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Messages - Jono

Pages: 1 ... 160161162 163164 ... 617
The Flood / Power Rangers
« on: March 25, 2017, 12:24:22 AM »
Way better than expected like holy shit this movie was fucking badass. Went in expecting a 4/10 at best, but the movie was easily a 8.5/10.

I loved it. I would see it again.

Serious / Re: AI defeats top Go player in the world
« on: March 24, 2017, 07:14:11 PM »
Flash would still beat an AI regardless
This is a game of strategy not speed
Which is why Flash can beat anyone and anything

Serious / Re: AI defeats top Go player in the world
« on: March 24, 2017, 06:53:13 PM »
Flash would still beat an AI regardless

Present tense episodes

The Flood / Re: Did you have any slave-owners in your family?
« on: March 24, 2017, 05:29:00 PM »
I don't know shit about my family's history. The farthest I can go back is my great grandpa being cop in Mexico before going to Texas.

Serious / Re: Get Rekt Shia
« on: March 24, 2017, 03:12:27 PM »
Shia is gonna have to shove a HWNDU flag up his butt and even then /pol will still find a way

I too am taking one for the team. Going with friends tonight.

The Flood / Re: *Teleports in front of you*
« on: March 24, 2017, 02:50:09 PM »
If you're teleporting in front of people with Reaper then you're not doing anything right

That's not Reaper though. Reaper is black. This is the the new hero Verbatim.
Reaper is Mexican ya dingus

The Flood / Re: *Teleports in front of you*
« on: March 24, 2017, 05:29:12 AM »
If you're teleporting in front of people with Reaper then you're not doing anything right

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: March 24, 2017, 02:19:49 AM »
I'm legit mad that they didn't keep the same music for the galaxy map, and speaking of the galaxy map it's pretty cool to look at but there's something weird. When you click on a planet, the camera zooms in for a few seconds and then it zooms back out. What's the reason for that?

The Flood / Re: How are your brackets doing?
« on: March 24, 2017, 01:32:11 AM »
lol basketball

Gaming / Re: How to beat Vicar Amelia NG+ without items
« on: March 23, 2017, 04:29:52 PM »
How do I become guy 2ban ppl?

The Flood / Re: I just started unironically watching Totally Spies
« on: March 23, 2017, 02:45:08 PM »
I'm a guy and I watched it. It usually came on before better shows like Kids Next Door and Foster's Home but it was still enjoyable.

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:49:19 PM »
Is california going to sink into the pacific ocean yet
Contrary to popular belief, California breaking off into the ocean is physically impossible.

But don't give up. In 50 million years Los Angeles will be up to Alaska.

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:34:05 PM »

I don't have a SecondClass membership to view this pls halp

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 03:34:56 PM »
Why did Blizzard kill the UMS community with SC2?
Probably because they made the map editor damn near impossible to figure out. I do get impressed by what I've seen in the SC2 arcade, but there was a certain magic that those UMS games that people made in Brood War that the games in SC2 don't have.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: March 22, 2017, 03:19:40 PM »
I fucking HATE the cover system in this game. It's one of my major complaints so far.
Snap in cover is bad


It messes you up more than it helps, it seems in certain areas
It feels like an autistic version of Mass Effect 1's cover system

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 03:16:46 PM »

My friends and I are gonna push over every little kid in line to see this.

If the movie doesn't have the Flip-O-Ramas, we riot.

Serious / Re: Terrorist attack on london
« on: March 22, 2017, 03:08:32 PM »
Wtf I've been praying and changing my profile picture on Facebook to the flag of the country that gets hit by terrorist attacks.


The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 02:59:44 PM »
what happened to the other 99 jonos?
It was the default gamertag that Xbox Live game me and I've kept it ever since lol.

I can't see myself with another name.
why does everybody else get named like "gayassbitchassniggaasslilbitchmufuckinpineapple02 7"
1. They're probably black
2. They want to be funny
3. They want it make it hard for people to send them messages and friend requests.

At least that's what my thoughts are about that.

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 02:42:32 PM »
What's it like knowing you had to cheat to beat me in blops?
I didn't cheat lol CoD is just too easy to play.

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 05:32:11 AM »
Can you ? /10 yourself please?
10/10 obviously.

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 05:16:19 AM »
Why do you like Starcraft so much?
It goes back to when I was a wee lad at the age of 4 watching my older brother play it on our old Windows 98. I don't really know why I grew to love it so much, maybe it had to do with the way it played, how it sounds, or the graphics at the time. It was just eye opening for me at that age and it's all I wanted to play and talk about because there was no other game we had that was like Starcraft. The cinematics would always freak me out as a kid and I would skip them because they felt so real for its time. Like this one for example.

My brother would let me play after he'd put in all the cheat codes for me because I didn't know how to type all that well or read lol. I would spend hours just toying around with the AI in custom matches, like having control of all 3 races at once or sending a bunch of Ghosts to drop nukes all across the map. Starcraft was the game that basically taught me how to use a mouse and keyboard at such a young age. I remember using computers at school in kindergarten through 2nd grade and kids would have trouble doing things while I had no trouble at all and the teachers were impressed by it. They'd ask me how I knew so much and I told them that I played this game called Starcraft and how I learned from it.

Starcraft was also the very first game I played online with other people and it blew my fucking 8 year old mind when I figured out how to play online multiplayer. It just made me love the game even more even though I would always get my ass kicked. That's why I stuck with the simple games like Cannon Defense, Cat and Mouse, Nuke the Whales, etc dumb stuff like that.

Hard to believe it'll be 20 years next year since Starcraft came out. Feels like yesterday when I would bug my brother to get on the computer to play it.
Good story. Closest I have (aside from Halo on the original xbox) is playing Battlefield 1942 and Wolfenstein: ET at some sports + video games summer camp. I loved and was mesmerized by it. Second week of the camp I was asked to change computers because the older kids accused me of cheating. Those were the days.

So do you still play? You must be quite good at this point.
I still play Brood War every now and then for old times sake. Still got our original case for the game too. I still hop on Starcraft 2 occasionally to play the coop missions.

I don't consider myself all that great at the game, especially now since I haven't played ranked in years because I'd get ladder anxiety and losing in Starcraft after a 40-50 minute match is just one of the most depressing feelings ever.

One of my favorite memories was in Brood War during a 5v3. It was me and 2 other guys vs 5 super difficult AIs and they had cheats to make them better. It lasted around 5 hours before we finally won and I had killed over 2000 units. It was probably the most fun and most intense match I have ever played in any game ever, even if it was versus AIs.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else miss Roman
« on: March 22, 2017, 05:07:26 AM »
I just miss any member who left or got banned tbh. The more active members the better.
I go back and look at my likes received and see so many people that used to come here that don't even post anymore :(
What likes ;)
Those 35 Likes Received pages that I have more of than you :^)
You are more active so duh :^)
You have nearly 10,000 more posts than me dough :^)

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:51:16 AM »

Why does Serious Sam have the best video game grenade launcher of all time?
Nah lmao, the Bouncer from Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando is way better.

Honorable mentions go to the MW2 assault rifle grenade launchers
Just looked it up and you're laughably wrong, why are you wrong and why am I right?
Why are you both so wrong when it's clearly the Quake one? Serious Sam is too much like a rocket launcher.


I am sorry Flee, but Quake will never have cool weapons like this:

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:38:39 AM »
what happened to the other 99 jonos?
It was the default gamertag that Xbox Live game me and I've kept it ever since lol.

I can't see myself with another name.

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:35:50 AM »
Why do you like Starcraft so much?
It goes back to when I was a wee lad at the age of 4 watching my older brother play it on our old Windows 98. I don't really know why I grew to love it so much, maybe it had to do with the way it played, how it sounds, or the graphics at the time. It was just eye opening for me at that age and it's all I wanted to play and talk about because there was no other game we had that was like Starcraft. The cinematics would always freak me out as a kid and I would skip them because they felt so real for its time. Like this one for example.

My brother would let me play after he'd put in all the cheat codes for me because I didn't know how to type all that well or read lol. I would spend hours just toying around with the AI in custom matches, like having control of all 3 races at once or sending a bunch of Ghosts to drop nukes all across the map. Starcraft was the game that basically taught me how to use a mouse and keyboard at such a young age. I remember using computers at school in kindergarten through 2nd grade and kids would have trouble doing things while I had no trouble at all and the teachers were impressed by it. They'd ask me how I knew so much and I told them that I played this game called Starcraft and how I learned from it.

Starcraft was also the very first game I played online with other people and it blew my fucking 8 year old mind when I figured out how to play online multiplayer. It just made me love the game even more even though I would always get my ass kicked. That's why I stuck with the simple games like Cannon Defense, Cat and Mouse, Nuke the Whales, etc dumb stuff like that.

Hard to believe it'll be 20 years next year since Starcraft came out. Feels like yesterday when I would bug my brother to get on the computer to play it.

The Flood / Re: Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:20:22 AM »

Why does Serious Sam have the best video game grenade launcher of all time?
Nah lmao, the Bouncer from Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando is way better.

Honorable mentions go to the MW2 assault rifle grenade launchers

The Flood / AMA Heyo, ama me anything
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:00:16 AM »
Go right on ahead

The Flood / Re: Deci has drumpf hands
« on: March 22, 2017, 02:16:50 AM »
He's no James Hetfield

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