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Messages - TheOneTrueDesticle

Pages: 1 ... 567 89 ... 95
The Flood / Re: This isn't an AMA
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:26:51 AM »
I'll ask something very precise then: Why are you suddenly shitting up The Flood?
Use my AMA thread for that question. This isn't an AMA

The Flood / Re: I'd rather be sleeping right now
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:25:40 AM »
Pro tip: Your body doesn't know the difference between Oxygen and Helium!

The Flood / Re: This isn't an AMA
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:25:24 AM »
Kill yourself. That's not a question, just a suggestion.
If I would I could

The Flood / ik heb een grote lul tbh
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:17:02 AM »
ama me anything

The Flood / It's 7:16am MST
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:16:12 AM »
AMA me anything

The Flood / AMA This isn't an AMA
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:13:50 AM »
Don't AMA me anything.

The Flood / I'd rather be sleeping right now
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:05:31 AM »
And by right now I mean 100% of the time. How much does a canister of nitrogen cost?

Also AMA me anything

The Flood / Re: When did SecondClass become such a crybaby?
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:03:15 AM »
There's too much fluoride in his water.
Is fluoride the same as autism? If so, I agree

The Flood / Re: I played League of Legends today
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:01:04 AM »
Why would you play a game for casuals?
My friend asked me. It was fun tbh

Also negenenzestig heheheheheh

The Flood / I played League of Legends today
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:58:31 AM »
I went 4/2/13 AMA me anything

The Flood / When did SecondClass become such a crybaby?
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:52:20 AM »
I remember when SC could take a joke and dish out memes for days


Serious / Re: Political Compass Thread
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:40:49 AM »
Also there were a number of questions I felt pretty neutral on, but this test doesn't let you give a neutral answer.
That's my issue with this test tbh. Really black-and-white answers for the most part.

The Flood / Re: Dead morning activity
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:38:52 AM »
I didn't sleep all night. Again.

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:21:28 AM »
Ugh, that site looks so bad. Thank Cheat we don't have to post in a shithole like that.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:08:55 AM »
Currently running a vulture with class 3 gimballed pulse lasers and a bunch of shield boosters and hull reinforcements. I slaughter everything short of wings of anacondas. Also, Robigo was fantastic. I used a cobra with lots of extra fuel so I could go like 600Ly without refueling. It's like 5mil per hour on a decent trip.
Very nice.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:23:13 AM »
Sorry for bumping, but this is the only ED discussion I've seen on here. What do you recommend doing around 10mil? I've mined, traded regular commodities, and now I'm running rares and doing missions that seem fun (nearby smuggling, mostly). I've never tried bounty hunting, but it doesn't seem very profitable. Currently in trading-spec'd Cobra.
You can upgrade to the Type-6 for trading and get something in the tier of 1mil per hour. You can also try upgrading to a Vulture and try bounty hunting. 10million is a good place to start for a lot of career choices ingame.

Also I just logged on and saw the updated thread. RIP

I think I'm using the Viper MKIV, 2x minigun, 2x beam laser, point defence with the best shielding and armour I could get. I'm getting the upper hand against anyone up to competant, or dangerous is they're alone. I tried joining the federal invasion of a system the other day though (Okinura I think?) and I got fucking destroyed by the system resistance. I might have to wait for the vulture before going into an actual battle.
The Viper isn't great at supporting Beam Lasers. Not only does it have very little reserve power but the Class 3 capacitor can't handle them well either. I'd opt for Pulse tbh. Also, Point Defence probably isn't the best choice overall but I can see the appeal on a small ship as missiles can do quite a bit of damage towards them.

Definitely wait until you get Vulture money before trying to take part in a Conflict Zone.

Well I found that I was getting hit by missile a lot, so I opted for PD.

I remember the beam lasers from the tutorials (One mission had 4 of them) and they were a blast to use. They've been serving me pretty well, especially if I alternate between lasers and miniguns.
The Supply Strike mission features a Vulture which uses a Beam Laser. The difference is that the Vulture utilizes Class 3 hardpoints whereas the Viper only goes up to Class 2. If it works for you then dank but generally speaking I never ran Beams on the small combat ships.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:18:48 AM »
Sorry for bumping, but this is the only ED discussion I've seen on here. What do you recommend doing around 10mil? I've mined, traded regular commodities, and now I'm running rares and doing missions that seem fun (nearby smuggling, mostly). I've never tried bounty hunting, but it doesn't seem very profitable. Currently in trading-spec'd Cobra.

There's this one system that is pretty popular because it consistently gives high-value missions. Can't remember the name but it should be easy to find on google. apparently there's a lot of people going there bevause of this so it's known as the go to spot for missions.

I think it's called Robino or something along those lines
Please for the love of god don't do Robigo runs. They're profitable in the long run but they're some of the most consistently frustrating and inconsistent money-making missions in the entire game. I'd opt for proper trading or bounty hunting any day.
Last I heard it was under lockdown because of strange atifacts, forcing the station into a quarantine. Is it still like that or is it back open for trade?
It's been back open for a long time.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:18:20 AM »
Sorry for bumping, but this is the only ED discussion I've seen on here. What do you recommend doing around 10mil? I've mined, traded regular commodities, and now I'm running rares and doing missions that seem fun (nearby smuggling, mostly). I've never tried bounty hunting, but it doesn't seem very profitable. Currently in trading-spec'd Cobra.
You can upgrade to the Type-6 for trading and get something in the tier of 1mil per hour. You can also try upgrading to a Vulture and try bounty hunting. 10million is a good place to start for a lot of career choices ingame.

Also I just logged on and saw the updated thread. RIP

I think I'm using the Viper MKIV, 2x minigun, 2x beam laser, point defence with the best shielding and armour I could get. I'm getting the upper hand against anyone up to competant, or dangerous is they're alone. I tried joining the federal invasion of a system the other day though (Okinura I think?) and I got fucking destroyed by the system resistance. I might have to wait for the vulture before going into an actual battle.
The Viper isn't great at supporting Beam Lasers. Not only does it have very little reserve power but the Class 3 capacitor can't handle them well either. I'd opt for Pulse tbh. Also, Point Defence probably isn't the best choice overall but I can see the appeal on a small ship as missiles can do quite a bit of damage towards them.

Definitely wait until you get Vulture money before trying to take part in a Conflict Zone.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:15:28 AM »
Sorry for bumping, but this is the only ED discussion I've seen on here. What do you recommend doing around 10mil? I've mined, traded regular commodities, and now I'm running rares and doing missions that seem fun (nearby smuggling, mostly). I've never tried bounty hunting, but it doesn't seem very profitable. Currently in trading-spec'd Cobra.

There's this one system that is pretty popular because it consistently gives high-value missions. Can't remember the name but it should be easy to find on google. apparently there's a lot of people going there bevause of this so it's known as the go to spot for missions.

I think it's called Robino or something along those lines
Please for the love of god don't do Robigo runs. They're profitable in the long run but they're some of the most consistently frustrating and inconsistent money-making missions in the entire game. I'd opt for proper trading or bounty hunting any day.

Serious / Re: Democratic Gun Control is Inherently Racist
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:13:51 AM »
He is a pretty incoherent speaker and is not good at making his point. Stopped watching a few minutes in because of that. Is he saying that gun control is racist because the typical safeguards and measures imposed by gun regulations pose disproportionately large obstacles for minorities who often can't or won't put in the time, effort and money it takes to legally and safely obtain a gun?
I didn't really feel like he was going anywhere in particular. Couldn't quite figure out what the point was.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:09:56 AM »
Sorry for bumping, but this is the only ED discussion I've seen on here. What do you recommend doing around 10mil? I've mined, traded regular commodities, and now I'm running rares and doing missions that seem fun (nearby smuggling, mostly). I've never tried bounty hunting, but it doesn't seem very profitable. Currently in trading-spec'd Cobra.
You can upgrade to the Type-6 for trading and get something in the tier of 1mil per hour. You can also try upgrading to a Vulture and try bounty hunting. 10million is a good place to start for a lot of career choices ingame.

Also I just logged on and saw the updated thread. RIP

The Flood / Re: Turns out Martin Shkreli is a true Based God
« on: February 22, 2016, 05:12:44 AM »
Nothing he does from here on out can redeem him for his crimes
If you watch the stream, it's pretty clear that he didn't do anything truly bad. The whole thing got really misrepresented IMO and he does get into some legit conversation about it after he's done trolling the shit out of that lady.

The Flood / Turns out Martin Shkreli is a true Based God
« on: February 22, 2016, 03:42:26 AM »
So some of you may remember Mr. Shkreli a few months back as the literal Anti-Christ who jacked up the price on some AIDS medicine.

Well the stories in the news sensationalized the shit out of the stupid Daraprim thing. Turns out he's a living legend.

Do yourself a favor and just watch ten minutes of the guy's stream. Please. Do it for her.

Gaming / Re: New Elite Dangerous Arena standalone game released
« on: February 20, 2016, 05:41:54 AM »
When are we gonna play the Division Beta?
How to get it?

Gaming / New Elite Dangerous Arena standalone game released
« on: February 20, 2016, 01:28:25 AM »
Basically, Elite's existing 4v4 arena combat mode has been added to Steam as a standalone product for people who aren't interested in the main game or who want to get a feel for the game. It's 7 bucks right now and if you're interested at all in Elite I figure it might interest some people. Also people who already own the game can play Arena from the main menu. Lots of people playing nowadays.

Here's a linkerino:

The Arena mode is fun as hell but it's not exactly something you can jump into. Easier than the main game IMO but still a bit of a learning curve. Fun stuff though.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 20, 2016, 01:24:39 AM »
So I completely suck at this. Do I just keep doing station missions until I get the hang of things? I've seen guides talking about going around and scanning signals, but I don't have a clue how to scan something, let alone how to actually navigate in supercruise without blowing past my target.
There are tutorials online if you know where to look. Missions from the bulletin board honestly suck for early-game cashola (even though they totally shouldn't).

Any tutorial in particular you can recommend? I have one up now and it basically starts by saying "go scan signals in nearby systems and sell the data every hour, and at 20k buy a mining laser and mine stuff". I don't even know how to scan signals or sell data. Whenever I get close to a signal in supercruise, I blow right past it, and if I drop to sublight it's too far away.
FML, damn board didn't even tell me you'd replied.

If I remember tomorrow I can link some tutorials that helped me if you still need some.

Gaming / Re: Currently downloading Battlefield 4
« on: February 20, 2016, 01:22:52 AM »
I've got it on PC and PS4. I've really enjoyed it for the most part.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We're the Youtube comment section
« on: February 20, 2016, 01:14:41 AM »
subscrib to my channell the one true desticle xDDDD

The Flood / Re: I think I'm incapable of asking for help.
« on: February 18, 2016, 08:17:47 PM »
Yeah, you always feel like you'd be imposing shit on someone even when you're not. I feel ya, son
Honestly just this. 100% the reason I stopped talking to people about my shit because I just felt like I was imposing or whatever.

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