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Messages - Jono

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I like you. (´・ω・`)
I like you too Blankina, since you're a fan of Iron Maiden I presume? I see you post their music on here sometimes in threads in the past.

Up the Irons my friend, it is good for one's health.

Aria, to be honest I don't have that much to say about you other than we've never really known each other on here. We've never gotten into any discussions or anything.

From your posts, you seem like an intelligent person on various subjects like games so that's cool. Your presence is great for this place.

Que lo que
Simon carnal

You're on my list as one of my favorite members on here. You're always chill and you don't have a lot to say, which is shame because I wish you posted more on here.

Gaming / Re: Steam Sale Damage Report
« on: July 04, 2017, 07:15:33 PM »
Battlefront 2 was $2.50 so yeah, I bought it

Yo Catzilla, now it's your turn.

Anyways you've been hilarious and an overall cool user ever since old Bnet. You have a weird obsession with birbs but that's okay cause it makes you unique amongst the weebery on here.

This place would be dull and boring as fuck if you weren't here.

Yo whatup Stroud. Unfortunately I don't know a ton about you but we've never seem to get on each other's bad side so that's cool. Keep doing you.

Das, you're great because you have great knowledge in basically anything I can think of. Whether the subject at hand is about guns, beer, music, or the Jews that control the world are gonna kill us all, I can expect to see you in a thread dropping truth bombs left and right.

Also, your mustache is goals af

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: July 04, 2017, 01:02:41 AM »
Grief account?

You don't like me.
What are you talking about? All weebery aside, you're cool in my book.

I know you're busy with your personal life and shit and don't post as much, but I enjoy your presence here on Sep7. You're like the mom of this place.

go for it
Another fellow Southern Californian suffering in this blistering summer heat I see.

Anyways, I remember you barely posting on here and then finally decided to post here full time. I was glad you made that decision as you were one of the coolest people from B.lind. Don't ever change your ways my friend.

Another person suffering from Sep7agon name changing. Please inform me of your most known name on here pls.

You're a big guy.
Ah, another one of my favorite Eurotrash members. You've been a great part of this community since B.lind and you know a ton about sci-fi and shit which is badass.

Like Napalm, you're going to start school this Fall correct? If that's true, then I wish good luck to you.

The Flood / Re: Would you ever do a MMF threesome?
« on: July 04, 2017, 12:02:46 AM »
For some reason I keep think it says MILF

Orale pinche mamon, I finally got to you.

You're one of the most hilarious dudes in this community and BTFO nearly everyone, especially Deci.

Wish I still had a 360 so we can keep smashing on Desty and his dumbass cousin.

I enjoy your enthusiasm and knowledge of certain games. The new Quake is starting to interest me but I'm afraid of getting my ass kicked.


I finally got done setting up for a party for tomorrow. Now it's time to write something about... you

While your views towards things are vastly different than the majority of people, I do admire the fact that you're able to defend what you believe in as best you can. I may not agree with you on everything but you do a great job at backing yourself up in arguments in whatever the subject is.

Plus, we both agree that R&C: Going Commando is a fantastic game so you're not so bad.

The Flood / Re: Most embarrassing way to end up in the ER?
« on: July 03, 2017, 10:57:31 PM »
Broken dick

Be patient, Jono is morbidly obese so it takes him a long time to get to the kitchen and come back.
I read this as I eat LMAO

I'm actually trying to figure out what to say about Verbatim since he's next

Fedorekd, the guy that hates 343i almost as much as I do. We can both appreciate good games, recognize that 2007-2010 was the best era, and we're both fans of Brendan Fraser.

Also fathering so many children must not be so easy and I applaud you for your dedication.


You suffer from Sep7agon Name Changeitis so tell me your original username and see if I know who you are.

Put me in coach
Anyone that's a fan of sports and baseball is a friend of mine, plus you're the only Blue Jays fan that I know that's cool. You guys get a lot of flak, especially after these past 2 postseason trips which are still my favorite postseason games I've watched in recent memory.

As with others, you're super laid back too and a great presence on this forum.

The Flood / Re: Would you fight a war for your country?
« on: July 03, 2017, 02:38:42 PM »
Fuck yeah I would

The Flood / Re: Report July 2K17
« on: July 03, 2017, 05:05:35 AM »
We good or nah

Fight me faggot
You and Comet were great Overwatch partners in Competitive back when we used to play and you're a pretty funny dude.

And you were decent at Blops 3. I'll give you that.

I guess.
I'm sorry my child, but you're gonna have to post more on here.

Only thing I could say that I like about you is that your name is pretty dope.

I honestly don't know what to say about you other than the fact it was fun triggering you back in the days when you post stuff that you thought was funny and we'd point it out that it wasn't. Then you would get all hutt burt at us for doing it.

Other than that, it was hard for me to find something else to say.

m-me please
Boomdeyadah, I'm glad that you made the decision to stay and post here more often because you were definitely one of my favorite users from Bnet and one of the shining spots there when B.lind happened.

Don't ever change, my friend.

Your obsession with astronomy is pathetic... I'm kidding.

I hope you've told others of your obsession with others so we can get more people interested in outer space and all that jazz. Also stop playing League of Faggots for once and start playing good games.

Hello friend
Hello there, friend. The figures you paint are badass and like Zonda, you're one of the most laid back users in this community with great taste and views and will always be cool with me no matter what.

I wish you good luck in school this Fall.

make an exception for me and say why you hate me instead

pretty please
I don't hate you SecondClass and I'm being serious about that. You're no Loaf so you're not that bad.

You're a tad bit weird but that's okay. We all got our own weirdness in all of us.

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