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Messages - Jono

Pages: 1 ... 148149150 151152 ... 617
The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:29:47 PM »
What the hell happened to my thread

Paris by 2020

The Flood / Re: when you see it
« on: May 07, 2017, 03:04:15 PM »
Is that Mothra about to get raped by a face hugger?

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:20:05 PM »
Deci doesn't smoke.
How do you know

The Flood / Re: men hate thread
« on: May 07, 2017, 03:16:04 AM »
Winona Ryder should be the God Queen of Earth and exterminate all men

The Flood / Re: Deleted my twitter account
« on: May 07, 2017, 03:06:55 AM »
Twitter is especially bad regarding political discussion.

I just use it for the occasional meme
I made one for the memes, shitposting on sports pages, and The Iron Sheik's tweets but the political stuff I just couldn't take anymore.

The Flood / Re: Empty™ Edition
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:53:30 AM »
Out of the wrestlers that did the move, who did the Samoan Drop better?

Favorite clothing brand and why?

Which version of Eddie is your favorite?

The Flood / Re: Deleted my twitter account
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:47:38 AM »
I use mine for sports and stuff. Twitter is rather useful in that regard.
From now on I'll keep my sports shitposting on FB and r/baseball but I'll miss it on twitter, especially to Mets fans.

Gaming / Re: Came up with Scorestreaks for CoD: WWII
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:42:15 AM »
Shit I really want to play some MW2 now.
Me too man. Too bad the lobbies are as bad as CoD4 and WaW now.

A couple weeks ago I played for old time's sake and first match I get into a guy had a fully automatic, zero recoil Barrett 50 Cal and knew where everyone was all the time. Nobody could kill him, not even me. He called a nuke and I left the game before it went off.

Gaming / Re: So is DayZ completely fucked?
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:36:35 AM »
DayZ has been in "early access" for 4 fuckin' years now. It's just a big scam.

The Flood / Re: Deleted my twitter account
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:32:33 AM »
Too much negativity from twitter, especially local twitter from people I went to school with. I couldn't take it anymore so I just deleted my account.

The Flood / AMA Deleted my twitter account
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:25:46 AM »
Getting rid of my twitter account is a step forward for myself and improving on who I am.

The Flood / Re: I masturbate to SecondClass' posts frequently
« on: May 07, 2017, 01:56:31 AM »
That's pretty gay

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 01:06:45 AM »
Deci's old enough to buy cigarettes
So is my dad but he still bugs me to buy some for him
Oh, sorry I misread your post. I thought you said the guy who approached you was someone in their late teens.

My apologies.
No problemo

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:37:31 AM »
Deci's old enough to buy cigarettes
So is my dad but he still bugs me to buy some for him

The Flood / I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:29:04 AM »
It was a guy, probably in his mid 20s that approached me when I was browsing the candy isle in a gas station today in Los Angeles.

He asked me if I was 21 which I said I was. He wanted me to buy him cigarettes which I straight up told him: "No, sorry. I can't do that." This guy walked away mad and then asked others. I think he was with a group of people so what the fuck? They couldn't buy him this shit?

Whether it was Deci or not, that guy looked eerily similar to him. I should have asked him for the password for the Foman account.

Gaming / Re: Came up with Scorestreaks for CoD: WWII
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:04:52 AM »
You reminded me why I hate CoD.
Sounds like you get your ass clapped by AC130s

Just too much is all
Deathstreaks to this day is the dumbest fucking thing to be in a game. Those pissed off more people than killstreaks.

Gaming / Re: Came up with Scorestreaks for CoD: WWII
« on: May 06, 2017, 07:30:13 PM »
You reminded me why I hate CoD.
Sounds like you get your ass clapped by AC130s

Whenever I get Smart Pistoled in Titanfall It always reminds me that this is the same people who thought it woud be ok if killstreaks in MW2 counted toward each other.
It's not the game's fault when there's Stingers, Javelins, and other rocket launchers to shoot down kill streaks.

It's your fault for being bad and letting players continue to kill.

Come on, Jono. We all know MW2 was a perpetual explosive clusterfuck even without the killstreaks. A fun one, nut one nonetheless.
Well no shit it is. It's common knowledge and that's what made it fun.

Getting 20+ kills with a single AC-130 never got old. The Chopper Gunner was an overrated piece of trash.

And I was the only one that pulled out the Stingers when things got crazy. I always shot down chopper gunners, harriers, and pave lows before they even fired a single shot.

Gaming / Re: Came up with Scorestreaks for CoD: WWII
« on: May 06, 2017, 07:07:07 PM »
You reminded me why I hate CoD.
Sounds like you get your ass clapped by AC130s

Whenever I get Smart Pistoled in Titanfall It always reminds me that this is the same people who thought it woud be ok if killstreaks in MW2 counted toward each other.
It's not the game's fault when there's Stingers, Javelins, and other rocket launchers to shoot down kill streaks.

It's your fault for being bad and letting players continue to kill.

Gaming / Re: Came up with Scorestreaks for CoD: WWII
« on: May 06, 2017, 05:21:49 PM »
You reminded me why I hate CoD.
Sounds like you get your ass clapped by AC130s

Gaming / Re: Came up with Scorestreaks for CoD: WWII
« on: May 06, 2017, 12:12:26 PM »
Read them and tell me what you think. Feel free to give ideas for some more.

18.    Atomic Bomb
Score – 3750

Description: A plane drops an atomic bomb that kills all the players and destroys all the vehicles on the map. Ends the match.

No pls.
Yes pls

Gaming / Re: Came up with Scorestreaks for CoD: WWII
« on: May 06, 2017, 04:36:47 AM »
Replace Recon Plane with a pigeon
The pigeon will be available exclusively through supply drops™

Gaming / Came up with Scorestreaks for CoD: WWII
« on: May 06, 2017, 03:49:19 AM »
Read them and tell me what you think. Feel free to give ideas for some more.

1.    Recon Plane
Score – 400

Description: A plane that circles the map that reveals enemy positions on the radar for 30 seconds.

2.    Care Package
Score – 500

Description: Airdrop a random scorestreak or ammo.

3.    Counter-Recon Plane
Score – 500

Description: A plane that circles the map that jams the enemy radar for 30 seconds.

4.    Mortar Team
Score – 650

Description: Mark 3 locations on the mini-map to allow mortars to strike.

5.    Bombing Run
Score – 650

Description: Precision bombing run by a single airplane.

6.    Interceptors 
Score – 700

Description: Airplanes that will circle around the map and will engage other scorestreaks that are in the air. Does not attack ground targets.

7.    Kamikaze
Score – 950

Description: Suicidal airplane that will engage the closest targets out in the open. Prioritizes ground vehicles over infantry.

8.    Half-Track
Score – 950

Description: Drive an armored vehicle throughout the map. Can have 1 gunner hop onto the heavy machine gun turret that is strong versus infantry.

9.    Advanced Recon Plane
Score – 1000

Description: An advanced recon plane that will constantly reveal the enemy’s position for 30 seconds before expiring.

10.    Tank
Score – 1000

Description: Drive a tank throughout the map that is strong versus vehicles. Can have 1 gunner hop onto the machine gun turret to attack infantry.

11.    Heavy Bombing Run
Score – 1250

Description: A heavily armored airplane that carpet bombs the targeted area. Can withstand considerable amounts of damage before being shot down.

12.    Emergency Airdrop
Score – 1500

Description: An armored airplane will drop 4 random care packages. Can be shot down before dropping its load.

13.    Paratroopers
Score – 1650

Description: An airplane that air-drops 3 AI squad members that will follow around the team and will engage targets.

14.    Dogs
Score – 1750

Description: A pack of rabid dogs that will seek out and kill the enemy for your team.

15.    Flame Tank
Score – 1950

Description: Drive a tank throughout the map that is equipped with a heavy flamethrower. Does not have a seat for an extra gunner.

16.    Tiger Tank
Score – 2250

Description: Heaviest tank in the game that is accessible to the player. Can withstand considerable amounts of damage before being destroyed. Up to 2 gunners can operate the machine guns.

17.    Superfortress
Score – 2500

Description: A heavy airplane that is piloted by the player that has the ability to do bombing runs and can have up to 4 players manning the machine guns.

18.    Atomic Bomb
Score – 3750

Description: A plane drops an atomic bomb that kills all the players and destroys all the vehicles on the map. Ends the match.

The Flood / Re: hi how are you
« on: May 06, 2017, 02:41:43 AM »
I'm driving down to Los Angeles tomorrow with my parents cause they're huge UCLA softball fans. They're playing Arizona and both teams are really good so it should be fun to watch.
i wish i could go to spring training back in phoenix, i live about 5 minutes from the baseball field where they practice. i think last year was red sox and dodgers were playing

You live 5 minutes away and you didn't go? What kind of retard are you?

Dude weed lmao

The Flood / Re: hi how are you
« on: May 06, 2017, 01:56:43 AM »
I'm driving down to Los Angeles tomorrow with my parents cause they're huge UCLA softball fans. They're playing Arizona and both teams are really good so it should be fun to watch.

The Flood / Re: So what if I don't know what Armageddon means
« on: May 05, 2017, 08:01:53 PM »
Asteroids fear Bruce Willis

The Flood / Re: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was pretty dope
« on: May 05, 2017, 02:56:02 PM »
Was Baby Groot just there to sell toys?

Fuckin Vladimir doesn't know what beaners are hahaha

The Flood / Re: I'm back
« on: May 05, 2017, 05:08:51 AM »

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