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Messages - big sponge

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The Flood / Re: The story behind your username?
« on: October 10, 2014, 09:26:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: The story behind your username?
« on: October 10, 2014, 09:23:58 PM »
I eventually realized that gamertags with all capital letters were stupid,


« on: October 10, 2014, 07:30:06 PM »
You press them all of course.

The Flood / Re: Friday
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:17:15 PM »
Meh, the only interesting thing for this week is the new UBW episode coming out tomorrow.

The Flood / Re: An update on Sandtrap
« on: October 10, 2014, 06:31:46 PM »
 >:( :Odontoceti plz

EDIT: lol wtf did my phone just auto correct "source" to?

The Flood / Re: The story behind your username?
« on: October 10, 2014, 05:05:30 PM »

Inb4 LC heresy.

I'm not seeing a problem with him finding his way back on his way back on his own.

The Flood / Re: So I decided to check this place out again.
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:49:22 PM »

Basically we don't let you go around harassing and attacking people anymore.
Apparently saying mean, non PC words is harassment now

Are you talking about the word filter? That's temporary I believe since we're searching for an ad agency that won't give a shit if we say bad words.

I'm guessing adult film ad agencies would be perfect for that.

I think I actually suggested something similar back when we first got a warning from adsense, but I'm taking the non-response as a no from Cheat.

The Flood / Re: So I decided to check this place out again.
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:46:09 PM »

Basically we don't let you go around harassing and attacking people anymore.
Apparently saying mean, non PC words is harassment now

Are you talking about the word filter? That's temporary I believe since we're searching for an ad agency that won't give a shit if we say bad words.

The Flood / Re: So I decided to check this place out again.
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:44:15 PM »
Wait, really? I've heard the mods cracked down on shit here.

Can I get a story about that? What about Sandtrap? Did he ever pull through?
We haven't heard word from him in a good while, and last he checked in the guy said he only had a few days to live.

I'm not going to go any further. I'll let you come to your own conclusion.
Well I mean, I'm kind of asking other people because I don't feel the need to read through 50 pages of TOPICS to try to find out what happened. Is it really that bad that you can't even give your own opinion on the matter?

Basically a bunch of drama involving Kiyo's moderator status happened, people threw shit at each other, and people got mad because they were being called mean names and then Cheat and the moderator team decided to do away with codified, concrete rules and just opt for forum martial law.   
So, how bad is it, are we talking about? Am I getting bant for this?

No, CIS is exaggerating. Most people are able to carry on without any difference in their posting habits.

The Flood / Re: So I decided to check this place out again.
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:41:42 PM »
Wait, really? I've heard the mods cracked down on shit here.

Can I get a story about that?

Basically we don't let you go around harassing and attacking people anymore. Dustin and Scorch didn't like it so they threw a shit fit. Scorch left and Dustin kept spamming threads and posts about it after he got warned for attacking other users was told multiple times that we'd be happy to discuss this via PMs like you're supposed to.

Of course Dustin decided that he wasn't going to handle things maturely and kept disregarding all attempts to discuss things civilly and in the proper manner. As a result he ended up getting a 3 day ban.

Gaming / Re: Yet another DLC area in Destiny uncovered
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:20:50 PM »
To be fair it looks like a lot of these areas are unfinished and I'd assume the gate in that strike area leads to another place that isn't in the game as of yet.

Gaming / Re: More cancelled Star Wars games
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:15:17 PM »
Ugh, that final era of Lucas Arts was so bad. The new head of it pretty much scrapped everything his predecessor had been presiding over because he wouldn't get credit for it and instead pushed out shit like kinect starwars dancing and TFU 2.

The Flood / Re: Floodies
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:58:08 PM »
It's going to be a fur suit isn't it?

The Flood / Re: The story behind your username?
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:50:50 PM »
Used to be Mr Pinata on bungie.old. When hit I changed my name once to make a joke and it kind of ended up sticking.

I guess it's a good thing too, because then we'd have two Mr Ps and I already keep thinking that someone it addressing me for a split second when I see that.

Gaming / Re: All achievements for the MCC revealed!
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:48:29 PM »
It's a good thing I stopped giving a shit about my Halo GS when Reach fracked mine up with bungies stupid "42" point one.

I hate that 343i made it almost fracking impossible to get stockpile now so my gamer score will never be right again.
I stopped caring about gamerscore when I made it to 71k.

Having my shit end in anything other than a 5 or 0 sets off my autism or something.

Gaming / Re: All achievements for the MCC revealed!
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:47:34 PM »
It's a good thing I stopped giving a shit about my Halo GS when Reach fracked mine up with bungies stupid "42" point one.

I hate that 343i made it almost fracking impossible to get stockpile now so my gamer score will never be right again.
Ever play Forza Motorsport 2?

There were achievements worth 1G, 2G, and 3G.

You're still able to get those achievements though aren't you? Last I heard you have like a 1-100 chance to get stockpile and even then you have to get everyone to vote for it and then on top of that you have to get all of the flags at the same time.
I thought you could get those in Custom Games. I remember reading threads in the Reach Forum about how people got those achievements in Custom Games.

For the 343i map pack you can, but not for the Bungie one.

Gaming / Re: All achievements for the MCC revealed!
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:45:50 PM »
It's a good thing I stopped giving a shit about my Halo GS when Reach fracked mine up with bungies stupid "42" point one.

I hate that 343i made it almost fracking impossible to get stockpile now so my gamer score will never be right again.
Ever play Forza Motorsport 2?

There were achievements worth 1G, 2G, and 3G.

You're still able to get those achievements though aren't you? Last I heard you have like a 1-100 chance to get stockpile and even then you have to get everyone to vote for it and then on top of that you have to get all of the flags at the same time.

Gaming / Re: All achievements for the MCC revealed!
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:42:06 PM »
It's a good thing I stopped giving a shit about my Halo GS when Reach fucked mine up with bungies stupid "42" point one.

I hate that 343i made it almost fucking impossible to get stockpile now so my gamer score will never be right again.

The Flood / Re: My team lost tonight
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:37:23 PM »
I've got footy tomorrow, and we are undefeated in all Solent league competitions (League and Cup), we are playing against Clanfield, the team that we will be fighting against to win the title and get promoted, the first time ever in our (The B team) history (7 years we've been at it), this will also mean we would be in the same league as the A team

The rules state that one club cannot have two teams in the same division, so we'd have to beat them.

I would so love for us, the B team, to overthrow the A team.

Would that make US the A team though?

Nah, you'll still be the B team. In my city the C team was actually better than the B team because getting on the B team was more about who you knew than how good you were so all of the good players went to the C one.

The A one wasn't an option due to the fact that it was just as corrupt with the added bonus of having to pay them to get in.

.... sweet jesus. I don't know if I can finish this.

The Flood / Re: Hey
« on: October 09, 2014, 08:45:01 PM »
Don't recognize you but ello.


I think I did, I can't remember.
Check your achievements.

Ok it wasn't on my account then. It was probably on my friends account when I was crashing at his place for a week.

I just remember the final boss being a bitch and a half.

I think I did, I can't remember.

The Flood / Re: There's an ebola outbreak in this forum!
« on: October 09, 2014, 07:17:47 PM »
I thought Ebola was supposed to give white people super powers?

The Flood / Re: has found its way into my real life
« on: October 09, 2014, 07:09:13 PM »
Thank Noelle next time you see her.

The Flood / Re: TBlocks, Vien, Noelle, Kiyo, Nuka, Yutaka
« on: October 09, 2014, 06:19:09 PM »
It's a beautiful day

You just triggered me.

I hate that song.

The Flood / Re: Listen, I got an idea about the "mod" discussion
« on: October 09, 2014, 05:54:44 PM »
I disagree, if I frack up people should be able to call me out on it.

Thought I'd prefer if it went through PM to either me or someone higher up instead of having a thread made about it on the forums.
Calling niggas out creates issues though. then av]ifnbdfe \

Like I said though, it should be handled through either a PM to me or someone above me if I fuck up.  It won't create issues that way.

There have already been a couple decision reversals because of people handling things maturely through the proper channels.

The Flood / Re: Listen, I got an idea about the "mod" discussion
« on: October 09, 2014, 05:35:59 PM »
I disagree, if I frack up people should be able to call me out on it.

Though I'd prefer if it went through PM to either me or someone higher up instead of having a thread made about it on the forums.

The Flood / Re: Britian is prepared to fight the zombie apocolypse
« on: October 09, 2014, 05:04:47 PM »
If it's true I wouldn't be surprised. I think the US has a similar thing (though it would be from something like a weird strain of rabies turning people into "zombies") along with an alien invasion plan.

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