when it comes to how good an RTS game is. Which is the point I was making and proved.

I said nothing about PC master race, I said that the console community isn't as well versed with the genre because it's near nonexistent on that platform. There is nothing incorrect about that statement.

From the way you've been responding and the thread you made in the flood, it's pretty safe to say that the only one with hurt feelings here is yourself.

The Flood / Re: LC is fucking retarded
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:47:41 PM »
mad cuz bad

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:47:01 PM »
I can't refute your when you make up random things I didn't say sooo

every PC RTS
never said this so kill yourself

I said that I can think of. Meaning all of the ones that come to mind. Of course you can find 2 exceptions out of millions of games

I was paraphrasing. There are more than just those two, but those are the two best known ones that prove that an RTS game can still be great without the ability to spam hundreds of units.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:40:46 PM »
I can't refute your when you make up random things I didn't say sooo

At the start of the thread you were complaining about the unit cap being small, then you went on to respond to me about how every PC RTS game has a larger unit cap when Das and I were talking about how unit cap doesn't dictate the quality of an RTS at an attempt to dig at HW2, and then got proven wrong when I listed a couple quality RTS games with unit caps similar to Halo Wars.

You're in denial now m8.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:34:43 PM »
I can't refute you so I'm going to say I meant something different and insult you.

Nice conversation we're having.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:28:44 PM »
Learn to read, brain-dead cunt

Get your head out of your ass

You might want to quit your projecting because both of these apply to you and not me.

Das commented about how the ability unit spam doesn't dictate the quality of an RTS, I responded by essentially saying that the majority of people here play consoles so they don't know any better. I never said anything about you specifically.

If you didn't think that HW2 was bad due to (at least in some part) its unit cap you would have never tried to contest me on it, especially since HW2 has a larger unit cap than its predecessor. Marines are 3 pop now, but you can still get a max of 40 of those motorcycle things the UNSC has per player on the map if you so desire. In the end the increased pop cap + balance changes that have moved around pop cost for certain units end up putting HW2 on roughly the same level as HW1 when it comes to max amount of units on the field.

It's obvious at this point that you're just frantically flailing around looking for an out and flinging insults at the wall in hope that something sticks. Do yourself a favor and see yourself out m8.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:06:28 PM »
You still haven't explained what the fuck that has to do with consoles

I thought you'd be able to answer that one yourself, but I'll hold your hand through this one. The RTS genre is near non-existent on the console so the console community doesn't know anything about the genre.
what does that have to do with spamming units and why are you a cunt

I literally just explained to you that the ability to spam units isn't doesn't dictate the quality of an RTS, you know the reason you were arguing Halo Wars 2 is worse than 1.

Don't accuse people of being brain dead and being a cunt when you're the one being rude and forgetting what it was you were even arguing.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 06:52:13 PM »
You still haven't explained what the fuck that has to do with consoles

I thought you'd be able to answer that one yourself, but I'll hold your hand through this one. The RTS genre is near non-existent on the console so the console community doesn't know anything about the genre.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 06:08:56 PM »
>he measures an RTS's worth by how many units he can spam

The people here primarily play consoles Das.
how does this make any sense when Every PC RTS I can think of lets you have significantly more units than halo wars

Dawn of War 2 didn't.
And it was garbage.

Literally the only good bit about DOW2 was the last stand mode and the copious amounts of memes it spawned.

Regardless of whether or not we liked it, it is considered a good RTS by many people and that's why DoW 3 is going to continue down the path 2 started. I absolutely hate what 2 did, but it seems like we're in the minority.

Another RTS that has a similar cap and unit cost is the base Company of Heroes
CoH was fine because it was fitting for the design of the game

DOW went from large scale to Moba tier shite

DOW 3 looks like a bastard hybrid of 1 and 2 and I'm not looking forwards to it further ruining the original. It's gonna be a mediocre promo-game

It's what I hate about some of the newer BL fiction too, half of the books are dripping with intext advertisements for the new lines of models they are shitting out.

The point here was that the quality of an RTS isn't dependent on the players ability to spam units. I was bringing up other RTS games with similar pop caps and unit costs to illustrate this point.

As you already know I agree with you on the DoW stuff.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 04:58:54 PM »
>he measures an RTS's worth by how many units he can spam

The people here primarily play consoles Das.
how does this make any sense when Every PC RTS I can think of lets you have significantly more units than halo wars

Dawn of War 2 didn't.
And it was garbage.

Literally the only good bit about DOW2 was the last stand mode and the copious amounts of memes it spawned.

Regardless of whether or not we liked it, it is considered a good RTS by many people and that's why DoW 3 is going to continue down the path 2 started. I absolutely hate what 2 did, but it seems like we're in the minority.

Another RTS that has a similar cap and unit cost is the base Company of Heroes

Pokemon, fire emblem, SMT, ssb4, and a bunch of DS games due to BC.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 10:24:57 AM »
>he measures an RTS's worth by how many units he can spam

The people here primarily play consoles Das.
how does this make any sense when Every PC RTS I can think of lets you have significantly more units than halo wars

Dawn of War 2 didn't.
that's not true though

But it is. The cap may be 100, but the lowest costing pop units are 5-6 depending on your faction.

In Halo Wars the pop count is 60 max (in beta) but marines cost 3 pop to build now.

So it's still less.

You might want to math there.

You'd have 20 squads of marines and space marines either way. Also no, the max is not 60 in the beta, you can get an upgrade to your pop count in the armory/war council.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 10:12:25 AM »
>he measures an RTS's worth by how many units he can spam

The people here primarily play consoles Das.
how does this make any sense when Every PC RTS I can think of lets you have significantly more units than halo wars

Dawn of War 2 didn't.
that's not true though

But it is. The cap may be 100, but the lowest costing pop units are 5-6 depending on your faction.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 Complaints
« on: June 15, 2016, 09:59:22 AM »
>he measures an RTS's worth by how many units he can spam

The people here primarily play consoles Das.
how does this make any sense when Every PC RTS I can think of lets you have significantly more units than halo wars

Dawn of War 2 didn't.

Gaming / Re: I play weebshit.
« on: June 15, 2016, 12:23:00 AM »
Cool, I'm playing through FE:Revelations right now.

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