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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 678 910 ... 394
The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime
« on: November 09, 2017, 08:47:21 PM »
so why aren't EDs referred to as ENs

EN is usually shorthand for English

The Flood / Re: apparently its cool to like the SW prequels now
« on: November 08, 2017, 08:15:18 PM »
combination of disney viral marketers trying to make that era profitable and the new trilogy being so bad they make the prequel trilogy look good

Gaming / Re: Nobu's Bizarre Adventure (Fate Thread)
« on: November 07, 2017, 11:46:05 PM »
Somebody must be really proud of themselves for getting a chance to write a "This is Sparta" joke into the script.

hearing some shit about the dub. it sounds fucking awful.

Gaming / Re: Nobu's Bizarre Adventure (Fate Thread)
« on: November 07, 2017, 11:14:28 PM »
>Greek Achilles
> talking to Chiron his Greek teacher
>in Greece
>in the English dub

why are you watching the english dub?

also apocrypha goes to shit at about the halfway point and is probably the most hated nasuverse work

have fun

Dubs are fine ya weeb. And for some reason whenever I watch subs recently they tend to suck. I tried a subbed version of Apocrypha a long while back and it was so damn bad they couldn't even quote Shakespeare right.

Anyway the story and production quality were both at best pretty shaky to begin with, so my expectations aren't exactly set high anyway. This is A1 Pictures after all. I regard it how I would a popcorn flick.

if you were streaming it it's because the streaming sites use a sub group that's comprised of a bunch of spics trying to translate their mangled nip to Spanish translations into English

Gaming / Re: Nobu's Bizarre Adventure (Fate Thread)
« on: November 07, 2017, 10:02:46 PM »
>Greek Achilles
> talking to Chiron his Greek teacher
>in Greece
>in the English dub

why are you watching the english dub?

also apocrypha goes to shit at about the halfway point and is probably the most hated nasuverse work

have fun

Gaming / Re: Nobu's Bizarre Adventure (Fate Thread)
« on: November 06, 2017, 11:06:01 PM »
Spoilers for Oath under snow on the nonexistant chance that none of you are way ahead of me on this.


The pacing of this movie looks rushed as all hell but Cu/Kayneth is pretty cool TBH

the grail war was the least important part of shirou's story in the manga so it's actually staying pretty accurate by not dedicating too much time to it. that being said there's a massive quality drop in the art and animation department after the assassin fight so it's clear that they ran out of money in the budget for fight scenes after they did that.

which is actually pretty disappointing because the gilgamesh fight at the end is also equally as important to his story and there's nothing left in the budget but a couple nickles and a shoestring for that thing.

Gaming / Re: Nobu's Bizarre Adventure (Fate Thread)
« on: November 05, 2017, 11:13:50 PM »

Why'd It have to be Nero, dammit.

because it's extella?

I always hoped that if we got Fate in Monster Hunter we could at least get EMIYA stuff like Kanshou and Bakuya as twinblades or his armor for gunners.

z is jp only iirc so it's not like you were going to play it anyway

Gaming / Re: Nobu's Bizarre Adventure (Fate Thread)
« on: November 05, 2017, 09:41:07 PM »

Why'd It have to be Nero, dammit.

because it's extella?

Gaming / Re: Kirei's Halloween Spookfest (Fate Thread)
« on: November 05, 2017, 11:16:20 AM »

nobu soon

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 110)
« on: November 04, 2017, 03:47:51 PM »
what time does the episode come on crunchyroll in EST?

9:45 pm

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: November 04, 2017, 12:33:35 PM »
It's time to main Widowmaker



Gaming / Re: Kirei's Halloween Spookfest (Fate Thread)
« on: November 01, 2017, 01:05:09 AM »

All of my quarz is gone...



-NP2 Drake
-NP2 Waver
-NP2 Shitty 4* Saber
and of course

S I R   L A N C E L O T

only reason to have him is for waifu reasons imo

The Flood / Re: Racism for racism's sake is so blasé
« on: October 28, 2017, 02:26:30 PM »
Reminder that the man responsible for (((Civil Rights))) was also a member of the KKK.
If you're trying to look as stupid as fucking possible then holy shit, good job.

gotta love how the people latching onto the accusation that LBJ was a former KKK member conveniently forget that the source making that accusation had no proof that he was.

Gaming / Re: Shadow the Hedgehog
« on: October 25, 2017, 09:14:00 PM »
it was shit, but i had fun with it

Gaming / Re: Which category do you fall into?
« on: October 23, 2017, 11:50:07 PM »
gregor is the deepest i've gone due to the marathon games, but i'd probably fit in the oldfag category better.

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 110)
« on: October 22, 2017, 12:17:06 PM »

This game is a joke. How about instead of adding characters that should have been in the game to begin with and half-assed character costumes literally NO ONE cares about (Ribrienne is the most hated character in Dragon Ball), they fix the fact that

- Saiyan hair doesn't transform when they do despite that being the NUMBER 1 issue people had with the first game
- Canon characters' hairstyles aren't available in CAC and are relegated to cosmetic items that disappear when your character transforms
- Male Majin CAC brings nothing to the table and the only specific transformation available to them is one that renders all expression null
- There are multiple Saiyan transformations but one for each other race. Where's the 100% Full Power or Cooler Final Form transformation for Frieza? Furthermore, where's the Oozaru/SSG/SSB/SSJ4 transformation for Saiyans in the first place?

I don't think I'm asking for much here. Maybe with SSJ4, the Majin rework and Cooler FF I'm stretching the imagination, but transforming hairstyles were a thing in Ultimate Tenkaichi. SSG would only require an aura, hair, eye and (slight) build change. SSB would only require whatever SSJ transformations hairstyles they had to be blue instead of yellow. Oozaru could maybe inherit a few clothing items. Frieza already has his buff form in-game, just apply that to all Frieza CACs. Every earthling/saiyan's hairstyles are already in-game assets that need only be applied to CAC.

I haven't touched this game in months because it's so lazy when it comes to polish and content. I'll gladly pay for stuff every couple of months, but you can't just take a bunch of assets that were already in the game or took you 5 minutes to create, group them together into an update, and charge people 10 dollars for access. This is so bad. FUCK.

you'll probably have to wait for a xenoverse 3 for anything like that. the devs even said themselves that 2 is more like a 1.5 and you should wait for 3 if you want a real sequel iirc.

Gaming / Re: Suprised we haven't had a thread about Neogaf yet.
« on: October 22, 2017, 11:14:54 AM »
>sonygaf might go under in a delicious way

and this is right after one of their head mods got busted for being a pedophile too. amazing what kind of people that website breeds.

The Flood / Re: Hey Morty, I turned myself into Gamergate
« on: October 22, 2017, 05:33:29 AM »
Why do these journos still write about GamerGate and compare shit to it? It was nothing more than a massive flamewar by 4chan and the internet at large because gaming sites suck ass.

no idea. the anti-GG people bring it up all the god damn time and then when someone who was pro-GG makes a response they start going on about how it doesn't matter and you shouldn't talk about it.

The Flood / Re: How do you feel about stealing other people's work?
« on: October 22, 2017, 02:02:02 AM »
Deci i've been meaning to ask you what the name of that guy was who you took the theme from and reuploaded it for everyone to use after he threatened to disable it if he didn't get 1000 likes or whatever it was.

for some reason it's been bugging me that i can't remember the guys name.

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 110)
« on: October 18, 2017, 11:45:15 PM »
By the way, Tapion and Android 13 were confirmed for Xenoverse 2

weird choices but ok

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 110)
« on: October 15, 2017, 05:00:06 PM »
Can't wait to have another 10 episodes of Piccolo/Gohan bromance and 17/18 posturing filler before Goku figures out how to retain Ultra Instinct.
nothing with 18 in it is filler. ever.

bio broly was shit

The Flood / Re: I finally saw Pacific Rim
« on: October 15, 2017, 01:05:06 PM »
Sequel has turned into Power Rangers
There’s not going to be anything exciting about it

Originally the sequel was going to be about what to do with all the jaegers and technology now that the world is freed of kaiju

Which sounds cool as fuck but Del Toro left and now the studio went the safe route

did he give a reason for leaving?

Gaming / Re: Kirei's Halloween Spookfest (Fate Thread)
« on: October 15, 2017, 11:19:10 AM »


Merlin was bait all along
oooooh damn son

i don't think an adult can be a "lily"
why do you hate fun, lc?

im trying to keep your expectations realistic.

Gaming / Re: Kirei's Halloween Spookfest (Fate Thread)
« on: October 15, 2017, 10:42:33 AM »


Merlin was bait all along
oooooh damn son

i don't think an adult can be a "lily"

Gaming / Re: Kirei's Halloween Spookfest (Fate Thread)
« on: October 15, 2017, 10:10:48 AM »
When is the next time we have a good chance at rolling Herc?

unless we get another NA exclusive rate up he won't have another. he's in every gacha though so you can still pick him up while trying to get something else.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: October 13, 2017, 12:48:11 PM »
Ignoring the fact that leeching typically requires seeding

just one small thing. one of the biggest distributors of pirated content right now uses direct downloads because (for people who aren't using private trackers or VPNs) it doesn't allow corporations to snoop on who is and isn't down loading something.

The Flood / Re: Burger thread.
« on: October 13, 2017, 11:03:28 AM »
The Baconator from Wendy's is the GOAT

you're fucking gross dude

chill wendy's is the bomb

maybe if you like shit quality food that's drowning in mayonnaise. go to a bar or a pub and get a real burger.

Somebody shoot this fool

Pubs are a US thing too dude.

Gaming / Re: Unlimited Bait Banners (Fate Thread)
« on: October 13, 2017, 01:26:25 AM »
half tempted to not go buy a hundred dollars worth of  bullets this friday and whale trying for Lilly again instead.

LC help

Tell me not to do it.

don't do it you faggot, lily will come back on rate up again. plus you can save for helena and illya
aight. #saveforarmpits

if you want to save even longer helena has a summer version too.

will watch the videos when i have time, but my opinion on the uncharted series is that they're basically just summer block busters in video game form.

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