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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 359360361 362363 ... 394
The Flood / Re: Two more weeks
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:32:30 PM »

That's not Unlimited Blade Works.
That's not Attack On Titan or the new Dragonball series so its irrelevant and goes straight down the drain.

Attack on Titan should be renamed Attack on Average, and I'm looking forward to the new DB shit, but I can recognize it really isn't anything special. It's nostalgia that fuels my anticipation and enjoyment of the series.

Nasu's stuff easily surpasses DB, DBZ, and Attack on Titan.

The Flood / Re: Two more weeks
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:23:21 PM »

That's not Unlimited Blade Works.

The Flood / Re: @Whoever is responsible for this
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:20:09 PM »
I don't think he's actually perma'd here <.<
Are you allowed to look at the list?

Nope but slash gives me updates <.<

Speaking of which, Verby is perma'd for death threats towards slash. So GG verbatim, his ban was going to expire today or tomorrow as well IIRC.

;_; Senpai never gives me anything.

Verby is pretty stupid for sending death threats to someone though. How in the hell did he think that was going to go over well?

The Flood / Re: Does anyone poke their head into anymore?
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:16:59 PM »
They're all twitter and facebook kids. It's like second nature for them to follow anyone who has the same opinions as them.

Gaming / Re: Anyone here play Star Wars Commander?
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:59:09 PM »
The fuck is that?

Serious / Re: Should the District of Columbia become a State?
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:45:57 PM »
Why not just pass an amendment giving them a representative and two senators without making them a state?
Because it sets a dangerous precedent. Texas and like, half the South, will want to secede but still have representation in Congress.
But if they secede they have no claim to stay in congress.
Not if we say non-states can have representation in Congress.

Max... If the south seceded it would no longer be part of the US and therefore would be ineligible for participation in the US congress. DC is still part of the US as it's US government owned land. The only thing it would open up is the possibility for US territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Mariana Islands) to have representation in the US congress and iirc they can already vote in political primaries for various parties.

News / Re: Anime: Steins;Gate Review
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:24:49 PM »
this has been on my to-watch list for a long time.
Get to it Comet.
b-but ive got... around 18 other anime at the moment. and my hands are full laughing at the Sailor Moon remake.
If I can juggle 11 different series, you can take time out of something you're watching for shits and giggles.
im sorry

i cant

hear you

over all this

QUALITY animation.
What in the world...
you didnt know?

Sailor Moon Crystal

had such


I was about to say. Ufotable isn't large enough to be taking that shit on along with Unlimited Blade Works and the Heavens Feel movie. That and Ufotable's animation is typically among the best. They wouldn't be making shit like that.

Gaming / Re: One Of The Best Cosplays I've Seen
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:31:58 PM »
Asians really get into this shit.


The Flood / Re: Ok you guys win.
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:12:08 PM »

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:09:25 PM »
Legit question: do people say "ad hominem" all the time instead of just "personal attacks" or some variation of "insults" to just sound smart?

I think I might be to blame for this one. A few years ago the Flood was having a Reach forum trolling contest. I got fed up with how awful all of their attempts were and made my own in order to show them how to do it right.

So I took a bunch of statements from 343i about how Reach was perfect the way it was and how they wouldn't be doing a title update and used that as "proof" that all the people complaining about armor lock and bloom were just bad at the game and they needed to adapt. I got about 10 pages of rage and every time someone someone would insult me in their counter points I'd tell them their argument was invalid with a wikipedia link to Ad Hominem. Ever since then I've been seeing ad hominem all over the flood.

Gaming / Re: Real Talk: What Will Happen If Sony Folds?
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:03:50 PM »
Wait, you guys are just finding out about this?
Their income statement has been pretty shit since 2003.

I'm not, I'm just bringing it up again.

The Flood / Re: A Bitch Just Beat Me
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:56:58 PM »

Gaming / Re: Real Talk: What Will Happen If Sony Folds?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:58:30 PM »
They'll all finally convert to the PC master race.

Not happening. As I said earlier the Japanese youth believe that PCs are for school work and porn.

Gaming / Re: >He thinks Dark Souls is an RPG
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:52:06 PM »
Dark Souls looks kinda boring.

It is kind of boring. It's not even that difficult, it's just incredibly tedious.

Gaming / Re: Real Talk: What Will Happen If Sony Folds?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:50:00 PM »
I think the Japanese will go for the Wii U heck I think the Wii U is beating the PS4 over there

However if the PS4 is removed from the equation then the only place to play new final fantasy games and other JRPGs that require better hardware than what the Wii U offers will either be the PC or Xbox. Out of the two the Xbox is more likely as the common belief among the Japanese youth is that computers are for school work and porn.
Well that depends if Square Enix decided to make Super Mario RPG Sequel also we still don't know if they would buy an Xbox one for finar fantasy also can you give me an example of an JRPG that is too big for the Wii U to handle? (Not persona 5 because they have a PS3 version)plus them  Japs are really into the Monster Hunter series

A terribly optimized FF15 cause Japs can't into optimization.
Please no, I have been waiting for a good real time battle FF for so long.

IIRC isn't it a super casual one button combat system?
I don't even know, but I prefer real time combat for rpgs, especially the Tales series.
Also the teleporting is scripted and you can only do it to pre-approved locations. It's looks to be a FF13 hallway simulator so far.

Yuta don't get your hopes up man. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

Gaming / Re: Real Talk: What Will Happen If Sony Folds?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:44:19 PM »
I think the Japanese will go for the Wii U heck I think the Wii U is beating the PS4 over there

However if the PS4 is removed from the equation then the only place to play new final fantasy games and other JRPGs that require better hardware than what the Wii U offers will either be the PC or Xbox. Out of the two the Xbox is more likely as the common belief among the Japanese youth is that computers are for school work and porn.
Well that depends if Square Enix decided to make Super Mario RPG Sequel also we still don't know if they would buy an Xbox one for finar fantasy also can you give me an example of an JRPG that is too big for the Wii U to handle? (Not persona 5 because they have a PS3 version)plus them  Japs are really into the Monster Hunter series

A terribly optimized FF15 cause Japs can't into optimization.
Please no, I have been waiting for a good real time battle FF for so long.

IIRC isn't it a super casual one button combat system?

Gaming / Re: Real Talk: What Will Happen If Sony Folds?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:42:03 PM »
I think the Japanese will go for the Wii U heck I think the Wii U is beating the PS4 over there

However if the PS4 is removed from the equation then the only place to play new final fantasy games and other JRPGs that require better hardware than what the Wii U offers will either be the PC or Xbox. Out of the two the Xbox is more likely as the common belief among the Japanese youth is that computers are for school work and porn.
Well that depends if Square Enix decided to make Super Mario RPG Sequel also we still don't know if they would buy an Xbox one for finar fantasy also can you give me an example of an JRPG that is too big for the Wii U to handle? (Not persona 5 because they have a PS3 version)plus them  Japs are really into the Monster Hunter series

A terribly optimized FF15 cause Japs can't into optimization.

Serious / Re: Did the EU just do something good...?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:36:13 PM »
It would then be down to a judge to decide if the parody is funny.


Gaming / Re: Real Talk: What Will Happen If Sony Folds?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:28:57 PM »
I think the Japanese will go for the Wii U heck I think the Wii U is beating the PS4 over there

However if the PS4 is removed from the equation then the only place to play new final fantasy games and other JRPGs that require better hardware than what the Wii U offers will either be the PC or Xbox. Out of the two the Xbox is more likely as the common belief among the Japanese youth is that computers are for school work and porn.

Gaming / Real Talk: What Will Happen If Sony Folds?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:19:23 PM »
Shit's looking grim for Sony at the moment.

Their gaming division is even hemeroging money at the moment.

So it's looking like Sony isn't beating that 78% chance of bankruptcy right now and are on their way out.  How do you guys think it'll effect the gaming industry if they fold? How will their first party studios get divided up as they're either sold off to MS, Nintendo or other publishers or forced to close their doors due to a lack of buyers?

Sweet Jesus would the death of Sony mean a massive gain in the console market share for MS as Japanese gamers would have to chose between the Xbox and Wii U?

For those of you here that bought the PS4 how do you feel about the very real possibility that support for it may be ending within the next few years?

Personally the reason I didn't hop of the PS4 train was A) Lack of good exclusives and B) the financial situation Sony is in that could mean a premature ending of support for the $400 console I purchased.

The Flood / Re: Why Do Meteors Always Land In Craters?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:00:55 PM »
Meters? Did the angles tell you? Angles from the futer?

I swear to god Charlie....

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:25:44 AM »
Just to get a judge that isn't one of her friends means moving the case to LA.

Should be easy to do if it comes to that. A judge judging the custody battle of one of their friends is a clear conflict of interest.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:07:42 AM »
From what I've seem his wife doesn't even seem interested in  raising them.

This is actually what worries me the most about this situation. Now I don't know shit about Charlies wife other than what he's posted here, but I've seen a lot of good dads get fucked in the ass by the justice system when it comes to custody of children and child support and the cynic in me suspects she might try to use them as an advantage if they get divorced.

However I could just be full of shit since the only one who know's Charlies wife well enough to make a suggestion like that here is Charlie.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:52:34 AM »
I hate to say this, but I kind of saw this coming two years ago when you first started reporting that your wife was having a hard time accepting responsibility for your newborn adopted child.

I feel for you man, I can't really imagine how you must be feeling at the moment.

And now I have to go and pick up the second child.

That's the worst part of it. Tonight was supposed to be a happy night. This was supposed to be good news.

Life has a way of biting you in the ass like that. I've had quite a few "happy nights" that were ruined by unpleasant news or the incredibly stupid actions of another.

I know it's not much of a silver lining, but at least you'll be able to throw yourself back out there if the two of you really end up getting a divorce.

 Also as long as the two of you are committed to raising the children they should turn out just fine, hell even if it ends up being just you they should too. I've got a couple friends who grew up in broken homes. One of which had both parents putting in effort into making sure he still turned out alright and the other who didn't grow up with a father in his life. They've both been pretty successful too, the first is going to be entering the CHP and the second is following his passion for teaching and music and is going to become a high school music teacher.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:42:59 AM »
I hate to say this, but I kind of saw this coming two years ago when you first started reporting that your wife was having a hard time accepting responsibility for your newborn adopted child.

I feel for you man, I can't really imagine how you must be feeling at the moment.

The Flood / Re: My stupid friends HAD to show me this video XD
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:15:51 AM »
Wow this is old.

The Flood / Re: Why aren't new members treated with enough respect here?
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:11:42 AM »
Yes because you're obviously a "new" member

Slash tell us who it is.


Slash pls.


Do it slash.

Slash pls.
It's not my place to ruin people's fun..... Well it is but I won't do it this time.
Or perhaps you're not saying because I'm not an alt of anyone?
You do know there are these magical things called IP addresses right?

Share with me senpai! I'm not allowed to view IP addresses!

The Flood / Re: I'm the best, you are the rest. AMA
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:08:55 AM »
Uppity and disrespectful xenos give me a headache.
You toss off to me, admit it.

I admit nothing!

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap, I have a br
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:28:17 AM »
I don't get it. Is this a suicide joke?

I'm in the same boat. I have no idea what's going on in here.

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