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Messages - TheOneTrueDesticle

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The Flood / Re: ITT: Cool/sexy foreign names
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:35:11 PM »

Николай is a good one.

The Flood / Adblock for Android is a thing?
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:32:06 PM »
Sign me up. Downloading the .apk as we speak.

>inb4 stfu about ads

As a side note, I realize that it costs money to run this site. I would be willing to donate periodically rather than view ads. Of course, that doesn't mean this site should abandon ads completely. It could work to have both. Just a thought.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Cool/sexy foreign names
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:24:52 PM »
ねこ gets all de women

Neko doesn't sound sexy at all, you liar-pants.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Cool/sexy foreign names
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:24:07 PM »


I prefer the Russian spelling: Наталья (Natalya). So much hotness.

The Flood / Re: I don't feel bad about using Adblock
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:18:36 PM »
This is why I don't watch TV any more. 3 minutes of the show. 5 minutes of commercials. And then the internet became just as infested.

I can remember, only something like a short 4-5 years ago, when the internet wasn't an ad shithole. When I could open up a youtube video, and just watch the fucking video. This is the only site I stomach the ads for because it's important, and I don't get the kind you're getting.
On this topic: have you ever gotten an ad on YouTube in the middle of a video? This has happened the last few times I've watched a 10 to 15 minute vid on YouTube; out of nowhere, an ad hijacks the screen and I have to wait 15 seconds before I can resume.

It sucks.

That has happened to me, before I got adblock.

There are also un-skippable ads, which is bullshit.

Usually on YouTube there are either 15 second ads that you can't skip or 3 minute ads that you can skip after 5 seconds. One time I got an unskippable 3 minute ad and that's what prompted me to get Adblock finally. Advertisers just want to fuсk you in the ass.

The Flood / Re: I don't feel bad about using Adblock
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:17:01 PM »
This is why I don't watch TV any more. 3 minutes of the show. 5 minutes of commercials. And then the internet became just as infested.

I can remember, only something like a short 4-5 years ago, when the internet wasn't an ad shithole. When I could open up a youtube video, and just watch the fucking video. This is the only site I stomach the ads for because it's important, and I don't get the kind you're getting.
On this topic: have you ever gotten an ad on YouTube in the middle of a video? This has happened the last few times I've watched a 10 to 15 minute vid on YouTube; out of nowhere, an ad hijacks the screen and I have to wait 15 seconds before I can resume.

It sucks.

That's why I started using Adblock on Youtube again. Fuck that shit, this isn't Hulu.

The Flood / ITT: Cool/sexy foreign names
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:15:25 PM »
Go ahead and post yours here. I think Sonja (pronounced Sonya) is a good foreign name. I'd definitely have sex with a Sonja. Also, this name isn't foreign to me but it may be to you: the name Артём (English spelling: Artyom) is pretty good IMO.

Which foreign names/names from other languages are the sexiest/coolest to you?

The Flood / Re: I don't feel bad about using Adblock
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:07:56 PM »
Never have I seen so much whining from one person.

Thanks for not supporting the site, you're welcome to keep coming here and leeching off server space whining about how much you hate America and ads.

I'll gladly donate to the site, but I won't disable Adblock.

Also, I'll have you know that America may not be as shitty as Russia, but it's still pretty shitty. Same goes for you, Korra.

The Flood / Re: TV is bullshit
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:46:00 PM »
You know what's bullshit?


Why do you think my family moved to America?
Obviously you're all KGB spies. My friends at the NSA will enjoy seeing your IP.

Enjoy your 3 months eating bacon and sucking down pure capitalism you commie scum.

Good luck, I'm behind seven proxies

The Flood / Re: TV is bullshit
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:43:25 PM »
You know what's bullshit?


Why do you think my family moved to America?

The Flood / TV is bullshit
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:35:08 PM »
(reposted from an earlier thread, thought it would make for good discussion)

I don't watch TV. Simple enough. Most made-for-TV programs are bullshit anyway, especially in America where everything has to be sensationalized.

There is a TV program in Japan called Sasuke. It's a show in which contestants run through a challenging obstacle course in a limited amount of time and it takes incredible skill to run this course in all its parts completely in the time allotted. In Russia, the show is called Путь ниндзя, which means something like "Way of the Ninja". In America, you may know this show as Ninja Warrior. I've watched it both in America and in Russia and it's cool as shit. They don't do any voice-over of the announcers, so its original language is only supplemented by subtitles. Pretty cool stuff.

Of course, then comes American Ninja Warrior, a complete sham and a mockery of the original program (the original is one which I regard as a masterpiece of television). They turned the whole damn thing into a gameshow rather than a test of one's skill. Now there's no time limit and the course is much easier.

There is a lengthy introduction to each contestant taking up a majority of the show. In the original, the announcer spends fifteen seconds saying the person's name and their job unless they're a previous winner in which case they're applauded, but the introduction is still short. Even for people you've never heard of in American Ninja Warrior get a lengthy introduction. The American version takes so much longer to do anything at all and only a few people run the course. In the Japanese original, nearly 100 people are able to run the course in the length of a program and in the nearly hour-long American episodes, barely anyone runs the course. Bullshit.

The worst part though is that they ruined how the course is fundamentally played. In Sasuke, any people who achieve Total Victory (completing the entire course), whether it be one person or many are equally applauded as winners. They each are regarded as champions and no one person "won more" than another, which is indicative of how the Japanese view competition and I respect them greatly for their decision to honor all winners, as each of them very much deserves it.

>inb4 weeaboo; am not one

Of course, in the American version, they fuck it up. In American Ninja Warrior, there can only be ONE winner, as is typical of American gameshows and it's bullshit. There's only one winner even if multiple people are capable of completing the course (entirely possible because of how dumbed down the course was), so if someone goes before you and they win, it's tough shit for you.

That's the fundamental problem with TV and America's culture in general. They have no respect for you and they have no respect for the source material for absolutely anything. They could make a movie about Pushkin's life (as if they care about him) and they'd completely ruin it. I know they would.

The Flood / Re: I don't feel bad about using Adblock
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:31:44 PM »
Please go back to Russia and stay there you dirty communist pig

Implying that all Russians are communist.

Also this offends me as well. I'm part Russian.
Please go back home to your borscht and potatoes communist scum

*борщ, you mean.

The Flood / Re: I don't feel bad about using Adblock
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:30:13 PM »
When you guys watch tv do you flip shit and go insane when commercials come on?

I don't watch TV. Simple enough. Most made-for-TV programs are bullshit anyway, especially in America where everything has to be sensationalized.

I'll go off-topic here for a moment. There is a TV program in Japan called Sasuke. It's a show in which contestants run through a challenging obstacle course in a limited amount of time and it takes incredible skill to run this course in all its parts completely in the time allotted. In Russia, the show is called Путь ниндзя, which means something like "Way of the Ninja". In America, you may know this show as Ninja Warrior. I've watched it both in America and in Russia and it's cool as shit. They don't do any voice-over of the announcers, so its original language is only supplemented by subtitles. Pretty cool stuff.

Of course, then comes American Ninja Warrior, a complete sham and a mockery of the original program (the original is one which I regard as a masterpiece of television). They turned the whole damn thing into a gameshow rather than a test of one's skill. Now there's no time limit and the course is much easier.

There is a lengthy introduction to each contestant taking up a majority of the show. In the original, the announcer spends fifteen seconds saying the person's name and their job unless they're a previous winner in which case they're applauded, but the introduction is still short. Even for people you've never heard of in American Ninja Warrior get a lengthy introduction. The American version takes so much longer to do anything at all and only a few people run the course. In the Japanese original, nearly 100 people are able to run the course in the length of a program and in the nearly hour-long American episodes, barely anyone runs the course. Bullshit.

The worst part though is that they ruined how the course is fundamentally played. In Sasuke, any people who achieve Total Victory (completing the entire course), whether it be one person or many are equally applauded as winners. They each are regarded as champions and no one person "won more" than another, which is indicative of how the Japanese view competition and I respect them greatly for their decision to honor all winners, as each of them very much deserves it.

>inb4 weeaboo; am not one

Of course, in the American version, they fuck it up. In American Ninja Warrior, there can only be ONE winner, as is typical of American gameshows and it's bullshit. There's only one winner even if multiple people are capable of completing the course (entirely possible because of how dumbed down the course was), so if someone goes before you and they win, it's tough shit for you.

That's the fundamental problem with TV and America's culture in general. They have no respect for you and they have no respect for the source material for absolutely anything. They could make a movie about Pushkin's life (as if they care about him) and they'd completely ruin it. I know they would.

The Flood / Re: I don't feel bad about using Adblock
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:07:10 PM »
I feel the same way, and I'm working on a non-obnoxious first party ad that won't go through an ad agency, just to stop the nonsense. I doubt your ad blocker would stop it, but I'll let everyone know when it is up anyway.

First, I have Penguin Party stuff to do.

I know someone like you knows how to make a good ad. It's possible, but not many succeed. I hope yours does as I'd like to support this community.

The Flood / Re: I don't feel bad about using Adblock
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:47:21 PM »
Honestly, everything you post is fucking genius.

Of course. I am a genius.

The Flood / I don't feel bad about using Adblock
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:30:48 PM »
As time as gone on, ads have become more annoying, noisy, and even downright deceptive and it's bullshit. I have Jim Sterling a chance when he asked everyone to stop using Adblock, but the ads on The Escapist are intrusive and annoying. I gave Sep7agon a chance, but ads that make noise when moused over are annoying as hell.

If your ads lead to legitimate services and aren't intrusive (i.e. making noise/filling the entire screen when I mouse over them or when I load a page), then I'll consider disabling Adblock for your site, whoever may read this. I hate the culture of advertising in America. Advertisements for TV shows and dildos and even prescription drugs every place I turn. What the hell? You're not a doctor, don't ask your doctor to prescribe you shit like the commercials want you to. Not in Russia, anyway.

As a result of all this, I do everything I can to avoid ads by using Adblock, not watching TV (it's bullshit anyway), and not listening to the radio in my car. Ad-free web pages, YouTube, and my own playlists have served me well. Ads are flashy and intrusive and they get in your face. If I want to know which toothbrush or smartphone to buy, I'll look it up myself.

We've hit the point where ads are the most intrusive they've ever been, but we also have the best ways to get rid of them ever as a direct result. Advertisers no longer have the chance to make their ads less invasive to suit us as the damage has been done. I'll never stop using Adblock and as far as I'm concerned, I'll never see another advertisement on the internet ever again.

Of course, as I write this, I recall something I saw on the internet years ago: the Acceptable Ads Manifesto, which I encourage you to read ( It's essentially a list of requirements for an ad to be potentially let through an ad blocker. I wouldn't particularly mind this, but I know that it'll never happen. As I said, the damage is done. It's too late now. But it's a neat idea.

In conclusion, ads today are bullshit. To hell with them.

Anyone remember youtube a few years ago? Those were the times. I'd spend hours posting shit on the comments. Shame Google+ ruined it. Its full of retarded kids and teenagers.

2007 was the best year for that sort of stuff. Back then, we were younger and more stupid. Spending days shitposting on YouTube without a care in the world.

Of course, Redditors tend to be 18 to 25 years old, so they should know better. Idiots.

Yeah, fuck redditors, those pseudo-intellectual fedora tipping pricks with their "witty" and "random" pictures.


Anyone remember youtube a few years ago? Those were the times. I'd spend hours posting shit on the comments. Shame Google+ ruined it. Its full of retarded kids and teenagers.

2007 was the best year for that sort of stuff. Back then, we were younger and more stupid. Spending days shitposting on YouTube without a care in the world.

Of course, Redditors tend to be 18 to 25 years old, so they should know better. Idiots.

Too many idiots ad people trying to be idiots. I especially hate the reddit community comments that make the cringeworthy posts on youtube videos.

Pretty much. If there's anything more stupid than YouTube comments, it's YouTube comments made by Redditors. They can go shove their "narwhal bacon" purple monkey dishwasher bullshit up their asses.

They're are too many idiots on the internet these days friend.

I usually block these types of people from my channel or don't respond to them.

I just respond to them so I can call them an idiot.

I used to do that. Eventually it lead to beating a dead horse, so I just blocked them from commenting on my videos.

Haters gonna hate.

The dislikes are still there though.

Honestly, it doesn't even bother me to respond to these guys. It usually gives me a good laugh when I see those kinds of comments. But then it irritates me slightly. Never give them the satisfaction of knowing, though.

They're are too many idiots on the internet these days friend.

I usually block these types of people from my channel or don't respond to them.

I just respond to them so I can call them an idiot.

I've never once seen a comment on a YouTube video that's worthwhile in any way. Nearly every comment (with the exception of the comments you guys have made) on the four or five YouTube videos I've made so far is complete bullshit.

Take this for example:

That's one of the comments on my video where I destroyed Call of Duty: Ghosts, which some of you may have seen.

This mental retard claims the following (none of which are true):
1. I am American
2. I am under the age of 18
3. I made my parents buy me Ghosts
4. I have no friends
5. My hat is stupid

First off, my hat is a Soviet-era ushanka and it's cool as shit and super comfortable to wear. Secondly, I'll address pretty much every other point. This dipshit assumes that because I'm burning a video game in a fire pit in my backyard, I must be getting money from my parents/incapable of having a job or friends/of having a stupid hat. Oh, and he assumes I'm American, which is the worst insult of all. To hell with you, "ccseancc", whatever the fuсk kind of name that is.

Essentially what I'm trying to say is that people are fuсking idiots, which should surprise no one. Go ahead and share your stories. We've all had an experience like this before and I'd like to hear about them. Ready, go!

"You're white, therefore you should be paying reparations to compensate blacks for slavery."

Nope, sorry.

I swear nobody actually reads the entire OP. If you're commenting on a post in Serious without reading the whole OP, you're doing it wrong.

Gaming / Re: Titanfall is cool as shit
« on: October 24, 2014, 11:00:19 PM »
This is a free update done right, and I applaud EA for it. If only the game had launched with this.Now if only we could get some giant monsters thrown into the mix. Overall a very fun mode that can get very intense. But damn those Nuke Titans...

Fuck Nuke Titans.

The Flood / Re: ITT, you are a fagot
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:42:18 PM »
hay guise im elegiac i am a dog or something

look at meeeee

Oh, you mean fagots, not fаggоts. Sorry.

The Flood / Re: Cannabis is Superior to Alcohol
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:35:17 PM »
Cam, why do you only post shit about weed and booty?

Gaming / Titanfall is cool as shit
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:34:11 PM »
Titanfall just had its biggest update in months and it included a cool-as-shit horde mode and a ranked play system along with about a billion other things.

Oh, and there were some new Titan AI voice packs released, one of which is available in my native language, which is very nice indeed. "Ты в меньшинстве два-к-одному" she says right as I get my ass kicked by two opposing Titans. But that's alright.

If you haven't picked up Titanfall yet, I believe it's $20 on Origin right now. Go do yourself a favor and pick it up. I'll be waiting for you.

The Flood / Re: YouTube is exciting
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:11:53 PM »

The Flood / Re: Should I get this phone?
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:10:20 PM »
Huawei is shit. Windows phones are shit. Get a 2014 Moto X because they're cool as shit and make all the ladies wet.
No SD card, though

In my experience with a 32 gig Moto X with no storage expansion, I don't really see the practical application for expandable storage. I just boot all my pictures onto my rig every two months or so and don't put too much shit on it. Works fine for me. I mean, it's nice to have expandable storage, but it's not a deal breaker for me personally.
This is true, but it's also $499

Are you buying off-contract?

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