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Messages - TheOneTrueDesticle

Pages: 1 ... 678 910 ... 95
The Flood / Re: Emotionless picture thread
« on: February 17, 2016, 04:48:25 PM »
a picture from right now

I keep talking about getting a haircut but for some reason it just hasn't fucking happened yet

I'd grow my hair out more if I knew what the fuck to do with it.
the longer it gets the more annoying it is
I know from experience
Can confirm.

The Flood / Re: I think you guys actually got Deci to leave.
« on: February 17, 2016, 04:46:35 PM »
I'd be fine if he just didn't come back. I can't stand opening up the site and seeing yet another hot topic started by him that's just devolved into him getting assblasted.

Thick skin isn't plentiful in Deci's world.

While I don't support Trump, I do think it's kind of a lazy cop-out comparing him (or anyone) to Hitler. You don't really explain what you dislike about someone, it's just "they're Hitler". Lazy argument IMO

Septagon / Re: Please stop locking threads because the OP asks
« on: February 13, 2016, 07:02:18 PM »
We're usually rather picky about locking OP's thread just because the thread hasn't gone in the direction they wished for. Now if there is just a shit storm of insults (and not the good banter style) then yeah we'll lock it.
Locks can and totally have happened because the thread hasn't gone in the direction OP wanted.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 13, 2016, 06:27:11 AM »
So I completely suck at this. Do I just keep doing station missions until I get the hang of things? I've seen guides talking about going around and scanning signals, but I don't have a clue how to scan something, let alone how to actually navigate in supercruise without blowing past my target.
There are tutorials online if you know where to look. Missions from the bulletin board honestly suck for early-game cashola (even though they totally shouldn't).

Gaming / Re: What do you guys think of RNG as a mechanic in games?
« on: February 12, 2016, 08:15:48 PM »
Hate RNG. If possible I'd prefer everything to be based on player skill but it doesn't always work that way.

Dead Space is probably my favorite singleplayer game. Elite Dangerous is good too.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 12, 2016, 07:32:44 PM »
Just downloaded it and started the tutorials. The controls are insane...having roll tied to your mouse is stupid as hell.

K&M controls are piss, plug in a xbox controller if you don't have a flight stick.

Do you do the weird keyboard/controller combo? How do you manage to map all the keys to just a controller?
Set your Mouse X-axis to Yaw and keep Mouse Y-axis as-is. Bind A to Roll Left and D to Roll Right.

This is pretty much the optimal KB/M setup AFAIK. Just makes it so mouse movement controls pretty much the way it would in an FPS and A+D for Roll is a lot better. Be sure to set a bit of a deadzone too so you're not constantly drifting.

That's what I've got now. The final training mission is kicking my ass. Is the best way to turn around to roll and reverse thrust?
Keep your throttle in the blue area for the fastest turn rate. Press X to instantly set your throttle to zero and then hold S to increase your reverse thrust.

Just don't constantly hold W or S, it cruise controls at whatever thrust amount you leave it at.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 12, 2016, 05:18:02 PM »
Just downloaded it and started the tutorials. The controls are insane...having roll tied to your mouse is stupid as hell.

K&M controls are piss, plug in a xbox controller if you don't have a flight stick.

Do you do the weird keyboard/controller combo? How do you manage to map all the keys to just a controller?
Set your Mouse X-axis to Yaw and keep Mouse Y-axis as-is. Bind A to Roll Left and D to Roll Right.

This is pretty much the optimal KB/M setup AFAIK. Just makes it so mouse movement controls pretty much the way it would in an FPS and A+D for Roll is a lot better. Be sure to set a bit of a deadzone too so you're not constantly drifting.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:47:27 PM »
My PC would literally shit itself if I tried to play Elite Dangerous.
I can run it on high on my laptop at 60 fps absolutely no issue

It is empty space 90% of the time, after all
Pretty much this. It's empty space with hardly any graphically intensive stuff going on. Horizons+planet landings are frame killers though <.<

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:46:03 PM »
You are the reason why PC Elite is actually delaying their patches.
This just isn't true. Stop being such a fucking saltlord.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:44:43 PM »
Watching someone on pc have a tantrum because console players have a good game to play is hilarious.
Seriously, that's fucking unreal amounts of autism.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:01:47 AM »
Can you play it casually or does it require multiple hours each day to keep a good pace with other players?
You can play casually IMO as long as you're not interested in PvP. Pretty much anything else you're good. It does take a bit of effort to get into initially though.

My PC would literally shit itself if I tried to play Elite Dangerous.
It actually runs well on lower-end hardware AFAIK. Horizons on the other hand...

How about a 2008 HP computer that can only do 20 fps on Garry's Mod?

Maybe not so much. If you're really determined you can always try it and refund if it doesn't work ayy lmao

The Flood / Re: Anita Sarkeesian is the savior of humankind
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:01:06 AM »
Question: Am I still a feminist if I only believe that equal rights should apply to white females?
you'd be a white supreminist
Not gonna lie Verb, you got a chuckle out of me there.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 10:53:06 AM »
Can you play it casually or does it require multiple hours each day to keep a good pace with other players?
You can play casually IMO as long as you're not interested in PvP. Pretty much anything else you're good. It does take a bit of effort to get into initially though.

My PC would literally shit itself if I tried to play Elite Dangerous.
It actually runs well on lower-end hardware AFAIK. Horizons on the other hand...

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 07:27:03 AM »
I want it.
It's $15 on Steam right now if PC is your thing

The Flood / Re: What should i get my girlfriend for v-day?
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:24:56 AM »
Yo what's with the Afrikaans ITT?
afrikaans != nederlands

But close enough

Gaming / Re: Dishonored
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:23:16 AM »
I bought the game a long time ago but only played it a little bit. Might have to give it another try soon.

The Flood / Re: What should i get my girlfriend for v-day?
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:19:30 AM »
This is not bannable because if this was supposed to be private you should have carried that over to PMs.

Just an insurance inb4.  >______>
I never read the forum rules here, why would this be bannable?
There's been some shit here lately in regards to posting PMs publicly. He's worried that his Nederlands translation could count as "posting private info"

Seeing as how it's all public I think the fear is unsubstantiated tbh

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:12:46 AM »
Are we supposed to care that people who left a shitt company dont hate each other?
calm down, Verbatim.
No seriously. Was there any indication whatsoever that they had a problem with each other?
No. Did they both have a problem with bungie? Probably.
Jeez dude you really don't have a funny bone in your body after all.
It got posted because it was a funny exchange between two people that users here like. What's crawled up you ass and died recently?
He's been a real card lately.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:10:32 AM »
I'm loving it. Just waiting for Horizons on Xbox, though.
I'm really curious at this point if they'll actually do it. The base game runs great on anything, Horizons not so much.

I hope they can manage though.

It's confirmed basically anything that's on PC we'll get on console, just at a later date.

And a dev said they estimate a Q2-Q3 release this year for Horizons on Xbox. It's a shame, I really want to join in the ongoing alien life story.
Honestly, it's not that interesting IMO. I've basically done nothing in regards to it, only read about it so far.

Far more interested in player faction drama at the moment.

What player faction drama?

I don't think powerplay is particularly strong on xbox, so i don't know much about it.
Well in particular there's a conflict going on in Kremainn. A new player faction has taken control of the system and flipped it to Anarchy.

It was a previously pretty top-tier bounty hunting location close to the starting system but now you need a Kill Warrant Scanner to do any bounty hunting. It will also give you bounty vouchers for locations all throughout populated space instead of just in Kremainn. Really irritating.

I've found better places to bounty hunt but as a starting player Kremainn is one of the only feasible options. Now it's fucked. I think there's a civil war taking place at the moment to determine the system's new owner but not as many people are participating as would be ideal.
Oh, I've never encountered another player in free play on XB1 (outside of a wing)

I'm guessing it's a lot more popular on pc
I'd imagine so. You don't see players at popular systems or anything though? Where do you hang out?

Mainly Qa'Wakana and the starting area. I make regular trips to Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Sol kind of area and also trips to Nanoman (I pledged allegiance to Hudson)
Maybe you should take a trip to Eravate one of these days and see what you see. Lots of players there in my experience.
I think I've been there a few times. Nothing I recall.

I mean, CQC has a seemingly lower population than X360 halo 3, so I would be surprised to find anyone there.

At least it still holds up as a decent singleplayer experience I suppose.
Yeah, I'm really loving the singleplayer aspect. Currently trying to build up my federation rep so I can go to the Sol system
You ever stop by the Tun system? There's a station there where you can grind massive Fed rank through donation missions. That's how I built my Fed rep the first time around.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:06:31 AM »
I'm loving it. Just waiting for Horizons on Xbox, though.
I'm really curious at this point if they'll actually do it. The base game runs great on anything, Horizons not so much.

I hope they can manage though.

It's confirmed basically anything that's on PC we'll get on console, just at a later date.

And a dev said they estimate a Q2-Q3 release this year for Horizons on Xbox. It's a shame, I really want to join in the ongoing alien life story.
Honestly, it's not that interesting IMO. I've basically done nothing in regards to it, only read about it so far.

Far more interested in player faction drama at the moment.

What player faction drama?

I don't think powerplay is particularly strong on xbox, so i don't know much about it.
Well in particular there's a conflict going on in Kremainn. A new player faction has taken control of the system and flipped it to Anarchy.

It was a previously pretty top-tier bounty hunting location close to the starting system but now you need a Kill Warrant Scanner to do any bounty hunting. It will also give you bounty vouchers for locations all throughout populated space instead of just in Kremainn. Really irritating.

I've found better places to bounty hunt but as a starting player Kremainn is one of the only feasible options. Now it's fucked. I think there's a civil war taking place at the moment to determine the system's new owner but not as many people are participating as would be ideal.
Oh, I've never encountered another player in free play on XB1 (outside of a wing)

I'm guessing it's a lot more popular on pc
I'd imagine so. You don't see players at popular systems or anything though? Where do you hang out?

Mainly Qa'Wakana and the starting area. I make regular trips to Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Sol kind of area and also trips to Nanoman (I pledged allegiance to Hudson)
Maybe you should take a trip to Eravate one of these days and see what you see. Lots of players there in my experience.
I think I've been there a few times. Nothing I recall.

I mean, CQC has a seemingly lower population than X360 halo 3, so I would be surprised to find anyone there.

At least it still holds up as a decent singleplayer experience I suppose.

The Flood / Re: What should i get my girlfriend for v-day?
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:03:52 AM »
Oh shit, welcome back.

Cadeautje aan het zoeken voor Valentijn zie ik?

Jup! En ik ben een beetje laat xD
Moeilijk als ze zegt dat ze niks wil en dan ook niet wil zeggen wat ze zou willen
We hebben ook pas 3 maanden dus zo goed weet ik ook niet wat ze zou willen
Tjah, met bloemen en chocolade kan je moeilijk iets verkeerd doen. Iets romantischer zoals een halsketting kan natuurlijk ook.
This isn't even a real language
Je hebt aids van de kontje fam

The Flood / Re: What should i get my girlfriend for v-day?
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:03:33 AM »
Oh shit, welcome back.

Cadeautje aan het zoeken voor Valentijn zie ik?
Nederlands hier? Hoe is dit mogelijk?
Flee is Vlaams en ik ben Nederlands
Ik begrijp het

Mijn nederlands is zo slecht tho :c

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:54:18 AM »
I'm loving it. Just waiting for Horizons on Xbox, though.
I'm really curious at this point if they'll actually do it. The base game runs great on anything, Horizons not so much.

I hope they can manage though.

It's confirmed basically anything that's on PC we'll get on console, just at a later date.

And a dev said they estimate a Q2-Q3 release this year for Horizons on Xbox. It's a shame, I really want to join in the ongoing alien life story.
Honestly, it's not that interesting IMO. I've basically done nothing in regards to it, only read about it so far.

Far more interested in player faction drama at the moment.

What player faction drama?

I don't think powerplay is particularly strong on xbox, so i don't know much about it.
Well in particular there's a conflict going on in Kremainn. A new player faction has taken control of the system and flipped it to Anarchy.

It was a previously pretty top-tier bounty hunting location close to the starting system but now you need a Kill Warrant Scanner to do any bounty hunting. It will also give you bounty vouchers for locations all throughout populated space instead of just in Kremainn. Really irritating.

I've found better places to bounty hunt but as a starting player Kremainn is one of the only feasible options. Now it's fucked. I think there's a civil war taking place at the moment to determine the system's new owner but not as many people are participating as would be ideal.
Oh, I've never encountered another player in free play on XB1 (outside of a wing)

I'm guessing it's a lot more popular on pc
I'd imagine so. You don't see players at popular systems or anything though? Where do you hang out?

Mainly Qa'Wakana and the starting area. I make regular trips to Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Sol kind of area and also trips to Nanoman (I pledged allegiance to Hudson)
Maybe you should take a trip to Eravate one of these days and see what you see. Lots of players there in my experience.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:45:23 AM »
I'm loving it. Just waiting for Horizons on Xbox, though.
I'm really curious at this point if they'll actually do it. The base game runs great on anything, Horizons not so much.

I hope they can manage though.

It's confirmed basically anything that's on PC we'll get on console, just at a later date.

And a dev said they estimate a Q2-Q3 release this year for Horizons on Xbox. It's a shame, I really want to join in the ongoing alien life story.
Honestly, it's not that interesting IMO. I've basically done nothing in regards to it, only read about it so far.

Far more interested in player faction drama at the moment.

What player faction drama?

I don't think powerplay is particularly strong on xbox, so i don't know much about it.
Well in particular there's a conflict going on in Kremainn. A new player faction has taken control of the system and flipped it to Anarchy.

It was a previously pretty top-tier bounty hunting location close to the starting system but now you need a Kill Warrant Scanner to do any bounty hunting. It will also give you bounty vouchers for locations all throughout populated space instead of just in Kremainn. Really irritating.

I've found better places to bounty hunt but as a starting player Kremainn is one of the only feasible options. Now it's fucked. I think there's a civil war taking place at the moment to determine the system's new owner but not as many people are participating as would be ideal.
Oh, I've never encountered another player in free play on XB1 (outside of a wing)

I'm guessing it's a lot more popular on pc
I'd imagine so. You don't see players at popular systems or anything though? Where do you hang out?

The Flood / Re: What should i get my girlfriend for v-day?
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:32:44 AM »
Oh shit, welcome back.

Cadeautje aan het zoeken voor Valentijn zie ik?
Nederlands hier? Hoe is dit mogelijk?

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:29:33 AM »
I'm loving it. Just waiting for Horizons on Xbox, though.
I'm really curious at this point if they'll actually do it. The base game runs great on anything, Horizons not so much.

I hope they can manage though.

It's confirmed basically anything that's on PC we'll get on console, just at a later date.

And a dev said they estimate a Q2-Q3 release this year for Horizons on Xbox. It's a shame, I really want to join in the ongoing alien life story.
Honestly, it's not that interesting IMO. I've basically done nothing in regards to it, only read about it so far.

Far more interested in player faction drama at the moment.

What player faction drama?

I don't think powerplay is particularly strong on xbox, so i don't know much about it.
Well in particular there's a conflict going on in Kremainn. A new player faction has taken control of the system and flipped it to Anarchy.

It was a previously pretty top-tier bounty hunting location close to the starting system but now you need a Kill Warrant Scanner to do any bounty hunting. It will also give you bounty vouchers for locations all throughout populated space instead of just in Kremainn. Really irritating.

I've found better places to bounty hunt but as a starting player Kremainn is one of the only feasible options. Now it's fucked. I think there's a civil war taking place at the moment to determine the system's new owner but not as many people are participating as would be ideal.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:18:44 AM »
I'm loving it. Just waiting for Horizons on Xbox, though.
I'm really curious at this point if they'll actually do it. The base game runs great on anything, Horizons not so much.

I hope they can manage though.

It's confirmed basically anything that's on PC we'll get on console, just at a later date.

And a dev said they estimate a Q2-Q3 release this year for Horizons on Xbox. It's a shame, I really want to join in the ongoing alien life story.
Honestly, it's not that interesting IMO. I've basically done nothing in regards to it, only read about it so far.

Far more interested in player faction drama at the moment.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 04:13:53 AM »
I'm loving it. Just waiting for Horizons on Xbox, though.
I'm really curious at this point if they'll actually do it. The base game runs great on anything, Horizons not so much.

I hope they can manage though.

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