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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 333435 3637 ... 394
The Flood / Re: Life outside our solar system.
« on: January 30, 2017, 09:46:50 PM »
I think our best case scenario is to essentially have a repeat of Japanese history.

Worst case scenario is to have a repeat of Native American history.

split off the bullshit, PSU isn't the topic of discussion here

please don't derail this thread again

Well what if they're fake animal pelts, you know, like how modern industrial powers have been producing fake fur adorned uniforms for cold climate?

i wouldn't be surprised if there was some backwater lore found scribbled in a bathroom stall at GW HQ detailing how space marines must hunt down giant wolves in the middle of winter buck naked and aren't allowed to return until they've done so with their pelts in tow

Peta takes what they can get. The bill to take wolves off the endangered species list is pending, what more is there to do.

what is there to even get out of having plastic toys no longer having plastic representations of fur on them?

I'll be too busy forcing my kids to watch weebshit to force them to play video games.

going to teach them that traps aren't gay?

The Flood / Re: J.K. Rowling
« on: January 30, 2017, 03:10:37 PM »
Honestly I had to avoid the Imperfect Cell Saga when he was in his most lizard form and absorbing regular humans because it was so creepy and unnerving. Surprisingly though I didn't have much of an issue with Half-Perfect Cell or Buu.

That entire thing was very vore tier sexual. It confused me as a child.

imperfect cell is best cell

The Flood / Re: I've been eating vegetarian for four days and counting
« on: January 30, 2017, 03:09:41 PM »

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 30, 2017, 03:05:53 PM »

More like Open Demo but that's cool regardless.

betas are the new demos for big publishers

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 29, 2017, 01:00:18 AM »

>trying to play against weebs
>this is 99% of 1v1s

you could have beaten him pretty easily tbh, but you kept telegraphing what you were going to do from miles away and you failed to pick up on his play style after the first round

he really favored the his dodge right attack (left for him), had you moved to block it as soon as he started his roll you could have easily ran him out of stamina and proceeded to run train on him
Blocking is 2fast4me I can't keep up with it ever

try your hand at nobushi then, it's a zoning character so if someone is able to get in range for it to be necessary to block you've fucked up because your blocks are terrible and other classes are going to smack you around in the time it takes for even your quick attack to wind up. basically keep dodging and dont let anyone near you, don't use heavy attacks unless you know you can land them as the nobushi because they leave you wide open ro getting your shit pushed in in the time it takes for your heavy attack to land

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 29, 2017, 12:49:52 AM »
I kinda want to play this now. If anyone on PS4 has a beta code thing or whatever I'd be grateful.
From what I've read it's a UPlay beta code, so friend invites should work regardless of platform.
Probably too late but I don't suppose anyone has one?

codes are platform specific, i already sent out all my boner cored unfortunately so i can't invite anyone else

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 29, 2017, 12:48:31 AM »

>trying to play against weebs
>this is 99% of 1v1s

you could have beaten him pretty easily tbh, but you kept telegraphing what you were going to do from miles away and you failed to pick up on his play style after the first round

he really favored the his dodge right attack (left for him), had you moved to block it as soon as he started his roll you could have easily ran him out of stamina and proceeded to run train on him

Gaming / Re: Paragon
« on: January 28, 2017, 05:09:47 PM »
I can't really get into MOBAs. I did play a bit of LoL when it was newer though. I've heard Dota 2 is the hardest. It had 1.10 Million players on Steam today. 800K now. Fuck why is this so popular?
Cause Blizzard kept ruining Starcraft 2 and the pros turned away as with their fans, plus LoL advertised their game like it was going out of style. I don't know about DOTA 2 though, I guess everyone just migrated over from DOTA 1 in Warcraft 3.

No MOBA will ever beat SC: Brood War though. Flash vs Jaedong matches were always fun to watch. Those dudes were unreal at the game.
Starcraft is not a MOBA. Defense of the Ancients mod created the genre.

DOTAS predecessor was made on starcraft
It was. But like I said. It was a new genre. Starcraft is a RTS, not a MOBA.

Aeon of strife was a moba.
So was DOTA. That doesn't make Warcraft a MOBA, nor Starcraft.

I think Jono was referring to SC in general and wasn't actually saying that SC was a moba.

Gaming / Re: Paragon
« on: January 28, 2017, 04:52:21 PM »
I can't really get into MOBAs. I did play a bit of LoL when it was newer though. I've heard Dota 2 is the hardest. It had 1.10 Million players on Steam today. 800K now. Fuck why is this so popular?
Cause Blizzard kept ruining Starcraft 2 and the pros turned away as with their fans, plus LoL advertised their game like it was going out of style. I don't know about DOTA 2 though, I guess everyone just migrated over from DOTA 1 in Warcraft 3.

No MOBA will ever beat SC: Brood War though. Flash vs Jaedong matches were always fun to watch. Those dudes were unreal at the game.
Starcraft is not a MOBA. Defense of the Ancients mod created the genre.

DOTAS predecessor was made on starcraft
It was. But like I said. It was a new genre. Starcraft is a RTS, not a MOBA.

Aeon of strife was a moba.

Gaming / Re: Paragon
« on: January 28, 2017, 04:26:02 PM »
I can't really get into MOBAs. I did play a bit of LoL when it was newer though. I've heard Dota 2 is the hardest. It had 1.10 Million players on Steam today. 800K now. Fuck why is this so popular?
Cause Blizzard kept ruining Starcraft 2 and the pros turned away as with their fans, plus LoL advertised their game like it was going out of style. I don't know about DOTA 2 though, I guess everyone just migrated over from DOTA 1 in Warcraft 3.

No MOBA will ever beat SC: Brood War though. Flash vs Jaedong matches were always fun to watch. Those dudes were unreal at the game.
Starcraft is not a MOBA. Defense of the Ancients mod created the genre.

DOTAS predecessor was made on starcraft

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 28, 2017, 03:47:01 PM »
There is no 'best at PVP' everything is viable, its all on you.

I've watched a fucking Weeb take down a guy with the shield in like two counters.

Knights are the best, however

shame nobody plays them though because they're the most fun to fight imo
I really like the options you get when you play as them, they do seem like they can be the hardest to fight if you get someone who is good.

Same for every class, really. Sad to see I can't find any streamers who are Knights mainly.

if peach and i get the chance to play again when you're on he should stream for you, he's pretty good with the pk and it's fun to watch him dodge underneath peoples heavy attacks and treat raiders like they're mad bulls and he's the matador

or you could just download it and play as a knight yourself

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 28, 2017, 03:25:51 PM »
There is no 'best at PVP' everything is viable, its all on you.

I've watched a fucking Weeb take down a guy with the shield in like two counters.

Knights are the best, however

shame nobody plays them though because they're the most fun to fight imo

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 28, 2017, 02:51:13 PM »
Deus Vult

I was a bit annoyed I had to manually make a crusader cross, but overall the chap looks reasonably templar-like.

everyone is a god damn jap though

and if they aren't they seem to be a free hug distributing viking

Assassins are the best at PvP and quickest, so it makes sense. Shield players can just charge and pick up people left and right.

My only issue with the game is the stupid "revenge" thing they give you when you're doing shit. It seems like such a cop out of "oh you're about to die, here, use this to go OP and fuck people up for a sec."

I think it's supposed to be when you're outnumbered, but I see it acquired a shit ton when it's 1v1.

>assassins are the best at pvp

honestly all i can say is get good, the only class i think is underpowered at the moment is the vangaurd one for the samurai. every other class is equally viable in pvp, it really just depends on how good you are with them

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 28, 2017, 12:16:59 AM »
Nobushi and orochi are the best classes. Too bad theyre weebs.
Katanas ruin every game

both katana wielders are also easy to beat

The moment I read this, my TV twitched to cable and it was people on the Science Channel R1 spamming a balloon of green jizz with a katana. These things are literaly haunting me.

block, counter, and dodge

conqs poop all over spammers

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 27, 2017, 11:42:53 PM »
Nobushi and orochi are the best classes. Too bad theyre weebs.
Katanas ruin every game

both katana wielders are also easy to beat

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 27, 2017, 03:14:45 PM »
This game is very very fun, and the animations are insanely beautiful.

Some mechanics though in terms of animation can become very clunky and your actions don't exactly respond how you'd like at times. Your own teammates can be your own worst enemy as well. At least in 4v4.

people need to learn not to do wide sweeping attacks when you're attacking the same person

if you're using a weapon like a long sword or a flail you need to do overhead attacks on the target to avoid smacking your team mate

luckily as a nobushi main i don't have this problem

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 27, 2017, 12:34:29 PM »
i've had a lot of fun with the 2v2 and 1v1 game modes

4v4 can turn into a bit of a cluster fuck

The Flood / Re: Damage Control
« on: January 26, 2017, 09:23:54 PM »
LC knows all of our passwords


no, but i can reset them all and hijack any account i wish

not that i'd ever do that of course

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect Cinematic Trailer 2
« on: January 26, 2017, 09:19:32 PM »

Looks alright, more been looking at the MP, I enjoyed it

Wasn't MP just Co-Op Horde mode with more limited characters though?

there were a bunch of characters with powers you couldn't get in the story mode, it was pretty fun

The Flood / Re: I want to marry class
« on: January 26, 2017, 09:08:43 PM »
you first

The Flood / Re: I want to marry class
« on: January 26, 2017, 09:05:16 PM »
this isn't a question you pizza spinning faggot





i'm going to beat you with this shrimp dick here in a minute

which senran do you kagura?
you can't slap shit nigga

And tan line slut is best slut

come say that to my face in real life and see what happens faggot

i triple dog dare you

The Flood / Re: I want to marry class
« on: January 26, 2017, 09:01:03 PM »
this isn't a question you pizza spinning faggot





i'm going to beat you with this shrimp dick here in a minute

which senran do you kagura?

The Flood / Re: I want to marry class
« on: January 26, 2017, 08:58:02 PM »
this isn't a question you pizza spinning faggot




The Flood / Re: I want to marry class
« on: January 26, 2017, 08:55:19 PM »

I'd say I agree, but Serious is rarely treated seriously anyway.
This. We try to keep some standard in Serious, but it's pretty clear that unless you're on a strict politics forum there's going to be banter and serious topics will be discussed in a non-serious way.

Still, I might be inclined to agree that allowing clear shitposting alts in Serious is stretching it. Maybe we should put it to a vote in Flood?
I'd say if they are at least in the general direction of politics, it's fine.

Having Jeb and Trump in serious is mildly amusing

If someone made a bane account though, then started baneposting in serious that'd probably get the boot anyway.

I believe ¡Jeb! has also made some serious posts in there too. So they're not 100% memes.

Septagon / Re: Is every single Mod here a liberal?
« on: January 26, 2017, 02:09:45 PM »

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