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Messages - cxfhvxgkcf-56:7

Pages: 1 ... 122123124 125126 ... 517
I don't care, if Google wants to know when I browse reddit then sure. It really doesn't effect me it's not like they're stealing my money.
do you have a gmail?
are you aware all your emails are stored by Google and can be retrieved and read at any time by the NSA and other government organizations right?

It would be irrational to care about such minutiae.
do we not have a right to privacy?

Serious is Meta and Psy's horrific lovechild.

So therefore, Psy has custody this weekend.
i've seen psy make like a handful of threads in serious. I'm simply going off of who keeps the board alive

I don't care, if Google wants to know when I browse reddit then sure. It really doesn't effect me it's not like they're stealing my money.
do you have a gmail?

I always turn off data sharing, advertisement id's, and the like whenever possible.
but now its getting to where you can't even trust those options being turned off actually turns it off

hence Windows 10
Hence Windows 7 for life.
>implying the spyware wasn't there from the start

I don't really care.
you don't find the blatant invasion of privacy to be unlawful?

I always turn off data sharing, advertisement id's, and the like whenever possible.
but now its getting to where you can't even trust those options being turned off actually turns it off

hence Windows 10

>quick lube and KFC on the same street
nigga that is THE street, everything is on it

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach Game Night 9/5 @8pm EST
« on: August 28, 2015, 06:27:00 PM »
>still having a 360


I just wanted to run this little survey because I feel like the biggest downfall in the battle of this malicious practice done by corporations like Microsoft and Google is that people are totally okay with them doing it. Also for discussion value just general thoughts on data mining and privacy invasion practices done by software corporations.

When you get in an accident with a texting teenage douchebag, you'll wish it were.
I mean it really isn't that hard. I just think the average person has shit hand eye coordination. I'm actually driving while typing this reply.

Lol woops

When you get in an accident with a texting teenage douchebag, you'll wish it were.
I mean it really isn't that hard. I just think the average person has shit hand eye coordination. I'm actually driving while typing this reply.

And he can't do shit because its not against the law in Oklahoma


Mordo it's time to take over the serious forum with /tv/ memes. The fire rises.
Of coursh.

I for one welcome our new Scottish overlord.

The Flood / Re: What makes a furry... a furry?
« on: August 28, 2015, 05:23:46 PM »
Having a sexual attraction to any kind of anthropomorphic creature

Serious / Re: Jeremy Corbyn wants gender segregation on train carriages
« on: August 28, 2015, 05:10:24 PM »
I love how progressiveness has come full circle in thought to now endorsing segregation.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:56:54 PM »
Can someone kindly remove me from the quote?

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:54:49 PM »
To be honest I don't know why Americans feel the need to even own guns. Like, you're not special, many other countries get along just fine without 'em.
Maybe because its an unalienable right?
It isn't, though. It's far from being recognized as a universal right (and rightfully so) and your amendment too can be amended.
You're not American. It's our unalienable right. I don't really find a problem with a non-american criticizing our laws but you can't go forcing your rhetoric upon us. Just because it's not your unalienable right doesn't mean it isn't ours.
A right to self defense? Sure. But a right to own a specific man-made tool?
And how do you suggest we defend ourselves?

I'm genuinely intrigued and not being sarcastic.
Is there somebody out to get you
Oh good point. I'm sure everyone that has gotten killed knew that person was out to kill them. How foolish of them to die even with prior notice.
So much paranoia

If you're living in a place where you feel the need to constantly be close to a gun then maybe you should move.
And maybe you should move if you're living in a place where you don't agree witht the policies set forth by The Constitution.

You can get on a plane right now to Europe with all that gun control. I'm sure you'll enjoy it when you get beheaded by Muslims and don't even have the capabilities to defend yourself.
Wow you really went full retard in this thread. You sound like Kinder.
fuck off nigger

are you like the one hot chick in band that the nerdy betas, that inevitably end up in band, cuck for the rest of high school but you end up dating the captain of the football team?

gosh this post really sounds like i'm projecting.
There's not as many nerdy kids as I expected, actually
So do you play the skin flute?

I don't get what that means :/

But I play the saxophone
oh that's dank. Jazz is my shit

but you seriously don't know what the skin flute is?

damn you really are young
Could you tell me?
skin flute = penis

i'm so sorry

are you like the one hot chick in band that the nerdy betas, that inevitably end up in band, cuck for the rest of high school but you end up dating the captain of the football team?

gosh this post really sounds like i'm projecting.
There's not as many nerdy kids as I expected, actually
So do you play the skin flute?

I don't get what that means :/

But I play the saxophone
oh that's dank. Jazz is my shit

but you seriously don't know what the skin flute is?

damn you really are young

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:52:06 PM »
-License to purchase a weapon that must be renewed every 5 years
eh. indifferent but seems kind of pointless
-All guns must be kept in a safe when not being used
-Random checkups to ensure you're following he law
I'm not even sure what that entails but it sounds dumb.
-Mandatory background checks with mental evaluations when purchasing a weapon and a license
-Ban fully automatic rifles nationwide
-Ban semi-auto rifles but bolt action rifles are fine
Nah. I can fire a bolt action nearly as fast as a semi.
-Still allow handguns and shotguns
of course
-Ban open carry
Yeah sure I guess.
-Concealed carry is only licened to a person if they're in an emergency
Nah. I'd say just make it require some more licensing, evaluations, and such. Concealed and carry is what could actually save lives in a shooting situation.
-Ban private sales of firearms
-Ban handguns that have a barrel length under 4in
I mean I guess but once again seems pointless.

are you like the one hot chick in band that the nerdy betas, that inevitably end up in band, cuck for the rest of high school but you end up dating the captain of the football team?

gosh this post really sounds like i'm projecting.
There's not as many nerdy kids as I expected, actually
So do you play the skin flute?

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:34:35 PM »
Its un-American to say we should abolish a freedom that the country was founded upon. Its not like voicing your opinion over healthcare for instance. You're saying that we should throw away a founding principle of the whole country, its part of our culture.
Which abolished freedom are we talking about?
The freedom to own a firearm
I don't think anyone here was talking about getting rid of them entirely though.

And even then, the 2nd Amendment is debated anyway because of how it's interpreted.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Many argue that they are talking about a militia being kept up in order to not let the federal government take over. Others say it is what we have now.

In the end, it was the founding fathers fault for not making it more clear.
My understanding was that all you cucks were arguing for completely ban on firearms. That's what I've been arguing this whole time. I support some moderate regulation probably akin to Das' ideas.
-License to purchase a weapon that must be renewed every 5 years
-All guns must be kept in a safe when not being used
-Random checkups to ensure you're following he law
-Mandatory background checks with mental evaluations when purchasing a weapon and a license
-Ban fully automatic rifles nationwide
-Ban semi-auto rifles but bolt action rifles are fine
-Still allow handguns and shotguns
-Ban open carry
-Concealed carry is only licened to a person if they're in an emergency
-Ban private sales of firearms
-Ban handguns that have a barrel length under 4in
yeah that's way too fucking overbearing and unnecessary

i'm glad i didn't read your OP originally because i almost vomited now that i've actually read it.
it keeps people alive

how unnecessary
some of those things you listed might help

but most of them are completely useless

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:32:51 PM »
Its un-American to say we should abolish a freedom that the country was founded upon. Its not like voicing your opinion over healthcare for instance. You're saying that we should throw away a founding principle of the whole country, its part of our culture.
Which abolished freedom are we talking about?
The freedom to own a firearm
I don't think anyone here was talking about getting rid of them entirely though.

And even then, the 2nd Amendment is debated anyway because of how it's interpreted.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Many argue that they are talking about a militia being kept up in order to not let the federal government take over. Others say it is what we have now.

In the end, it was the founding fathers fault for not making it more clear.
My understanding was that all you cucks were arguing for completely ban on firearms. That's what I've been arguing this whole time. I support some moderate regulation probably akin to Das' ideas.
-License to purchase a weapon that must be renewed every 5 years
-All guns must be kept in a safe when not being used
-Random checkups to ensure you're following he law
-Mandatory background checks with mental evaluations when purchasing a weapon and a license
-Ban fully automatic rifles nationwide
-Ban semi-auto rifles but bolt action rifles are fine
-Still allow handguns and shotguns
-Ban open carry
-Concealed carry is only licened to a person if they're in an emergency
-Ban private sales of firearms
-Ban handguns that have a barrel length under 4in
yeah that's way too fucking overbearing and unnecessary

i'm glad i didn't read your OP originally because i almost vomited now that i've actually read it.

are you like the one hot chick in band that the nerdy betas, that inevitably end up in band, cuck for the rest of high school but you end up dating the captain of the football team?

gosh this post really sounds like i'm projecting.
Slash, were you that nerdy kid who played the trombone?
actually my school did not have a band

and i'm retarded when it comes instruments

are you like the one hot chick in band that the nerdy betas, that inevitably end up in band, cuck for the rest of high school but you end up dating the captain of the football team?

gosh this post really sounds like i'm projecting.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:23:19 PM »
Its un-American to say we should abolish a freedom that the country was founded upon. Its not like voicing your opinion over healthcare for instance. You're saying that we should throw away a founding principle of the whole country, its part of our culture.
Which abolished freedom are we talking about?
The freedom to own a firearm
I don't think anyone here was talking about getting rid of them entirely though.

And even then, the 2nd Amendment is debated anyway because of how it's interpreted.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Many argue that they are talking about a militia being kept up in order to not let the federal government take over. Others say it is what we have now.

In the end, it was the founding fathers fault for not making it more clear.
My understanding was that all you cucks were arguing for completely ban on firearms. That's what I've been arguing this whole time. I support some moderate regulation probably akin to Das' ideas.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:21:34 PM »
the freedom to do what i please as long as its not infringing upon another being's rights
And this is why the U.S is such a clusterfuck compared to Europe.

People think they can do whatever they want unless someone stops them.
Yeah how horrible it is to be allowed to do whatever you want as long as its not infringing upon someone else's rights. HOW TRULY TERRIBLE.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:19:31 PM »
Its un-American to say we should abolish a freedom that the country was founded upon. Its not like voicing your opinion over healthcare for instance. You're saying that we should throw away a founding principle of the whole country, its part of our culture.
Which abolished freedom are we talking about?
The freedom to own a firearm

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