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Messages - TheOneTrueDesticle

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 95
Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 21, 2016, 11:49:14 PM »
Holy shit Verbatim just got murdered.
No, not really at all.
Uh, you kinda did 2bh.
No, not really at all.

I'll shred everything apart later.

He's not coming back. He has nothing to say. Flee picked him apart and he knows it.

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 21, 2016, 11:48:11 PM »
But he does actually talk sense sometimes when he's not going on about the wall.
I don't think the wall is a terrible idea tbh. Everyone brushes it off with "it's a waste of time/money and it won't work" to which I always ask "why?" and I never really get a good answer.

There's no reason it shouldn't work. Just look at the Hungarian border wall.

Iunno fam, I think it's not a bad strat. Totally unrelated to the thread too but whatever. I might start a new one just for this.
Length   175 kilometres (109 mi)

Size of US Mexico border     1,954 miles (3,145 km)
You can't just say "look at that wall, it worked!" here.
I could say my backyard fence has been good at keeping people out.
I don't see a reason a wall along the whole border wouldn't work.

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 21, 2016, 11:14:48 PM »
But he does actually talk sense sometimes when he's not going on about the wall.
I don't think the wall is a terrible idea tbh. Everyone brushes it off with "it's a waste of time/money and it won't work" to which I always ask "why?" and I never really get a good answer.

There's no reason it shouldn't work. Just look at the Hungarian border wall.

Iunno fam, I think it's not a bad strat. Totally unrelated to the thread too but whatever. I might start a new one just for this.
Length   175 kilometres (109 mi)

Size of US Mexico border     1,954 miles (3,145 km)

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 21, 2016, 10:33:21 PM »
Don't really see any problems with it tbh but maybe someone will change my mind.
Hey, this is totally unrelated to the discussion. Nice profile pic fam

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:43:59 PM »
I thought you were inexorably concerned about the idea of something suffering. Is ability to remember it necessary? If pain is inherently bad why is memory necessary? Does this now exclude simple animals that don't have the ability to reflect on pain cognizantly? If hypothetically I were to harm someone but be able to erase their memory of it without issue is that now not a big deal?
This I don't understand either. The biggest takeaway from Verb's posts has always been that all suffering is intrinsically bad and that it should be avoided at pretty much all costs. It's the reason why we should all be vegan and stop reproducing, so that we can prevent theoretical humans of the future from ever suffering and that we can minimise the suffering inflicted to all things alive right now. It's the entire reason why Verb sees things the way he does and why holds his political beliefs. I really don't see how his attitude here is compatible with his philosophy. I mean, this isn't about him actively fighting against the practice, blogging about the horrors of circumcision, or even considering it a priority at all. He doesn't even have to care about it much. But his response now? Not even condeming the completely unnecessary infliction of a tremendous amount of pain, suffering and risk of complications on defenseless and completely innocent, non consenting human beings or viewing it as something negative, but instead responding to it with mockery? Verb, the most "if you don't hate something objectively bad you're a fucking asshole" person I've ever known is now being condescending and hostile towards people who condemn suffering and want to see it gone?

The only possible explanations are that he's simply unaware, which I can't see being the case because this conversation has been had many times before, or that he actually is a little emotional and by lack of better word "butthurt" about this.
The problem is that Verb is consistently contrarian and an utter gadfly. He doesn't generally hold any consistent views although he'll never admit it. He just likes arguing/disagreeing with people no matter the issue. He'll pick a fight anywhere he can get one and then pretend he doesn't know what he's doing.

There's honestly not much point having any kind of debate with him for these reasons. I've pretty much not said a word to him for a solid year as I've been browsing on and off because of these reasons. Several friends of mine have stopped coming to the site altogether because of these reasons. Don't bother even responding to him.

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:41:42 PM »
>still caring about this non-issue
>still making consent-based arguments while openly permitting other things that violate consent
>my penis still looks better than yours
>my penis is cleaner than yours
>my penis is less likely to get an infection than yours
>wormdicks get mad
your dick is cleaner because it never goes anywhere lmao

Serious / Re: Gun manufacturer liability
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:40:32 PM »
They've been given the green light to sue, doesn't mean they'll win. I don't anticipate they will.

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:36:11 PM »
But he does actually talk sense sometimes when he's not going on about the wall.
I don't think the wall is a terrible idea tbh. Everyone brushes it off with "it's a waste of time/money and it won't work" to which I always ask "why?" and I never really get a good answer.

There's no reason it shouldn't work. Just look at the Hungarian border wall.

Iunno fam, I think it's not a bad strat. Totally unrelated to the thread too but whatever. I might start a new one just for this.

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:31:48 PM »
Don't really see any problems with it tbh but maybe someone will change my mind.
Hey, this is totally unrelated to the discussion. Nice profile pic fam

Serious / Re: Porn is a public health crisis in Utah
« on: April 20, 2016, 03:13:57 PM »
There's this group called "Fight The New Drug" here in Utah that's been pushing this anti-porn fight for years. Pretty sure they're backed by Mormon church money in secret. Nobody but the Mormons really give a shit tbh

So cringe-worthy seeing these pizza-faced virgins on the side of the road on U of U campus with "Porn Kills Love" t-shirts. It's like white knighting but more autistic

Basically, I'm not surprised.

Gaming / Re: game screenshots thread
« on: April 20, 2016, 03:05:26 PM »

I remember that time we took Eagles out hunting. Fun times yo.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: April 17, 2016, 04:30:09 PM »
i see whats going on

Serious / Re: Bernie Sanders' tax returns
« on: April 16, 2016, 01:41:29 PM »
Not only that but he's suspected to be hiding most of his wealth under his wife's name. They can get all the forms but it won't tell the full picture unless they somehow get his wife's too.

i don't know, but i'll tell you what i'm gonna do:

i'm gonna go to sleep
i'm gonna wake up next morning
and i'm gonna tell myself,

"god, am i glad i'm not that dumb"
literally 60% of your posts are variations of "I'm better than you"

does that ever get boring

typing out borderline identical sentences all the fucking time?
That's Verb, dunno if you've met.

But yeah you're not wrong. I'd say it's like 80% of what he posts tbh

It's 2016.

Legit fuck anyone who uses "it's 2016" as a reason for anything.

It's fucking 2016 guys. We need to stop saying "it's 2016" for everything.
There are many beliefs out there that are simply incompatible with anything called "modern civilization"

It's 2016.

Legit fuck anyone who uses "it's 2016" as a reason for anything.

It's fucking 2016 guys. We need to stop saying "it's 2016" for everything.

i think that's just called autism

Serious / Re: When the snowflakes start turning on each other
« on: April 14, 2016, 04:50:15 PM »
This just reminds me that "demisexual" was made up by a 13 year old girl on some website like deviantart. Jesus Christ how could such a thing catch on?
AFAIK "demi" was originally made as a joke and retards caught on to it and made it a thing apparently.

It's horseshit tbh

The Flood / ITT: Feels Songs
« on: April 14, 2016, 03:38:37 PM »
I'll go first


Septagon / Re: See a malicious ad?
« on: April 14, 2016, 03:15:48 PM »
Why would I risk getting malware? I run adblock for a reason. Just can't trust ads anymore.

The Flood / Re: rip in pepperonis OK
« on: April 14, 2016, 03:03:03 PM »
One of the few users on this site that has actually made me laugh IRL for more than 3 seconds
and he gets banned within 12 hours

The Flood / rip in pepperonis OK
« on: April 14, 2016, 02:27:35 PM »
we knew you but for a moment, we'll never forget your memes

The Flood / Re: Best way to kms in 30 minutes or less?
« on: April 14, 2016, 12:19:36 AM »
tape a big knife to a door handle and run into it

or shoot yourself
why wouldn't i just use the knife normally tbh
its somewhat difficult for humans to deliberately harm themselves
you have to trick the body into thinking its an accident
that's fucked

The Flood / Re: Best way to kms in 30 minutes or less?
« on: April 14, 2016, 12:13:05 AM »
tape a big knife to a door handle and run into it

or shoot yourself
why wouldn't i just use the knife normally tbh

The Flood / Best way to kms in 30 minutes or less?
« on: April 14, 2016, 12:09:54 AM »
T4R, I got a deadline to keep mmkay?

Gaming / Re: ITT games with Terrible Metas
« on: April 13, 2016, 03:16:26 PM »
most MMOs
does Elite count? it's got a pretty terrible meta too lmao

Gaming / Re: ITT games with Terrible Metas
« on: April 13, 2016, 01:09:35 PM »
Titanfall Pubs
Ugh. Titanfall Tourneys were even worse. ARC NADE SPAM for DAYS and all the tourney organizers refused to restrict them. That and they permitted people to use Active Radar Pulse in combo w/ the Tactical Battery or whatever so it's basically constant ARP. Comp Titanfall was run by fucking idiots.

The Flood / Re: IQ Tests are bullshit
« on: April 13, 2016, 12:35:51 AM »
inb4 deci took an iq test and scored like a 20 or something 

deci of course comes to the conclusion that he's not retarded, the test is

Gaming / Re: game screenshots thread
« on: April 12, 2016, 10:39:51 PM »
Cutter lyfe


The Flood / Re: Fucking poetry
« on: April 12, 2016, 08:41:15 PM »
you know, we have a youtube embedding thing now fam

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