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Messages - cxfhvxgkcf-56:7

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Free college should be available to all. The notion that it will destroy the job market is absurd. There are lots of European countries that offer free countries and they are doing just fine. To deny people the right to pursue their dreams because you don't want to compete with them is disgusting.
Yeah and a lot of graduates in those countries have to leave their country, and in most cases, come here to actually find a job. If you can't see the logic behind making something widely accessible deflating its value you are pretty fucking retarded.
When you have to resort to making up things to try and justify yourself then you need to just stop.
explain to me how i'm making things up

does supply and demand not exist?

You can piss on socialism all you want--there's no way you can make capitalism look appealing.
to you maybe

making people dependent on the state is disgusting and cruel in its own way

Offering a state-provided safety net is preferable to saying "Sorry the system is broken, but nothing we can do. Enjoy the cardboard box"
and that's how it should be, nothing broken about it

Requiring people, especially the lowest income class, to go into insurmountable debt to try and improve their life and not assist them when, surprise!, they can't pay it back?

If you can't see the moral wrong in that, you need to rethink things.
you don't need to go into monumental debt to get an education

we established this earlier in the thread

No - you established the point, and then ignored the response regarding many in the lowest income class being unable to afford a basic two year school - let alone a four year school with a more substantial degree.
didn't catch it

it seems, to your convenience, you didn't mention that academic scholarships and financial aid exist. I've got many friends going to a reputable 4 year college for free or very near to it simply on the basis that they're poor. You get for what you worked for in high school. If you made good grades in high school you pretty much don't have anything to worry about, that's how I'm going to college free. If you couldn't make the grades in high school there's a pretty good chance you shouldn't be going to college.
Now let me tell you why its morally wrong to make citizens dependent on the state. People simply get comfortable with their poverty. Its happening right now as we speak with the current welfare system. People aren't motivated to get out of their situation because why should they? The state is providing them with everything they need. Unless you make people uncomfortable with their situation they're never going to do anything about getting out of it. Its like never weening your child off the breast and then all of a sudden you end up with a 8 year old still breast-feeding.

In no way do I advocate for what Sanders wants - free childcare, free college (At least, not entirely), etc.

But what you advocate - for the state to simply say fuck it and ignore the needs of the people when the state is run by those people, is no better - and even worse. The more people that slump into poverty and don't have assistance to get out, the worse our economy gets - from rising student loan defaults, slumps in spending, etc.

The lowest of the low need help, whether or not you want to admit it. They need help to at least get a stable footing in a shitty system.
and i'd disagree but for the sake of agreeing to disagree i'll end that there

Free college should be available to all. The notion that it will destroy the job market is absurd. There are lots of European countries that offer free countries and they are doing just fine. To deny people the right to pursue their dreams because you don't want to compete with them is disgusting.
Yeah and a lot of graduates in those countries have to leave their country, and in most cases, come here to actually find a job. If you can't see the logic behind making something widely accessible deflating its value you are pretty fucking retarded.

You can piss on socialism all you want--there's no way you can make capitalism look appealing.
to you maybe

making people dependent on the state is disgusting and cruel in its own way

Offering a state-provided safety net is preferable to saying "Sorry the system is broken, but nothing we can do. Enjoy the cardboard box"
and that's how it should be, nothing broken about it

Requiring people, especially the lowest income class, to go into insurmountable debt to try and improve their life and not assist them when, surprise!, they can't pay it back?

If you can't see the moral wrong in that, you need to rethink things.
you don't need to go into monumental debt to get an education

we established this earlier in the thread

Now let me tell you why its morally wrong to make citizens dependent on the state. People simply get comfortable with their poverty. Its happening right now as we speak with the current welfare system. People aren't motivated to get out of their situation because why should they? The state is providing them with everything they need. Unless you make people uncomfortable with their situation they're never going to do anything about getting out of it. Its like never weening your child off the breast and then all of a sudden you end up with a 8 year old still breast-feeding.

You can piss on socialism all you want--there's no way you can make capitalism look appealing.
to you maybe

making people dependent on the state is disgusting and cruel in its own way

Offering a state-provided safety net is preferable to saying "Sorry the system is broken, but nothing we can do. Enjoy the cardboard box"
and that's how it should be, nothing broken about it

The Flood / Re: Why are people so obsessed with their parents?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:16:13 PM »
its unnatural that you manage to be such a colossal faggot
I have a feeling this comment is going to get like 11 likes
get rickity rekt m8

The Flood / Re: Tall Girls Or Guys
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:14:54 PM »
fuck no

5'0" - 5'5" is the perfect height for a girl
"I'm insecure so I need a short girl"

Tall girls are where it's at bro

they're so much more "manageable" when they're short

You can piss on socialism all you want--there's no way you can make capitalism look appealing.
to you maybe

making people dependent on the state is disgusting and cruel in its own way

The Flood / Re: Do you think your parents wished they used a condom...
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:12:20 PM »
i mean i was the result of a one night stand with a stripper and they nearly got an abortion.....

...but I'm already more successful than both of my parents combined so i think my dad doesn't regret the decision at this point. I don't speak to my birth mother though I imagine she doesn't care

is your mom hot?
lol fuck no

Ew gay tell your dad he has poor taste
well throughout high school my friends wouldn't stop talking about how hot my step mom is so his taste is alright now

The Flood / Re: Tall Girls Or Guys
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:07:57 PM »
fuck no

5'0" - 5'5" is the perfect height for a girl

The Flood / Re: Why are people so obsessed with their parents?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:03:20 PM »
its unnatural that you manage to be such a colossal faggot

sure you can't put those things on a resume but once your employer figures out you don't posses those qualities you won't have that job for much longer
Great--that doesn't solve the problem of not being able to get the job in the first place, regardless of how much of a swell guy you are. If you have an empty résumé, you're not getting a job.

and not how it will work for a good long while.
Unless we vote for it.

I refuse to live in a society where people just get lucky, and some people are "fucked."
And that's what you support.
votes don't matter with an idealist utopia. What your describing can't happen for two reasons

1. human nature

2. resources

unless you plan on changing those two things, and good fucking luck, its a pipe dream.

The Flood / Re: Do you think your parents wished they used a condom...
« on: October 01, 2015, 09:57:48 PM »
i mean i was the result of a one night stand with a stripper and they nearly got an abortion.....

...but I'm already more successful than both of my parents combined so i think my dad doesn't regret the decision at this point. I don't speak to my birth mother though I imagine she doesn't care

is your mom hot?
lol fuck no

I think to get closer to verbs ideal society we'd have to change the way the school system and jobs work at a pretty dramatic way that it would be almost unrecognizable to us since it's goal would just be to keep itself stable and everyone happy rather than for the society to be driven by everyone's goal to get rich. "The concept of employers would change because the concept of Trickle down Economics" would be gone with capitalism.

The one problem I see (Other than getting people to the point where that society would function) is being able to entice enough people into roles that would support the infrastructure ( like Farming, and Sanitation and Engineering and other "Dirty" and niche jobs that keep everything running)

 Would enough people be willing to happily work those jobs in a society where you have no money and are able to take on any profession you want? Maybe you could mandate everyone to share that kind of work, like every citizen having a certain amount of service per month they'd have to put in.

And how do you plan on making dealings with other countries, especial in terms of millitary, and trade?
you'd have to change human nature as a whole

this is why utopian societies DON'T WORK

character qualities like how polite you are, how hard of a worker you are (there are lazy people who still managed to get their PhD believe it or not), punctuality, etc.

How about something I can actually put on a résumé.
sure you can't put those things on a resume but once your employer figures out you don't posses those qualities you won't have that job for much longer
the oil field, construction, mostly blue collar shit but its blue collar for a reason
Is that it? What if I have no interest in working in any of those fields?

Because they're, ya know, hazardous as fuck?
you're fucked and that's just how it is.

"yada yada that's not how it should be blah blah i should be able to make money off anything"

yeah sure but that's not how the real world works. You can sit on the sidelines and have this idealist fantasy of a utopia all you want but its simply not how the world works and not how it will work for a good long while.

My tax dollars shouldn't subsidize everyone elses' schooling past high school.
Why the fuck not?
if everyone has a degree the job market is ultra fucked

there needs to be a cost attached to a degree

That cost should not put someone in debt for 10-20 years afterwards, while they also work to become a contributor to the overall economy.
its entirely possible to get a degree without getting into a monumental amount of debt. You don't need to go to NYU to get a degree

It shows you've never worked anywhere before. Someone can have their PhD and still be a shitty employee. There's a lot that factors into a good employee besides their education level.
See, this is what I fucking hate.

"There's a lot that factors into a good employee besides their education level."

What are those factors?
character qualities like how polite you are, how hard of a worker you are (there are lazy people who still managed to get their PhD believe it or not), punctuality, etc.

"There's a lot of career paths you can take that don't require a degree."

What are those career paths?
the oil field, construction, mostly blue collar shit but its blue collar for a reason
I'm all for population control, but this is retarded. And cruel, and inhumane. Such is the capitalist agenda.
i mean yeah i won't argue that. I simply don't give a shit about other people's problems and think that making people dependent upon the state is cruel in its own way.

you guys just want to get your degrees for free then live the rest of your lives for free while you depend on the government to provide you a comfortable life for doing nothing?
No, everyone should work. But no one should have to worry about it, either--and you shouldn't just starve and die if you are struggling to find yourself a stable income.
there's gotta be some form of population control

survival of the fittest

Devise a test to measure their capabilities.
Have them temporarily work for free to see who performs the best.
you do realize how inefficient of a system that is right?
Apparently not, because it sounds like a kick-ass system to me.

At the end of the day, I'd pick somebody. Chances are, there's no wrong choice, because they all have degrees.
It doesn't really matter who I pick, does it?
Those other people need a job and income.

It shows you've never worked anywhere before. Someone can have their PhD and still be a shitty employee. There's a lot that factors into a good employee besides their education level.

well in the real world where careers and income still do mean something the worth of that degree is important
It's STILL worth more than no degree at all.
not to an employer in this fantasy you're proposing

Verb is not proposing a capitalist society
oh i see.

you guys just want to get your degrees for free then live the rest of your lives for free while you depend on the government to provide you a comfortable life for doing nothing?

so let's say you're an employer and you have one open position and you get 15 people that all have the same degrees apply to the job

what do you do?
I pick one.

based on what criteria?

well in the real world where careers and income still do mean something the worth of that degree is important
It's STILL worth more than no degree at all.
not to an employer in this fantasy you're proposing
Then employers are dumbfucks. Excellent--we've identified the problem. Educate employers and tell them that degrees aren't worthless just because a lot of people have them, because that's shitty capitalist fuck logic that doesn't apply in any rationally-constructed society.

Teach employers that having a degree means that this person knows how to work, and someone WITHOUT a degree, who didn't get a degree because someone called Slash over the Internet told them not to do it, lest they oversaturate the market, that he's not fit for the job, because he doesn't have a goddamn degree.

so let's say you're an employer and you have one open position and you get 15 people that all have the same degrees apply to the job

what do you do?
Devise a test to measure their capabilities.
Have them temporarily work for free to see who performs the best.
you do realize how inefficient of a system that is right?

well in the real world where careers and income still do mean something the worth of that degree is important
It's STILL worth more than no degree at all.
not to an employer in this fantasy you're proposing
Then employers are dumbfucks. Excellent--we've identified the problem. Educate employers and tell them that degrees aren't worthless just because a lot of people have them, because that's shitty capitalist fuck logic that doesn't apply in any rationally-constructed society.

Teach employers that having a degree means that this person knows how to work, and someone WITHOUT a degree, who didn't get a degree because someone called Slash over the Internet told them not to do it, lest they oversaturate the market, that he's not fit for the job, because he doesn't have a goddamn degree.

so let's say you're an employer and you have one open position and you get 15 people that all have the same degrees apply to the job

what do you do?

well in the real world where careers and income still do mean something the worth of that degree is important
It's STILL worth more than no degree at all.
not to an employer in this fantasy you're proposing

The Flood / Re: Do you use bad insults?
« on: October 01, 2015, 09:20:32 PM »
op is a poopy head

yeah but all career paths are going to be fucked if the college degree becomes so readily available. Its simple logic: If everyone had a Lamborghini that Lamborghini is suddenly not going to be worth very much
Lamborghinis aren't worth anything anyway. Again, I don't give a fuck about something's "worth". Not even a little bit. The fact is, not having a fucking degree is still worse than having one. There are very few alternatives.
well in the real world where careers and income still do mean something the worth of that degree is important

yeah we'd all love a utopian society

its simply nothing but a fantasy for the next couple of centuries most likely

The Flood / Re: What would your last meal be?
« on: October 01, 2015, 09:16:31 PM »



The Flood / Re: The beta uprising has begun
« on: October 01, 2015, 09:15:23 PM »
jesus christ 4chan really isn't THAT bad

My tax dollars shouldn't subsidize everyone elses' schooling past high school.
Why the fuck not?
if everyone has a degree the job market is ultra fucked
I'm really struggling as to why I should care. Just because you get a degree in what the fuck ever doesn't mean that's the only career path you can take. Fuck this logic, I'm getting so sick of it.
yeah but all career paths are going to be fucked if the college degree becomes so readily available. Its simple logic: If everyone had a Lamborghini that Lamborghini is suddenly not going to be worth very much

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